Jurong West Mums

hmm.. i asked my hubbie to cut the umbilical cord.. he dun dare heehee..
can mums actually have the honour of cutting? If yes, my next bb i wanna cut it.

Alicia's Daddy, thks for ur concern...

serene, hehehe...i hv brought from the previous BP liao...mei mei leh...

re: umbilical cord
erh...how does mum going to cut? hehehehe
RE: Pain 4 C-section
YT, Welcome back!!! Me also c-section, initial few days were hell... but after that ok liao... If i not wrong, must walk around leh, to prevent blood clots (I rem hearing tis fm someone... not sure if accurate bo). Wah, Jayden's weight is gd ya? Don't worry, the days will fly by and before u know it, it's time for the 1st mth celebration... If u bored, come online to chat with us loh

RE: Bathing
Aiyo, my gal loves bathing... she'll splash the water with her tiny hands and make me all wet *Sigh*
Been thinking abt bringing her swimming but wondering how to shower for her leh
Anyone got any tips?

RE: Disney Deco
Serene, thks for the info. Looks so cute and cheap, can't help myself but to buy some (somemore so nearby... hee...) *cross fingers* hope can reach 200pcs then only $1 per pc... hee..

RE: Gathering
Poshies, another one? Volunteering yr house huh??? Hee...hee...

RE: Bobux Shoes
Septbride, so u buying? Me still considering whether to buy the boots or not leh? Looks so cute...

Welcome Mona!

thks...although it hurts but still i try to walk lor...kept telling myself not pain not pain...today only 7th day leh...my mum always ask me to lie down lie down so cannot always sit in front of computer lor...but when i can i will log in...
Congrats ah! Jayden so lovely leh...he is the third 2006 baby i know call Jayden one hee hee
popular name hee hee
i think c section wound sure painful one...u tahan a few more days would be fine....try to rest more.
ya.. must lie down. Although very sian but think it helps leh. I didn't listen..so now everytime backache. I think it is normal to have the feeling after c-sect. Cos I have that too. On the 2nd week, u will feel suan suan around ur tummy. Dunno how to discribe the feeling but it is not on the wound. PPle told me it is bcos the tummy is shrinking back to its normal size.

I heard that when u drink water also must sit down cannot stand up. Cos ur intestine are still not back to its original location. But dunno true or not lar.

So u left with how many KG to go? I am on leave tmr leh, dun think bringing Jamie for the allergy test cos I scared they took alot of her blood.

How's Jayden Jaundice? What the doc say?
Hi blur blur!

I always log on at some unearthly hour cos only time to surf! While I pumping... haiz.

Sorry but I keep hearing about Bobux shoes. Anyone doing a BP?
Pai seh lah, all mommies also show concern mah.
I never C-sect before mah (and never will) so cannot offer any other advise, so a simple wish from me loh.

LOL. I can imagine doing 2 things at one time.
I also curious about Bobux shoes. Is it good?
Etelle, thanks...oh is it? Hmm, seems Jayden this name is quite popular...Hehehehe

May, yah I hv been trying to lie down as & when I can but then kept sweating very difficult to lie down lor plus if lie down too much will fall asleep then nite time very difficult to sleep leh...Haiz...How I wish tmr is the last day of confinement...

yah, i know drink water cannot stand up muz sit down...

erh, left how many KG? Hmm, i think abt 10plus bah...

Why dun bring her for allergy test? At least you know Jamie condition right?

Thanks for ur concern...Jayden Jaundice is ok liao...No need to sunbath or go back to PD anymore...I also scare so dun dare to go into the lab to see when they did the test for Jayden...
alicia's daddy,

curious...did i say anything wrong? I know all mummies are showing concern...i didn't say anything wrong right? *scratch my head*
I have just ordered 3 pairs of Bobux shoes! Not from poshies though but from another thread selling at $25.50 each.

My son has a pair and I like them! Very much like the Shoo Shoo range. Yup, retail price is about $43.
my dad told me one yr old then can wear also. Sort of Pan Tang lor.. if wear should early when bb still cannot walk.. next time bb will learn to walk quite late.

