IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hahaha same same... I also keep giving concern and love to my maid... Very scare she will say quit.
She ask my sim card.. I give. As long as she use after her working hrs i have no problem.

The good thing abt my maid is she is good to my girls.. Always play till laugh and laugh... And my girls love her alot.. Keep asking for auntie auntie... Lol
maids!! when can they learn to behave themself! my current maid with me for 3 mths but my girl see her like machiam see ghost keep screaming for me! till now I have yet to let her feed my girl *sigh* I wonder how I'm gonna cope when I go for my FET in June.... super headache now
baby, my kids only ok w the maid when i m not ard. once i m home, they will push the maid away n tell her dont want auntie! my eldest smtimes v violent wanna whack her if she goes near him when i m ard! he scared she take him away from me... zzz......

but she doesnt hv to handle the kids v much now they r in cc the whole day. only for a short while in the evenings before i reach home. once i m back, me n hb takes over. she will go n do her chores.. i dont really bother much about it so long as she keeps the house clean n neat. i also let her pack n prepare the kids bags n uniform for sch. after work i hv no energy to do all these. with the kids in sch, their nap time is later..so at night instead of sleeping at the usual 8+, they go to bed at 10+!
Hows yr trio at cc now?
My small girl who is ok now start to cry at home when she knws she is gg to school... Refuse to get changed...But the funny thing is she wont cry when reach school.. Can walk in automatically by herself...
My elder is getting better... Dont cry that much.. Only cry for few mins and stop after we left. And also start to particpate in activities like music n dance class... Waterplay etc.. Even allow the teacher to change her into swimming attire for the waterplay... Thats a improvement..

Today i start to let them hv lunch in sch.. But dont thk they will eat... If they dont, should i let them eat at home or let it be? Till they can used to eating at sch??

my girl took 1 month plus almost 2 months to get used to sch food. my boys after 1 week ok w sch food. you should let it be..kids r v smart..they will adapt once they know tht if they dont eat, they will b hungry.

mine took so long coz the teacher let her eat home snacks.. even then, after 2 months she wanna eat what the rest are eating!

my kids just recovered from stomach flu n went back to sch this week.. but yesterday my girl start to hv eye infection last night. i passed it to her.. coz i was down for two days earlier this week.. haiz... neverending bug going ard.. dunno if all will be well by CNY.. today my boys went to sch. girl at my parents house....
I also v worried abt them falling sick.. But so far so good.. Only abit of runny nose... Let them take cod liver oil and vit c every morning... Hope this will help them...

Im so surprise the teacher told me both ate the lunch! Meimei even ask for 2nd bowl! She self feed herself... Jiejie only had half a bowl and fed by teacher... Yday lunch was chicken rice..
Jiejie also had pau for tea break...

Today lunch is dory fish with rice... Hope they will eat...
Btw mommies... Which brand of cod liver oil is good? Or there is no difference? Im giving the tradtitional scotts cod liver oil.
Vit c im giving sambucol.
Read that Nordic actic cod fish DHA is v good ..

Today is Keith's first day in cc. Will see grace later

Can I ask how much u paid for the transport from home to cc ?
Hi mummies
Back from my break up the coast. But there was too much rain, only went to the theme park for a day. The rest of the time was just waterplay in the rain at the resort, shopping and eating. Its also the kids first time playing in the rain. At home, the old folks will never allow it. #2 always complaining "cold"...was so cute, I wonder if he really knows. Now I have a problem, #2 is so used to seeing me the whole day during our vacation, now I disappear for a while only, he start asking for mummy !!

Lucky you still can deposit kids at your parents, else kids take turns to be away from school, how to work ? I keep the kids awake also sometimes, cos, not much time to see them during the day.

Your tots take the white scotts emulsion ? Very good ! Its so fishy, I can't stand it myself.

Are you a SAHM ? Sometimes, got to disappear for a while to get your gal used to not seeing u. But anyway, just cross the bridge when it comes, u will manage.
bubblybear - I'm a FTWM, twice a week I work from home when I bring my girl to my parents place. work from home is also mission impossible cos she stick to me like super glue! refuse my maid, refuse my mum *sigh*
Is it... Okok will go check it out..

My girls taking the scotts emulsion orange flavoured ones... I thk its much tastier than the original one.. Lol
But initially they also reject it cos taste abit funny and oily too.. But now they alrdy got used to it... They take it everyday together with the sambucol vit c... I smell this vit c.. Yucks mann!
Day grace is hospitalized. No school. Which group is Keith? She has been out of school since last Monday. Think likely she will go back school only next wed

She is not on school bus yet. My dad picks her up daiky

How is Keith first day?
Oh dear what happened to grace ?!
Hope she recovers soon ...

Keith is ok on day1 as we are there but he seemed quite bored by one activity held at the dining area n wanted open the main door ... He can't self feed n I gotta guide him hope he master the art soon.

