Lovely JW Mommies


Pink- wa you getting more and more good life. Hb becoming so domesticated. If he wants to cook should encourage.
Few men wanna cook

Morning Mummies,
Aiyo.. me in dilemma. This morning saw my boss. I told him how the gals tekan me and sound him out that I am leaving due to the workload. He tell me to hack care the gals. He is interviewing 1 more person to come in. Hopefully things will get better. He ask me to stay on. Me soft hearted again. Sms my hb, he say, find job then leave. Dun be soft hearted else pple will take you for granted. Now I am 1 leg in 1 leg out. Urgh..fedup.
Honey Sticks/Jars
I have sent out consolidation list for checking. Get back to me quickly if i recorded your order wrongly ya. Ordering in 1hrs' time.
Draw her a timetable. When u are in the room, make sure she is outside. When she is in the room, then u are outside. Ask her to clean the cupboard etc lor. Since didi arriving soon, alot of cleaning and packing. Then you got more space to spree.. wahahha

I cannot view the list now leh. Just order what we discuss yday okie? Mine only Honey Jars, no sticks.
yokogi : yup, my mum told me yesterday that she saw xiang yun at Safra yesterday. They were filming and there was a young gal, younger than our gal who was also filming with them.
Then I ask my hubby whether he wants to buy the calendar anot since not compuslory to buy.

pink : wow, $500 at NTUC was sure a huge spending. The person who was queueing behind you must be wondering why bought so many stuffs especially milk powder, hahaha

manda/yokogi : yesterday we went to Shell to buy bread then adora saw yoyo and requested us to buy the yoyo for her. But i told her she dun know how to play, dun buy. Think she is too young to know what is yoyo and how to play
yoko, snowy,
my gal tried the normal yoyo b4. first is still short. 2nd not easy to go up and down.
tink not so fast will pichak the tv cos cant do trick ye.
my gal want to buy cos pple hv lor. yest at the bookstore see then keep saying want to buy. i told her the character on the yoyo not nice, she say nvm. see la really wana buy for the sake of buying
hi morning to all... my friend sign up for relief teacher through MOE website, and she got assignment very fast, if any of you interested to earn some extra cash might want to check it out, mostly is relief teacher for primary school. If need the school will just call up in the morning and ask if you are free afternoon, then go for around 5 hours and can earn from 60 - 110 depending on experience.
snowy, i tink nobody wanna Q behind pink! *lol*

Pink, buy so much got free delivery or not huh?

snowy, adora also wanna buy yoyo? strange leh, is it some new craze at their age? i'm still wondering how come kristy will ask for yoyo. and we never bring her to shops one. she just come back from school and say can buy yoyo?

klite, relief teacher need to do marking or not? ekekek my fren just converted back to full time teaching after being part time for about 2yrs. i told her the workload for part time is still the same as full time, wat for take half the pay? teaching is seriously a stressful job.
may : if you really sick & tired of working in the company with those gossipers, then no point to stay on cos even if your boss hire another person, the problem will still be there

Klite : no need teaching experience can apply for the relief teacher?
I ordered 1 calendar leh.
NEVER BUY for them. Jamie got one, she stand at the bed then let go of the yoyo. Then ask me to help her wind back. Walau.. Do it for her so many times. I give up after that night. Go hide it and I tell her lost it already.
yokogi : ya lor, if i was the person who is looking for a queue and saw pink with her trolley full of so many stuffs, i also dun want to queue behind her.
I think adora dun know what is yoyo, she just saw the yoyo and ask us to buy for her. Then I remember manda & you were talking abt buying yoyo for your kids, so was telling my hubby our gal also wants to buy yoyo to play, haha. But adora never pestered us to buy it after I told her dun buy cos she dun know how to play it
yes no need experience but less pay.. its only relief teacher.. they dun expect you to mark.. just distribute the worksheets to the students
yah my friend told me the primary one students not scared of teacher, and even bully her cos she is nice, haha. Not like us last time, we so scared of teacher that we dun dare to ask to go toilet.
would like to check if ur K1 child got chinese ting xie (spelling)? cox mine hv and every wkend is a nitemare for me.
may : i haven't decide whether to buy the calendar anot, maybe will buy, will finalise with hubby again
hahaha, then Jamie never pester you to buy another yoyo for her again?
I know abt the relief thingy already. But hor, it will be good for SAHM mummies with schooling kids or helper at home. Cos school only will call last min in the morning. Working Mummies cannot last min take leave to take up this part time job. Good for SAHM.. any here ah?

