Jurong West Mums

my gal also started her walker abt 4mths+, now she flies around the hse, pulling things down and stuffing them in her mouth... pengz

haiz.. very confusing leh.. some reports say that walkers are not recommended. But we also sat in the walkers last time mah. Dilemma, duno should let my son sit in walker anot. But he loves it.
i read in a bk, that it's ok to let bbs sit in walkers but not more than hr at one time.
Concerns are:
- Delayed walking due to bb being dependent on the walker
- injuries (e.g. feet or 'peng' esp when they run very fast)

I feel shd be ok ba, but most impt thing is to monitor yr bb and not leave him/her in the walker alone in the room
actually that was what i tot too..

summarized off the bk, 4 yr reading

Dont let bb walk around the clock
Limit time in walker to 30 mins per session. Walker gives bb an artificial means of mobility, which might make them lazy abt achieving mobility on their own. Bb also needs more chances to explore and handle objects in the environment than a walker allows.

Dont wait till she can walk b4 u take away the walker
Put away walker once yr bb can crawl or cruise. Walkers purpose is to ease bbs frustration at being immobile. Constant use may cause Walking confusion (similar to giving a bb a bottle before learning to suck at breast can cause nipple confusion) cos walking in walker and walking solo requires different body movements. The walker doesnt require learning to balance or learning to fall, both essential in order to walk independently.

Ha... i very free today (on leave), can type lengthy replies

Any other Qs? I search for u on the bk.. hee...
walker will not promote walking, it will not hasten bb to start walking. THis is what my PD said when i asked him lar.
I think i will ask my mum to put BB in walker.He hates to lie down nowadays and always want to be carried. Instead of carrying, will ask my mum to put him in walker.
hi, just to share wif u all..

i have given birth on 15/05/06 at 12.03am. My bb weighs 2.91kg. Natural with Epi

10am - 7pm: start to have pain.. first is menstrual pain .. den + contraction pain .. start to time in the afternoon to confirm isit contraction pain .. from 11min interval to 2min. Kept on went toilet urine n check any show .. but no blood sign just lotsa transparent discharge.

7plus: start to call gynae.. gynae say looks like im going to labour soon. i say ok .. will wait for 1-2hrs then check in hosp.

8pm: cannot tahan the pain .. go urine, got pink discharge so confirm liao .. bath n dress

930pm: check in, nurse done VE (PAINFUL) i cried as VE pain + contraction pain.. already 4cm dilated. Clear bowel.

945pm: waiting to inject epi .. as cannot tahan anymore pain. After inject liao, luckily not tat pain as nothing can compare to contraction pain.
Gynae came n said okie .. will give birth in 1-2hrs time .. see u again later.

11.30pm: midwife checked.. 9cm liao .. ask mi to push 1-2 times .. okie stop

11.45pm: gynae came n checked okie .. dilated full, can start to push .. push push push .. siao .. tired.. midwife say i got short breath.. cannot like that push .. as bb heart beat dropping .. den gynae say need my help?? Of coz okie lah.. vacuum cum forcep .. and finally !!!!!! thought can be mother day present to me .. who know.. 12.03am bb den arrived !!!!

Hee Hee .. so scared that bb wont come out n got to c-sec .. heng ar ..

hai till now bb can't suck frm my nipple as nipple too short n bb hard to suckle so now giving bb EBM + FM.


Day 1 in hosp
Hi mummies,
Long time never post already.

Javier is so cute in the walker. My gal has a photo too..but she look so curious looking at the toys...

RE: Teething
My gal has a small tooth coming out already. So anxious to see. She has been drooling alot nowadays and keeps chewing her own fingers. Bought her teething toy but she dun like.
Congrats Hazel!

Wah U very stylo leh... can tahan pain fm 10am - 7pm... If me, i faintz fm the pain liao...

hi mummies
Appreciate if you could re-confirm yr attendance for <font color="0000ff"><u>Gathering @Poshies Hse on 10 June 2005 (Sat) 2pm</u></font>

1. Poshies - confirm
2. Blurblur - confirm
3. Shylyn
4. Connz
5. Sept03bride
6. hui32
hi mummies
Appreciate if you could re-confirm yr attendance for Gathering @Poshies Hse on 10 June 2005 (Sat) 2pm

1. Poshies - confirm
2. Blurblur - confirm
3. Shylyn
4. Connz
5. Sept03bride - confirm
6. hui32
hi blurblur &amp; Sept03bride
thks 4 ur advise....put my son in walker last wkend as nw a days he dnt like 2 lie down and always want to be carried....when he in walker...he wil go backward ..... n when e walker is stuck at sm corner n he k nt move....he wil start 2 cry ... once e walker is readjust...he ok liao

hi mummies
Appreciate if you could re-confirm yr attendance for Gathering @Poshies Hse on 10 June 2005 (Sat) 2pm

1. Poshies - confirm
2. Blurblur - confirm
3. Shylyn
4. Connz - confirm
5. Sept03bride - confirm
6. hui32
hi Connz

yr boi so cute... so young noe how to cry for help liao...

i left her on the bed on Sat when i was doing my chores and she fell from the bed!!!

