IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Just monitor for few days and see how serious. If too long, I will bring them to Dr just to check the lungs are clear, in case it develops into chest infection which we cannot see.

baby - if cough no phlegm I'll just give med and let it run its course. if cough with phlegm I'll bring see doc to rule out bronchitis. my girl also just recovered from running nose but still having a bit of cough
bubblybear, EXACTLY!! mummy mummy mummy..n 3 of them fighting to "mummy". sometimes i knock of early wanna go my mum place ..she will tell me to stay away..until she settle their dinner..otherwise once they see me, chaos start..

yeah..i also cant lights out on wkdays. wkends can coz i bring forward their dinner. wkdays earliest possible is 9pm. n usually by 10+ all will be in dreamland.

baby, running nose n cough is a package. thts why the cough syrup fedeco is also meant for running nose. my gp says if running nose very bad, can start giving that. my boys cough also started w running now. now 1 ok, 1 still coughing, but only at night. day time he is perfectly fine.
Yalor.. Runny nose and cough always comes together..
My girls seems to be better now.. Cough still have... But not as bad... Cough is much worst at night... But daytime not so...
Runny nose completely gone...
Hopefully will self heal... I didnt give any med... Wana let them try to fight it on its own... Lol...
Im giving my girls sambucol uk version vit c.
There is us and uk version.... Heard uk version not as sweet as us and its for children 1yr to 12 yrs old.
I went to read the box.. There is glucose syrup.. Free from artificial flavour, sweetener, additives. I bot it at $18 per bottle.
The cheapest i get so far... Last time i bot it at $23...
U can check this online... Gera Little2belles
I order from her together with other supplement and snack for my girls.
Above $100 is free delivery... Below $100 will have $3 delivery charge.
Saw u at the minky blanket thread...
U ordered for yr girl? Is it good? Im thinking to order for my girls but find it abit pricey...
Ohhh... Why need wet bags in cc?
I didnt pack any wet bag for my girls... The tr will just put wet clothes and swim wear in plastic bag... :0

Btw mummies... Does yr tots use any blanket when zz? My girls so far dont use any blanket... I didnt give thou they zz in aircon rm... Their pj is still those 1 piece type...
Haiyo.. Talking about Linus n Lucas night crying affair, I think Keith also cultivated habit of waking up screaming during his zzz. No matter what we do ... It will not stopped him from waking up screaming. It's a daily nightmare for us.

Also I noticed that u posted those colouring sheets from cc in ur fb, are they the consolidated pieces done in school by your trios or u mangaged to get blank copies from teacher ?

Last wk, Keith was out of school. Think he Kena stomach flu n I got it from him...
.. Is there a need to report his gastro flu to school ? He has been rejecting all solids including milk... Sigh !

I m considering of transiting Keith to full day cc ... But still pondering.. How long did grace took to settle down in terms of napping ?
Day, my nightmare has been on going for months..hahahaa... everynight i will have 2 boys crying for daddy n mummy...

those are the consolidated ones done in sch. every end of term they will bring back. and i will get a note on what will be taught the next term. the content, songs, books they are using.
Day, i am also thinking of extending my kids stay in sch. now they go back at 430pm. maybe come Jul when they are promoted to next class, will let them stay until 6 or 630pm.

now they go my parents house after sch. when my nephew is not well i hv problem... dunno where to send them after sch. my house only my maid n mil, cant handle the 3 of them. best is let them stay in sch until i m home..
Why yr kids go home at 430pm? The sch schedule is till 430 or u choose to let them go home earlier?
Yr trio reach sch at 9am? Means the duration is from 9-430?

If u extend their timing till 630pm means they eat dnr in sch or go hm to take dnr?
baby, for the toddler class, the programme is from 830am to 430pm. this group is the 18mths to 30months kids. they dont want the kids to be in sch for very long hours. only a small number stay beyond 430pm coz they hv older siblings in the same sch.

my kids reach at 9am coz 830 - 9am is breakfast. i let them eat in school.. 9am -10am is outdoor play time.

no, sch does not serve dinner. they hv tea break at 3pm. i might ask the tr to giv them a bottle of milk at ard 5pm.. then 7pm will be dinner at home.
Oh i see... So 30mths and older will have longer timing? Our tots gg to be 30mths soon... How time flies hor... I still rem those times when we are still worrying when can we get preggy... And now we are alrdy mothers of a team of active toddlers!

Yr trio sch nap time is it from 12-3pm?
baby, their nap usually at 1230-3pm. smtimes they wake up earlier..2+...

yeah time flies.. in another half year hv to celebrate their 3yo birthday!

yeah i think for older classes their curriculum ends later. maybe 5 or 530pm. i will find out during the meet the parents session in June. need to sort out the logistics ...
Day we r holidaying in Perth now! So grace has been out of school this week. Last week she had diahhrea again and for a week... Stressed as it happened before our trip . Luckily she recovered before we flew . I informed Catherine about her diahhrea . Realized she gets it quickly frequently this year. Once every month since feb! Not sure why.

