MMI @ katong shopping centre

hi smallbell,
Maha Bodhi only take in parent volunteer after the child enter their school
so i cant hope for registration at phase 2B unless i go RC to become their committee member then can register under grassroot....

Parent volunteer does not confirm at place but at least give u another chance.... eg. parent volunteer can register under phase 2B then if overwhelming response then e sch will ballot n if u didnt get in then u can try to register u child in phase 2C again.... n same thing if ballot then must pray hard hard get in if still cant get in then must find a school tat still got vacancy then register ur child under phase 3

so ur boy is born in jan 2008?? my younger one is born in may 2008....
then hopefully they become schoolmates.

hi smallbell,
u can still try tao nan if really cant then go tanjong katong...
actually kong hwa school also quite good... think abt it... then all our children will meet again heheheeee
hi jamie,
langkawi is a nice place, i went there many years ago. But that time no kids so never take note of kids activities.

no choice as my old school is only for girls, so patrick got to enter another school. According to my teacher friend, parent volunteer does not guarantee a place in the school, it is just another lucky draw phase that you can enter to try your luck. And need to clock a minimum of hours when doing the volunteer. She notices that some irresponsible parents will follow the students on outdoor excursion but never bother about the student's safety or take care of them as their only motive is just to clock the hours.

hi babyethan,
yes, CHIJ katong is a girls school.

hi elaine,
trying RC member is a good idea, do start register as RC got lots of work to do. My sister is from kong hwa school but unfortunately cannot use her name to enter. Will you and family be watching Zhao Hui in concert?
hi mummies,

am back again..

Hi Bbethan,

ya my gal also used to mix ard with older kids and they take care of her ;) According to tina, my gal and her friends will tend to play alone by themselves bt the older kids loves playing with my gal..also tina told me this morning that the girls in the class are taking care of the younger one by patting them to zzzz...kekekeke....maybe my gal pat ur boy to zzz...hehehehe

I am also thinking of shifting next yr if need to find a sch that my gal can go to...if comes worse to colleague told me to join the GMPS alumini if they hv so that my gal can enrol in the from primary sch already closed down!!!!

btw according to my SIL and bro who is guarantee to hv a plc in sch even thou u are doing volunteering work or even when u shifted near to the school!!!!

am also considering Tao Nan (which is impossible), ngee Ann, Kong hwa.....
No.. my boy is Dec 07 baby.

oh really huh?? so cute leh. your girl is in the N1 class right? i always see the older boys playing around with my boy. The teachers told me the boys like to play with him. Seems like they are teaching the older group to take care of the younger ones. Maybe one day we may have bumped into each other when dropping them off. What time do u normally send yr girl to sch?
so means if i do parent volunteer got double chance? coz i think i'm under phase 2C (within 1km). u mean got to start to do volunteer now?? anyway i still feel its all abt luck.
if u decide on kong hwa then our children will be classmates again

if patrick can get in tao nan then your gal dont hv to go CHIJ liao. last time when i'm staying at marine parade, we planned to send chloe to CHIJ too though tao nan is just downstairs
. both hubby & me like their school uniform
hi jamie,
yes if u are a parent volunteer then got double chance.... u try Kong hwa 1st la...since they are going to rebuild e school next year sure everything very very clean, nice and e teachers are all very friendly.
Hi bbethan,

I normally reach the school around gal will only be in N1 next yr ;) ur boy is 2007 or 2008? my gal in 2007. Wat time will u send ur boy to school? My dad will pick her up from school so only be able to bump into u in the morning

Hi small bell,

my gal loves didi and mei mei....she told me she wants didi AND mei mei...kekekek also she loves playing with my older niece too ;) My gal loves to take care of my younger nephew too
the nuahcouple
oh... yr gal is in 2007 too? then they are in the same class? Cos mine also 2007. i normally reach there at 8am. any later will be late for work :p
hi nuahcouple,

i remember asking you whether u works at starhub green?? can u help me check on e cherie heart at ur workplace?? i've called them just now to enquire abt e fees n it sound attractive and most importantly it is very near my house so thinking of changing my kids there... but i have a worry... tat's e teachers n environment so can u help me check e enviroment n e attitude of e teachers there?? whether e kids are happily playing inside... hehehee thanks a lot...

my gal is chloe
wow u know them? kekekeke...Chloe always said she pat pat ethan to zzz....kekekeke.....not sure if real or not? hahahahaha

Hi elaine,

the last that I went....the teachers and the direcor etc all quite good...I like the education dun like the class in a way that it's semi concept....which means K1 and K2 students can see each other when they study etc.....only N1 and N2 has their own class bt still not fully covered up to the ceiling!!! also the cherrie hearts in starhub green hv infant services...which might be very noisy if the babies cry ;)

also the playground is just a very small area and smokers are there at times....which I dun like....

