IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Working wife,

Welcome back

Speedy recovery to ur boy ...

Are u bringing grace for the next field trip ? I m still hesitating as I m worried that there are a lot of mossies... Recently he got bitten 6-8 times around his ankle area. they became red n swallon after Keith went to scratch... He can't stop scratching .. I use nexcare which is suppose to be v. Difficult to remove but he managed to peel them out too... Suspected he Kena these nasty stings during school outdoor play... I buy those mossie patches from online but they don't stick v well on his uniform n he will also peel them out.. So not v effective le...

I complained to teacher Yvonne that keith keeps spitting out food recently until I lost my cool... Feed 10mouthfuls he only eat 2 spoonful and the rest he would spit out... Then she caught him in act during lunch and gave him a hard stare and he kuai kuai swallow n dare not spit out. Now at home I will warn him saying if he spit out, I will tell teacher Yvonne and it works... Hopefully that food spitting phase is over...

So far do u contact teacher Yvonne to feed back or ask her any questions ? I asked her recently and she said maybe we can talk during the meet the parents session in June, is that the norm ?

Day are u back from ur hols?
I will be on biz trip for 12 days starting 1 June, my hub will bring her for the field trip. Did u try the tiger brand mozzie latch? I find that sticks quite well.

I usually only ask if grace behaves in achool. She will tell grace will sometimes snatches toys but when teacher Yvonne tell her No, she will share with others. But during the meet the teacher session teacher will tell u more and also the kids progress and give u photographic update of what Keith did during the term.
How do u know teacher Yvonne gives Keith the hard stare? U saw?
So far grace doesn't spit food but feeding can take up to 1 hr depending on her mood
Gan, u can still shop w a toddler. we came back w close to 100kg in our London trip in march... lots of clothes.. 4 check in luggages, still got hand carrys and stroller.. London was freezing cold, snowing n v v windy... coz of the cold we spent alot on London cab as dun wan to walk in the open. belle first trip was 6 mths old on a cruise, 10 mths old to melbourne, 13 mths old to London and 15 mths old yo Bali, which was last week. Yes, is tiring to bring a young kid to holliday... esp is just me n hub only.. but they r v adaptable... belle is easy w food, meal times, can eat bread. . as long as i m around, even if she is tired, she can sleep... fyi, London was super cold, zero if not below 5 degrees.. but belle was fine. even Bali trip, she was not bitten by a single mosquito coz i went there v v prepared to fan these insects off.. hahaha

next trip shld be in nov. to another winter country...
100kg!!! How did u and hub manage to bring them to airport while holding on to baby?? We had 29kg among 3 of us , stroller and I tot was alot already!!
Gan, we left SG w 53 kg. is winter, so lots of heavy clothings. n yes, belle has lots of stuff, big bag of diapers, 2 cans of 900g fm, a big tuberware of belle's standby med, belle food, winter cover for stroller, carrier, etc n many others. as i didn't do any washing when there. i arranged for pte car pickup to And fr airport. so everything just load onto the airport trolley n push. stroller we use till aerobridge before the airline stuff kept away. i hv bb carrier too. if need be, i strapped belle to me n helped hub.

even our last wk tri to bali, 4N trip only, we had 53kg, ican nv pack light coz i bring lots of stuff
we hv 2 big luggages, the biggest that can check in. each hit max 32kg. then 2 smaller lugagges abt 15kg each.. we were luckily is easter holidays n coz of belle, custom guy wavied off excess baggage charges!
in sg, to and fr changi airport we managed our own. my dad juat helped us bring luggages down. the stroller is light weight at 3.5kg and i can handle myself w one hand. we sold away the previous quinny heavy one

our flights r alwaya at night so tt belle can sleep. only bali flight is daytime. guesa she is used to flying now. also nap thru out after take off
Hi grumpus,

Do u have any idea is bb symphony showing every year? What abt Hi-5 show? Hmm...is there any show worth to watch? Can recommend?