When she was around 20 months I tried to let her stay full day for 1 day.. She can 't nap at all. I started her full day this jan again. Surprisingly she mapped. My mum went school to check on her a couple of times and she was sleeping. Guess she was 2 years old and more adaptive. Maybe u wait till Keith is 2?
wow! hows grace ...enjoying the cool weather at perth ..
did you all drove to Margaret river region or just inner perth ? I am bringing keith to brisbane/gold coast in 3 weeks time. excited yet worried if he can tahan the flight etc.

yalor. I realized that keith also kena diarrhea v frequently after he joined Cambridge . last wk he stayed home the whole week too. I brought him to see dr AAT too n she said as long as creamy stools n not turned watery its ok. then I also kena the virus from him last wk n it took me 5 days to recover ...

ok. thanks for the advise and I will see how I should transit keith slowly on napping. he is quite selective on who can pet him zzz ... sigh!
Day is our first trip to Perth. So we just hang around and take it easy in the city. And drove toodyay for a orchard farm stay for 2 nights. Weather is good and great to spend time with grace and hub though little princess drove me crazy a few times with her tantrums... Hahaha hair pulling at times. But overall it was good fun. Now she is sleeping ... tired from the walking around. She was excited to see the animals and had fun running after the pigeons and sea gulls. But meal times... She has alot of junk as i can't find Chinese restaurant and hard to cook when u are on hols. She only had porridge when we stayed on the farm. In Perth she had fish n chips. Udon . Food I never feed her before when in sg

U r doing free n easy in Gold Coast?
Wow ... Glad that you all are enjoying the trip with a toddler.
Too bad it's not strawberries season in Perth yet else it's fruit picking time n the farms served v good food ...
Grace ok with the 5hr flight ? Last yr I brought keith to BKK n it was quite stressful handling him cos he got pointed backside ..
This trip flight is so much longer ...hmmm

Yes. We r doing free n easy. Both me n my hub Know brisbane n gold coast v well as we used to study there.. We r renting service apartments n likelihood cooking for Keith. We want to avoid too much outside food cos worried when he's back to sg he will start to reject his usual food. This boy started spitting out food after he went to cc ... Every meal sure spit out at least a few mouthfuls ...

Now thinking of packing Keith barangs freaked me out abit .. Did u brought along grace's toys n her pillows n bolsters ?
Day, we are home... 1 week of hols, time flies! I
Just packed barney soft toy and a couple of books for grace. She is out most of the time so she doesn't miss her toys. She asked to have a picnic. So we had a picnic at king's park with only a bunch of bananas hahaha... Strawberries picking sound fun, dun mind going Perth again, think it is a good place for vacation with kids as alot of space for them to run around.

My hub studied in Queensland too but shld be many batches earlier than u.

Flight home, grace non stop action and finally knocked out when the plane landed.

U mean school food has seasoning? We are still doing boring baby food for her at home. Weekend let her eat out once or twice but mainly la mien as she loves ding tai Fung
I m not young either

Kings park is a spot for kids ... So much space for them to run around or even roll around. As adults we enjoyed kings park too... Apart from Sydney, the rest of Australia are more laid back n offers a good variety of close to nature n kids friendly venues. I will be back for vacation again ....

Not sure if aunty adds in Some seasoning in school .. But I suspected there should be some seasoning since most of the cooked food are served to all the kids under the same roof. Can't expect those older kids from kindy to eat blend baby food ? Maybe we should ask Catherine or Yvonne ...
How do we know our kids is having sore throat if they still dont know how to say it out?
Cos me and hb is down with sore throat.. Worried that my girls will have it too...
My elder this morning keep saying there is something in her mouth... Keep putting her fingers inside... And keep drinking water... Wonder is it a sign of sore throat... I asked her where pain pain.. She point at her mouth not the throat. Hmm...
My small girl has been having night coughs for more than 2 weeks... Should bring her see pd?
I brought her to see gp for other thing not the cough but the dr says her lungs is clear... Took cough med from the gp.. But didnt give her... Tot the cough will go away on its own...
Baby, my girl is also having night coughs. Initially we thought it was because of new school environment and the snacks (biscuits) she has been given in school. But lately we found out it was because of the cold Aircon at night. Now the room temperature is around 27deg... I don't so much of the coughing. Been going on for about a week. Only dry cough no phlegm
I couldn't live anywhere other than Sydney or Melbourne, too quiet and slow. Too used to spore lifestyle. Although Brisbane have nice warmer weather there.
Just faith
How did u know that its due to the aircon at night for the coughs? The cough stop after u switch off the aircon?
My girls has been zz in aircon rm since birth till now... No problem when not sick... I believe the aircon dry air will worsen the cough the kid might alrdy have... Cos dry air irritate the airway... I dont think the aircon will cause cough...
I usually put air vapourizer in the room at night if they have cough... But now the machine spoil... Wonder if a bowl of water will be sufficient... Lol
oh my, London has many cheaper than Sgp things!
check out this brand called primark. it's sort of like target. cheap clothes etc

Mark's and Spencer's is much cheaper there too. u can get their snacks or clothes

Mothercare, ELC, Zara, H&M brands are much cheaper too.

