Jurong West Mums

She is currently taken care by our Nanny. We are actually looking for a cc to put her by end of the year. Meantime, I am planning to put her for weekend playgroup.

Alicia is talkative but managable. She knows how to speak simple sentences like "I want to eat cheese", "Cannot on air-con every night" etc.
She is also picking up words from the adults too. She imitate us by lifting her little finger and goes "no no no..no open the door" (broken eng leh...hahahaha)

Yo blurblur

hehe, wah really very longgggg time nv post here. the thread become active liao

angela, yuki,
i also stay near pioneer mall, blk 633 beside etelle. u guys leh? by the way im also a SAHM at the moment taking care a 9weeks old bb.
ya we sign up for cable lor but not free la

hot here man, summer. typ 34-38deg.
not really tired of the food here cos there r soooo many kinds of fast food here. but i cook most of the time cos it's sooo much cheaper to eat at home.
Wow, it is sure hot, but I guess the humidity is lower so won't perspire too much. Not been to south Carolina so dunno. Seems near the dessert area.

I like In-Out burger in California, but dunno if you can find there.
where is st 24? hee hee :p sure when we meeting we call you...hee hee so far only me, hazel and angela hee hee but we haven't meet yet...You have msn? maybe can let me know ur msn email then we can organis.

st 24 isit somewhere near corporation pri sch there? haha etelle, we r so near n yet so far huh as nv seen b4.
maybe we met before but we don't know one another. See when you free we meet up lor ha ha can go giant walk walk or go macdonald drink drink hee hee :p
LOL, I am sure the your hse is guarded 24/7. No need to install alarm. Next time I see twins in JW, chances is you loh.

I tot you are SAHM....:p

I guess a lot of airplane flies pass your home rite? It is near the Tanah Merah Airport.
yes..a lot of airplane especially now it's NDP period...but night time seldom have...also my gals lucky won't be frightened by the loud noise...when the sound come nearby..i tell and sign to them it's plane flying...they will smile!

hehe...not that often bring my gals out, only walk around playground downstairs...they went to infantcare since 2 and 1/2 months.
Hi, long time no post here but got read what everyone writes.

Alicia's Daddy how is the showering of Alicia coming along? Baby due next month right? (hope I remember correctly). Must help wifey ok?

Haiz, want to grouse. Join some other forums/threads and the mothers there can be so fierce(?)/ strict (?). Keep on correcting what I say. Moody...
Found the people on this thread VERY FRIENDLY!!! Think will just come here next time. Never mind la, start work already so won't have much time to read and post. I envy those JW SAHM too!!!
alicia's daddy - it's tengah air base lei.
there's no tanah merah airbase, n tanah merah is at the other end of the island! :p

i can see the runway from my window n can even snap a pic of the fighter planes undercarriage if i do have a good camera.

as for my son, i always teach him to cover his ears when the planes flew past cos i dont want any possible damamge
Want to vote but need to register first.

I showered Alicia once liao, but wife scolded me for letting her play with water for too long leh...hahahaha..

I filled the tub with water, making sure that the temp ok, took out Alicia's clothes, threw in the rubber duck. Squeezed some shampoo on her hand and she went scratching her head..*smiling*. I think only Daddy let her do that leh...

Rinsed her head with water and she went "ouch". I think too much water over her head. Then I squeezed some baby bath and taught her to rub on tummy, lift the hand and rub her arm pit.....

When we are enjoying, Mummy came and say why take so long...:-( Quickly rinsed off, wrapped Alicia with towel, and wife took over to put powder..and so on loh.

Overall, fun!

Yes, baby due next month. EDD is Sept 29.
MIL will be coming to help with confinement. Thanks for remembering. OK, will give a shot (with approval from wifey first :p)

I agree that the mommies here are all very friendly, even chatting with a daddy.

Yeah hor, it's tengah airbase.
Dunno why I use Tanah merah leh..:p, maybe thinking to go Bintan..hahaha..

Hope the bomb do not come loose when the pilot land their plane, otherwise, "Bu Kan Se Siang".
Alicia's Daddy!

Way to go!!! Wifey confinement must help shower cos she cannot touch too much water! I have been showering both babies recently cos hubby not feeling well. Tiring (esp after work) but fun...
Alica's daddy
enjoy bathing ur girl hor. It will be very fun if u bring her to swimming.

Sian how i wish to be SAHM too
Hi All,

I'm new to this website but anxious to check if anyone could recommend a good PD who is located somewhere in Jurong. Please help.
poofipanda, Serene,
Thanks for your encouragement.

I brought Alicia to swim couple of times (tentative stop because of throat infection some months back, probably due to swimming). Was fun but tiring as she can be very adventurous.

The PD I visit is in Jurong West.
Address is Blk 502 Jurong West Ave 1 #01-813 Singapore 640502
Telephone : 6567 4509

So far, I am comfortable with this clinic.
Sept 03 Bride,
Thanks, CCK will be a bit far from home.

LC & Alicia's Daddy,
Thanks, I will check both clinics out.

