Lovely JW Mommies

nose drop has tobe thrown away aft opening for 1 mth rite.or u try let her slp on pillow lke 45degrees higher.or try to slp w/o air con til she's beta choice.

I not sure. i tink baby vick is milder so she feel cant help her better breathing. Hb just bought a air humilator/purifer in her rm.
how old is your girl? i think u can give vicks a try. can put on feet soles. on chest, helps with breathing. don't put too much, v hot.
eh...i juz ask mal,he say k1 don hav ting xie n spelling at k1.but i tink i rememba gt leh...haha sorrie ah....i gt a pea brain. ;p
Aftn all

Stressed leh..K1 got so many homeworks oredi? Hv to be handed in one right?

RE: Vicks
I will apply thin layer on my boy's chest if he's having nose block..a bit underneath his nose as well but he dislike & will rub away...also used to rub at his soles..but doesn't seem to help.

My boy also used to fear nose drop..but these days, ok liao..though he will still say tt he dislike it..hv u tried using this vapour drops (not sure the name) used to drip on a hanky or clothings..after smelling will relieve the nose block?

I was there at kIDS Amaze & the lady there gave me an arm covers leh..despite me wearing long sleeves...hmm..luckily i was also in no abrasions/blue blacks...but the slide really fierce..even i cannot tahan e speed..i was hugging my boy when we slid down.

Once u decided to resign then do pt being soft hearted...think of the reasons why u wanna quit & unless the boss is able to assure u..else forget it..
So much posting today, No time to reply all.


yup, my girl in K1 have Chinese and English spelling every week. Separate by monday and fri, every fri will have homework to bring home to do.
pink : yup, the nose drop has to be thrown away after open 1 mth. We dun sleep in air-con anymore ever since we know she has sensitive nose when she was baby. I know sleeping on higher pillow helps but to my gal no use lor cos when she sheeps, she can turn here & there until her head dun know where 1 lor. Her head will not stay on the pillow for long, haha

manda : i ever thought of air purifier but not cheap right

joelle : my gal is 2 yrs & 4 mths plus

ivfamily : i tried that before those vapour drops when my gal was very very young but to us, dun seems to work on her
honey sticks confirm tomorrow arrive before 2pm. but i not at home to sort out. can only do 7-8pm. walao so much things to sort out. the OTC havn't arrive yet. pls leh arrive earlier leh so i can do today leh......
yokogi : k1 is ard 4-5 yrs old, if i not wrong.
I also hope its due to the haze problem recently that y her running nose is back.
yokogi : ask your hubby & ah dai to help you to sort.
Btw, how is ah dai doing the work at hm? Got kena scold by you anot?
In fact, whenever i'm at home, I'll sit beside my boy to practise his Linking Memory (cos he will be having test, ur girl?) & do some homework..must let him make it a habit..

My boy also..cannot sleep in air forget $ air con loh...
ivfamily : so our aircon is actually white elephant at hm right, hahaha. My room has 2 fans leh, one blow at my gal, the other fan blow at my hubby

joelle : i want to try out vicks but i told my hubby abt it then he said "will help anot? Good anot?", so want to ask ard mummies here for feedback before i go and buy vicks lor

have seen reports tat says vicks not very good for young children, but i forgot what is the reason. i only apply on their clothes and something their back.

applying on the back of their foot is only for relief of is what i learnt from other mummies in this formum
my boy got chinese ting xie with han yu pin yin, then english spelling also every week. he dreads chinese, and there will b a big commotion between us.
sometimes got homewk which teacher distributes on fri so that we can do with him on wkends.
so im jux curious if tis the norm for K1.

think they said vicks not so gd to put in nose. but frankly my mum hv been putting vicks in me since young lor. lucky nothing happens to me
if gt sensitive nose den gt to service aircon lke evry 3-4 mths.dats wat i did wen mal was younger.nw is alot beta liao.

my ah dai juz kena fm me.mum told her to hang up e bedsheets aft she clean e dining table.she answered yes.den aft cleaning e table she wanted to wash e dishes.den i called her out n asked her wat did my mum tell her to do.den she kept quiet.aft dat i told her smeting n she answered wif a tsk.i ask her wat was dat for!den she kept quiet n tot hw to answer me.she told me dat her throat was uncomfy n pretended to clear her throat sme mre leh!i was lke volcano erupt wen i saw her actions lke rili throat uncomfy.i told her wat has her throat gt to do wif e tsk!!!!!!!n whole morning din hear her cough or anyting at all den nw den itchy ah.rili gimme stupid reasons leh!den i rili pissed off n scolded old maid went for thumb print.den she lke evrting dono hw to do liao!rili sick leh.sickening bitch!!!
pink - let it go la. since u r sending her away. u like every day got stories to entertain us.
but i also buay song she tsk u lor!
what's tsk?

serene, i think is norm lar.