Agree with you. Leopard will not change its spots. I am still looking around for job. Anyway job market is not bad leh. Cos I send out 2 resumes last night. 1 shortlist me for interview already.
may you are right.. i am interested but i cannot be so mobile, its good for SAHM looking for extra cash lor..or those in the midst of lookin for a job but still waiting for response.. like my friend
snowy my friend said can scold but cannot beat them, and those really problematic students are tagged with some sticker... i dunno if that is a practice in just that school or throughout sg
may : job market situation improved liao huh cos that time i also wanted to quit badly but i scared that cannot find job very fast, so i dun dare to resign, wait till get aws & bonus then i resign. Maybe you are a direct shipper, so easier to look for a job? U looking for what type of job? Also direct shipper?
wow, now problematic student tagged with stickers! last time in our era, no such thing leh. But wouldn't this caused the problematic student to be low self esteem?
yah i also find the practice not very good.. it makes the student isolate from the rest.. like kena black mark from your boss... but my friend said the student is really really problematic one, may have some kind of mental illness.. i not too sure
I am not going back to this line already. Doing customer service but more on helpdesk and support. Very scared of documentation already. Had been doing these for 5 years.
may : hahaha, understand how you feel cos doing docuementation for so long sure sian liao and nothing much to learn also.
I also thinking if i resign want to go back same industry or change job scope totally
Do you have other experience? I got IT background so this Fri's interview is IT related customer service. Looking forward to it.
may : sad to say no lor cos after graduate, had been in this line since. Changed company before but still in this line, sigh. So dun know how lor if resign next yr. Maybe will look for customer service but dun want in shipping line.
Good luck to you for this Fri interview.
yokogi : agree that its not easy to been in customer service line cos angry also cannot scold customers and customers said what, must try to adhere to it. Sometimes deal with customers can make your blood boil. But I in this line for so long liao, so used to it le thought sometimes still very pissed off and upset by what some customers said
Agree with u.. *hands up, legs up*
Customer Service is always the sandbag of customers and salesperson. Good things not our credit, bad things all customer service. Want to throw temper, come find Customer Svc. Other than that I still got to cope with internal dept unreasonable pple that anyhwo throw temper at me. Make me angry feel like slapping them back. URgh... hahahaha
may : yup, we are sandwiched between customers and sales. Worse if you have a salesperson who always put the customers as the top most important person so if customers wrong, unreasonable, cannot say the customers back cos if customers complain to that salesperson, then salesperson will come & scold you and say "we cannot offend customers cos they are the one who give us salary". Our company got this salesperson lor who i dun really like to work with cos to him, customers always right, never in the wrong. But i personally feel that somewhat if customers give us salary, but if customer is wrong or unreasonable, we cannot just take it into our heart and dun voice out. I dun care, I will voice out cos I feel that I'm right. Lucky i have a female superior on top who is very understanding. Sigh, if want to voice out unhappiness here, sure will flood the thread here, hahaha
yokogi : its depends on which port are you shipping from, from keelung to sin or kaohsiung to sin? from keelung to sin, if its a direct shipment, it will take abt 7 days, if its kaohsiung to sin, it will take abt 5-8 days. All above will need to subject to external factors like weather condition, engine breakdown etc, especially weather condition where lately the typhoon that was happening in Taiwan, had already resulted in alot of vsls being delayed in coming to singapore
mummies - ask u all hor, that time u went Kids Amaze @ Safra Jurong, got kanna any abrasions when gg down the tube slides?

i'm very badly hurt.
huh ocean also so fast ah? i thought the time frame u stated is for airfreight leh. *lol* have u counted customs clearance? i donno ship from which port

LF dl 95%! later pm got some exploration work to do again.
snowy, i use adult vicks to put on her sole. then baby vicks to put on her chest and neck. but never put on the nose ya.
i'm up!
Initially gt ppl behind they moved to other line wen its cleared.haha

Wendy.e slides gt ppl distribute e black arm covers for u to put on to slide dwn.i wore leggings for mal,so he did nt wear e ones provided at e amaze.don n barney gt abrasions too.even blisters.mal suffered abrasions at e ankle oso.

Vicks cn't be used for kids under is seldom use.coz my sis told me dat news reported dat there's smetin wif vicks dat is harmful or dangerous.nt too sure coz 4gt liao.
I used Vick when my gal say her nose is stuck.
I apply on chest and neck but somtimes on nose too. but i tink not gd.
now bought baby vick but she say no gd.
my gal got sensitive nose
yokogi : the time frame i stated is till port only, never include customs clearance. I believed you are shipping in loose, so if you want to include customs clearance, have to add another 3-5 days as it depends on how fast the warehouse pple clear out the cargoes from port and when they unstuff the cargoes in the warehouse.

yokogi/pink : my gal running nose back again, sigh. lately at night she slept by breathing through her mouth but sometimes she will cry in the middle of the night if she experienced any discomfort. We tried to put the nose drop for her to relieve her but she hate the nose drop. Will cover her nose and scream if we tried to apply the nose drop for her. So was thinking whether Vicks help anot then she dun has to go through the suffering of the nose drop

manda : my gal also has sensitive nose but so long never fall sick le. When she fall sick on National day, she recovered abt 1 wk later but recently dun know why her running nose is back. I heard before apply vicks on the feet sole will help but dun too sure on that.
Why baby vick no gd according to your gal?
