Lovely JW Mommies

Sian leh.. now think of the distance dunnno should go for interview or not leh. One of the criteria is need Class 3 license and according to the job scope, most likely I will have to drive out to client place de. Wonder if they will give me a car or van to drive or not. If drive own car, mine is OPC, very lugi.
wa serene is HR ah....good leh! nxt time got qn can ask u liao. esp i like to tekan my HR one.

may, i use $1.50 per trip to count la. one month u spend on tpt is $90. but harbourfront abit inconvenient need to change.

Maybe you can go for interview and see what they can offer you. If they provide a transport for you, will be good leh dun need to take public transport and can ask for more transport allowance for petrol.
yoko,i don tk epidural for my deliveries will be scared wen cum to tink of it.i induced via drip.gynae wanted to insert pill but i opted for drip.coz faster.i oso heard dat pill is mre painful leh.will cause discomfort at e vaginia n little pain.
simple things i can 'advise' u all. but complicated things better not as i feel that im not experienced/knowledgeable enough thou i hv been in tis line for many yrs. *paiseh* mayb those coy that i joined hv no major happenings so i find myself still alot to catch up
wow so many posting....

hi yoko,
just trf the $$, please check Reference 2420988008. so don hang pighead hor...

hi jenie/wendy,
i pass your iron on label to yoko, so u can collect from her after 7pm this evening..

hi joankum,
ur iron on label still with me lah...
It would be gd to go for the interview..u hv nothing to lose..who knows it might be ur cup of tea? I always see gg for interviews as part of the learning process..
It would be gd to go for the interview..u hv nothing to lose..who knows it might be ur cup of tea? I always see gg for interviews as part of the learning process..
seriously, if i can get a job in je/jw that pays the same, i might hop.
else, i'll rather stay in the current industry cos it gives me satisfaction.

best is hop back to home!!!
pink - if next tue u still overdue wanna come over n bake with us?

barney - i think can whack all 3.
let me go back and look at the ingredients 1st.
i just wakey......cannot take it anymore the pokemon is too strong for me.

now still blur blur....i need to go post office first. brb!
I know it is at habourfront but when I tell my hb that I applied, he is not very supportive leh.

Anyway I will go to the interview and see how is it. Thanks gals !!

Think next tue will be too long overdue liao. Pink cannot wait till then le bah.

YES.. my mum and grandma esp my mum keep asking me to have a third baby, try for a boy. I was like siao ah.....crazy mind leh....
hb evryday will shout into my tummy "BB...y stil don wana cum out???"den will ask shanny n mal to shout oso.haha den he'll ask me gt response nt.den will grumble dat little chubby stil don wana pop?wahaha

wendy,ur stuffs stil wif me.mayb tml or wat i'll pass to u.
I got even strangers telling me. They will first find out meimei is boy or girl (cos she looks like boy). When I say girl, they will say, can try again 1yr later. Dun worry sure will get boy. Walau.. so sian to hear that.

I know my in-law are waiting and neck very long to wait for a grandson.

Ya.. he find too far. But it is ok if they give me a car/van and I drive to work. Best still if always travel outside, not necessary got to go back office.

How is your interview today?
baby i at office la. cannot help it leh. just dozed off liddat leh. wat to do...... today afternoon bo government also. got 1 group of SPHL ppl gather at pantry area talking talking e or e or, that helped me to sleep more. just went to buy strawberries, blueberries, cherries & champagne grapes for kristy! i hope she guai guai eat all.

pink, haha your hb so funny. he excited or not?
yokogi mummy,

i also wan to eat different kind of cherry leh..... mama mama.. i wan to eat fruits. i will guai guai eat finish de.



your hb so cute... i was laughing infront of the pc.
i nid advice.i feel lke chng-in jayna's chinese name bac to jing use which jing? 静 敬 靖?which one to use?i stil prefer jing xuan to yu ting.
everything all packed! but heavy rain i guess tonite not possible to collect ya? tmr nite lo, last nite before teacher's day.

<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+2">POSHIES i rush home and msg u 2x YYY u never reply me now wendy &amp; jenie need to goto your house to take the labels or not? Pls let them know yourself k. Or i bring their things to your house tomorrow then they collect everything from your hse.</font></font>
good choice, i also prefer jingxuan to yuting... and yes now is the year of the ox cos junhao born this year.

btw junhao really like ox, very 'niu' de... he is now 6 months and 1 week and starting to crawl a bit liao, cant sit still for very long, everything also put in the mouth, so unlike junxi. think when he really can crawl and walk, i will be very busy chasing after him *sweat*
I go over collect tmr night.

Jingxuan better. One way to induce delivery urself.. go rape ur hb.

My Jaz also very 'niu' leh. Want means want. Esp when come to drinking of milk. Mine is 5mths old now. Abit overweight which I am worried. Urs so fast can sit already. Jaz just learnt flipping and noticed that her head is still not stable leh. Her growth is abit slower than Jamie. Wonder if it is bcos she is born wk37.