Thank very much!
so far bb prom has been every year.

what kind of shows r u referring too? movies or live shows or plays?
hi5 comes every year for those mall shows, meet n greet. last year they had a ticketed show at MBS.
this June it's a movie n meet n greet

i also take the kids to mums and babes movies. look out for them on golden village website

usually June and December will hv a number of mall shows so I just look out in the newspapers for them. Barney will be at City Square mall this June and the previous year they had a ticketed show at expo.

For plays, you can check out the children's series by SRT like

or http://www.sistic.com.sg/portal/dt?dt.isPortletRequest=true&dt.action=process&dt.provider=PortletWindowProcessChannel&dt.windowProvider.targetPortletChannel=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar/Event&dt.containerName=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar&dt.windowProvider.currentChannelMode=VIEW&dt.window.portletAction=RENDER&contentCode=pot0613

there's also a playtime series at esplanade that's pretty good.
now is also children's season at the museums. National museum and Singapore Art museum.

I usually check out sistic once in awhile for anything suitable.
Mummies who has travelled to taiwan or planning to travel there with little ones.

Im planning a trip to taipei with my girls free n easy... Interested in farm stay as well... Anyone has idea which farmstay is good? Is it easily accessible by train from taipei?
I m leaving for gold coast this Thursday.... packing is horrible.... I hv not packed mine as yet.

oh ..Yvonne told my parents that she stared at keith when he tried to spit out his lunch. .. u mean during the meet the parents session.. teachers will show us the art work they do during school ?

My girl is cutting 4 second molars. All at the same time. Her gums are swollen and I feel she's a little warmish on her jhand palms and body. What can I give her to make her feel better? Any liang I can give her?
Why is packing horrible ? I only have 1 luggage and 1 stroller to check-in for the whole family when we go there. Any where we go, I only limit to 1 luggage for the whole family. Just carry an extra bag, if we buy things. I like to travel light.

Just Faith
To me, can give anything, I give ice-cream also but when they are down, they don't feel like eating too much also. Is she fussing or have no appetite ? My #2 still likes baby cereal or he will ask for milk the whole day, just give whatever they want to eat.
bubblybear, she's not sleeping well at night. Her palms n body are warmish. I feel a fever is coming.... Just hoping to give her more liang but not too cooling as she just recovered from cough. Ya her appetite is no good. She keep asking me to check her mouth.... Think I will boil some chrysanthemum later. She's already drinking alot of water le. Sigh
Just Faith
Actually can give a dose of panadol, to relieve some pain. I like to give more thick liquid like milk or horlicks if she wants, at least have more nutrients.
Hi grumpus,

Really appreciate for yr prompt reply! Tk you!!

Last yr we brought our gal to MBS to watch Hi-5 show and she loved it! Tot this yr will be the same ;p

I hv checked sistic, so far haven't see any info abt bb prom or did I miss it?

I haven't brought my 3 yrs old gal watch movie so far. Not sure how she will be reacting....

Are u gg for the bubble show next mth?
sso babies prom is usually during nov/dec period so the info won't be out yet. look out for it in the later part of the year.

u can try golden village mums and babes movies. they're usually kiddy shows n mums can bring their babies along so there're more kids ard n they do not dim the cinema lights
Are u the one who have used several baby carriers before ?

Which baby carrier is good ? What do you all think ? Or which ones have you used before and would recommend especially those that allow us to go hands-free. I might need one when #3 arrives as there would be times when I need to move around alone with the trio.
I've used a sarong sling when newborn, a baby Bjorn type one when older and now I use a patapum toddler
carrier. all carriers would allow u to go hands free.

I would suggest u jump straight to an ergo or a manduca. both of which can be used from newborn to abt 2 yrs old.
a sarong sling is good for newborns cos can lie down n useful also for breastfeeding.

Big THANKS to u!!

I will keep a look out on bb prom.

I will also give a try to let my gal watch movies coz I tot they will off the light ;p
Grumpus u give Aly vintagen? Ok to let my gal drink 1 bottle on her own or it wld be too much? Find that it helps her to poo.

