IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

gan, same here..sleep is a luxury! in the mornings i hv to get up at 6am. my kids sleep betw 10 - 1030..by the time i settle all the stuff n get to sleep its almost midnight. n between the 6 hours, i wake up like half a million times!

baby, you so lucky! to find a maid ur girls adore and can handle them so well. my maid cant even handle 1 kiddo on her own, and also cant cook. zzzzz...i always hv to packet food for her.. wkends she will eat whatever i cook.. smtimes i feel like i m the maid! hahahaah...

Panda, your children slp betw 10-1030, what time do they wake up in the mornin? Mine also slept that timing but woke up ard 10am! I am preparing her to go playgroup soon, and the class starts at 830am, not sure if wanna make her sleep earlier or will she adjust the sleep and nap longer in the day instead...
u shd try to adjust her to sleep earlier. sleep at night is still more impt. eventually they'll shorten the day nap and even skip nap. so setting an earlier bedtime will ensure she gets enuff sleep
Sammy, my kids wake up very early! usually at 7-730am all are up n playing. some odd mornings 6+ wake up!!

last time they used to sleep at 8+, since start cc, the bedtime become later and later. I start their bedtime routine at 9pm..it takes 1-1.5hrs to get all 3 to dreamland! :S

my girl usually KO very first.. by 930pm she will be asleep...but the boys r my pain.... off all the lights, they can sing, talk, ask for milk, etc and refuse to sleep....
Yr maid dont cook? Did u try to teach how a few simple dishes? My maid also dont knw how to cook, im the one who taught her... Initially her cooking not that nice but after time.. She improves alot... I even teach her how to wrap wanton dumpling... Cook braised pork belly etc..
I also teach her how to trim and pack those raw meat into cooking portion after i buy from supermarket.

Yr trio nap 1 or 2 times in cc? If only 1 time how come can still be active at 10plus pm.. Not tired ah? Lol..

My girls usually ko within 15mins during bedtime at 8plus pm..
Its the morning nap that is my pain.. Can take 1hr plus to nap.. Even when i purposely wake them up at 630am so that they can get sleepy by morning nap... Still take long to zz... But lucky they will get at least 1hr of zz before they goes sch...
baby, the problem is the nap timing in sch is from 1230..n they nap so well there they can sleep until 3pm! 2.5 hrs of nap..come bk home very well rested! full of energy lor!

last time at home they nap in the morning before lunch like ur girls... so 8+ very fast can sleep...

of coz its also a problem tht we pick them up at 7+ in the evenings.. come back home wanan play w me lor..hahaha.. the 3 of them can be holding hands bouncing ard in the bedroom and singing at 9pm when its lights off!! i pretend to sleep, ignore them, they come n throw themselves on me n ask me to "wake up!".. faint..

i m trying to slowly adjust the bedtime earlier.. thts y i start the routine at 9pm. the cc tr told me based on their naptime, a reasonable bedtime is 930-10pm. i m v v happy if all can be asleep at 930!!

over the wkend the 2 younger ones not well, i started their flu meds... suppose to make them drowsy. but no effect leh!! they still very chirpy at 10pm.. on sat night my boys knocked out only at 11pm. i nearly wanna faint from exhaustion...
Panda I have the same sleep problem with grace ! Was telling my hub grace is relatively easy to care for and she is a good gal except she has sleep problem!! Every night I spend at least 1 hr to put her to bed till I blew up... Like threaten to get the maid put her to bed or walk out the room but she wld cry and insist she wants me... It is exhausting coz by the time she sleeps like u I can only prepare the next day stuff after 1030pm. And lately she wakes up a few times at night crying and I have to pat her back to sleep. I am so tired

Any mummies have any solution? Agree with grumpus night sleep is impt... And I really freaked out when I see my gal has dark eye circles
Can ask the cc tr to wake them up earlier from their nap? So they dont zz that long then can zz earlier at night.... Maybe just have 1-1 and a half hrs of nap... I believe will be sufficient..
Then comes night time they can zz earlier, parents can rest earlier too... When they zz earlier they will get sufficient no of hrs of zz.. Better for their immunity too... Long run benefits everyone.. Lol..
depends on yr child but averagely by the time they're abt 4-5 they'll not nap anymore. or they will nap but end up sleeping really late at night.

like my elder girl at 4.5yrs old could nap 2-2.5hrs but at night she'll sleep at 11. so I cut her nap and now she sleeps by 830-9pm. the total hrs is the same. but she gets longer night sleep
I empathize with you. People have maid, u have maid. Why so different ? Maybe u should keep changing maid till u get good one that you can rely on ? Although I don't know whether any penalty or not ?