other than that....everything is good and fees reasonable....they cook in hse....
hahaha... yr gal is so cute. cos i accompanied him during the first wk and that's how i got to know all his classmates. chloe is one of the 2 girls who can speak well, that's how i guess... hehehe

In this case, I'm sure i've met u before cos there's once when i brought ethan to sch during my maternity leave and met Chloe and mummy at the door. Hmmm... but I can't recall how you look like now... kekeke.
hi jamie,
if e maid leave then no choice i have to send her to mmi although recently my mum suddenly offer to look after but she wants me to bring Sizhen to her house which is at bukit panjang... so far neh... if every morning go from east to west then back to east **faint** but to ask her come my house n stay at my house whole day i also cant take it... so i dont expect her to take it to face my mil whole day at home... see how lor...
tat's y i'm looking for alternative school cos for mmi is a distance from my house, moreover Kong hwa is moving next yr to a holding sch which is very near my place so if cherie heart at starhub green is good then will be more convenient for me to bring both kids home after work when my mum or hubby cant fetch us...
currently i'm relying on my mum to fetch me then Zhaohui back home, if my mum cant then paul will come but when both cant then i will have to take a cab or take bus home with Zhaohui.... if both of them is in mmi then i will definitely need to take cab which cost my $10 per trip..... hai...
tot your maid agrees to stay for another year? but if she really leaves then hv to start looking for other alternative. maybe u can drop by cherie heart to take a look.
hi bbethan,

yes Chloe can speaks well and talkative compare to the rest...kekeke Kalyer also can speak well too...

as for An An, the teacher will try not to let An an and chloe plays together as An An is very pampered and wants her way and always scratched Chloe on her hands, leg or face!!! which I complained a few times to Tina and she also complained to An an's parent's bt no use!! they nvr cut her nails at all and always want others to give in to her!!!! Wat a f.....sorry for saying this bt she is getting on my nerves already!!!!! her parents simply do nothing etc...according to Tina, she is the only grandchild in both sides and very pampered bt that does not mean she can hv her way etc and parents do nothing...btw An an nvr plays with other kids....!!!!
wow this an an sounds like a bully leh! really cant tolerate such behaviour & their selfish irresponsible parents!!
i find Chloe and Kalyer very cute when they r talking to each other. They really talk like adults. I'm waiting for the day Ethan can speaks so well.

Yes... i did realise that this An An is abit weirdo. she doesn't mix with the rest. Saw her grandpa always come n fetch her in the evening. that's why i thought she could be yr daughter cos u mentioned yr father brings Chloe home. Just a day ago, saw her playing at the outdoor with her grandpa. She tripped n fell n cried non stop though her grandpa had consoled her.

The other day when I picked up Ethan, one of the chinese teacher was saying both Ethan and Chloe are very good friends... must sit together in class and play together. So what Chloe said may be true... she could be patting Ethan to sleep. LOL...
Hi Jamie,

same here...I cannot tolerate irresponsible parents....if one decide to hv children he or she has the responsibility to take care of the kid etc

Hi bbethan,

think not my dad lah as my dad did not tell me that Chloe fell..btw An An is normally the last to leave the dad will pick Chloe ard 5.30 or 5.45pm....

Yes chloe talks like adult and sometimes we reallt cannot tahan her....xiao da ren ;) chloe and kalyer talk like adult bt they do argue like adult too!!!!

Oh did the Chinese teacher said that? so cute....Chloe always tell me who dun wanna zzzz etc.....

1 thing that I really cannot tahan An an and her parents is that An An always bring toys to school and diff toys each day....and sometimes bcos the other children wants her toys etc..they will fight etc!!!! Heard from Chloe that An An always kanna punish by Tina by sitting in her office or naughty chair....

the other day tina told me that while they were playing outdoor and An an did something wrong and Tina scolded her and guess.....An An slamed the playhouse door at Tina and stared at her!!! tina was mad and complained to her parents!!!

Actually An an is also one of the reason why I wanna chg shcool for Chloe
aiyo... didn't know this girl is so bad. i thought that the only prob kid in their class is another boy. She sounds much worse.
hi jamie,
tao nan will be quite hard to get in, unless really lucky.

hi nuahcouple,
this gal really needs more attention from teachers. Just continue to complain to the teachers and hopefully they will do something about it. Not fair to you that you got to change school and go through all the trouble just for this girl.

the other boy I know who...adal/edel...dun know how to spell lah...acording to the teachers and tina, he is a "the big boss" kekekeke and yes he is also the naughty one

Hi small bell,

aiyo complained till I give up hb was so mad too...last time scratched my gal's face leh and when I saw it I called Tina straight away and I told Tina I wanna talk to the parent's directly and she said cannot.........I told her how shld An an's parents feel if her gal's face are scratched etc!!!! and also why must Chloe always give in to her !!!

