IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

just faith, i find kinderland very money face leh.. every single thing is $$$$... not tht other cc dont focus on making profits, but they really show it v obvious..LOL..

Day Keith going school today? Think grace gonna cry rockets in school today becoz she screamed the moment she saw me took out the uniform to change her and kept saying don't want to go school!! Cried so bad and long..........not sure how she wld be later
Gan, i saw ur post n got worried! quickly switch on the web cam on my phone to check if the kids r fussing..hahaha.. phew. they already changed into uniforms n happily playing ball games w my mum...
Panda grace has been out of school for almost 3 weeks... So she really resist going school. That day I was bringing her out for stroll and asked her if she likes me to work or not working.. She said likes me not working... Hmmm hear Liao felt like quitting immediately.

The webcam is it very obvious after installation?? I scared looks ugly but tot god idea can see the kiddos anytime. U watch them through ur handphone?
Gan, yes its v obvious..haha.. i hv a few units in the house.. 2 in living room coz my hall is v long, 1 in playroom, 1 in their bedroom, and 1 in kitchen to "scare" the maid..LOL..

yes i feel at ease i can watch them anytime...usually on the way to work i will look at what they are doing.. yup.. watch thru HP..

my kids also dont want me to work ... in fact last night i was discussing w my hb if i shld quit n bring all back home. we hv alot of logistics problem... n when they r sick, i hv problems too.. my mum is busy w my nephew..when i put another sick kid at her house, she hav problem handling both.. my mil is v old already, and also cant speak eng..cant communicate w my maid. i only start work few months taken so many days of child care leave. although my boss is v understanding but i also dunno how long i can sustain like this.

but bring back home also hv problem coz my maid cant handle them. will end up i alone hv to handle the kids whole day until hb knocks off from work. my maid also cant cook..dont even know how to cook rice w rice cooker leh. hb ask if i wanna hire one more maid again..hv 2 maids like last time. find someone good w kids n can cook. i told him to go n find himself..if he can find someone like tht i will quit n b sahm again. LOL
Panda it is good your boss is understanding. Coz not all bosses are like that. Even tougher as a working mum. My boss complains abt staff who always take urgent leave, 1/2 day leave etc to settle kids stuff so i figured she dislikes pple taking such leave ... Was a lot of struggle recently when grace was admitted and I can't leave to stay in hospital but left my maid there to take care of her . I had taken a number of urgent leave already in jan when my hub had a fall and was hospitalized so when it was grace turn it was alittle more difficult to take leave and there was just too much to do in office during that period.
I can only keep her company after work and through the night before I leave for work in the morning.

Sometimes find it hard to balance between work and family.

Unless you intend to stay home till they are much older else maybe just bear through the initial stage which they kept falling ill as not easy to find an understanding boss. But seeing kiddos falling sick is really heart pain .
Gan, yes i agree its not easy to find understanding boss. but its equally difficult when the kids are sick n i hv to leave them to go to work.. i m sure u know the feeling just as well..

i also hv this gut feel if i be sahm again my maid will quit. my trio r extremely difficult when i m at home.. gives the maid a hard time coz they dont want her near them! smtimes they all fuss when i m handling one, she tries to help, n my boys whack her..haiz...

but every morning i see the webcam, the kids can play w her happily, sit on her lap read books, n let sit with her eat breakfast!

my mum smtimes ask me to stay away after work until they finish dinner..otherwise the minute i appear all of them dont wanna eat n start crying for attention. :S

there are also the plus side of having them in cc, they are so well behaved in sch!! will eat all the things tht they dont wanna eat at home lor.. also can sit down guai guai listen to instructions from teachers do their art n craft. at home wanna climb all over me, throw the papers all over the floor, fight over the markers.. the list goes on! hahah

i agree its v v hard to find balance betw work and family, esp when the kids are so young. alot of times i cant focus.. end up feel like shitty mummy n lousy employee.
Yes. My boss told me a mommy can never excel in career if she is a caring mommy. this is so true lo... But now my new boss sucks lo.

Today Keith visited dr aat the 2nd time in a week. Spent another bomb la. He got congestion n coughing away..
Gave him2 days MC. Do we need to inform Catherine or MIa ?

Aiyo poor grace. I can't imagine Keith's behaviour on Friday too. I wonder if it's normal for most kids to cry their hearts out when they reached cc every morning or it's the cc ...

Yes, u should consider spending more time with grace, ur job allows part time ? Now when I reflect back, I dont know if I made the right choice to send Keith to childcare at 18monyhs Don't think he is really enjoying it... It's like paying money to let him suffer ...

