Lovely JW Mommies

junhao can still but not stable yet, will 'topple' if he moves too much... did pd say anything about her weight? if not dont worry too much.. as long as they r healthy can liao..

jing xuan is it just like one of the 7 princess's name.

my gal got xuan and the gal my mum look after also got xuan. all diff xuan but one similarity. naughty and fierce. haha...
maybe take after my mum?? haha

You wanna join us for baking in the afternnon on 1sept? your boss approve your leave liao?



Let me know if you need any other ingredient.
mornin,mornin hb fetch my bro to air port.den he bot mac bf for cakes w sausage. Yum yum... I finally eaten wat i wan2 eat.hope jayna is satisfied liao n decide to cum out soon.recently rili cn't slp at nite.bac gt beri suan aft lying dwn for awhile.
shanny ate mre den half of my harsh brown n 1 quarter of my sausage.rili greedy gal leh...haha

Posh,hw cum u owaz neva reply sms or answer hp de?u din on volume or ur hp drop into toilet bowl?laz time i owaz sms u or call u oso no response de??? Rili scratch head leh. Wait next time we all don answer ur call or reply ur sms oso liao... Wahaha ;p
U know the Little Nonya that girl that ask her ah ma about her mummy's past. That's Chen Jing Xuan lor. English name: Felicia Chan if I am not wrong.
wendy,tonite i'll return ur stuffs to u.wat time u'll be hm?btw,ware did u buy ur sift?cn help me buy one if u cn?i cn't find e one u hav.

Candy,hw's e moon cake checkin? No news fm u yet.kip me in e loop if rili cn buy k.i luv it.

Moon cake festival is aft ghost mth rite? Mid sep or end sep?so i'll be on time for it?
I search things very fast one.

Mooncake Festival is on 3 Oct.

We talking abt the name of Pink's Princess Jayna's chinese name is the same as this actress lor.
oh,tis is e jing xuan ah.thks

May,nw u seem to be happier least gt time to cum in to chat.rili relieved liao rite.haha
morning mummies

may : how is Jamie? Ok already? Teacher c just sms me this morning abt stomach flu cases in LSH and there is 1 case in Zemia class as always.

Yokogi : Kristy also sick? Btw, have transfered the honey $ to you yesterday night, also drop u email to inform u. U check ok, hope the amount tt over is correct. What time u at hm tonight to collect the honey from u?

manda : hahaha, my gal though not born in ox but her name also has the word xuan and she is also naughty and stubborn lor.
Cos today email and system down in office. Nothing to do so come in chat lor. haha.
Anyway I am in ORD mood liao, dun bother to think so much.
manda : i think all babies are naughty to a certain extent generally but my gal stubborness takes after me lor

may : what abt the stomach pain that she complained yesterday? This morning, adora cough again, I pray hard that her cough does not come back again
Thanks Snowy.
Doc say stomach flu. Teacher D also kena cos the new principal told me. Tried calling LSH but no answer. I think I will let Jamie go back on Monday.
Hope all kids get well soon.

I think virus is in the air, last week charlene have fever follow by charmaine then ytd is my hb.

Do take care everyone.
anymummies been doing flashcards with your kids at home cos me starting jh with the maths set and is a bit confused about the sequence though i read the gd book...
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">jopep - try to join us if the baking at my place is confirm. will sms u then.
hi morning.. hope everyone is well and okay yah.. me also not feeling too good.. but trying my best to sleep well eat well and drink more water...

hopepfully weather for saturday and sunday good.. seems like these few days keep raining..

I din do any flash card to my kids. there unable to sit still so quite difficult.

When you are doing Flash card, can let my kids join? hahahahha

The baking shld be in the afternoon
come come, bring them to my house now!! !p I regretted not doing with junxi when he was a baby so must start didi now when he cant walk away yet... hahaha.. anyway he is enjoying the sessions but me a bit confused about the sequence/steps so hoping to find some experts here to guide me...
i tink i nid to chng shanny's chinese character 萱.any idea hw much n wat procedures to go thru for chnging 1 chinese character.i wan tis 愃.

You need to go to the lawyer. the cost is about 120 and above and ica there to make changes in the birth cert.
I just called LSH. Principal pick up phone immediately call me Yokogi's name. haha. Yoko, u complain liao ah. LSH confirm 15 cases of Stomach Flu. Sianz.
Can change the chinese name on birth cert? Because Jayden chinese name, we ask you long zhi to give us the list of chinese name. I dunno if can change to this 龙。The fan ti long very difficult to write. Dunno can change or not? I mean usually they count the stroke rite?
the procedure very mafan and need to get a lawyer too. we tot of putting eng name into my gal bc but dropped the idea.
