Lovely JW Mommies

morning mummies

really ah? i can't wait to eat them up.

true wat,not teasing u. wat happen to mimi?

u better today?

Superjay, I think the bug is in he air lei. My throat aso hurts...

Softpillow, she at the stage where she diff to handle. Will show tantrum and cry so loud.
Soft & tee,
Thanks, hope later the quene at the clinic is not long.

Sometimes hate to see doc, sick already still have to wait so long for the consultation.
thanks for mailing the vouchers to me

twist ballon for party. No la. not expert. just learning the basic only.
soft,hav u tried ur mooncakes?rili delicious rite?haha ya,dats gd morning

tee,no wonder i din c u laz nite.i tink keicer oso din cum in.

doctor: it's either go q early b4 clinic open or go in e aftn.i usually go q at 8.30 wen clinic open for taking q no.if i miss it den will go in e eftn.
pink - u like that how to lose weight? this side do aerobics, that side eat mooncakes and amosco...
wendy,i missed 3-4 aero lessons.den ystrdy went bac for't pick up stamina all return bac to my instructor liao.wahaha anywy i'm nt trying to lose weight la.let nature tk it's beri long din eat amosco liao.sick of it le.ate too much wen i was doing it.nw speak of amosco i scared ah. :p
Hi Mummies
Was on course for the past 2 days..hence explained my disappearance..heheh..but sad, no one notices my disappearance beside Soft..hahaha

gam xia! If i were u, i'll ask her..u want a share of my food? u, i also like to snack during work..hee..must also watch my weight..heheh
what u said sounded really hub always say that to me..wanna lose weight still eat?? Heheh..

hope ur son is boy also down w fever last two days..he stayed at home yest..but went CC today..luckily e fever subside within a us really worried.
hey mommies..

was on leave cos woke up late and then no mood to rush to work so took urgent leave.

sent Lis to bus pick up point and on the way we see a cat breast-feeding her kitten, got so engrossed that we missed school transport!
then i have to sent Lis by cab with Wairah..
i let Wairah sit in her class for 5 mins and she really enjoyed the singing and dancing!
maybe i should consider sending her to weekend playgroup..

then afternoon went to a massage and then bought some delicacies for break fast.

just sharing, there is a Ramadhan bazaar selling pretty good cooked food at JW st 41 beside the Esso station. I bought bbq chicken and some kueh there
definitely smaller than me lah

Oh yes..i hv been passing by this Bazaar for the past few yrs..but didn't really pop by to see & buy..
What class did u send Lis to? Sounds interesting.
you should go check out the food there.. some only "come out" during the fasting month.
after that i dono where they "hide"!

on Lis school
Lis has been attending nursery class at Tumble Tots Jurong East since last year.
Its a 2-hour daily class but unfortunately there isn't kindergarten so i'm putting her to another school next year for her kindergarten classes.
I started her when she was 2+ yrs for weekend class where parents are allowed to participate in the physical play and phonics class.
you can pay try out their trial class to see if it suits your child. call them for appt.
Morning Ladies!

Now I lesser freedom in office now. cos now gt new ger sitting just next to me liao. somemore boss relative, so I just can peep in here only. keke.

I tink soft a bit big size on certain part. haha
morning mummies,

this sat can anyine bring camera over cos mine lent my auntie liao so i got no camera at home.
this sat making cupcake at my hse right, do u all have any program at night cos my blk below they having celebration for mooncake festival so if any one wants i can go buy ticket for the little ones so they can play below.
Good morning to all,

I took leave ytd to renounce my citizen. Will be getting pink ic two weeks later.


I din go every week lar, only once a month or non. Haven been drinking for two weeks liao. hahaha


Hope your son is well now and be away from sick.


How come your boy suddenly fever again? Hope he is well now and be away from sick.Poor boy, always sick. *sayang sayang*


Thanks for noticing my MIA. kekeke


I also agree you are small in size, dun care what your colleague say. Maybe she jealous. whahah.
babybarney's mood,

Thanks to all for the advise and concern.*so touch* esp tee put in so much effort to write up. I'm putting it aside first, dun know how to tok to her yet. Wait til i got mood first, recently very busy and tired.
Morning all,

Headache with the 'BIG move'. Contract with starhub cable vision and maxonline cannot cannot be request for temporary suspension till we come back
Max can ask for 2 mths only... Had drop them a email to review my case liao... super headache with all those CONTRACTS lor... I still got 2 M1 contract.. luckily ending in Dec08 and Jan09
Hi morning all mummies,
Took my boy to see doc yesterday afternoon, hopefully he be well before the weekend. Thanks all mummies for the well wishes.