Try to tire your girl during the day. My kids usually will have a run at the park, before dinner. They sleep roughly at 9ish pm. They rarely wake up middle of the night. They wake up the time I wake up usually 7+am.

With my elder when nearly 4, no day nap for her. so got to make sure she goes to bed by 9-9ish to get at least 10 hr sleep at night.
gan, all my kids hv eyebags!!! hahahaah..

haiz..i also smtimes hv to tell my kids if they dont sleep, i will leave the room n ask the maid to come in. same response lor..they will want me in the room. actually charlotte if i let my maid pat her, she sleeps v v fast..within 10mins type. but when she is in the room w the boys n me, she refuse to sleep too.. keep talking n climbing up n down her bed, or the boys will go and disturb her.

i m in the process of training them to fall asleep in the room by themselves. dont want to individually pat ..very tedious n tiring.
bubblybear, my problem is i hv 3 young kids. not many maids wanna take up the job. the smarter ones hear 3 kids all freaked out. hahahaha.. those who will take the job are the not so bright ones. me n hb observed this maid for 6 mths already... we also tried sourcing for alternatives, but not much luck. i called so many agencies, they either never revert or send me profiles of maids tht are totally not suitable in terms of profile/experience. now tht i m at work, it will be even harder to train a new person and also the challenge of having the kids get used to a new person at home.

one of my key consideration is i dont want the kids to feel insecure with me at work, n they hv to adjust to a new person.

now tht the kids are in cc most of the time, we decided tht so long as the maid can keep the house clean, n also help my mum for the 2-3 hours in the evening while waiting for us to pick up the kids, we will just tahan her until end of contract.

baby, i spoke to the cc tr about the nap time. she agreed to wake them up at 230pm. thts the earliest coz not all the kids will KO at 1230pm sharp. the official nap time is 1230-230 minimum. thts also the time the teachers hv lunch n get the admin work done. honestly even if she let them nap until 3pm i also wont know.
Oh i see... Didnt know cc has minimum nap time haha.. Cos my girls dont take nap in cc... Yalor they let them zz till 3 u also wont know.. No choice also...

For yr case really not easy... I believe not many maids will take up yr family.. Hear got 3 kids alrdy shake head liao.. Somemore really no energy to train a new one all over again.
At least now the kids at cc full day.. The maid will wana continue to work else i think she will also surrender.. Lol..
Since now the kids full day at cc yr maid alone at hm? Or u send to yr parents hse? Can ask yr mother to teach her cooking? So she can help to prepare and cook at yr mum hse.. Wkend she can take over the cooking also.. Then u can rest and spend more tim with yr trio...

My first maid also cant cook.. I didnt really teach her cos that time no time to cook also... Now with the kids at cc i can teach my this maid to cook.. Now its heaven... I just need to tell her what to cook for dnr... By dnr time the food is ready...

the teaching to cook is a long long story. my maid is at home alone, or smtimes with my mil there. my mil is a gd cook, but she says she cant communicate in eng w the maid, so cant teach her to cook. my maid works v v slowly. she only goes over to my parents house when d kids reach there ... so by then my mum oso no time to teach her coz she would v done all the cooking.

coz i not at home, so she also no real urgency to do the work.. i can see her very very slow motion via the webcam. plus she is not very smart type, my hb says better dont ask her to cook, later everyday serve use crappy food we also sian. better to buy food..n he rather i cook for the kids too.. zzzzz......
Sammy, were u the one who asked me about the easel? Sorry leh! I tried to PM you but you don't accept. I m in the midst of packing my stuff. I already packed it away. I will try to let u know by end of this month.

Baby, I don't have such luck for maid leh. You are indeed lucky to find a maid who can handle your girl and cook!