I personally dun let aly drink except once in awhile cos they tend to cough easily with cold drinks

I think it's ok. the only thing I would be concern with is that it's cold and the sugar level
Does cold drinks really trigger cough? I only give yakult occasionally.. Cos i heard yakult will trigger cough...
But i do give my girls cold fresh milk quite often... Sometimes i will take out the cold mill i leave it outside abt 10mins before giving... Sometimes i give straight out from fridge... I also give cold yogurt straight from fridge.. Is this ok? Or its bad for their body?
it depends on child. like ang mo always give cold milk and they have no prob

for my girls they have sensitive airways and cold does trigger cough
belle has sensitive airways too. . in fact, coz of tt her hospitalisation coverage excludes airways issues. but she takes cold milk, water and low sugar vitagen. she takes water melon too. no issue w these food triggering cough. she poos daily.. at times if she eats alot during the day, poos 2x a day. once in the morning n once at night. she nv had any constipation since birth. she takes 2 servings of fruits daily. any types we hv at home.

she is rather strong n has heavy bones. 90% percentile though she is lean. v tall too n often mistaken as 2 yrs old when she is not even 18 mths old

Chinese r always more cautious when it comes w food as compares to our ang mohs counterparts.
belle takes brown rice daily since 5 mths old. i made it myself daily just for her as my mum said brown rice is hard to cook. pp always say brown rice is heaty which is not scentifically proven. now, my mum will tell me coz belle takes brown rice so she is strong. she is the only one at home who takes brown rice made carbo daily.

Tk you for updating ; )

I am thinking to bring her to watch 三只小猪 as well. I will give it a try to see her respond.
Breezy I am bringing my gal for the 3 little pigs... Hopefully she is ok.

I usually warm the fresh milk like what I did for breast milk.
Thanks for your reply. I used to use a sarong sling but somehow I don't feel snug enough. I chk out Ergo and Manduca and ended up with a Minimonkey. Very similar to Ergo, but has a few features I like better than Ergo. The down side is, only have 2 colors to choose. Hb tried to sling #2 in it for a while and it offers good support. Manduca, I find it bulky.
am bringing belle to watch the 3 little pigs too though is recommended for 3 and above and she may not understand the concept of wood, hay n brick. the goldilocks n the 3 bears one by the same production in march was v entertaining n interesting. lots of catchy songs, n quite riveting for 45 mins. but try not to buy too front rows in case the toddler maybe scared by the wolf. the 3 bears were so real that some were scared n cried.

also, for mummies bringing their toddlers, got to familiarise them with the story first... so That they can enjoy more. dun worry, they will be able to sit thru

belle sat thru an acrobatic show when she was 6 mths old while we were on a cruise. she also sat thru the typoon stimulation n light effects show at sentosa underwater world a few mths back. she is so amazed n fastincated by all these though she is much younger than all ur kids.

i believe in exposing her fr v young. coz of her inquisitive nature and her good observation skills. she picks up alot fr her own fr these. coz she is always w her older cousins who is in lower primary. eg she cld hold a pencil properly at 12 mths old fr observating her cousins n scribble, etc those on my FB wld hv seen that photo i took. like now, she can tell me she poo though sheis not even toilet trained.
Dr EK Ong is good too. but heard the waiting time is horrendeous if not I will have appointed him to check on my girl at birth
Thanks so much for the info...

End up i brought my girl to see dr tan ai tin at tmc... Cos i not in time to see the reply here and i rem someone mention abt her here before... So i went...
My girl fever was 40.3 in the clinic... She had suppistory medicine to bring down her temp...
Dr ordered chest x ray... Blood test.. Flu test... Neubulizer...
Whole series of tests... Poor girl...
She has mycoplasma... Need 2 weeks of antibiotics and 1 week of neubulizer.
In fact.. Her usual pd also say she has mycoplamsa few weeks ago thou she didnt run the tests as her clinic is not located in hosp... She gave her 1 week antibiotic..
Dr ang ai tin say mycoplasma need at least 10-14 days of antibiotic else it will flare up again.
I paid $600 for 1 sick child! Its really v exp...
Cant imagine my elder kena also and need to pay 1 more time... Can faint. Her first consult is $150.... V costly.. Or is it normal among pds?
She does look experienced... But not those chatty type..
The nurses there all look v fierce... Only 1-2 quite ok...
No one help me when im doing the neubulizer with my girl... I got to ask for help so many times as to ask whether is it finish or not... Cos my girl keep crying... But im not sure if it has finish... The clinic is so crowded when approaching late morning... Early morning not much ppl... I reach ard 9... Waited less than half hr my turn liao.. But with all the tests.. I stayed at the clinic for 3 hrs plus...
baby - my PD first consult is $70-75 & I already complain expensive! subsequent consult is $40-$45. can't remember the exact price so I put that price range.
baby, dr ang's knife is v sharp. paid 5 digits for.belle's birth where she was warded in.NICU for 1 wk. one visit to see her in the ward was like 200 bucks at least. also she runs alot of tests which i.wonder if they are necessary. to me, she is super KS. anyhow, she is too expensive. after belle is discharged, we changed PD.
baby, dr ang ai tin is very sharp n experienced. now i only go to her if i suspect something serious brewing... otherwise most of the time my kids go to a GP at rmg near my house.