He is in the same class as grace, teacher Yvonne is the class teacher.. I saw grace's school bag compartment in their class. Today 1/3 of the tots are away.

I m thinking if I should let him join the half day class since Keith is going home latest after his nap.
Oh no.. What happen to grace? Hope she is ok...
How long have grace been in cc? Fall sick alot of times?
I also v scare my girls will fall sick... Always monitor them for any symptoms... Few days bk they have runny nose and abit of cough... But today seem ok...
Grace had bronchitis and stomach flu. She refused to drink n eat much so we admitted her on Sunday as worried she gets dehydrated. Shld be home tomorrow. Diarrhea only once today so shld be recovering,

Day, dun worry abt self feeding, they will want to do it when they see other kids self feed. Catherine said grace feeds herself but at home we still feed her. Her class alot of Japanese kids the last time! I think 4 out of 12 kiddos.
Are u working now?

Baby grace been falling sick quite often since starting school, the usual flu and cough. Spending a fortune at the Pd .=p
This year she was better almost attended 1 full month of school n she caught a bug. Hmmm I suspect coz my sil fed her from the food she ate... I.e. Use the spoon my sil used. Coz she was ok and then after the dinner, the next day she started coughing, fever
Good to hear that grace can go home tommorrow.
Is she at TMC or kkh ?

Keith caught the tummy flu bug from me too n the virus got onto every family member of mine who took care of him..

Did u ever consider changing grace to another childcare since she fall sick so often here. I gotta admit that the cc is starting to show signs of ageing n with so many kids housed in a terrace house n air con on, viruses gets to everywhere easily.

I m currently on part time ...
Day, grace is in mt A.
She is quite settled in Cambridge now so I didn't think of changing her. It is true the school is alittle crowded now with so many students. U have any other school in mind? I was initially thinking of newton kindergarten when she was on 1/2 day but long run we need a cc as not quite possible to keep my parents grounded too long .

I was hopping after the Initial bout of illness, she wld be toughened up and get more immued to the virus
Gan, I have the same thinking. hoping that the kids will toughen up after few months. char was out of sch fri and yesterday for slight cough. today send her back coz last 2 nights she stop coughing n slept quite well.

my mum also kept nagging say shld change sch coz the kids keep falling sick. aiyoh.. their class only 6 kids leh! and the teacher is very very committed. very hard to find such gd teacher elsewhere. she even help me specially wake the kids up earlier from their naps coz i told her we cant cope w 3 of them playing until very late at night coz nap too much. nowadays we manage to get them all to sleep before 10pm. on good nights by 930 all KO.

hope grace recovers soon!you must be tired too.. try to rest as much as you can.

i find tht when i m at work, the kids are not only expose to the cc bugs. coz i can also bring bugs back from office! so the only way is to try stay healthy and pray they build better immunity soon. now everyday i pop vit c, and vit b complex to stay alive... :p
hope they will outgrow the crying as they get older. Your girl like my cousin, same problem, my cousin don't want anyone, my aunt heartpain quit work to look after herself.

I find changing cc doesn't solve the issue of falling sick. They need time to build up immunity.

I'm guilty of letting the kids share cutleries..hehe. I don't mind just let them fall sick, part of growing up, just troublesome for us to look after.

Actually, I find flu jab is more effective than popping vits.
bubbybear, flu jab can prevent cough n sorethroat?? me n hb both down w cough n bad throat. even after a course of antibiotics still not well coz we dont have enough rest.

hehe..i m also guilty of letting the kids share cutleries and food. very difficult to stop them also. last thing i want is a screamin contest in the middle of a meal. so long as they wanna eat, i let them be. even now i m not well, they insist wanna eat from my bowl using my spoon!
bubblybear - we're planning for #2 so that my girl gets a companion. when we're old got sibling to share burden with her. I've kiv my FET plans for the longest time, cos my girl still cannot sleep thru the nite
day, Gan
I personally feel changing cc doesn't really help. it's really a cycle the kids hv to go through. of cos there are basics like no aircon is better, basic cleanliness n hygiene etc

my elder girls kindy is non aircon, but still she went through the endless flu cycle. took almost a year to settle down.

I prefer not to rely on flu jab. flu jab is yearly and if u stop u'll get all the cough colds again
grumpus, thanks for the info. yeah..i wont wanna go for jabs yearly too! i went to see a tcm before i start work. the doc told me, no matter what meds she giv, its pointless if i dont hv enough rest.
How old is your girl ? Sad to say sleeping through depends on individual kids, some faster some slower. Don't kiv too long. I have the same idea, for the kids to have each other for company, will have #3 due in June, although #1 and #2 now, endless fights between them, #1 is usually the one ended up crying...lol.

