Lovely JW Mommies


But what my hb's tots is that if i speak to her and given her chance. In the future she will be more daring to do anything. headache!

he has a point. discuss with your hubb and consider your options again.

you can also tell your maid that you're having a review and tell her things you like about her job, things you don't like and for her to say what she happy and not happy with so that you can work things if you choose to keep her.

at least there are agencies which allow instalments for loan payment so not so bad.
baby - dun b so fan first.
think through what actions can u take, and what will be her reactions, and what is your desire outcome.
write down if u must.
sometimes emotions cloud the brain la....
soft, no la. bcos i face the same problems ma.

i did not reduce the size i just post it up only.

i have call m1 and check but they want u to call personal than they will help, so sorry that ur phone is like that after that day pei sah.
btw wat did ur maid tell u har when they talk so we can know wat the maid is talking behind us.

think slowly and see wat to do
wat happen to u?

did u find the things u wanted to buy?(don't tell them let it be a surprise haha)

how r u now, is ur work ok?
don - tmw then i go. today went ntuc finest to stock up on groceries. think hb gg to scream at me later. then pm research where to stay in hokkaido.

the photos quite low res lei... or is it bcos i save from fb???
yoz seem like maid is a prob.
Lucky I no money/ no need for maid. haha...

hire part time helper la. I dun like household chores too. Weekdays gotta work, weekend suppose to rest and spend quality time wif kids.
So got a part timer to come every week for a more thorough cleaning nia.

Me din manage to post during work time.
Got bad news at work. My asst mgr is throwing her more routine work to me so she can just concentrate on her reporting nia. Me now has to juggle with more work liao. sooo sianz...
Today a new ger came, and the fatso start throwing her stuff when I even has not start giving my work away. And to add on, the staff is my boss SIL, never work in office environment b4. I cant imagine how my life at work will be............
Paiseh nt that I wan to give her names, but wana let off steam .
Evening moms, wah the hot topic now is abt maid hor! Agree change FOC maid aso need to top up cash (insurance+one mth advance+test). So consider not free!

BABY!!! This is gonna be a long one. OPEN EYES BIG BIG HOR! HEH!
You seem very stress becos of her. THE QUESTION IS: ARE YOU COMFORTABLE TO LET HER STAY WHEN YOU KNOW SHE EVER LIE TO YOU? My maid steal from me and i sms/call ppl with maids and ask them for advice. And majority of them say "IT HAPPEN and dont take it too hard" cos of the situation they are in. Most of them steal becos it is in front of them(coins ard the hse) the temptation to just take is there BUT if its not there they will not steal - and I think it's true. So now I dont leave my $$ ard. And someone did mentioned: Even "WE" do tat to our bosses. We take things from the company without scotch tape, stamp for our children to play with, pen, pencils, paper, stampler and the list go on BUT we are smarter TOOKERS compare to them. We aso take advantage, sometimes come to work late, use the net, laze ard etc etc...BUT like I say we are smarter than them. So if you are willing to forgive her and move on like me YOU SHOULD TALK TO HER AND BE FIRM. I talk to her firmly BUT not rudely and ask her "what i do to deserve this? I treat you like maid issit? What I eat you eat, what I drink you drink. When we go shop do I ask u what you want to buy? When mimi is rude to you did I scold mimi? We are both human. You treat me good i treat you good, if i treat you like shit you aso will treat me like shit so it means I treat you like shit issit? How many times must i tell you if you want to trasfer out just let me know and dont do this kind of thing. Have we ill treated you? She cried, beg and ask 4 fogiveness and I tell her if it happen again I will call the police. I give her a reality check and told her u come here so difficult must go thru shit then e agency deduct $2000++ from you and you only have $10 for 8 mths and yet you never think abt ur family. The reason why u are here becos u want to help ur family so that you have $$ wen you go home. You didnt come here to steal my few cents and nuttella right? MAYBE YOUR MAID NEED A REALITY CHECK ASO! This is my personal opinion anyone is entitle to disagree with me.

**And I told her HP is not allow BECAUSE it will affect your work.
**Off days not allow Because it is not in the contract and you agree to it when you sign the dotted lines.
**Cannot wake up late. Can I give your salary late?Replied "NO" - Even SIR if go 2 work late kena punish. So she understand.
**Any other thing other than the above which u r unhappy we can discuss.