Learnt my lesson the hard way.. Now rather put her on the playmat or walker liao...
no choice leh as i duno whether isit real contraction pain a not and i also dunno im going labour so soon.. as no any show appear leh. So got to endure endure n endure lor .. endure till wanna go crazy liao den called my gynae haha ...

i even told my hb say .. eh dunno isit going to 'sheng' liao and see whether can endure till 12am plus a not .. but cannot endure liao as tooo painful ...
so good can see tooth mine also soon.
can't wait to see.
ur girl now become so meimei.
i think she can turn now right
ya..just learnt how to flip but dunno how to flip back. She will cry for help after jamming there..hehe..
me gt 15 of them....wat it 4?????

hi all mummies
amore jurong point open hse....FREE cardiolatino, bodblitz, bellydance classes on 1, 3 - 4 june 06. call 63377333 2 find out details...... interest???
hi connz,
if u don need can pass to me... it is for bidding purpose..... ending next month... u need at least a few hundred before they become useful.... i see whether can i collect more than can bid if not i will just throw away lor....

u gg for the free class ah? Sure got alot of pple one... i only go for kb nia... but my fav instructor left already, so now got no motivation to go... Sianz....
At tis rate tat i'm gg, i wldnt b able 2 lose my extra weight

For the gathering at yr place, can bring our bbs there or mummies welcome only?
If all of us bring our bbs there, yr place might turn into a mini childcare liao :p
RE: Free Lessons at Amore
Hey ladies..I'll b going for the free lessons tomo as well as Sat..let me know whether any of u ladies gg loh..can meet up..else really boring..&amp; yup..think will b really crowded..just hope there's space to do e exes

Hey..so which is ur fave instructor..currently e one teaching kickboxing is Chris..still ok lah..found him to be familiar leh..dunno where seen b4..
Aiyah..my weight also like stagnant oredi..sheesh..dunno how to lose e remaining 5kg..:p
I got 3kg to lose wor
... still can't fit into my old office pants/skirts leh... and i refuse to buy new ones ;P

My fav instructor's Ray... I heard Chris is new wor... is he gd? If yes, i'll try him out... but can only go 4 wkend or wkday after 7pm... When got ah? I dont hv the June's schedule... Let me noe can? We go together ;) Any mummies wanna join??
Pls leh, u give birth how long ago huh? Only 1 mths nia... me more than 6 mths liao... gone case ;p
stil considering.....thur....working....sat....ned 2 look after son....mayb go 4 sun 1.....ned 2 lose sm weight 2.....me ned 2 lose my tummy fat as wel as improve my stamina .... since k nt jog 4 e time being.

2mor no free lesson at amore....it start on 1 june which is on thur. tink u better make reservation in case no vacancies liao...
me also dnt noe when k remove my tummy fat.....as wel as my stretch mark.... everyday look at mirror ...v depressing.....do sit up also effect leh.... my mil said mayb tummy stil gt wind....dnt noe true or nt.

nw gss shld go buy buy....gt gd xcuse :p
me interest 2 join....kep in update leh...thks
I bought new package already... yet to start... got no more motivation &amp; admit also lazy lah ;p must b more disciplined like Shylyn... Me also got tummy, like 3 mths preggie.. ha.. gotta suck tummy in then can look slimmer...

Sun 2pm class hv leh... wanna go? got free ABT lesson after tat...Interested? If yes, gotta book liao.. let me noe?
hi blur blur,
mummies and babies are welcome..... keke.... yup i know but that the fun rite... btw mine is a 4 room flat so the place not big okie...

no more mummies got jurong point $11 birthday token to spare har..
<font color="ff0000">May Wong</font>
The power package cost $189, with a one time registration members fee of $38 (i tink).

This package is for 3 months only - 12 lessons. U arrange your own lesson schedule, as long as u finish yr 12 lessons within 3 mths, otherwise the balance lessons'll b forfeited

Once u sign up, you can attend any of the lessons @Amore but for some classes, got to make reservations due to limited no. of ppts. U also get to use the gym and shower facilities

U r given a deadline of 6mths to start the package tat u sign up

Wah, i can b part-timer Amore promoter liao...

