Lovely JW Mommies

pink, overdue 2 weeks also nvm. only whether u can tahan or not. ekekek

may, how's jamie now? take half day lo. anyway u already ORD mood ma. your own child more impt den work. u noe it v well too.

sometimes i noticed kristy come home v v thirsty keep drinking water automatic one. then i realize her water bottle also not refilled and she only drank little. cos happened that that day we gave her glucose water to bring to schoool and come back still glucose. need to remind teachers to let her drink.

pink, u got spare honey jars or not? i forgot to order for kristy's shichida teacher
i need 2 jars.

i only sorted out pink's tattoos, my own things and 2 other pax who need it for the wkend. so late liao i pengsan la. so pink, tonite u can take your tattoos & honey. i tink got 2 tattoo items i'm sharing with u. i split half half liao. havn't work out the costs yet, will let u noe later. maybe end up i owe u money instead. ekeke
baby/pink - i at work leh. cos fri wanna on leave. my AL now limited liao. must control abit. if not scarly the last 2 wks i damn siong everyday must goto work. kakaka

i using spare HP now. cannot surf. tmd.
I went JB on Sun leh. Then was surprised that the staff in Jusco all wear masks de. Some shoppers are wearing also. If Singaporeans wear in shopping centre sure kena stare like aliens one.

Jamie's fever went down..phew. I dun want to take leave today cos Friday going to act urgent leave to go interview liao. hahaha.
Just called LSH. Teacher D having high fever and vomitting also. She say stomach flu might be air bourne in school now. So ask me to monitor Jamie as well. Gosh.. first HFMD now Stomach Flu. If tonight she is still not well then I going to bring her to doc liao.
Yokogi, I have transfer money to you last night but forget to copy the transaction no. Pls check.

May, now your mum look after Jamie? Glad to hear her fever went down.
alamak! may can i have LSH no? i using spare fone now. everything don't have. yest i was told that they let kristy play in N1 group cos she can communicate with the kids so they put here there. i thinking wanna call teacher Y not to put her there. but erm....teacher Y v close to teacher D leh. alamak!

btw, teacher C is back in school today.
hope jamie gets well soon...

maybe she decides to come out today?? both my sons came out one day b4 they were due..

i must praise Dr Chua cos he really very nice and xi xing.. this morning msg me and ask how is my junxi.. very seldom got dr will msg patient and ask how they r after a few days... will definately bring junxi back to see him though he is now at west coast plaza and not gek poh anymore..
jopep, who is this Dr Chua so good huh? Dr Gwee also v good, when kristy had viral fever and mild bronchitis that 2 times, she makes sure she calls my mama hse to check on kristy's condition and remind her to go for afternoon appt cos kristy rejected the neb.
pink : my gal was overdue for 2 days before she was induced out. Guess if overdue for a few days so be ok ba. But must check whether the water level and the placenta cos during my last check up with my gynac (already 1 day overdue liao, my cervix very very stubborn, dun want to open, 0cm)my gnac told me my placenta already aging and the water level inside drop by 50%, so no point I keep on waiting cos no gd for baby, might as well go the hospital after pass midnight and induce.

yokogi : i collect the honey from you tomorrow night ok

may : glad to hear that Jamie is alright now. Last time Zemia class also had 2 cases of stomach flu. Like so common hor to have this in LSH. Adora's running nose just got better, dun want other illness to infect her

Bought vicks yesterday night and apply on Adora, she is much better liao
yoko,cn la.u tk e jars u nid.i actually oni nid less den 6 jars.but coz u say too little den i juz order extra lor.u juz tk wat u nid.but don tk all hor. ;p

hope she doesn't kip me waiting for too long.rili killing me leh.haha

how come qdee closed for two days? so shiok leh the teachers. ahhaha


Glad that jamie is alrite liao.


Anybody taking leave?
Shall we meet up in the afternoon?
snowy, u got LSH no or not? i rather be paranoid than to have fever & vomitting at home. i tink the teachers also will give up. like dis also cannot liddat also cannot. ahhaha

snowy, i also overdue for 2 days then induce & epidural. how do doc tell placenta aging & low water level huh? last sat i just told doc i wanna induce too. den he tell me baby now 2.5kg liao, wanna come out also can, but if really dowan to come out den induce lo. no point forcing. *faint* den i remind him i scared pain again.
i don wana induce la!e pain is scary nw rili getting real phobia of e pain leh.don even wana tink of it.but evry day e tots cum to me automatically.i hope e signs cum fast n i no nid to induce.
i heard dat induce bb's tend to be naughtier leh.coz induce will lke stress dem n cum out unaturally.n induce is mre painful leh.yewkss! tink of it oso scared.haha

Induce will feel the pain meh? dun think so leh.. my experience is doc just burst the bag and the water flow out only.The pain will be the contraction pain lor.