**To make you feel better, since your maid so long with ur family if she wanna harm your kids she will do it by now ready. So dont need worry too much la, take it easy okay.

my phone spoilt liao...then hubby not happy, he ask u if can pay half cos you are partly to blame. Nokia says the thing tat u press cant undo!!!!

I didnt call nokia, I managed to figure it out myself. Just reset the phone settings can ready, I so smart! HEHE!
baby,my agent fees oni 288
den if gtposb or dbs cc cn pay e loan by nid upfront.oni pay 100 depo den wen maid rich den pay balance agent fees.
Good Morning to all,

Tee, Im really impressed! What you say is quite true. BUt i think this whole week i won't have time to speak to her yet. Thanks alot.

I paid 1800 plus for her loan one shot, no instalment, agent fees is $88.

This morning my irritating youngest sister(my relationship with her is not gd) sms me. telling not to re-hire maid anymore. Put my ger in CC better. I can do that as what she says but who is going to do the household chores when my working schdule is so busy. Im really pissed off with her. She's not the one paying for it btw. haiz....

Ill fated me.... always have to handle problems, be it family, money, work or anything. Sian.

Sorry ah, a bit lor soh. Just wanna let off my stream.
so quiet today,whr's everyone?

how much for part time helper?

eileen y tummyache?

don mummy
anochorpoint got new hello kitty lucky dip,i just played;p

try to take it easy

i feel like sleeping
Hi all! Busy morning for me..

Also a bit sleepy and no mood to work.. feel like sleeping liao..
This is the point I dream about being a SAHM!!

Can’t wait to take my power nap during lunch.

Sometimes life sucks but it will only makes us stronger going thru it.
Hope you’ll take it easy today, go eat something you love most as a treat 
don mummy
this series doesn't hv watch, the watch is the black n pink series one?u so gd. i played 2x, both times get the same thing
mine is $10/hr, min 3 hrs.
if u go agency, shld be about $12/hr and needa pay agent fee too. But its more safe lor.
Mine is illegal, those chinese lady nia.
Just finish reading the past post.
agreed well written by Aryati.

just email u my address. how much is postage? thanks.

sorry no experiences in maid so cant help u :p

Regarding the balloons sculpture. Recently just attended a workshop on how to twist balloons into dog,bee(gave 1 to Manda)'s gal),cat,tweetybird,flower..took some photos liao, will post it when it is ready..heeheehee. My children have lots of fun. Thinking of teaching my gal..
I didn’t have my power nap after all.. was about to get into the mood when one of the QC guys came to my lab to use the phone.. he left and I thought still got chance as its only 1215. Then another sales guy came to look for some old results. Then I decide not to sleep.. sian already.. these ppl don’t understand sia, I off the lab lights and lock the door still come and disturb.. I even hinted its lunch time; equivalent to rest time.. sian chi pua..
<font color="aa00aa">atm,</font>

<font color="aa00aa">I will mail out the vouchers to u today. No need to pay me the postage lah, it's ok, no prob de.</font>
realised e thread gg slow nowadays hor...all regulars qte bz ah?haha

tink our thread shld be e longest thread in smh hor.
agree with manda, the way nor speak very chinese/hokkien.
dun tell me u have the same heritage like tee?!

pink, no la.
mayb those working taking power nap.
those not working having high tea lei???
so havent post yet??

and not yet la... so we must jia you
Manda, Wendy
hahaha! i'm so used to speaking like this lah..
cos most of my colleagues are Chinese speaking and also......... i used to date a chinese guy..
Softpillow!! Wei, dont make fun of me la!

ARUMI: is really coming to her terrible 2 lei. Show tantrum and all. Never happen b4 so shock wen I see her being like this...
Baby, oh same like my agency fee la. $88 is pay one lum sum but if pay monthly agency fee is 200+++. Baby I think you should go DF with Don Mommy to let go ur stress...
DOn mommy!!!

"tee,since when u become a writer?:"

wa lau eh dont teased me la..

No la this baby so stress so make her unstress la...true wat if her maid wanna do black magic or harm her kids why wait now then do?
tee,don worry.even wen we din go DF...barney oso goes wif her sis nearly evry wk de leh...haha

mummies!e truffle mooncakes fm raffles hotel is rili DAMN NICE!!!!shld hav bot 2 boxes...

bubb,nxt yr pls don 4gt bout us k...even if nt in our thread liao oso muz cum in nxt yr's mooncake festival k... ;p keke no lah...don disappear fm our family la.we muz owaz sty 2gether n united all LJWM.
