Lovely JW Mommies


I hope thing will work out well too.


don't keep thinking your boy is small in size. Kids will grow de mah esp during teenage years.


me too agree her blog is useful.

tee - baking on unless don cancel. else, don or i will bake on out own. kekeke...

baby - that thread also useful. read and learn how other ppl deal with maids. on the other hand, u can also see how horrible some maids can get and mayb appreciate yours is she is *relatively ok*

anyway, my hb was quite shock u mayb sending yours back over the hp thingy.
i told him "u think everyone so chin-chye like u?!" -_-

the starhub customer also advised the same. My reply was, "Starhub is sooooooo POPULAR!!! Of cos all my frens and relatives are your company supporters already! So how to trsf?" kekeke....

Maybe what you say is true but my hb won't go read de lar, he will find it bo liao.

Tell your hb, he is one nice and easy going employer that's why he find it shocking. kekekek


That's a blog abt maid and how to deal with them.
I just lost $100 when I on the way to bring my maid go medical check up. So sian. That $$ supposed to pay her check up and alter Arumi hari raya clothes now I need to used from the green packet $$. REALLY NO MOOD !!!!!!



I really feel like crying!
yes. I told him every thing.
The reason why he did not send our helper away yet is becos she still owe us money. Sickening.she getting more and more daring. Now always sms. Busier than me.

Btw, the aunties he refer to is in the maid thread, not this thread. He's actually v impressed that i get to know you friendly and helpful mummies.
NOR, beeing the state I am in no mood wanna talk abt lantern.... give a a few days to cool down...

hubby not speaking to me aso...he says if he lost it i sure nag like hell so he given me the same treatment.....F*** MAN!!!!!!!!!


Who found my $$$$$ sure happy like carzy!
oh Ti, i'm so sorry about your lost $$..
hope you'll be "compensated" in another way.

don't worry abt the lantern thingy.. i may not have time but we'll play by ear ok.
Wendy, ya la drop i only realized when I wanna buy my drink. THEN becos of that I need to walk all the way home and open all my stand-by green packet to pass to her.

ur maid been with u quite long right how come she still own u money?

wat lost is lost get over it dont becos of this quarrel with hubby, maybe this weekend win 4d

actually wat is the maid thing between u and wendy maid can share with us.
Event: 3rd Cupcake Session (Using Mong Recp)
Venue: Donmummy's house
Date : 13 Sep 2008
Time : 12.00pm to 5.00pm

1) babybarney + kid (TBC, might be going malaysia)
2) wendy + 2kids + helper
3) manda + chloe
4) softpillow + boy
5) teddyboy + 2gals + boy + helper
6) Aryanti + Mimi (TBC depending on Mimi sleep or not)
7) Poshies + boy + (Gal + mil - unless they want to come along, if not need to come later... if not need to rush back like last time.... haha my boy want to deco the cup cake...)
Don mummy,

Eh... i tot you all know abt it le. Maid and maid to-gather always like to chat and share that lead them to stray.


Glad to know your hb is approve of LJWM. keke...


There's a saying in chinese. Althought you lost money, it might not be bad thing as it may block you away from something worst to happen.
Cheer up, dear!
yup baby is rite, sometimes lost something might nt be a bad thingy. U might hv lost this $100, it could hv block u from somthing bad or u may gain from something soon! Cheers up!

Seem like the baking session less pple if baby and tee cant join. "sad"

My fren will be gg.
And I will hv to leave at 3 plus cos needa bring chloe to class. Last lesson, parents are invited to sit in and see their "performance".

u nt joining for baking ar?
Will u be sitting in at the class too?
How come so 4 nights in a week..tot only 3 nights?
Not tt I’m dwelling on e fact tt my boy is small sized..but he is indeed loh..according to the doc, he’s only in the 3 percentil leh..sad hor..& tt’s despite his gd appetite..but eat oredi all shit out..heheh…digestive system v his dad..intestines are straight in fact! e way, my hub didn’t grow a lot during his teenage yrs leh..heheh..worried same thing happen to my boy mah
Really huh? Wendy’s maid ‘jia hua’ ur maid?? What did she teach ur maid??

Well..boys bigger sized better mah…of cos not obese lah..anyway, dun think my boy will be..hahah..he basically eat whatever & yet, didn’t put on weight or grow…

Hmm..seems like maids indeed a lot of prob eh? I hv another friend whose maid (anyway her contract also ending), bluff e employer that she was gg out to buy something but disappeared for a few hours, leaving the poor mother taking care of my friend’s two young kids. Apparently, another relative spotted her behaving intimately with a long haired man, who looked like a drug addict. My friend decided not to confront her, since her contract was ending soon, as worried she will do something to the kids or the family..
Yay!! time to go home..

my break fast date is tonight instead of tomorrow

what shall i eat... hmmmm...
*mind wondering of kebab.. bbq chicken.. laksa.. murtabak..*
How come so 4 nights in a week..tot only 3 nights?
Not tt I’m dwelling on e fact tt my boy is small sized..but he is indeed loh..according to the doc, he’s only in the 3 percentil leh..sad hor..& tt’s despite his gd appetite..but eat oredi all shit out..heheh…digestive system v his dad..intestines are straight in fact! e way, my hub didn’t grow a lot during his teenage yrs leh..heheh..worried same thing happen to my boy mah
Really huh? Wendy’s maid ‘jia hua’ ur maid?? What did she teach ur maid??