I'm in my 33rd week and heard that I have to choose my PD early so that the PD can visit the baby immediately after birth. Is it true?
hi jasng,
can ask ur gyn to intro one that is ard ur area...

I super super long din post already...

Hi Hazel,
just finish the facial with ur sis... good man... thanks... know looking at on date see when i'm free for the next one... think next time will try the massage too....

i though we want to start a plygroup how.... any one interested....
Hi JasNg,
You have to choose a PD, but you may need to check if the PD will attend to the hospital that you are delivering.

For my first kid, we chose the PD in TMC, but after the first follow up, we switch to one nearer to our place. For immunisation schedule, you can also choose polyclinic, unless you want to stay with one PD.
Hi all,
I very long never post here liao.

Me too interested if anyone is starting a playgroup in Jurong West area.

Me back too...

Welcome JasNg!
Regarding yr Q, me also took whichever PD at hosp but change to Alpha Bb @Jurong Pt after discharge..

RE: Playgrp
Alicia's Daddy, not for SAHM cos Posh also FTWM... Posh hor?
Posh, dont forget to include me hor... ;P
me too.. I took whatever PD at TMC.
Done jab at GP in Pioneer Mall.. but DUN GO there any more.
Now I am back with Alpha BB.. ex but at least it is a PD.
Alicia's Daddy,
Playgroup is just a kid's gathering, where the kids get together and play with each other. Need to find someone who is willing to host it at their house
$438 and does not include consultation fees (for the whole package).
Each consultation range between $35-50.
The female PD is not bad.. rem my gal got rash due to the medicine given by GP at Pioneer Mall?
This PD prescribe another one for my gal and she is ok. Although it is ex.. but I will still go to her.
May, YT,
I find that the PD at Alpha BB, Dr Agnes Tay, is only good at giving creams for baby skin problems. For other things like fever, cough and diarrhoea she is no difference from GP. There was once my girl had high fever for 4 days, she said there was nothing wrong and sent her back without giving any medication. So now I would rather go to a GP which costs only $18 compared to her $35.
RE: Alpha Bb
Not sure abt jabs cost, send my gal to polyclinic to save cost...keke..
I agree with May Wong, abit pricey but so far so good loh (touch wood).. will still go to her too

RE: Amosco Products
Yo...Hazel, buy liao loh... LOVE the profiteroles.. Yum..yum... can't wait for them to come in ;P

RE: Playgroup
Alicia's Daddy, actually hor, i also not sure how it works... i just assume it's a group for kids to play with lor... I tink shd b quite gd for them to play & interact together... while the mummies and daddies either feast or gossip.. keke...
Re: Alpha Bb,
went ther twice .... bt dnt realy like e PD cos she oni chk watever we complaint of.....tot wil do thro checkup of bb 2 make sure all is wel

Re: Playgroup
ct me in.....it wil b gd 4 e bb
Tamarind, Blur,
Thanks. I am thinking if this is a structured one, like those playgrp in the CC. Seems like an open hse type for all the BB to come together :)
Sounds good, but need volunteer loh.

Are you hopping around the hse already?
I am sure you must be having a great time bonding with little Jayden.

Like Tamarind, if I know it is just mild fever (mild flu), I will just go GP. Alicia took her jab (5-in-1) in the polyclinic. It is free because she participated in the clinical trial of Rota Virus vaccine.

Consultation between $35-50 for PD seems OK leh. The one I visit in JW Ave 1 (Dr Liau) is $80, but follow up visit will be $50, $40...$30 respectively. I spent almost $300 on Alicia (including blood and urine test) 2 mths ago when she had viral fever. I lessen my "damage" by requesting for 3 cans of free NAN-2 HA samples..he he he...:p

I still go to this PD because he is able to resolve the problem like mild throat infection cause by swimming, and constipation, which the GP cannot. I would say he is good with kids too.

At times, the PD needs us to describe any symtoms or signs to them for diagnosis, but it can be difficult for us sometimes to have a proper description. The PD I visit will probe questions to me and my wife if we cannot give proper descripton.
Re: Alpha BB & Jabs

Wow...That's ex...Today just bring Jayden to polyclinic for his 1st jab...Thanks to all for the prices information...

Re: Playgroup

Good idea...I dun mind to voluteer my hse but then me now still at my mum's plc with Jayden...We have not move back so can't foresee how is it...If everything ok, hmm...I think shld be ok to be at my hse...Hehehe...

Alicia's Daddy,

hopping around??? Not yet. I still feel abit pain abt 10cm away from my wound. Dunno why also. Will ask gynae when I m back for pap smear test.
Any baby drinking dumex??? Found out there is this promotion from dumex. Each baby is entitled ONCE per stage.

buy 4 tins get 1 free...buy 8 tins get 2 free...buy 12 tins get 3 free...

min order 4 tins...max order 12 tins...

If you get 12 tins free 3 tins, total 15 tins for $333.60. Meaning each tin only $22.24...

For those who are interested can call Dumex Rep at 91893896 and look for May.