But I dun believe leh..haven't let Jamie try yet cos the Shoo Shoo I bought is too big for her. Tot of getting one for her casual wear.. maybe a bobux sandals.
me got a pair of shoo shoo Xl size my sil bought for him. i also dun know want to wear or not...hee hee me not pan tang but then hor like weird ah bb wear shoe hee he e:p
My Mil say is ok one la cause she not pan dan. My son start to wear shose liao.
But my mum seem like not so happy but after a while ok liao.
My son started wearing Shoo Shoo and Bobux shoes the moment he started learning how to walk. Around 10 months.

Dunno about the pantang thingy but I don't believe. Started him early so he can get used to walking around with shoes.
wearing shoes:
my dad is againist the idea of wearing shoes b4 bb hits 1 year old. Then my mum challenge him. What if bb learns how to walk b4 1 year old? let him walk around barefooted ar? Heehee.. my father stunned.
re: bathing
beside spat some water on bb's chest, also say something to let him noe going to put him in the water bt he stil cry. distract him with some bath toys too bt no working. usualy im e 1 bathing him .... smtimes my mum wil do it ... e result stil e same....last wkend ...he finaly behave...hope it wil continue.

re: shoes
collected e bobux shoes frm poshies last sat...immediate let my son wear it bt my mil v pan tang ...said shld wear when bb 1 yrs old....any way...dnt 1 2 argue w her.
Glad to hear that your boi is beginning to overcome the fear in water. Continue to make bathing a joy to him, and I believe he will gradually like bathing time.

How are you? Hope everything is fine.
I will let my gal kick the water first before putting her in..so she know the temp and also that I am going to bathe her.
alicia's daddy, connz & mae,

thank you so much for ur concern...

Jayden was crying so badly the whole day yesterday and kept vomiting out milk...Guess stomach got too many wind...My mum & sis whole nite didn't sleep and take care of him...Phew, luckily today he is getting alot better...
Hi YT,

you can try getting colic drops from the pharmarcy. My baby girl was uncomfortable with gas so we tried the medication for her for a few nights and she was ok.
hi YT,

must b tiring for all of u when the bb cried whole nite...glad he is better liao

How are u liao?
Mona, thks...I hv feed him with gripe water...feeling alot better liao...

mae, yah indeed its tiring plus me is c-sect so when i get down the bed abit slow as sometimes it still hurt...yesterday nite, my mum hit her head against the tv above her...poor mum...i really very guilty that my mum kept hurting herself & not enough rest while taking care of me n Jayden...Really hope I can fully recover asap to help her out & take care of Jayden myself...
slowly lah dun rush ur self to get well soon. Ask your mother to be careful ah. She hurt herself is cuz she taking care of ur baby overnight then not enough rest ah.....

You'll recover soon slowly lah hor...
Alicia's Daddy
6 mths old
Ya in IMM studio.
free 1 4R. Extra 1 pc will be $25.
Only take one extra(family photo)
last time $10 now $25.
Too exp.
won't go there & take liao.
Hi Serene,
ur son so cute....my son juz reach 6 months today...stil cnt sit straigth. me also plan 2 take him 2 studio 2 take ....
I know there is one open studio in IMM, outside Daiso. Are you referring to this?
Wow, $25 is expensive for a 4R leh.

Your son and Serence's son same age.

ur javier so yan dao in the pix...so cute leh...keke. Long time nvr see u log on msn liao...u bz?
me working full these few days, so seldom log in.

Alicia's daddy
That the one last time only $10 but now $25.
Anyway i just want the family photo so just buy from them. Will not sign from them liao so expensive.

Next time ur son will be so smart also.

My hubby use hand to support his back.
Go & take will be very fun
Alicia's daddy,
Try bring ur gal to take photo.. show us how ur gal looks like leh.

Hair clip for Jamie.. hehe..just taken this photo. Easy to clip up but difficult to remove as she got very little hair.

I took photos myself. Alicia is 26mths liao, also has little hair..hehe. Here is one showing her skill in drumming.

I posted another pic of her in 2004 May baby thread. :p
Yes, she loves music and dance too.

she can be very cheeky.
When I ask her to say "cheese" for a photo, this is how she will do lor. Now she even make "V" with your 2 hands liao :)

Alicia's Daddy (alicias_daddy) - so did your dd go childcare? how is she talking now? my son is picking up alot of words from us. my hb has been banned from swearing.. :p cos my son can imitated 'wa lao' from us.