Pandawife/Gan, there is only 1 reason if I take too long to put my girl to sleep. That is : she's not tired enough. So during daytime, I only let her nap between 2-430pm. I will wake her up if she sleep beyond 430pm. At night, She usually sleep by 10pm. If she has problem getting into sleep on her own, she will ask me to pat her on a specific spot (eg side of buttock or thigh, I follow her preference). On normal times, she will sleep on her own. Within 5 mins. Super fast one. BUT.... If she happen to play on our bed before nap time, die Liao. Everything haywire. I also ban my hubby from coming into the room when I m trying to put her to sleep. My girl always bully my hubby and Chio him to play until very rough. If its on weekend, I m fine. But not when she has classes the following morning. Sometimes my girl don't like me to be in the same room as them and will tell me "I don't like mummy come in" as she still want to continue to play n not sleep. Hehe
Since yr maid has the whole day at yr plc to do hsewk.. U can actually ask her to go yr mum plc earlier to learn cooking from yr mother.. Of cos initially the cooking sure sucks.. But will improve over time... When she master them.. It really helps alot in the family.

Just faith
Totally agree with u... When my girls took long to zz.. They are simply not tired enough.. Thats y i always limit the time they wake up in the morning.. If they wake up too late.. Not sleepy by nap time.. So all goes haywire.. Late for sch etc..
In fact i find my girls more managable now... Not as cranky or fussy like when they are 1yr old plus... Terrible two stage.
Now not so liao leh... Not sure its becos they grow older so more guai or its due to going to cc...
They wont throw temper that often.. Able to reasoned with them... Etc.. They dont fight that often as before also...
That time u mention yr trio loves the annie gummies... It is the fruit bites? 5 packs in a box? With different types of shapes?
I bot and let my girls try... Its not really gummies.. Sticky sticky inside..

Btw mummies
Did u give yr girls eat sweets? Like gummies or lollilop?
I didnt leh... My hb says my deprieving them of their childhood... Lol... I also didnt give them any form of sweetened pack drinks.. Only sometimes yakult, soy milk...
I only give them those chewables vit c as a sweet for them... One per day only..
just faith, its okay, no need look for the brand n price. thanks. i may pop by toys r us to take alook at their easel, went kiddy palace, cant really find what i have in mind.

panda n grumpus, i just made my girl to bed, slept at 930. today nap only 1hr, so i guess she is tired. hopefully she wakes up early tml and not 10am, i am thinking maybe 9plus.
baby, for my girl, she will have cough with phelgm if drink yakult, same for all my nephews. I also do not give sweets, but biscults, cereal bars or same as you, chewable vit c. I have a friend who gave his 4yrs old son lollipop, end up ate too much, his son v bad teeth decay and went to extract 4 front teeth!!!
Bubbly/ just faith, my gal super active...but dunno why not tired when all the adults looking after her very tired!! Maybe we old Liao. =p
Yesterday evening brought her to the botanic gardens...she was running up and down , climb up the tall slide and slide down 5 times...on way home after dinner she told me she was tired. But when I put her to bed at 9pm...she was either sitting g up starring at me...all sorts of pattern and didn't sleep till 1030pm!!

Panda how do u train them to sleep on their own?
Baby, I didn't give my gal sweets or drinks... Not even yakult... She is ok coz she doesn't fancy sweet stuff. Only gave her the less sweet rebeina packet drink once during the school field trip, coz that was given by the teachers and all her friends are drinking.
lexie needs a long wind down time. whatever time I put her to bed she'll sleep one hr later. so I start the routine earlier and put her to bed earlier
baby, the gummy is not the fruit bites, its the bunny gummy. comes in different colors flavoured. each box has few packs in there, i cant remember how many.

only my boys like, my girl hates gummy..hahaha..

gan, i used to carry them walk ard n pat them to sleep leh. so now i let them roll on the bed until they sleep. and also i try not to pat. just lie down beside them, let them yak, sing until KO. my trio very high energy level too.. even not enuff sleep v hyper n energetic. me n hb always wonder where all those energy come from! same like u lor...we adults all totally exhausted..they still jumping n running around!
last night it took me 2 hours from 9pm - 11pm to settle all 3. and 10mins later at 1110pm linus still crying!!! gosh..i barely had time to sit down long enuff to warm the sofa, he is sitting in bed crying for me

