Lovely JW Mommies


Can ask Ah dai to help me to iron my cloths... ahhaha.. I hate ironing.


Can ask if your hb wanna help my daughter on her chinese work?

WTF! my doorbell didn't ring whole day. how come i got 6 delivery advice on my floor at the door?? @$*(&#@_$(*&#@$)(*#@&$)(*@#$&)(
yokogi : test to see if your doorbell working anot, maybe battery run out? Or the postman never bother to knock on the door to see if anybody at hm anot.

nope elder one in 3 days/ wk workgroup at MMI (2hr session) at least she is on her own after 1 week of crying..

dun think i'll send her to CC. will have to wiat till she's 4 then can enroll to Nusery class at St. Francis...

BTW when does kids starts to write ABCs and 123s?
hb is a super patient guy.
tats y can tolerate me for so many yrs liao. haha
I used to hv this chinese p/t cleaner. But after she comes to my new hse recently,i decided nt to use her again.
My 5 rm flat, she took 3.5hrs. tat reasonable. Now my 3rms flat she also take 3.5hrs or more??
So i wonder what she doing when i leave her in my hse. keke.. Then my new full height mirror gt some scratches now.

nice to "see" u again.
can go visit yr cute baby? keke

the edu sys keep changing. cant keep up.
I tink knowing the characters are impt in learning chinese lang. sometimes its interesting to know how this word is make up.

anyway learn both la. keke
sunsweet,my boy strtd writing b4 gg to nursery.

Barney,yes dat sound.

Yoko,i tink ur door bell nt wrkin la. Den nw u gt to go post office collect liao.haizz
just tested. doorbell working perfectly fine. it's so loud the afternoon is so peaceful i didn't shut my room door, ah dai is all along outside. cannot hear doorbell? 1 pax may miss, 2 pax all miss?? i can't be dat stupid rite? it's run on electricity one. maybe the stupid postman scared of electric shock. tmd.

i just blasted the singpost CSO. everytime i wait for shipments ah, everytime got problem one leh! can't stand it. now ask me wait for their ops to call me. they inform ops via "input into their system". nb!

i suspect postman didn't bring up my things or wat leh. cos i got 2 RRH = 30kg there, and 4 OTC huge boxes. how many kg are there all?
pink, to hell if they ask me go post office collect or wanna charge me for 2nd time redelivery. 1st time they come on sun noon. today missed delivery not my fault. i will make sure i blast both vpost & singpost down and nxt time again get additional vpost discount.

den nxt spree u all can join again liao.
come, bring yr charlene here for free writing session. haha...

Did u see my earlier post? New winners for aug draw are receiving their letter soon. Beta go fast dun squeeze with them. later say muz wait for stock to come then sian. keke
How to train him write?
Jamie is in N1 now. She know how to write her name only leh.
First row: I draw dotted lines, she trace.
Second row: She write it herself.


I think they won't charge you for redelivery. My sister kana before. Her shipment from taiwan... she just missed by 5min. She asked them to deliver again at no cost.

that's evry smart of jamie leh... my younger still stil dun know whot write anything yet.


Sure.. every sat bring her to your place can? hahahah

My sister call up liao they say must go down MS received the goods first then they will do the delivery.
manda : ya lor cos my temper also not very good de but my hubby temper very good, he only lose his temper whenever my gal naughty

may : that is considered good enough already right since jamie can write it after doing the tracing on the dotted line
baby i confirm wif u again. now only concentrate on blasting singpost and vpost. they better try their v best to redeliver to me tonite. got 1x i blasted until the singpost ops supervisor personally took cab from eunos to my hse at 11pm. they "lost" my package for days then.
can. then we go chat and watch tv in my rm. haha
He really will make sure she write correctly. Hb can erase the same strokes many times until chloe write properly.