Their books are cheaper too, just walk into any local bookstore. especially publishers like Ladybird which are British.

Go to their local drugstore, Boots. You can get the sambucol UK version for less. Organix brand snacks are much cheaper too.
Thks for all the info!
Forgot to say that I'm shopping online and gettg relative to carry back. Hv chk out those u mentioned, yes can get online too! Yeah!
For sambucol, which one do u use?
Do u use fish oil? Which brand ahhh?
Just wana share...
My girls down with bad cough with phelgm... Seen pd twice...
My friend recommend me chinese med call hou zao sun... I gave my girls a few doses... And i can see improvements!
Then i google abt it... Realise alot mummies is using this powder for their little ones when they have cough... Even as small as infants... U may try it if western med fails....
But i still advise gg to pd first.. To check whether lungs is clear.. I still give the pd med... In between i give the chinese med... I wait for 2hrs in between the med...
hi mummies
my boy is down with 39.2 degrees fever this morn. gave him neurofen at 5am, fever come down. went back up again around 11am, gave 2nd time. fever not coming down much, ard 38.7/39.
it is safe to just continue with neurofen for another day or 2? or shd i go see pd now?

btw, any sugg on what food to give them when hv fever. he has been crying quite abit.
thks !
happyhippo - continue to give paraceptamol & neurofen every 4 hrs. alternate between the both. fever will be high for the first 3 to 4 days

amk there's sbcc, bishan can go dr oh or sbcc bishan at bishan st 23
winniepooh, grumpus
neurofen keeps the fever down,but once after 4 hrs, start creeping up again. oh i didnt knw can take both neurofen and paracetomol. erhh wats the difference btw these 2? i always tot both are for fever. think we tahan for the nite and see how, too stressful for son to go out coz he very tired, keep wanting to lie down, also start to cry more when temp creeps up. think just let him sleep first.

sbcc amk & bishan - which dr is good there?

grumpus- why u dont recc dr oh?
yes u can alternate paracetamol n nurofen in fact every 3 hrly. meaning between para to para is 6hrs and between nurofen and nurofen is 6 hrs.
this method is commonly recommended by pd to control high fevers. cos each med will help bring down the fever by a few notches.

paracetamol n nurofen are both for fevers but belong to different category of fever meds hence can be taken together in cases of high fever.

I personally feel dr oh is not very thorough, she doesn't really listen n always prescribes additional supplements even if u never ask for them

alas its HFMD

so hard to feed him the anti-viral medicine.
mouth got ulcers, so hard to feed him

you are referring to Dr Chan Kit Yee? how does she charge?
Its HFMD ah... Suppose he got it from sch?
Recently my girls cc has been circulating HFMD brochure for parents... I also v scare my girls will get it from sch but nothing much we can do abt it...

Did dr say how long it take to recover from it?
Hi mummies,

Been a while! Will be moving back to Singapore soon, so trying to check out schooling for the twins now. Anyone heard of White Lodge Pre-School or Rain Trees Kindergarten in Bukit Timah? If you have any feedback, do let me know.

Also, is anyone sending their kids for swimming lessons? Any good one to recommend? Thanks!
Yr boy getting better?

Hows yr trip? Is it v mafan bringing a toddler on hol? Im thinking to bring my girl on a vacation but hestitate.. Scare its too much a hassel...

Hows tings with u? Long time didnt chat with u...
Yr trio start to be potty train? My girls previously starts but suddenly stop... Didnt ask me for potty... I also didnt persue further... Lol... Lazy on my part..

Btw now yr trio eats... U mix all the meat and vege bits into the rice? Or u separate like what we adult eat? Plain rice with big chunk of meat and vege.... My girls seem to prefer the adult way... But i find it hard to hide vege this way... Once they see green in the bowl.. They will say "i dont want green"...
baby, i hv been very busy at work.. n the kids getting more n more demanding. everyday i m flat out! :p

ohh..my kids loves meat ball.. i hide all kinds of veg in there.. or i give peas.. i separate the food in 1 bowl..by the time they scoop n mess ard, its all mixed up. yes..there are also days they refuse to eat green n will dig all the veg out.

my kids not potty trained. no ready yet. even when taking shower, wanna pee, will ask me to wear back the diaper so tht they can pee! LOL

happyhippo, how ur boy is better. my nephew also just recovered from mild HFMD. I was so worried he will pass to my kids.. luckily separated them fast enough. otherwise i will be super stressed...

working wife, welcome back sooon!!
looking forward to chatting more when you are back in sg..

Baby bringing a toddler for hols have alot more to pack! In fact our 90cm luggage mostly are her stuff! And u can't shop like nobody business eat as n when u want coz must take into consideration of the meal times. So we have activities that are suitable for her like go to park, zoo etc. no shopping trips! But fun, though tiring.

We started bringing her for hols when she turned one. Perth is the furthest so far. We are trying Taiwan in August.
