Lovely JW Mommies

soft, i see your Orh-lulu post i wanna ROFL...............

wendy i cannot tell u how i got the drugstore code. if i tell u i gotta kill u after dat. wahahhhaaa

baby, i forgot how much the pits. can check online rite? u check la. den write inside the logbook. kekeke thanks eileen!

joelle, sometimes kristy also like that de. doesn't wanna change clothes or bathe or listen to us. but i tink she does dat becos i'm around. nowadays my hb with her only in the morning, everyday she reaches LSH early and my hb also early for work. when i'm around, every morning also late half hr, i gotta nag at her to drink half cup of water. nag for 20min! my hb doesn't seem to have dis problem.


Thank you so muhc for looking out the KS bag for ... I love you so Much..... Muacks.. you are so sweet. hahahaha


I think bbqwholesale is the more porpular one now. I have the member discount of 5% if im not wrong.
poshies: are u able to attend my boy birthday party on 12 Dec 09 becos u've indicate ur name in my list.. pls confirm.. thanks..

klite, joelle, YT: can you go to my boy birthday party on 12 Dec 09?

Did i miss out any mommies.. pardon me if i did.. remind me hor.. not getting younger liao..
Never receive your pm leh
Candy - not able to attend yr boy's bday.. my friend just finalise our flea mkt booth.. so be busy doing the flea mkt the day before.. and sunday hve clear up the unsold stuff.. tks ya.

mummies gg to the kitty lab.. what are the events there?? im off that day as dd has no school due to teachers retreat.. maybe can bring her there..

btw.. what happen to the baking session? did i miss that alrady
weird. maybe send to wrong mummies? haha...

anyway the charges is $150 1st hr, sub hr $80 for ballon sculpture
magic show $300 half hr. I tot magic show is ex.
when yr ger bday. If dec must book early cos they have rec'd few proj liao

Really bo leh .. hee hee!
Plan to celebrate her birthday on 10Jan2010.

Do they perform at hdb common hall anot i wonder lor.
Scare they say cannot.
baby i dun haf discount code for KS. i saw got ppl org spree so kpo go inside see den tell u. hahahha ltr if i remem i find for u.

wendy, yalo i agree wif u. everyday time pass so fast. and I DON'T HAVE TO WORK SOMEMORE! wahahhaa

soft, i ROFL liao. where is candy's coconut? *lol*

and candy, you today so busy lost in lala land ah? read also canot read properly.
