Lovely JW Mommies


Is your son feeling insecure or something. He seem to be rather cranky very often.

Liyun is very busy at work thta's why cannot come in lor.
i read the details myself, didnt ask him any questions. i only tell the staff i want to purchase the party tix then she asked this Orh-lu lu out, after that Orh-lulu asked me to fill up the particulars on the booklet n write my choice of happy meal behind. i thot he was ok but when i made the payment, he shortchanged me so i do agree with u he's quite blur.

from jurong spring cc mac, JW 500+ there. adults no need to pay

Today bored is nothing to do and i cant leave my log book blank else boss will have alot of question in his mind liao.

Baking seem to have quiet down alot hor.

Oh ya.. have you tot abt the budget for goodies bag? I need to calculate how much is needed for the whole party.
shld be the same orh lulu. haha
I wait so long for him to collect the money. The staff told me since he don wan to collect, u just take and go la. keke
How abt $15 per head for the party? Children too but inclusive of goody bags?
Just a rough guide to start the ball rowing on the discussion.

I prefer to order the food myself as i know which one is nice cos im rather particular abt food if the rest prefer to get your cousin helps, im okie lor.

I think last year BBQ cost more than $15 per mommy leh but cant rememeber the exact cost.

And this year cost need to include goodies bag and pit booking as well.
Updates on Kitty Lab
I booked already. Thanks Sharon for passing me the tickets.

Sorry, me kiasu. Scared Sat 1st day tickets run out so book fast.

I called the hotline again. That person told me these:
The time of the show indicated means the time frame that you are allowed to stay inside the whole exhibition. Only allow to enter abt 30mins before the showtime. Usually pple will take abt 2hr 30mins for the whole show and to better direct the traffic, time allocation system is stated.

You will be given a remote control to walk around and customised your own personalised Hello Kitty Card which in the end you will get to bring it home. So enjoy urself with the customising and amusement rides around the exhibition hall. There are limited edition of premiums available in the show, you can view from the website or purchase when you are there.
i plan to go ard 8+am. so shld finish by 10am & go home change. if meet @ JP, ard 11am no prob i think.

oops. im so open with my plan to geng mc. hope no colleague see tis post of mine. keke..
Thanks May, i get a better understanding now.

regards to what May hv posted, do u all still want to stick to the 13:00 to 15:30 timing?

if we do, later can go for hi-tea liao.
i still dun understand. die, im so hopeless today. so does it mean we can go in fm 1230 until 1500 and we hv to finish the rides, or watever within the time frame is it?

btw, i anything. i dun mind after tt we go hi-tea too. hehe
barney - i'm just starting to brain-storm about the bbq.
will touch base with you in the next few days.

mummies - pls throw out any ideas if u have.
Serene, candy
shld be, from wat i've read i gathered that we gotta finish everything (games,rides,shopping) by the 3hrs time frame. $35 for 3 hrs, wow!

Still no idea leh... will sort out with wendy next few day. I'm waiting for yoko reply, i dun know how much she paid for the pits.
don: thanks for ur clarification.

soft,manda,serene: wah.. like that so bo hua leh.. 3hrs for $35 + my annual leave salary.. hahaha..
Oh ya, one more thing for those who have maid, is the maid going as well as we need to count them in for the food also. please help to add in if your maid is going too.

Mommies, who are on TBC, Please confirm it soon by 30 Nov 2009, becos we need to prepare the food and goodies bag for kiddos

Date:19 Dec 09 (Sat)
Time: 4pm to 10pm at Safra BBQ Pit #3A and #3B
Activities: Swimming, Gift exchange, bbq and 38 session
All costs to be split.
Things to bring: Xmas gift for exchange( kiddos only) and 3 条 (total 18 bao) packeted drinks of any flavours.

1) wendy + 2 kids
2) donmummy + hb + dondon + maid
3) babybarney + kids + hb
4) manda + hb +chloe
5) snowy14+adora (hubby TBC)
6) baby26+2kids+hb(tbc)
7) jenie1979 + 2kids
8) may + 2kids + hb (TBC)
9) yoko+hb+2 kids+ah dai
10) candybon+hb+1kid
11) pink+2kids+1helper(tbc)
12) poshies+2kids+ mother
13) jopep74 + hubby + 2kids
14) Teddyboy+3kids
15) Softpillow + Boy (TBC)
16) serene + boy (TBC)
17) teacher sharon + zorae + hb
18) klite + son Ryan
19) bbloh + hb + 1 kid (TBC)
20) Bb Chelsi + 1 kid (TBC)

for the total headcount that we have
adults 35pax
kids 31pax

for kids i think we divide by 2 when order food
so total headcount to order for food is 50pax
i have include in all the TBC so if any one dropping out than u deduct the headcount
what u think
yoko and barney
he ham bim again early this morning, just once but manage to settle down and sleep again. woke up late in ok mood leh.

but it's always a battle of wills with him now, this morning (as usual!) it was because he didn't want to wash up and get dressed to go ah-ma house ! we always fight over the morning wash and dress-up. we can't just force him to do things these days cos he'd throw tantrum but also no time to slowly coax him, n not always coax successful somemore :S i think it's called terrible twos, i hope it is cos that means it's just a phase.... right?? (HOPEFUL)
joelle: my boy used to be like that when he's young becos we wake him up like 6.15am to get ready for cc.. even now he still throw tantrums but much much lesser if we make sure he sleep before 10pm and must nap in cc.. dun worry.. ur boy will get over it.. it's all about growing up.. sometimes we also wake up from the wrong side of the bed too ya..
hi afternoon,
re bbq
i think can let manda's fren help with the basic bbq stuffs, like satay chicken wing ?
then any extra we wan we can bring ourselves. So in a way we can help manda's fren gain some experience, and we dun need to bring alot of things and just concentrate on enjoying.

may thanks for booking, how much to pay you?
hi yoko,
oh okie never.... seem that manda is getting the pump for ballon... then i get from her..

hi manda....
u getting the pump for the ballon? can help me to get 1????

hallo kitty lab... yup lor got to miss it... nevermind.... u all enjoy urself hor...