Btw, tis sunday is mooncake festival hoh, times passes so fast...

U can try writing to Starhub, think they will review for ur case.
Morning mummies
just had our fire drill exe..heheh..but not many people as few people around in the morn..much to my MA's disappointment.

Hhmm...really..what sorta food are worth eating frm this bazaar? Hee...cos I'm on a 'diet' *as if i'll follow*
hmm..2hrs playgroup? My boy attended a trial session at JE's Tumble Tots b4..but that was when he was still crawling..heheh..rem the 1st time he went for all these gym equip..he really used all his strength to crawl thru those equip...really impressed w his strength then.
Nope..yet to go to Chinese Garden..wanna go..but doubt got the much are the tickets..any idea anyone??

Yaloh..very cham..always amt of supplements can help leh..wonder whether this is becos of putting him in the parents said i used to visit the doc at least every week when i was in cc..till now, also dunno why he suddenly got fever..
u collecting ur pink ic? Need to attend the citizenship ceremony??
New girl sitting next to u? Hee..then ask her to join u in the thread as well loh? hee..provided she dun complain to her relative..

Eileen into contracts does pose a prob if u were to stop using them for a period of time. Hope Starhub will review ur case & give u a positive reply..else can ask them whether can transfer to another person instead? Mabbe u can pass to either of ur relative instead?
quite a good range of Malay food, of course all food look good when you're fasting! hahah!
you stil have 2+weeks to go down take a look.

Tumble Tots
yah those were the days when the kiddos show so much enthusiasm in going thru the obstacles.. i remember Lis trying hard to balance.. wish i had taken more videos.

Chinese Gardens
weekend sure pack like siao right?? i've no idea how much is the tix thou. and you gals are baking this sat ah.. so when can go? no time already..

Maybe is heritary(yi chuan) from you ..... or could be due to cc. Got citizenship ceremoney also ah? i din know abt this.


May be you call up the manager of starhub to let him/her know abt your case.

i had a website to share, how to hire a maid, i felt that quite useful.

RE:Maid agency'
My maid was from JBP, the agent fee is $88 only. i think if you got cc then can pay instalment but $100 more from total.(but i can't remember which cc)

might join yours for the cup cake, not confirm yet.
u can let me know via sms if u decide to come on that day.

chinese garden,
i wanted to go one but no camera so in the end not going liao sad sad

how is ur boy boy now?

going anywhere tml night?
Thks for the info..will pop by if pass by..
Hehe..yaloh..those days, my boy will want to crawl, prefers to be carried..unless its a new & interesting place..else will be "bao Bao!"
that's why loh..i'm working on both evenings/nights for this weekend..thus unable to go oredi loh..guess wanna go also wait till my boy is older..he dunno how to appreciate plus his bedtime is cannot tahan being outside at night for too long..he will always say:"Go Home!"

paisey..unable to join u all for baking this weekend..very tight for me..cos got to rush back to work on both evenings..sibe sian...sighhh...
Gam xia for your boy is better..back at CC...but still fact, coughing for 2 weeks oredi!

Not sure whether for ur case need to attend the citizenship ceremony...cos I know that new citizens hv to attend to receive their pink ics...
Saddd...yi chuan frm me then hv to blame my hub & my genes..cos he also sick often when he was younger...thus wonder whether this contribute to his size...:p
Don mummy,

May not be going anywhere tml night as i have been working 4 straight night, will be very tired by fri liao.


thanks. Where JBP? How's their service?
baby26- that blog by tamarind is good. I've been reading too. But i think after my current one i dun want helper liao.

Don- u damn on ah?!
Baby, I think it all depend on her aso lei. If you talk to her nicely and she show black face and not happy aso no used to be nice righ? Hope it work out well!

Nor, I aso wanna go to CG 4 lantern festival.

Anyone knows how much?