As for induce baby will be naughtier, i dun believe in this. Alhought my ah mei is naughty but still manageable, is just her tempr is bad only and she's petty. hehehe...
dr chua was previously from my family clinic at gek poh... now he has his own clinic at west coast plaza.. wendy's kids used to be seeing him when he was at gek poh too...
wanted to bring junxi to see dr gwee on monday but hubby says why not go back to dr chua since his clnic open liao..:p
ya la.bad temper lor.coz e stress will coz their temper to be bad.lke in our tummy wen we r angry a juice will be sent to dem n they'll slwly becum affect their temper.e contraction pain is stronger for inducing lor.mre painful.e vbursting of water bag stil okie.
induce liao e labor pain is mre painful den no induce.coz shanny was induced n mal wasn't.but i tink all is as painful la.scary pain.

When is your phone coming out from the doc? You send your phone for repair right? but hor if sent to doc for repair and you din keep the number in your SIM card, yourt number will be gone forever leh.

1 Sept,

Nobody on leave ah?
ya loh, the teachers shiok leh but mummy not shiok!! hahaha... next week jx goes 3 days then break for 1 week school holiday again...

Anyone knows that if My Family Clinic has rental of nebuliser and whether they sell the neb medicine as well? If yes, then next time i dun hv to go to the PD to buy the medicine liao.
pink, only the epidural jab is painful. induce is no feeling de. just stick a needle and drip into your back of hand. then either wait for waterbag break or doc poke. i was lucky it broke itself cos i scared of doc poke too.
yokogi : haha, think I post the LSH no too late, you never see. Lucky babybarney sms you the no liao.
I also take epidural, at first during my routine check up, told my gynac i dun want to take epidural, want to go through normal procedure cos heard that taking epidural has side effects but later in the hospital after the inducment, contraction pain really come, cannot tahan after 2cm (lousy me hor), i surrendered, take epidural. Then dun feel anything and can finally sleep for a while.
My gynac check through the ultrasound scan then advised me that my placenat already aging and water level very low.
Dun want to induce now lah, wait longer where baby weight is heavier than you decide whether to induce anot

pink : i induce not by making the water bag burst leh, mine is by inserting medicine inside to make my cervix open, so to me, inducement not pain only the contraction pain pain. My gynac told me if after insert 1 medicine inside, still never open, will insert another one, still never open, have to C-section liao. Was so afraid that my cervic really stubborn until dun wnat to open and had to go for C-section, was praying hard that my cervix open, lucky open after the 1 medicine insert.
Yes i also find the epidural jab is painful... that time i even cried coz it was so painful... some pple said they dun feel anything leh.

Apply the leave from your boss-Mr jopep.

I mean yokogi maybe din save the contact number in sim card that's why she change another phone to use the contact number is not appearing. meaning all the contact number is stored in phone memory not the SIM memory.


You shld have deliver by then liao... cannot go out.


ya the clinic sell the medicine for the neubuiliser.

Where's your office? is it near me? then we can meet to eat lunch together.
to all, no need to send me your nos. i today heart attack no time to save nos. my phone to hospital on coming fri only cos no time to go leh. den nxt wk collect back. in the meantime still can survive although so inconvenient.

this J is so kiasi. i called thru and tell her kristy has been put with N1 kids to play, but i said it's ok, just temp don't let them mix cos teacher D is sick now. she like, err i donno leh, i must check i must check. then i just say no need to check, just tell teacher Y temp don't let kristy mix with N1 lo. only then she majiam relieved.
Thanks baby! Good, next time I dun hv to go all the way to gleneagles to take the medicine.

My office is at SIMTech Tower Block, next to NIE and Canteen A... until now I also dunno where's yr office leh...
Sorry, I appear too late. Hope all these virus can get loss asap.

So scary.. I got twice c-sect but prefer 2nd time, not so pain. Cos skin become too thick liao cos I eat too much got so much fats..haha.

then you din save up your number in sim card before sending to hospital ah?

Cham liao lor.

Ytd night my hb accidentally delete the whole contact list from his phone cos he dun know the new phone function. 300 over impportant numbers leh... he siao liao.

if need to use the nebulizer often, then i find more worthwhile to buy then rent.. that time rent from the pd at paragon cost $50 ($10 per day) + $10 non-refundable deposit, so this time round we decided to buy one for $120 from ntuc pharmacy at west coast plaza when junxi was there to see dr chau..

which medicine your children using for the nebuliser? is it pumicort + combivent or pumicort + ventolin + atrovent?