Also it's not the school reponsibiulity to cut finger nails..parents hv to cut...Tina and teachers told me they complained so many times and they hv to cut An an's nails!!! nails is one thing bt I felt that the parents shld teach her not to scratch, bite or beat anybody in school.....and must learn to share etc!!!

Lately I hv finally saw An an's parents and if An an is gonna beat or scratch my gal I will not hesitate to confront them when I see them!!
does she just bully Chloe only or others too? If so, can ask the other parents to complain until the school buay tahan. Tina told me they ever ask 1 parent to take their child to another school before. Anyway, i think she's already spoilt to start with. Don't think the teachers can do much things too. But the parents also really one kind.
Btw they drive a blue car right?
hi babyethan,
Kong hwa sch will be under- going upgrading from 2010 to 2012.... so e whole sch will moved out from e current premise to a holding school.
i agree tat e exterior of e sch is very very nicebut e interior abit old liao... so is good to change

now she dont want to stay liao.... so i dont force her lor...
i've went to cherie heart at starhub green this morning is is very impressed with e very large compound, is very spacious n clean n new since it only open mid this yr.
but e enrol now is still small so every class only got a teacher.there is infant care inside also but got ard 7 babies with 3 adults...
I've ask abt e outdoor play area n e branch director says usually e kids will go there early in e morn or late evening by then not many ppl will be there smoking... moreover usually if e kids r there e teacher will try to ask e smokers to move somewhere farer.
u can seriously consider cherie heart, since the place seems nice. but with their infant care, will it be noisy & disrupt the other kids should the babies cry?
hi jamie,
for cherie heart each class is separated so cant hear e babies crying la... wat i worry more is e teachers cos now their enrollment is still very low so every class only have 1 teacher...
another thing is immediately after assembly all e children will return to their own class then they will stay in their class to study, play, eat, sleep.... only washing hands, going toilet, bathing, or ART n MUSIC class then they will be out of e classroom... tat means Zhaohui n SiZhen will not see each other...
IS tat consider GOOD?? cos now mmi is open concept so i quite like it n teachers are usually helping eachother especially PM when there r less students then e children will mingle together with those ard their age group... but as for cherie heart i find tat is like trap inside e classroom whole day leh...
u mean 1 teacher to how many students per class? since the enrollment is low, isnt it good that the teacher only handles a small group? when the enrollment picks up later, there will be more teachers i suppose.

actually most schools hv separate class rooms for all levels. maybe u are already very comfortable with MMI's open concept so may not used to individual class rooms. there's no right or wrong, i guess it all depends on individual comfortable level. some parents may not like the open concept as they feel its quite noisy & disruptive in a way.

i'm sure they wont be confine in the classroom whole day lah, there's outdoor play, art & music class mah
hi nuahcouple,
then must talk to the parents when you see them again. At least let them know of what is going on. And wierd on the school that don't allow you to talk to the parent directly, not like this is a private affair.

hi elaine,
i think that if siblings are separated will be better. I noticed a brother pair at MMI and the younger brother 18 months kept crying non stop (first week in school). He will follow the older brother around but quite inconvenient and then he will point to the shoe rack to take his shoes. If cannot see the brother might be better, at least he will just stick to the teachers in charge.

I have a query to check with you regarding extraction of my toothache. I went to 2 different dentist who refuse to pull out my decay tooth, near the wisdom tooth area as they cannot x-ray to see where is it. They only ask me to use mouthwash and go back to gynae to take painkiller and antibiotic. I took antibiotic but does not work if i don't continue with painkiller. I check with gynae and he says no problem with x-ray, just ask dentist to cover me up and he advise going to national dental center. But will this national dental be willing to do the extraction for me? and you think any risk involve with covering up and x-ray?
hi smallbell,
i have reply u at facebook

hi jamie,
isit.... maybe i'm really to comfortable with e open concept.
anyway i've discuss with hubby n he willgo over to take a look with Zhaohui this week... ifevery things goeswell then most likely wewill start class there next jan cos hubby wants Zhaohui to complete this year at mmi...

hi smallbell,
i always thought is good to have Zhaohui in e same school then Sizhen can sleep beside him during nap time then they can still be very close to each other... but like wat u say is also not very good for sibling to be so close tat they cant part each other then will affect their class too...
its good to bring ZH over to cherie hearts, at least get him prepared & also to see the new school. otherwise the change will be too abrupt for him.