yes her charges are costly. we also spent a bomb when my boy was warded for croup previously. but i must say she took good care of him during his stay there and i felt assured to have her attending to him.

hope ur girl gets well soon!
i was the opposite. i did not feel assured to hv her attending to belle... at that time, i dun even know she is costly. in fact, i wanted to move belle out of tmc nicu to kkh nicu. we know pp in the medical field n did some background checks . also she always like to says things tt scare parents n does unnecessary tests. eg she called for unneccessary ultrasound of belle's lower abdomen when wat she had was lung infection. reason was she cldnt find one artery in belle's belly button when she fixed the IU on her via there. i googled online n found out tt if that artery is missing, it wld be a high risk pregnancy n has to be closely monitored the entire pregnancy as that's where umbilical cord transports food fr mummy to unborn bb. it wld also hv been picked up at 5 mths detailed scan. i told dr loh tt n he confirmed my understanding.

anyhow, i trusted dr loh more. v sharp n experience n has a gd heart. he went to nicu n look at belle after i told him. assured me tt she will b fine n bk home within a wk. yes, he was spot on.

the other thing i dun like is, she wans us to settle the.bill every few dsys, despite tt we hv paid a deposit. she also wanted us to prepay her consultation charge based on estimated stays.. ridiculous. so, if we csnt pay, she wun see belle? is tt how a dr ehld behave? best part is, we overpaid her n when we asked for refund, we need to wait a wk.

like wat baby said, still need to ask for help on nebaliser. chargeso much still this kind of service? i was not impressed st all. when belle was warded at 2 mths old in kkh, the support the nurses gave me was good. i asked for breast pump, they gave me one. i was so tired looking after belle that i badly needed to sleep. the nurses took care of belle for me at night when i sleep. one night, belle was crying non stop n they took turns to pacify her. didn't even wake me... until i myself got woken up fr her loud cry at the corridor.

they r many good n experienced PD specialising in neonatology n respiratory conditions in SG. like ek ong, terence tan, etc.
Thanks hazel for sharing... I was also abit annoyed on how the clinic runs.. They only give 1 syringe despite there are many medicine dispensed.. And if u request additional its 30 cents each... My usual pd nurse always throw a few into the plastic bag without having me to ask for more.

When she ordered the tests... I also wonder is it really necessary... The flu test cost $50... My girl came in with fever and cough... Ordering chest xray and blood test is understandable... But flu test?
Maybe for her side she make u test all.. So she can make proper diagnosis.. But she didnt think whether parents are able to afford...

My usual pd didnt ask us to do any form of tests at all... She diagnosis base on symptoms... So she usually ask and talk to us quite a fair bit before sending us out... But also probably her clinic is not within hospital so she cant ordered tests also...

