Lovely JW Mommies

Event: 3rd Cupcake Session (Using Mong Recp)
Venue: Donmummy's house
Date : 13 Sep 2008
Time : 12.00pm to 5.00pm

1) babybarney + kid (TBC, might be going malaysia)
2) wendy + 2kids + helper
3) manda + chloe
4) softpillow + boy
5) teddyboy + 2gals + boy + helper
6) Aryanti + Mimi (TBC depending on Mimi sleep or not)
7) Poshies + boy + (Gal + mil - unless they want to come along, if not need to come later... if not need to rush back like last time.... haha my boy want to deco the cup cake...)

<font color="0000ff">hi baby...
oh dear... i though ur maid look okie... haiz... all maid have their own problem..... </font>
i seldom heard of filipino doing black magic but really i'm not sure le.. wait i ask my colleague who is filipino, she's out for lunch and wil be back at 1pm.

Another maid story
My fren who is a baker had an Indo maid who finished her 2 years contract.
During her stay, my fren taught her to bake and cook.
And the last few days before she was supposed to fly off, she requested to bake something to bring back and my fren let her bake and keep in the fridge.
Then on the day itself, they went to the airport and suddenly the maid told her madam that she forgot to take the cake from the fridge.
My fren suggested to buy something from the airport as its to rush to her flight.
But her maid looked so disappointed and crying and insist on going back to take the cake. My fren, who was so nice asked her hubb to drive home to pick up the cake but the time was too rush so her hubb did not.
After seeing the maid off they went home and didn't think much of the cake.
Next day, she wanted to eat the cake so she took it out of the fridge, she found that the cake was extremely heavy than usual.
But she open the cake box and found nothing but the cake. Then her instinct told her to drop it and she did. To ger horror, her maid had actually hide her gold jewelry in the cake and baked it inside! No wonder she wanted the cake badly!
baby- from wat i read on the other thread. Buy the air ticket. Cancel work permit 1 day before. Ask her pack and send her straight to airport. Then must also make sure she goes thru custom and board the plane... Your maid look so timid also will like that ah...
Afternoon mummies

i also feel so blue today,sorry to hear abt ur maid.besides she carry hp n go downstairs w/o permission,how's her chores? maybe get agency to counsel her n see if she improve? shld u change a new maid,hope the new one will be better
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">hey, i'm collecting the NTUC points for the plates. If any body not collecting pass to me can? Thanks!</font></font>

I have heard the story abt the cake thingy from someone else also. Horribble lor.


I really headache leh... confused, dunno what to do with her.Shld i give her chance if she beg me? if give her chance will she do something bad to my gers? Hire new maid i got to come up cash 2k plus again. sian.

jus like what soft suggest, will getting the agent to counsel her, helps?
bo lang chap me leh..........

so disappointed
Dun think can make it on sat liao... BIL wedding on sun, need to source for a white track shoe for my boy.. else will hv to wear shoe shoe liao.. heehee... and hubby's fren invited us for house warming too...

Wendy, wat u wanna buy? a lot to buy?

Re: Maid
I would say I'm really bless to hv a good maid. That's why I'm bringing her with me to Brunei instead of getting a new one over there.
i feel donmummy's maid also good.she helps to look after our kids while we were baking. don mummy if u dun wan ur maid liao,u trf to me hor.kekeke. sometimes i wonder shld i get maid instead of babysitter cos maid can do house chores then i can hv more time with alvin n hb.

SUPP CARD: we dont ahve any CC cos we can't control so we used everything in cash.

HUBBY $$: Me no feeling in spending his $$ cos since dating been using his $$ even wen we go bangkok I just bring myself and luggange. Then after ROM I stop working liao - be homemaker - after 2 yrs then SAHM. So all the while used his $$. Not so fun lei aso cant used anyhow, my hubby not earning above 5K so cant spend so much aso. =(
eileen, my wardrobe offer an overhaul- meaning BUY NEW CLOTHES!

cindy- can try counselling. Can also get your hb to give her one last warning. I really cannot comment how she treat your girl. Then u wanna set up your ip cam? And like soft said, also dunno how good or bad the next one will be.

Yokogi- what??
MAID: you know wat I think - all maids like to bullshit even my maid!!!! really!!!! i bring my maid to don mommy place once and she tell me things abt other maids(wen they sit together)that is why i rather she stay home. I didnt tell you mommies here cos I myself dont know if she is telling the truth or she make story. I still will not tell u all wat she say hor, dont make me pls!
tee- me also have been spending hb $ money since we got together 10 years ago. Still shiok lei! Ha ha... But he knows i dun spend too much la.