yup muz go down MS to register then can arrange delivery de. tat y, i put a copy of my ic to authorise her to collect. got laugh at my pic bo.
oh ya say of pic, forget to put up my bday suit pic.
16 Northface 100 (NEW!) 29 Aug 09
17 Mizuno Wave Run 13 Sep 09
18 Salomon X-Trail Run 2009 (NEW!) 18 Oct 09
19 Nike Human Race 24 Oct 09
20 New Balance Real Run 2009 8 Nov 09
21 Great Eastern Women’s 10k 01 Nov 09
Swissotel Vertical Marathon 2009 22 Nov 09
23 Run For Hope 2009 (NEW!) 22 Nov 09
24 Dover Park Hospice Sunday Walk 2009 (NEW!) 22 Nov 09

25 Stand Chart Marathon 2009 6 Dec 09

I din laugh, i find it very cute. Your look hasn't change much wor.

when's the bday suuit picture ah?
So nice ur hub! hub must nag a bit then will sit w my boy to teach least it works, cos he will at least auto teach him when i'm not around.
I also agree must know Chinese words as well as han yu ping ying..but i always find it easier to learn han yu ping ying

I can imagine how p*** u r..must be tt postman lazy to bring up e parcels then act blur & ask u to collect frm post office.

Not sure whether my boy's CC got train them in writing..he's able to write 1 - 10, A to Z w/o the tracing's why considering teaching him to write in Chinese as well.
But I find her very lazy. Ask her to write other words, she always tell me "Mummy u dot dot dot for me then I follow lar."
hasn't got time to upload yet. try by this week la.

cos their patience already used up by us liao. haha

i nagged at him too cos i say he din help in teaching. very tired to teach all by myself. keke..
may : then maybe you can do it the first few times but subsequently you tell her mummy cannot always draw dot dot for you to trace, must learn to write on her own. I tried to teach adora to write 1,2, 3 etc but she can only write 1 that all. Other than that, she can know how to doodle here & there
<font color="0000ff">Woah! Had a hard time catching up to read the posts.

Sorry, just saw your post on the honey sticks as I seldom log in over the weekends and I was very busy yesterday. Will give it a miss if you've already placed order.</font>
Tell u what.. tell them ur house door are wide open. No one knock/shout/press door bell at all. U are not deaf so what the postman is doing? Notice nowadays those postman are actually AUNTIE and some are from the country we mistaken u are from. So they are plain too lazy to bring it up.
at least she is willing to follow ur dotted boy huh,..if dun want means dun time i asked him to do homework, he told me he is tired...then he yawned &amp; said:"See I'm really tired :p

Manda this shows tt all guys need to be nagged.
ok, redelivery at 6-9pm tonite. now 7pm.....

eh my aunty hor, train her 3 sons how to write when they're as young as 1-2yo. she will do the dotdotdot herself and hold their hands and write with them. donno if it's cos of early training or wat. eldest just grad from laywer school, 2nd also scholar in army now. 3rd one just entered nus.

i do shortcut la. i buy the dotdotdot books. but hor, end up i write leh! and we stopped at the letter A. *lol*
Good Morning to all,

Pink, I guess most of us are tired liao. hhaha...


You are early! You really keep to your words leh.
Morning Mummies !

Sigh..last night I never sleep well. Jamie vomited twice and is having high fever. Keep sponging her and monitor her temp. Highest hit is 40deg. So worried, wonder if I should take halfday today.

Barney,jopep ware gt kip her day late leh.haha

Yoko,today on leave again ah.laz nite sort e stuffs til beri late isit?
No symptom leh. She had not be drinking much water these few days. Water bottle go sch, come back still 3/4 full. She puke out last night dinner and ice cream.

How are you? Going to pop soon?

Where are u? Got ur stuff last night liao.
aiyoh....stilno signs yet leh!mking me soo anxious!n nervous oso leh.i kip tinking bout e pain den beri scared leh.dono wen den she wana pop leh...tis waiting is kiling me!

Maybe is the ice cream fault.

Last time same thing happen to my ger.. she was alright no symptom or anything is just after eating the ice cream then she become sick. So i fault it to the ice cream my ger ate.


I think your baby is in a comfort zone liao, dun wanna come out. hahahha