If desperate, for adults, common flu is preventable by vaccine, so you less likely to get it when the kids have flu, so you will be well to care for them. Its harmless, but the vaccine lasts only 1 year in the body. Plus there are many strains of flu, so the vaccine may not cover new strains. Cough and flu usually come together. If prevent flu there will be less cough. My hb usually get flu jab nearing winter, cos FOC. Its effective. For me, get flu just take MC...haha.
Mommies need some advise..

My girls started with runny nose... Then now start to cough.. The cough sounds like there is phelgm.. And is usually worst after they wake up from sleep... During normal times not much cough... No fever.

Need to see pd? Or no need? Will this clear on its own or need dr help?

Becos i search in web say if its cold, will clear on its own.. But scare will have brochities leh... How?
baby - if there's cough with phlegm, I'll bring to doc to rule out bronchitis. cos at their age the airway is small, so little bit of phlegm get into the airway will trigger bronchitis. runny nose I'll give liquid zytrec

bubblybear - my girl is 19 mths, really praying hard that she can sleep thru soon!
cough is usually worse after the kids just wake up cos of mucus backflow irritating the throat

cough may or may not resolve on it's own. I usually self medicate first n if doesn't get better after 4-5 days I'll bring to pd
Self medicate with what medicine? Off the counter cough syrup? I just bot iliadin and olbas oil decongestant for their blocked and runny nose from guardian.. And also vicks rub.

Not sure what to give for cough and phelgm...
u can try rhinothiol pink for phlegm only or rhinothiol yellow which is for runny nose, cough n phlegm. or flumicil satchets for phlegm.
all can get from pharmacy but needs pharmacist to dispense
Thanks so much for the info!

I read from the web that these symptoms is probably a cold. And it will go away on its own... It even state not to give med for kids under 6... Advise is to give alot water, put mist in the rm at night, give honey before zz... Etc..
For choldcares i would think having v dedicated n caring teachers n of paramount importance then comes environment.


Grace back home ?? Hope she hv a speedy recovery n can enjoy her 3rd CNY.

Today i left the class 2x , 1st time 15mins outside the class n keith was perfectly ok. 2nd time 30mins taking a breather at nov sq. i was expecting that he would be eating but when i cameback he wAs crying n screaming away despite teacher monica trying to soothe him. Teachers said he's been crying for 10over minutes. Aiyo , heart breaking seeing him in this condition. Thurs will be the real test ...

Justto check if grace was previously in a purely half a day class ? I am thinking of switching him next month ..coz he is nowin grace class which is a full day class.

Half day class teacher is teacher sharon , Yvonne seems to be able to soothe hysterical n crying kids v well... what abour teacher sharon ?
Yr trio class only hv 6 kids??? U mean including yr trio? Means they only have 3 other classmates? Thats a v small class... Only 1 teacher? Or have 1 english and 1 chinese teacher?

My girls now are getting better in school... Today my elder finished her bowl of rice self fed... But small girl refuse to eat 1 mouth... The teachers there will on off send me their photos in class during the day... And they will also show me videos of them in class when i go pick them up... In fact the comm bk is quite redundant for us... The book still blank lol.... But we always have a chat during pick up... I will ask whether did eat and poo... Whether did they cry... Etc...
hope grace is better.

is everyone bz shopping for new clothes for ur kiddos. do all of u must must wear new clothes for kiddos. my boy's cny clothes still fit him leh.. thinkg if can reuse.
Day grace is back home! When grace first started school, she would be screaming her lungs out every morning when we dropped her there...till I heart pain want to pull her out. But have to be "heng xin" and bear with the cries...after few months she is ok to go school. Doesn't cry when we leave her there...but not sure if she cries in school when we r not around. When grace. Was 1/2day she is in the same class leh, coz there was on,y 1 toddler class, the diff is she will leave 1130 to 1230pm while the rest of the kids stay back. You mean if Keith goes 1/2 ay, he wld be transferred to another class?
Grace likes teacher Yvonne too. During the initial day she wld stick to teacher Yvonne, teacher Sharon covered teacher Yvonne before and I think she is good with kids too.
baby, yes, include my trio only 6 kids. haha.. they form half the class. 2 tr..one eng one chinese. i like it tht w a small class the tr can giv the kids more individual attention.

now my kids leave sch at 430pm. come march i will let them stay until 6pm. 9am to 6pm.
now come bk so early, they keep bugging my parents bring them to the library. everyday wanna go!! stay in sch they hv some evening activities..so not so bored...
Gan, i was just telling my hb i love the outfits you buy for grace! esp those she wore during her recent photoshoot!

now i hv problems dressing the kids. charlotte only wanna wear hello kitty. lucas everyday wanna wear thomas clothes. only linus easier..so long as i tell him it makes him look handsome he will wear. lol
Give me the link leh.. I also wana see grace fashion show! Hee...