Well..boys bigger sized better mah…of cos not obese lah..anyway, dun think my boy will be..hahah..he basically eat whatever & yet, didn’t put on weight or grow…

Hmm..seems like maids indeed a lot of prob eh? I hv another friend whose maid (anyway her contract also ending), bluff e employer that she was gg out to buy something but disappeared for a few hours, leaving the poor mother taking care of my friend’s two young kids. Apparently, another relative spotted her behaving intimately with a long haired man, who looked like a drug addict. My friend decided not to confront her, since her contract was ending soon, as worried she will do something to the kids or the family..
Still very sad abt the $$ =(.

BAKING: most prob I can make it to the baking...just tat I need to bring mimi to don hse right after her lunch so that she dont sleep. and hubby is working on that day AGAIN and not coming home till sunday so it will be lovely if I can spend the afternoon with u all. Just hope mimi dont sleep and I will be fast enuf to leave the hse right after she had her lunch.
tt's a gd answer..hehehe...u really hv no one to transfer huh?? I dun mind..hahahahaha

aiyo..$100!! Bobian lah..what's dropped was dropped..i meant..things tt hv been done cannot be undone..dun get too upset..

Yaloh..must ask ur hub to join our gatherings mah..luckily he has gd impression of us..hehehe..not some nothing better to do aunties gossiping..

Cos shortage of staff and change management liao. Im the most senior there, have to "bao" everything. Sian....

Btw have to make it clear. Not wendy fault hor! Is the maid themselves who dun know how to behave.

Tee... you make me hungry also leh. Yum yum just the tot of kebab and murtabak.
thanks baby.

nowadays maid like to 'teach' other, and see if they can pull a fast one on us employers liao.

don - she advanced salary (like borrow $) from us 8 times liao. latest claim that she is paying an agent to get her hb to come here work in jurong island. i dunno true or not.
she's only getting her full pay in nov. then her contract ending in dec 08.
i think a few times reason is to pay children school fees. then mil stroke. then mother stroke. then brother need to pay court fine.

see, my hb so 'hor lang' hor??!

my maid story verry long.
i dun want de but hb insists.
next time then tell u all more.
tee - no point sad. money fly away alredi no chioce. just imagine u use that 100 buy 1 sweet and mimi eat liao. imagine la!
iv - actually my son also consider small size lei. 3 percent nvm, just track the growing trend is there. ie, no stagnant growth. look at the height/ weight charts.
and, if u are really really worried, during ivec's development assessment get referral letter from doc to go kk to see specialist lor.
we did and doc say he is ok ah. i'm not that worried (yet, maybe when puberty comes) cos my hb short lei.
re maids
I had met with really problematics maid(s) before, until this current one. (wendy mine previous ones are worst than yours!!! share with you all when we meet)....therefore she might not be prefect but compared to those previous ones, she's considered good le...Thats why i seldom complaint about her and thought she deserve her freedom from what she's have contribute...

Yet, I am now very headache and fearful how a new maid will become when this one leave next yr...but one sure thing is I cant handle hse work without a maid...hahahaha...chiam!!!
manda,most prob will be stayin in e class to c my boy.if i cn will be gg to e cupcake session.scared i'll be tired.

Though my maid is nt perfect,bt i'm stil qte satisfied wif her overall performance.nobody's perfect i feel.i myself will lag smetimes during i wn't ask much of her.i'm oso worried bout aft she leave nxt yr.hope will get smebdy similar to her.if beta den her is best lor...wahaha
good morning mummies,

after hearing all the maid stories, all the more wouldn't want to employ maid if possible...

baby, no maid so cant help much... hopefully everything will turn out fine for you...

ivfamily, my boy also considered small size for his age though he also eats quite a bit. he is growing in height (a little bit only) but his weight is not. has been 11.8 kg for many many months already. He has also been catching the flu bug and coughing since he started school this jan. but i think its normal for them to fall sick when they start school. so dun worry too much.. hopefully he will inherit his father's genes and not be short like me kekeke..

soft, how was your trip? manage to find the chicken rice ball and kuey??

tee, dont be sad lah, just like what everyone says, maybe u will gain more in future!!

me going back to kulai tomorrow afternoon so here's wishing all mummies an early happy mid-autumn festival!!
Morning mummies!

I love weekends!
BTW, I will be gg genting this sun till next tue.

Cant wait for the baking session tmr. keke...

i had indian mee goreng and teh tarik for break fast last night.. pretty good.. but i stil wanna eat murtabak.. will hunt for it tonight.

Ramadhan Bazaar
i saw bone steak there.. you know the red color gravy type.. eat with french loaf sure syiok!!
hahahah! hey at least you can eat anytime.. i've to wait til after work, get my dinner and then break my fast at home.

anyways, i love the fasting month.. its like my annual detox programme
nor, actually i really admire those who fast, how to survive the whole day w/o eating from 7 to 7??? i will never be able to do it... somemore do for i whole month!!!! pei fu pei fu...

morning mummies
wah,so much posts yday ah.

anyone noticed my absence yday?hehehe
yday i took leave, go mt E see a good fren n her newborn then went to kuishinbo for a big feast to celebrate anniversary which is today.

congrats for getting ur citizenship

u gals made me very happy leh,im going to show my hb this page cos he always say me fat fat.