I feel you. Like I mentioned before, the biggest thing about working is the guilt you feel both at home and at work. Because we are spreading ourselves so thin, we feel guilty when we are less than perfect at home and at work...
But you got to accept that decisions come with compromise. If you decided to work, then stick with it, and eventually things will get better (ie. you will get used to the arrangement!)


Same thing.... I think there is no right or wrong in sending kids to school this early. Some ppl send to IFC since few months old, some wait till 3-4 yo... actually I think kids are super adaptable... its us that find it hard to accept! Give it some time, and things will get better. My kids also cried alot initially and after some time away, they will still cry a little when go to school. But they eventually learn to enjoy it. Some day they will have to go to school... so this path you will have to go through eventually.

As for fallin sick, I also struggle with it. Like Panda said, they are not only exposed in school, also exposed to the germs I bring home from work... I have been fighting this cough/sore throat which goes away and keep coming back for the past 2 months... sian... and yesterday Isaac had fever.... just two weeks ago both had cough and cold, then got a little better, now start with the fever again... haiz.... what to do....
Day hope Keith gets better. I wld usually give Catherine a call to inform her abt grace absence. She still has cough, not fully recovered. Will pick her up after her nap as today busy accompany my hub for med appt at ttsh.

Panda I always have this shitty feeling of being a bad mommy n lousy employee!!
working wife,

yeah..now my problem is getting help when they r not well. honestly if i hv to take leave everytime they r not well, i dont think i can sustain the job. coz my kids take turns to be down. one after another.. i could well be away from work half the time each month or even more! now my mum is struggling to help me too.. its also painful to see her so tired and she has a bad knee. my mil also down w sorethroat since last Friday.. and fil caught stomach flu from the kids few weeks back n was hospitalised!

so i was questioning myself if its worth going back to work ... 3 kids taking turns to fall sick is very jia lat..

aiyoh.. i also leh..been having sore throat and coughing for almost a month..went GP 3x, went thru 1 course of antibiotics but still coughing coz i m not getting much rest. in the end i pek chek went pharmacy buy cough syrup.. n actually got better!! i think i recovered taking difflam anti inflammatory lozenges and Rhinathiol promethazine. this cough syrup v good for long term persistent cough i find..
gan, some time last month when the kids were down w the horrible stomach flu, i actually broke down n cried in front of my boss leh.. coz i was feel so overwhelmed both at home n at work.. she encouraged me to giv myself more time both to adjust and also let the kids settle down in sch. she was very kind n told me family come first. if there is a need for me to be at home when the kids are not well, just take leave.

now i also start to b less gan chiong when the kids are not well... after so many rounds of flu, cough, diarrhea, etc.. i feel more in control. last time used to rush to PD once they hv any symptoms. now i will self med first if i observe they still eat and drink well... and i go to nearby GP.. less stressful than rushing to TMC and waiting there for hours..

charlotte also on n off still cough abit...but i just let her be... not consistent nor frequent.. let her body go fight the bug..

ohh...i read online tht raw onion is very good for absorbing germs in the air. so now i put a cut raw onion in the bedrooms.. in hope of reducing the passing of bugs to each other...
Panda I never cry in front of my boss or anyone... I wld just looked very flustered at most . But I destressed through online shopping... So every time grace is sick for long time.. I wi ll splurge on something... Hahaha very good release for me coz I will look forward to the parcel that wld be arriving and that sort of distract me. I find that I am more stressed with kid falling ill than loading me with a lot of office work. Somehow work u can walk away for awhile if need to but u can't walk away from ur kid no matter what.

Day, is ur boss a lady boss? I find it easier to work with guys... Hmmm. I am being sponsored for a masters course next year... A lot of mixed feelings
Gan, my office is at raffles place, everyday lunch time i go shopping! very jia lat.. smtimes very stressed walk n impulse buy.. after tht go OPPS...

true..work can walk away.. but when away from work many days also feel stress..coz very limited time in ofc n alot to do.. and i try to leave office on time so tht i can spend more time w the kids.
Yes! My new boss is a mommy of two toddlers lo n I dont like working with her. Micro-mgmt plus she is v v green.
Myex boss is a man. Family man. He. Always tells me family comes first before work. Without his support n encouragement, i will still be childless or had MC. He fought for me to stay home during my pregnancy because I was bleeding. N he also materialised my part time arrangement.