my boys lately suddenly become more clingy.. esp at night.. lucas woke up at 3am cry v badly for me. i went over, he told me "mummy, i dont want mei mei!"..then cry cry cry.. faint!!
past 2 nites my gal ultimate! sleep at 9.45am, drama start from 11pm onwards hourly affair.... we're really zombified!! I was telling hb if #2 also like that we no need to sleep liao!
Where u buy the annie gummy? I bot those fruit bites from gera little... I find it yucks... But lucky my girls can take it.. Haha...
Oh.. Is it call the bubby fruit snacks? Shape like bunny rabbit?
Now sometimes i will give my girls the confectionary gummies... Not sure its ok not...
winnie, my boys r like tht.. can cry hourly..haha..thts why i m panda mummy..LOL

baby, i buy from CS or vitakids. vitakids more expensive. CS is 7.90 per box. Gera dont sell bunny gummy. hmm..i cant remember whats it called...

i oso buy other types of gummy from CS organic section.. i will get those tht r made from natural juices ..not those w added sugar ones.
panda - any idea when they'll outgrow?

my hb dun allow my girl to take any gummy so no need to see such stuff then I'm given the green light to buy
CS organic section sells no added sugar gummy? I saw a few.. All have added sugar... Thou it uses fruit juice.. It also adds things like cane sugar, fructose etc...

do u know how to try keep our kiddos from contracting HFMD?

my boy's cc seems to have cases quite often, so far he has been lucky. but i still worry.

we notice his cc got cases quite often leh. don't knw if it is the hygiene level or is it kids got it outside of cc. sighhh..
I forgot u have 3 darlings, naturally harder to get help, maid also smart. No kid also stress, have kids got no help also headache.

I think got to trial and error to make Grace sleep better. Maybe it will get better when she is older. Or adjust her day nap and get her to bed early. My kids sleep at 9, some ang-moh kids even sleep earlier...sigh ! But I cannot make it. They will wake up early too when all the adults still in bed.

My kids eat all sorts of junk. But gummies and lollipop not often, but I would say they eat chocolate more, especially I have chocolate craving now..hehe. They see me eat, they also want. I think its ok to have, if they eat their meals properly, I give them chocolate as dessert
HFMD have many strains. Asia very prone to all this. Hard to avoid if kids are in close contact, plus spore is humid, good breeding ground for bacteria. I would say just try to keep the hygiene level up and not be in congested places.
bubblybear, you are right! no kids stress, got kids also stress! lol.. its really very challenging to juggle the kids on my own everyday after work, n on wkends. now tht i m working, wkends r actually more tiring! my kids now start to understand tht i m home on wkends.. super sticky n wants my attention every single seconds!

baby, ohh..yes i went to check again. hv other forms of sugar. but no articial flavouring or colors. and i usually try b4 giving to them. some brands taste very sweet. those i buy usually taste sour..lol... my kids hv very high threshold for sour foods leh. those US strawberries so sour! they eat like its very yummy!
Which cc yr boy attends?
My girl cc so far only 1 confirmed case of HFMD before... After that no more further cases...
I guess its hard to prevent all these virus spreading when our kids attend day school....

My girls just kena running nose during the wkend friends gathering where so many kids playing together.. Almost every kid is down with something... Cough lah.. Runny nose lah.. Fever etc... Only my girls are not sick... But in e end also kena the bug from them... This morning both woke up having runny nose...
Lol.. Yr trio love sour fruits ah.. Good for them! At least they dont hv sweet tooth.... I cant stand sour fruits myself.. So i nvr give US strawberry.. So far only gives korea ones...

Yalor i saw all those gummies outside all contain added sugar. Or gelatin... I thk annie ones dont have added sugar right?
I hvt try yet cos i bot 3 packs of the annie fruit bites hvt finish yet... Lol..

I also bot the organic yummy earth vit c lollilop... But hvt let my girls try yet....
yeah..i buy all kinds of sour berries they eat! hahaha.. i also dont fancy sour fruits myself.

the annie gummy my kids after eating for a while reject! thts y i hv to buy other brands.

i din buy the lollipop... but they got from sch b4... i let them try.. they lick a few times, all give me back! say dont want. one of them tell me "too sweet".. faint.. end up i threw all away coz i dont like also...hahaha

actually its v difficult to prevent HFMD from spreading once it starts. coz the contagious period is before the symptoms appear n after the symptoms disappear! i read online tht kids often go back to sch when they r still contagious or could hv spread b4 they start showing any physical signs.

so even if the sch step up on hygiene, there is only so much they can do ...

baby, both my boys also having running nose.. n also slight cough over the wkend. so we din go for our weekly swim. i kept them at home n they terror me no end! lol
I still send my girls to school today leh even when they having runny nose... Or i should hv kept them at home? Hmm...
Cos its so common and often they have runny nose, cant be i always keep them at home? Even tr says its alrite to let them attend sch so long as there is no fever...