<font color="0000ff">Poshies</font>
Aiyo, no problem... will definitely bring my gal along liao.. Can't wait to meet all the mummies ;)

<font color="aa00aa">Shylyn/Connz</font>
I chk liao, Donald's the KB instructor for Sun's class... Let me noe if u 1 2 go k?
pls ct me in! wil b crumsy meh :p

wil bring my son along....no choice cos no1 look after him on sat xcept me!
C when u free, i drop by to pass u the latest schedule lah..ur hp no still valid? hee..btw, as I'm still on maternity leave, will normally go for e wkday aftn slots rather than even slots or wkends..but will do so once i start work.
Sun class..when u wanna go? This sun ..c how 1st..u sms me lah to confirm cos I'm gg for tomo's free lessons as well as the Sat's one..so rather shiong for this wk liao.

Yup..i made e reservations once i c the poster on their counter when i dropped by for lessons last wk..heheh..v gian on trying out their new classes though my fave is still kickboxing..
Yup..I also got a tummy..think it's still the same o tummy b4 i got pregnant..hee..so no change lah..though hope to slim down e tummy..rather tough lah..cos i'm so greedy..feel like eating these days..hee

I'll b coming as well..so hubbies included? Still thinking whether to bring Ivec leh..hee..
Sms u yest but bo reply leh... Yap hp no the same, u sms me lah, i may hv wrongly taken down yr no. fm May. I'll b attending the Free Abt - 10.30am &amp; St. Fit - 12.30pm (nber go b4, not sure if gd or not) tomorrow cos will b on leave. Might as well start since i got nothing to do..
Tomoro got free lesson ah? Wat time ah? I'll take the latest schedule fm them tomoro

Let me know if u want to go for Sun's KB cos cos to make reservations...
my company ban msn ...so k nt use in office

sun cnt confirm nw cos my gf getg married in june n she 1 2 met us 2 c hw we bully her husband 2 be :p

as 4 xcerise....i jus sent my applicatn 2 participate in the shape run in july....hope it wil motivate me 2 start xcerise soon :p
hee i also have sign up for the course..
Ya like the one who serve me when i decide to sign up.
Hee her name is Clare if i not wrong
me sign up e course 4 1 yr....my hubby even scolded me 4 wasting $.....gav him a earpiece meh....n he kep quiet. manage to go 4 bellydance yest....e instructer good tho ther sm problem w e earpic.

4 thos who sign up 4 e package....mayb we k arrange n all go 2gether :p
hi girls
looks like this thread is active again hee hee :p

me not joining for the gathering...maybe another time..
Hi every1

I am back...was busy wif work...Lets make this thread active again...Hehehe.....

How's all the mummies?
tomoro cnt leh....gt nite meeting
do u plang 2 go every wed?

yest went 2 e gym at gombak...din do muc cos nt muc stamina.... ned 2 start buildg it liao

hi mummies,
e gathering at Poshies Hse tis sat stil on? no news leh .....
Yap, my plan to go every Wed... *cross finger* Ha... ha... assuming i got the determination lah...

<font color="0000ff">RE: Poshies Hse on tis Sat 2pm</font>
Shd b still on... (ha.. i tink, i just asked Poshies, waiting 4 her reply)

1. Poshies - confirm
2. Blurblur - confirm
3. Shylyn - confirm
4. Connz - confirm
5. Sept03bride - confirm
6. hui32 <font color="ff0000">???</font>
U attended e bellydancing intro class on Sat? I was there as well..aiyah..pity else can go together..i was bored then cos i went alone..heheh..but quite satisfying 2 attend 3 classes in a row..though i found the belly dancing class not my cup of tea..

Heheh..hopefully i can attend the wed class w u in e future..keeping my fingers crossed tt i dun hv night meetings often on wed.

RE: Meeting at Poshies House
R we bringing any food there? What's e plan like? Everything like not confirm yet leh. Btw, r we meeting downstairs 1st or? Cos i dunno her unit no leh

RE: Wed KB 7pm
Ha... U try to go with me in future loh, if can't, then we c which other classes r available loh ;p but i confirm gg tomorrow &amp; feedback u k?

RE: Meeting at Poshies Hse tis Sat 2pm
Actually i also don't noe her unit leh... i also neber c her b4.
Food? I was thinking of ordering fastfood or etc when we reach there (just in case some can't make it) and share the cost.
U want, we can meet downstairs with Sept03bride (Sept03bride - U ok bo?), then go there together ;)
We confirm everything again after Poshies reconfirm can? (She not online msn todae leh, can't ask her)
Hi everyone,

Poshies has replied that the gathering at her hse this Sat is <font color="ff0000">on</font>

Shylyn &amp; Sept03Bride
We meet downstairs lift at 1.55pm can?

can pm me yr hp no so that I can sms u her unit no once she gives to me? Thks

blurblur, wil try 2 join u every wed .... *finger cross*....btw, my hp no. 96949695. thks

Shylyn, u went 4 e bellydance! shld hv chk ard her .... b4 gog... at least nt so lonely... i kind of like e lady instructor :p tried 2 go 4 e kb bt ful hse liao... so b e gd wife buy lunch hm 4 hubby.