Just brought my girls to see pd... Lungs are clear... Phew..
The whole clinic is full of coughing kids... Even pd is down with cough herself... My hb also down... Hai.. I thk im the next in the line... Lucky still have a few days before cny.. Hope my girls will get well soon... Pd say it will take abt 5 days to get better... If by then still bad means kena brochities liao...

So today no school for them...

Btw mommies, do u stop them for gg school till they are completely well or can send them when they get better? Cos my girls no fever.. Only cough... Can still attend school?
Wahh.. Thats v good.. Even for small class of 6 have blingual teachers everyday... Not many cc do that..
In fact i see alot cc only have 1 english teacher and a assistant.. Chinese teacher is shared.

Mine is a class of 14... With 1 eng and 1 chin teacher everyday.. But usually i dont see the full class cos i guess now festive period alot have family activities and some also down with illness...
baby - my girl took abt 5 days to recover from the day I start ventolin/muscosolvan. PD also give singulair satchets, I add that into her milk every nite for 2 weeks!
baby, my girl just recovered from cough too.. i gav her the cough syrup from GP. i usually buy more of the med when one is down..coz i know v soon the other 2 might get it.

if the cough does not affect the night sleep, i let them go to sch. but if they cough alot at night and dont sleep well, i let them rest at home, coz they usually will nap earlier if at night dont sleep well. in sch dont get to nap until after lunch,might get cranky. but ur case ur girls dont hv nap issues since half day.
the other concern i hv is, their immunity might be lower .. i dont want them to catch smthing else when in sch...
Your trios are in a v small class. Teachers can pay more attention. There r 10 in Keith n grace's class.

Day 3 is as bad lo.. Keith was like guhu glue n at one stage, he took my bag from the compartment n gave it to me. Asking me to bring him home. I seriously drag tomorrow.m Teacher Yvonne asked me to stay for awhile to settle him down before leaving.

Today all came except grace. I find that ruka n Sydney are absolute attention seekers le. Yvonne bathing others Ruka also want to go along n must be in line of sight. Lunch also must feed her. Class go anywhere also wants yvonne to follow n carry her. Aiyyyooo! Starting to find that she not giving attention on the rest
.... N Keith is the type who wants ppl to talk to him n play with him. Think he felt v out of place.

I brought him to GUG for 2 semester n he is v happy n allow the teacher to carry him even when I m not around. But now
He feels very insecured as he has no source of comfort.

How long did grace settled down ? How long will she cry everything after ur dad left him there ? I m thinking of seeing if Keith improves in a month else I will withdraw him.
Maybe looking for other options to place him at a later stage .. Sigh!!!!!!!!!!
Did u previously considered n visited pats @ Halifax road ?

How's pats buckley so far ?! I m reworking on my alternatives in case he cry hard for too long. My friend is the principal of pats claymore branch n she was telling me to give Keith more time but still persist then must be environment seriously not for him. But queue at Halifax road is horrible. Probably till next yr then got space.
Day I have not visit pat but been on their q since dunno when. They never inform me whether there is any vacancy.

Grace cried for 3 months every morning when we dropped her there. She takes a long time because she was sick very often so she is usually in school only 1/2 month. The other 1/2 grounded.

Ruka is 2 days younger than grace . Hmmm if only grace attends school these few days than u can tell me how is she in class. The teachers only tell me she avoids kids whom she thinks are rough
So far no complaints on pat buckley... Except for their high fees lol...

The environment is not very new but i find it homely... As for their teachers i find quite ok... They really rem every child by name... Even those for those that are not in their class..

My girls so far alrdy attending sch for a month now.. They no longer cry when we drop them at sch.. Sometimes they do cry but stop v fast once we leave the door.. Its worst during monday cos they spend time with us during wkends... Fri usually wont cry at all.. Haha..
Thou the teachers there dont put anytin on the comm bk.. But they do update us everyday when we pick them up.. They will tell us excitedly what new ones words they say.. And how they participate in class... And will show me videos of them in class... Some photos thru watsapp... And my girls will look happily with their teachers when i go pick them... They will high five with the teachers and say bye bye...

Im not sure what is the norm in cc... So dont knw whats good and bad... No form of comparision... So not sure if pat is consider good... But as long as they enjoyed themslvs and eat well i have no complaints la..

Wrong timing else I can provide feedback on grace.
Typically I do think that the girls receives more attention than the boys coz they more vocal ...

U know jerald ? The small little boy ? In grace class for 7 months too. He damn poor thing always cry big time after ah po dropped him. Then he will refuse water, food n continue crying on off for all 3 days.Sometimes he crys teacher Yvonne got no hands for him n his cries quite soft too.

How can he not eat n drink. I observed that he likes keith's straw bottle but his is sprout n he constantly refused.
How I hope the teachers saw this n tell his ah po.
Wonder how his parents can tahan ... Poor boy Lo