Strangely my girls didnt caught bug from sch... Since they started sch.. They didnt fall sick due to attending class... In fact they always catch bug during wkends when we gather them from our friends kids... Once is kena cold bug from my nephew who is having cough... This time is runny nose from my friend kid... Thou i know risk is high to kena bug from sick kids but i still let them play together... Its only so much i can do to prevent....

Cant protect them from all bugs... Cant be always contain them at home... I only can let them have their proper zz.. Let them take daily cod oil and vit c... Make sure they have fruits and vege everyday.
baby, i also let them go to sch if no fever and they sleep well at night. the only times i keep them home when no fever is tummy upset, or at night cant sleep well keep crying.

for me i also cant b taking leave all the time.

actually falling sick is their way of building immunity. its a process every kid hv to go thru. for us its more difficult coz one sick will pass to the other.

i m trying to get my kids to sleep earlier. over the wkend i lights off at 8pm. by 9-930, they all KO. n they wake up 730am. usually wkdays they sleep at 1030 also wake up 730!

but wkdays v hard to start the bedtime earlier coz they nap in sch for longer time, and also we reach home ard 730pm..to lights off at 8pm is too early.
Ya for yr case difficult to let them zz earlier... If they nap long in sch by 8 they are not sleepy at all... Cant force them to zz also... And also that means cant spend with them when u guys get bk at home..

I tell u... Sat we at my friend hse so we stayed late... We only went bk around 10plus pm... Both ko at abt 1030pm during the car journey bk hm... Both woke up at 7am... And tha day is chaos... Both super cranky.. Keep crying for no reason... So i believe cos they not enough zz... Usually they zz at 8plus pm and wake up ard 7.... So not enough zz = cranky tod. Lol.
baby, i very scared to go out at night n the kids sleep in the car leh. coz mine v light sleeper. i ever encountered they sleep in car, when we carry them back home, put on bed, all wake up!!! n its like they have a night nap! refused to sleep for the next many hours! i nearly fainted!
Hahaha... I guess yr problem same as mine... My girls also v light sleeper.. Cos from young i always let them zz in quiet environment... Scare they wont zz long so whole hse v quiet.. My friends kids all can zz with alot of noise.. Can even zz when there is manjong just next to the kid zz...

For my girls if they ko during bedtime zz in the car.. Chances they wont wake up even if we carry them out the car... Provided they must have fallen zz quite sometime if just fallen asleep they may wake up...
I will just need to change their diaper and into pj and they wont wake up at all... Lol..
hahaa.thts very good already! i wont even dare to touch them at all! usually only change diaper. change pj 100% wake up de! esp the boys

my girl is a good sleeper. my boys cry n scream middle of night in the same room, she can continue to sleep. not affected at all. the only times she fuss at night is when not well, or hungry, wanna drink milk.

my boys r a different story. last night from 330-5am both take turns to cry for daddy n mummy again. these toddlers v v strange leh. my eldest always wants my hb pat him to sleep. my younger boy insist i must lie down with him ...refuse my hb. but when they wake up middle of night, the eldest cry for me, n the younger one will cry for my hb. we r both puzzled by their behavior...:S
I can understand. Same with me. When I'm not home, anyone else can attend to #2, no drama. Once I'm at home, drama starts, mummy feed, mummy bath, mummy everything ! So they always tell me not to be at home ! Sometimes, wonder is it a punishment from staying away the whole day...haha.

Lights off at 8 pm, I cannot make it. Too early, sometimes, 8 pm still having dinner ! Your boys take turns to torture u and hb ! Yes, puzzling...haha.

My girls woke up today with no more runny nose but cough and cough! Usually in such cases, u mummies will just let it run its course or see dr? No fever thou....