Same like you, whenever there's chinese hw, there will be very big commotion in my house liao. You can actually hear me screaming or shouting away. Think i will die earlier this way. la.actually if myold maid around i'll let her handle her.coz old maid tel me to leave it to her to handle.else wait nt gd for my bb.dat time she saw me scold e new one once den she say she n my 2 kids in e rm oso feel scared.wahaha... coz my old one nt in today den i gt frustrated wif her lor.rili nt listening to instructions n stil cn answer yes mum...den in e end do another ting!rili feellke killing her...haha but juz say nia la.don even dare to beat her hw to kill.juz nagging nia.don worry.

mal oso has probs wif chinese.but nw attitude abit beta liao.stil cn manage to get him to do if i'm teaching him.else he'll juz try to let it pass if i don do wif him.
any tricks to teaching Chinese??
I'll set aside some time to teach Chinese but trying to make it fun so my boy will be more receptive. Yet to teach him how to write Chinese...
dunno how to teach chinese too
but i tink muz let them like the lang then interest to learn will come?

i praised my gal if she could recognise the word.
Now she is mainly learning to write the "bu shou"
Her lang sch din expect them to write the full words. homework is just filling in the missing bu shou. Most impt is recognising and their meaning
My interview is at 11:30am on Friday. Due to workload, difficult for me to take whole day leave. Do you think I should change the interview to afternoon instead? Or should I come back to work in the afternoon?
iv, wat test? shichida got test one meh? i never practice with her one leh. sometimes at school she can get all correct. sometimes some wrong. see her mood.

snowy, ah dai si beh like to iron clothes one leh. tmd didn't pay attention only she go & bathe and iron clothes liao. i ask her wipe whole hse floor skirting she say sun wipe living room liao. den rooms? oh havn't wipe. den i ask her wipe. only wipe my room den quick quick go bathe. i ask y she say she needs to iron & cook. cook wat la! tonite all eat maggi mee or tabao. she diam diam worry about cooking one leh.

wendy, hahah u don't like to listen to ah dai stories ah? i also everyday can entertain u leh ;p

tsk = TASK la. correct?

pink, thanks. will check later.

kite festival - i tink i'll be going leh! so fun! hope weather is good.

死人postman still havn't come! dun tell me really come in evening ah! tmd...
hello mummies,

Long time no 'See'

well I've delievered my lil gal Jerlene in mid july and now busy spending my ML with the 2 kids..

and also finding ways to trim my fats away..

anyone keen to workout together?

hee hee

I'm those hardly exercise so dun expect that i can run 2.4km or more for a start.. haha..

just need some company to motivate to exercise..

Im also interested to go for Kite festival, Wanna meet to go together?

tsk= task meh? *thinking*


Welcome back here..... show your baby picture here leh.
tsk is e sound we mke wen we angry or smetin la.a beri rude gesture to mke infront of others.

I feel ur ah dai n my ah dai bout e same leh.juz dat my tis dai is mre brave den ur dai.i so fierce liao she stil dare to tel stupid lies.haha n wen i scold her her facial expressions no chng de.steady hor.

May,i tink chng to aftn beta.else nid to rush about.beri tiring.den use e rest of e time to rest.else u go bac aftn stil gt to rush wrk.mite as well leave it til e next day liao.

you are really testing my phonic skill leh.. im not trained leh.
Tell me tell me.....

Oh ya... i always forget to bring the leapfrog to return you. Dun hang pig head hor.
ur hubbi have patience to teach kids to write, very good hor! My hubby will be screaming like mad if he were to teach my gals..

since lots of work to finish, better to change.. cant imagine boss keep calling u in the midst of ur interview.. ;(

congras! enjoy ur ML.. ;)

i am looking for a pt helper to clean my flat during weekends. do let me know if u have any gd recommendations okie.
may : normally for Fri, you are busy in the morning or afternoon? If busy in the afternoon compared to morning then you take morning off then afternoon can come back to clear all the work, otherwise monday when you come back, sure have piles of work waiting for u to finish.

yokogi : your ah dai super lazy leh. Y she likes to iron clothes so much? I never really like to iron clothes de. Haha, next time can ask her to iron all our clothes for us.

sunsweet : congrats on your new gal. U looking after both kids yourself?
Think they will only start e test at 3 yrs's why ur girl still no test yet..hv to arrange 40 cards in 3 min leh..

Congrats! Glad to c u back here. how r u coping w 2 kids? Try to do some light exe..can also bring e little ones out to walk ..walking also consider exe..

thks for sharing..i guess recognising the words is impt than reading e han yu pin i'm also confused what the edn is abt for Chinese..whether to recognise the chinese words or learn using han yu pin ying.

my in laws helping me to look after my kids..
so now is 3 adults to 2 kids..

mainly i take the night shift.. day time all 3 adults loh..