Soft- every house hold is different. For us it is within our means and more logical to get one. BUT i just value my privacy more. So now planning to cope on my own.
Wendy, no la if they wanna turn bad it's not becos of others i believe they choose wat they want to become. BUT most maids will get influence don't know why...
She work with my aunt for 4 years b4 coming to my side. She really dote my kids lor... Give her red packet for her BD, the next day we go shopping she used up every single cent to buy my kids ultraman toys!
Eileen, tat is good 4 u cos v.diff to find a helper who is honest. My helper die2 insists she dont want to take her salary die2 want me to keep 4 her but behind my back steal from me. I so fed-up I tell her weather she like it or not she still hav to take her salary.
very true! Not easy to find good maid. The only thing I dun like abt her is her FORGETFULLNESS and sleeping late. I keep telling to sleep early... house chores are forever one... cannot finish one especially I hv so many ppl under 1 roof. But hor every nite still work till 1+am!!!

The only time she sleep early is when we go for a gateaway hotel stay... We zzz ard 10pm so she also zzz lor... cannot be washing the hotel's toilet mah! hahaha... at least she get some good sleep
Eileen, ey ey ur maid like mine!! late sleeper, die2 wanna sleep after 1AM i dont know how many times i tell her i dont want to see her face by 12AM but still see her face...keep on saying she cant sleep early...
Eileen, yours is indo or flippino maid?


I really envy you all have good maid leh. My maid she's very smart de afraid she will harm my kids if i were to give her another chance. Hiaz... dun know why maid wan to torture us. I have been treating her so nice.
My advice is if she really no good and u decided to sent her bk, let her know only on the day u want to sent her bk to the agency. Dun let her know b4 hand.

I have no idea how she would harm my kids leh. Shld i really give her another chance if she beg me?but hb surely won't give de lor.

Not your fault of straying my maid lar. Dun say that.
baby, sounds like your hb dun want to take the risk. have a good talk with him. then decide.
if not IF ANYTHING really happen then he grumble.....
DON &amp; PINKY: whenever i make a phone call now my phone always prompt me CANT SEND CALLER ID. how to turn tat off huh? so irriating!
I checked with my colleague, she said normally filipinos are not known to do black magic but they are more daring to talk back and debate their rights. in other words, they are more verbal.

Thanks for checking out for me. I have my worries cos she got my whole family photo and she sent back with approval from my family members.
aiya, you shouldn't have let her send any pics back. i was told umpteen times never to let these maids send pics back but of course mine is from Indo, different background.

if you're stil comfortable having your maid working for you, can stil consider giving 2nd chance, hopefully she will work better after agent talk to her.

but if you no longer have trust and don't feel good having her around, then send her back.

oh some agency let you settle the loan on monthly basis for 8-9 months, which is the deal i got from my maid agency. At least you don't have to fork out $2+k in one blink.
i also like privacy,thats y no maid. n dun wanna rent out room(else can make some income every mth,kekeke).not use to have stranger in the hse.

r u still entitle for free replacement?if yes n u really dun trust ur maid anymore can take advantage of the FOC replacement.
aw... soft...
well, we missed you and cerlyn too.
and pink got us worried - cos she was so late!
(then hor, still complained we finish all the chicken satay... :p)

Which agency did you go which can allow you to pay by instalment?

Soft, my maid have been with me more than a year liao so no more replacement.
Ya, we missed cerlyn and you okie we can plan more other gathering.Still got chance de mah but just that eileen78 will not be joining liao.
I went to Nora Employment Agency at Bukit Timah Beauty World.

My colleague said that area that your maid comes from is south of Philippines, near where the muslims are. She said if you not comfy, better to send her back, don't send back to agency for transfer.

definately will not let her transfer, i will send her back home if decided not to continue with her.

Sorry, can you help me check with your colleague. In philippines, does a plot of land cost on 1k sing dollar? Recently heard from my maid that she bought a piece of land from her neighbour at this price. Dun know how true is that.
think thru again. stil have to fork up unnecessary $$ becos with new maid, stil have to pay upfront 1 month pay to agency + insurance for new maid. But its worth it if you not comfy anymore.
Nor, i feel like asking her what exactly she wan, i dun wan my whole day keeping what will she be up to next. so torturing for me.

Ya, your right. Fork up the unneccessary cash is one big prob for me.
Checked. She said its possible at her place as the south is cheap. Thats why a lot of ppl buy land in the south of Philippines.
Baby, poor you! its not easy, i know. i just spend that amt on my new maid too.. but at least now i have peace of mind that my new maid is not the daring type like my previous one.

maybe you have a talk with her. if its the hp she want, set a rule you both can live with.
maybe let her use hp during weekend and after 9pm and surrender during day.
tell her its for everyone's good, so that she could focus on her job. just a thought la.

teddy - i noticed nat always pose very nicely for the shots. future model neh!

then hor, the bbq photos were taken with whose camera huh?
don? baby?
did u reduce the resolution before posting on fb?
