Lovely JW Mommies

i backup everything into my mem card and my pc. strange hor, supposedly now i use back the same mem card, i should see all these nos rite? maybe i havn't activated my mem card in this spare phone.....

my office is at canteen B... buidling is S3. where's Canteen A ah? which direction to walk.Near macdonald?
my gynae feel that my process too slow say needa induce. then my pain quicly come liao. contraction few times so pain cannot tahan anymore so take epidural. I dun feel anyting during the jab. and i feel much much beta after it. less then no pain liao.
first time epidural not pain, 2nd time epidural so very pain till i screamed!!! not sure is it the dr not as good as the first one or my nerves more sensitive... even after taking epidural (2nd time) me could not rest cos every now and then will feel the urge to poo everytime contractions come... so very tiring for 2nd time..

Yes I bot the nebuliser from the PD that time coz my gal always cough one. The one I bot is $200 plus... the neb medicine that they gave are pumicort + ventolin...

I'm not near there but walking distance abt 5-10 min from my building. i went there to walk walk and eat Mac once last week.

Maybe we can meet to eat lunch there one of these days.
cant take leave on first day of the mth
my epidural was so pain. already tummy so big liao the doc still ask me to bend more bend more. i was already crying then, needle havn't even jab in i so scared liao. den after he jab, he said oh shit, got blood. tmd den need to do all over again jab 2nd time den ok. feel like piaking him then! i bend until my tummy so squeezed scarly baby kena squeezed out how.

anyone know of a good epidural doc at Mt A?
1 sept whole sg schools closed is it?

i'm think whether to take leave on 31 aug as welll cos sch closed.
cos mon my hb take leave liao.
then tue he cannot take.
My mum called and say Jamie refused to eat panadol. She go and feed Jamie Brufen !!! URgh.. told her cannot any how feed medicine liao. Jamie want orange and dun want strawberry. Walau.. now keep asking my mum carry. I tell her cannot take leave kena scold upside down. Think I taking time off later liao. Jamie keeps complaining tummy pain now.
may, take out the fever patch threaten her to guai guai eat medicine? now kristy bathe liao everytime naked run in my room roll on my bed like v funny, dowan to change clothes. den i tell her if she catches a cold & fever, she'll have to put on fever patch. it works leh.

how high was her fever when your mum feed her brufen, but hor brufen so "er xin" med she still can take ah? She's good leh.... my kids will never wan to take brufen.

Better take time off to go see what's wrong.


Take leave on 31 Aug also lor..... can enjoy family time together.

1 Sept,

Nobody to meet is it?

Wendy go your house do baking on 1set if nobody wan to meet in the afternoon. hahahahah
yokogi : i can't remember who is the male doc who inject the epidural for me at Mt A but he not friendly at all lor.

May : last time my gal also like that when she was sick before she was disgnosed with chicken pox, always want my mum to carry her and nobody else. End up my mum cannot do hsework, have to carry her almost the whole day then my mum called me to ask me to quickly go hm to look after my gal so that she can cook dinner. Hope Jamie is not suffering from stomach flu

Yokogi : hahaha, my gal also like that, after bath, she will climb up to my bed and sit on the bolster without wearing any clothes, ask her to put on her clothes, she will smile and play on the bed then I threathen her by calling my hubby to come in, the moment she heard i call my husband, she will come quickly to put on her clothes.
i remembered when i confirm doing epidural, the doc hv to travel from thomson hosital to Mt A. The waiting time is killing me. haha...

quick go take a look at yr gal.

Hope can break away from accounts line soon so that i could take end mth or begining mth leave.
sometimes bday also cannot take leave. sian.
yokogi/may : just to check again, mattress cover, pillow, milk bottle, we need to bring hm everyday to wash, any things else that we need to bring hm to wash after we fetch our kids back?
snowy, EVERYTHING need to bring home....... it started during the time when HFMD started.

going to cut my hair over lunch!
yokogi : ok noted, will ask my mum to check and make sure everything is inside her bag when she fetch her hm on 2nd Sept.
Ya lor, your hair so short, still want to cut?

Oh your case is exactly the same as mine leh. My 1st jab the doc said got blood and then hv to jab again. It was so damn painful until I cried. U giving birth at which hospital? Scakali we hv the same anaesthetist... mine is Dr Mak, a vry young chap.

tok abt the giant stmaps, so sorry! keep forgetting to get from you and letting you keep for so long. I have got some from other mummy le. Really Sorry, my apologise to you. Treat you for lunch another day.

do u mind if u give me the ctc for dr chua? u r talking abt dr chua kok beng (hope i didnt remember the name wrongly). he used to be @ my family clinic @ gek poh rite? i miss him leh! *oops*
pls email to [email protected] if not convenient to post here. Thank u very much!
yap, its dr chua from my family clinic at gek poh..
his clinic is now at #01-84/85 west coast plaza and the number is 67777442
u r most welcome.. :p lucky he told me that he's opening his own clinic at west coast plaza b4 he left. if not i also wont be able to find him.

I dun need le, thanks. Dun be angry with me hor.
*let you smack my bum bum* hahahah


Can bake all the 3 flavs? hahahah all seem delicious to me.
my hair long liao dats y need to cut. i cut hair liao! so happy!

joankum i donno how was my anesthetician then leh. i remem quite young too. i delivered at Mt A.

waahahhaa, bake all 3 then! den i come take samples. ;p
hi everyone
Sheesh...think i'm having a toothache..pain when i use that side to chew my food...i'm hoping its becos of heatiness & not anything to do w my tooth...

I'm also on leave on 1/9 but will be gg out w hub & boy..cos hub will come back on paisey, cant meet u ladies tt day.

really? Induced bb more notti? No wonder my boy like dat lah...i also agree w u tt Induction more painful...though i dun hv any o experience..but my friend, who gave birth w/o epidual & not induced, machiam like ok leh...whereas for me, the pain is soooo terrible...I didn't take epidual as not enough time..
Ask u ah, will u accept a job that u like but have to travel to Harbourfront to work everyday via MRT? (I am staying at the Pioneer MRT coffeeshop there) Pay wise, it is $200 more of your current. Current job no need to spend on transport cos got company bus. New job needs to travel to and fro via MRT ? Or will you ask more salary to justify the amount spent on MRT?
If me, i will try ask for the extra tpt allowance. The other time I interviewed in Woodlands and i tried my luck to ask for abt $200. Surprisely the boss gave me. After working one yr, i tink too far for me so I quitted too.
But I tink most will not give cos Harbourfnt is a convenient location.
For me, harbourfnt is out. keke.. cos i very very lazy to travel far to work de.
u can try to ask for an increase. but fm hr point of view, they will think the coy has no obligation to subsidise ur tpt, u were the 1 who choose to work there. something like that. u get wat i mean? hope u not offended but im speaking as a hr person.
but personally i will also ask for more cox like u said, currt job save $ on tpt. haha

acutally work in harbour front is very lay chey, cos take MRT still got to change the train and walking to another platform also a distance leh. i dun think that the company will give extra allownace for transport if you requested for it.

Hi mummies,

sianz extremely busy at work...can only see post in the thread....but i see ur all mentioned this doc....where is this Dr chua? good for kids?