Hazel, dr terrace tan is also one of the popular pd... Heard his charges and waiting time is also horrific..
baby, belle sees dr cheng at kinderclinic at parkway east hospital if she is sick. same, always throw in a number of syringes for free. at times, the assistant feeds belle w fever med first when temp too high n q was long. he didn't even charge for tt dose. the flu test is to check for influenza, coz of the high fever. if confirmed, will be even tambiflu tablets immediately. dr cheng explained tt is v safe n the child will recover. the concern is delayed treatment of influenza where consequences r serious. belle did the test before when she had high fever. flu test is ex, but u paid slightly more.

yes, u r right. fr symptoms dr can tell wats the cause. cough w wheezing pd can tell by listening to her lungs. other than dr cheng, belle sees his cover if he is not ard. but she hss nv done any x ray even when she had wheezing n waa treated w Ventolin. so, is chest x ray needed? when belle was in nicu, i was so upset.. she dunno do how many x rays. she is so young n these x rays r no gd. she was also pumped w lots of drugs when BTs were not out tp confirm if she had the prob dr ang suspected. in the end, results were negative ok.

belle always has prolong fever if she does get a fever. but she has not done any BTs so far. dr Cheng always said symptoms do not warrant the need for BTs. she just need augmentin antibiotics.

belle's cousin see dr Terence tan. yes not cheap but definitely not as ex as dr ang. mt A too far for us.

i brought belle bk to kkh children pte suite after she was discharged frm tmc nicu. so her milestone checks n vaccine are done by dr yong. her first 6 mths after birth was worrisome n saw different specialists in kkh. at times i wonder if is coz of the side effects of all the drugs she was given at tmc nicu. they were not explained to me then. i only knew fr kkh pds.
I went bk to her for review as well as to let my elder sees her as she is running fever.. I guess she got it from meimei...
To my surprise.. She ask meimei to continue on neubulizer... And also ask jiejie to be on it... Thou jiejie is not coughing much.. And she tell me jiejie lungs are clear and not much sound... And she still wants her to be neubulizer and all the same cough med as meimei... I wonder is it necessary..
And she wants them to be review again on sun.. Means its gonna be meimei 3rd time to see her... Im abit annoyed.. As sun consultation is much higher than normal days...
In total i alrdy paid more than $1k on 2 visits... And i believe the sun review its gonna be another few hundreds more..
I dont know is it the norm to be that expensive.. I have never never spend such amt with my usual pd.. Each visit is usually $100 plus.. Occasionally ard $200 if need neubulizer in the clinic... I find the clinic and the dr is very monetary driven.. When i told the nurse i dont need extra med as i have it at home, they dont seems to like it... My usual pd will sugg me to share the med...

I have a chat with another mother in the clinic.. She came to see the other male dr.. But cos he on leave so she no choice to see my dr.. She told me she sees her before but dont like as she seems inpatience and rush thru the consult.. And make her do alot of tests... This is exactly what i feel when i sees her too....
Surprisingly she has so many patients.. The clinic is so crowded... I reach there half hr before the clinic opens.. I still need to wait for 1hr plus before i can see her...
I feel the premium price is paid is not justifiable for the service i got..

Another annoying part is when she wanted to check my girl throat... She didnt give any warning and put the wooden stick into my girl mouth and it gives my girl a huge shock and makes her gag and scream crying... I feel she is not tha child friendly... All children is obviously not feeling well when seeing her... The least she can do is to put some concern and effort to let the child feels abit more comfortable...
My usual pd has never do that... She will ask my girls to open their mouth... She will keep talking to them telling them to open big big so that she wont have to put the stick in... And all the times she never has to put the stick in... And my girls has never cry when letting her check on them... My pd is always smiling and talking to them... To me this is a human touch.. It makes parents feel more at ease...

I will not see her again if i can... Upon comparison... It makes me feel much great abt my usual pd... Thou she is not situated inside a big hosp.. But to me she is a pasionate dr who cares abt her patients.. And best part her consult is only $45 compared to $65.

baby, u dun hv to go bk to.her. i didnt. lungs r clear no need nebaliser. belle's Kinderclinic dr cheng is located at a pte hospital also dun behave like dr ang. he is like ur usual pd... fyi, the other doc there is also a dr ang... her bro! she has 2 grp of patients. we are the same grp. the other grp contributed the crowds u see at her clinic. dun mind the unnecessary test, feels that they r necessary since she called for it, dun mind paying alot more though their attitude n service sucks, etc etc. hipefully, one day they will realise good drs r not like this.

dr sf loh so reputable in fertility field also dun charge this kind of fees now tt he is in pte clinic. his dedication n gd heart really earns my respect!