hows everything? getting ready to welcome your little princess?
hi jamie,
baby stuff all prepared already but last week was admitted to hospital as found low water bag level, a dangerous low level. Then i ended at high risk group, that could deliver anytime and as baby too small will end up in icu. There was no leakage or infection of water bag, doctors cannot find the reason. I was only 32 weeks last week, so still too early. But after a few days stay in hospital, the water level rises. So now i am just hoping will stay inside longer, at least of a good weight before delivery.
hi smallbell,
u must really rest well and drink more water.
Take good care of urself and dont worry too much. As long as u n baby are healthy then let e gynae decide when to deliver e baby, remember to monitor baby movement too. Even if in e end baby must come out earlier u dont have to worry they will grow up very fast outside e tummy.
Did ur gynae give u any jab to strengthen e lungs of baby??
oh dear, hope u are better now & do rest really well. dont worry too much, everythings gonna be fine, as u will be going for more gynae checks when the due date draws nearer. just enjoy your remaining pregnancy
hi elaine,
thanks. Oh yes, first thing was to take the lung jab when i was admitted to hospital. Only thing is the icu part, that will be very high risk for baby if got to end up there.

hi jamie,
thanks. Now just count each passing day as a blessing, will try to enjoy the remaining pregnancy.

yes her dad is driving the blue ford whereas the mom is driving the 7 seaters Red ford.....the parents are really proud....saw them a couple of times liao...they dun even greet or say hi...normally Kayler's mom and me will say hi to each other or to other parents....

so far Chloe got the most from An An

Hi elaine,

u went to Cherrie hearts liao..u sure when the babies cry the rest of the class won't hear it? yes, agreed the area is nice and impressive bt I dun like the semi open concept ;) and the playground is too plc for the kids to run around....
Hi mummies,
would like to check with all of you, how many days the childcare center close per year, for teacher's day, staff training, children day, etc? mmi close 6 days per year but MCYS rule is only 5.5 days.
small bell
do take care. when i had #1, experienced waterbag leakage. No reason why too. But after resting, it's ok le. dun cary too heavy stuff.

not too sure abt closure days. got to go back n check. MCYS set rules on such things too? meaning cannot exceed?

i see... no wonder there's once i saw how come 1 child got 2 cars coming in to pick up.

eh... i was also talking to Tina this morning, when she just arrived. Ya... he's quiet outside but a terror at home ah. Totally different behaviour leh. sometimes he gets so grouchy by the time we get home that he will scream at every little unhappiness. N worse, now he learns to vent his unhappiness on mei mei.

poor chloe... maybe ba zi bu he wif her. tell her to ignore that girl. at least yr girl can talk and relate to you. think if my boy kena bullied, he also won't be able to say. talking abt this. i dun know why my boy got 1 blue black on his eye last wk. dun know if he hit into something or kena punched. when i picked him up, his eyes looked swollen like just woke up type. i asked the teacher if he just woke up n they said no n he was playing well. sometimes his eyes are a bit puffy when wake up, so didn't occur to me that his eye was injured. The next morning, tina also noticed the blue black but none of them told me abt any hitting/knocking incidents. One of the teacher even told me his eyes always like this as if not enuf sleep. Then over the weekend, i think the blue black subside n can see the yellowness at the ring... then it occurs to me that it seems like an injury rather than a heavy eyebag prob. now i feel so bad that i didn't take this seriously n find out what happened. guess it's also too late to find out what happened since it happened more than a wk already.
hi nuahcouple,
semi-open concept-- do u mean e wall not all e way up to e ceiling?? If this is wat u mean then dont worry... heehee tat's e thing tat i like... cos if all e way close up i really dont feel comfortable cos even if someone cries inside nobody can hear

BTW since u say e child keeps bullying Chloe then y dont u withdrawn chloe out from e school.... so heartache to see our children being bully but other children
hi smallbell,
i thought i count is 5.5days not 6 days leh...
28/1-(3rd day of CNY)1day
26/6-(staff training)1day
1/9-(Teacher's Day) 1day
1/10-(Children's Day)1day
26/10-(??? cant remember y closed.) 1day
24/12-(eve of christmas day)0.5day
31/12-(eve of new year)0.5day
oh... is really 6 days.... faint... i didnt really notice till u tell me...
i also saw in MCYS website they only can close 5.5days....
small bell,

depending on the CC leh as C's cc close for teacher training aslo...


dun take things easily as sometitmes he either get bullied or he really knocked into something...normally the teacher will let me u mentioned is eye's area then dun play play leh....


oh bt i found the K1 and K2 partition is too low so distracting leh....normally teacher or assistant will be in the class so no worries...and they only closed the door when they hv lessons; )

Initially hb wants to chg shcool for C and also been looking ard bt C dun wanna chg and she is so comfortable there now....


btw wat is the age gap btw ethan and mei mei? just a note...pls ask ur boy to be careful of adel as he is a "big boss" in school bt he is only on half day so far.....he is supper pampered leh and only stick to Wang lao shi and he can cry non stop!!!