Now if I ever need to do FET, I will leave my co. for good.
Everyone is telling me is a waste to resign from my co.
But with a yucky boss, I don't think I hv any choice.
Day, i m surprise ur boss w 2 toddlers is not understanding! my boss has 3 kids.. the youngest same age as my trio, she says she handle 2 older kids w 1 tod already difficult. so she can understand when i hv 3 young tods. same as ur ex boss..she always tell me family more impt. work can wait. but everything has its limits too.. i also know if i cant b in office most of the time it will affect the work.
there was this time i told her i will telecommute coz char not well.. she told me she rather i take leave n focus on taking care of her.. dont worry about work. can wait 1 to 2 days the company wont close down. hahah.. tht makes good sense too..
Ur boss is a v understanding boss too sounded like my ex boss. These days goodn family pro bosses are hard to comeby.

My current boss new n she cant be bothered to understand things.when there r issues then she panic n push ppl ! Now I spend more time replying bo Liao emails of hers. Her kids are under the care of her mils while she's out here making big bucks. Always telling me to stay chill on kids ... But it's just not me !
Panda u r lucky! Ur boss is very understanding! Agree with day pro family bosses are hard to come by.

Day how to stay chill with kids?? How is Keith after taking med? Better? Went to pick up grace around 4pm and she was ok. Even said bye bye to everyone happilY. On way home also very chatty .. Tempted to let her skip school tomorrow as we r on leave ... Celebrate valentine day with her.. Hehehe
Keith is slightly better after medication
But he had tons of Hardened nose dirt which irritated him a fair bit, I will only put him in school on Friday if he recovers.

Wow , Yvonne probably made all the kids v happy

Are u decided on ur sponsored masters ?
My boss can tell me no need to stay through on the first 3 days. Just leave him there n go. I m not so steel hearted Lo

Now I m in a delimma, don't know if I should change Keith to Sharon's class which is a half day class. Class is slightly smaller. Keith is definitely not v settled in grapes so I m considering if I should request for a change lo ...
Day, I thought some of the kiddos in Sharon's class are full day. Catherine said if 1/2 day must change class? Maybe coz grace has been yvonne's class since beginning so I prefer Yvonne to Sharon,

You know today grace was crying si bad that when Yvonne carried her, she struggled and use the toy n hit Yvonne on the head. Was so shocked and Paiseh that I quickly carried grace and apologized. Also asked grace ti say sorry, told her cannot hit teacher, grace apologized while crying lor.

Give Keith sometime. He will be ok, need sometime, he has only just started and he is young, sometimes I think maybe 2 years old is a better age ti start coz we can reason with them and they can understand us better.

For the masters class, long story..and nit first time they asked, so I have accepted. But realized I can start either this year or next so. Told HR next year. I planned to d FET soon. Been procrastinating due to my age,, but think. Shld give it a try. If successful, will decide What to do with work etc.
hi mummies
hvnt had time to login for long time. had relatives from overseas over CNY, so super bz. reading u all talking abt balancing work & family.. yes totally agree its really hard. my boss is single man, workaholic, so not pro-family. but everyday i just hv to be thick-skinned and leave on the dot at 6pm. by time i get home, hardly any time to spend with my boy. at times really feel like quitting but on 2nd thots, it is really hard to survive on single-income in spore. everythg is expensive.

pandawife, baby & mummies with indo maids,
can i chk where do u go to send $$ home for your maids. do u allow maid to send all $$ home? or you make them keep an x amount in Spore?
Grace's fierce le ... But Yvonne should be able to pacify her.
Thought Ruka n Sydney are the ones who behaved this way.
Grace's probably not use to cc after resting for 2wks.

True true, I wil give him 1 month to try on. If everyday drama n don't enjoy, then I will withdraw him.

Me also have been delaying my FET again n again..This yr I m over 35 this yr Liao
plus my AF reduced I doubt my chances this time round ... Sigh! Am now going back to dr Zou.
happyhippo, i use western union. they usually hv counters in singpost. i let them decide how much to send home. mine no off days, so they dont really need $ here... but so far most of them send about 80% back n keep 20% here. i used to send for them once every 2 months.
thks! i went to post ofc to ask. got both cashhome and western union. think either works. but my blur maid only got ac no. she need to call home to find out bank name & ac name details.

wow how u gonna to juggle work, family and masters?
Its so true. Its really hard for women to have a high flying career without putting time and effort and to balance family commitment at the same time. For me, career is taking a back seat. Went back to work just to maintain my skills and not looking at career advancements at least atm. Just go to work, clock the hrs and leave on the dot. Sometimes, feel there is no challenges compared to my old job but at least there is alot of flexibility, so I'm not complaining. I did mentioned to my boss the intention to convert to part-time for some time, when #3 comes along, but did not mention specifics yet, don't want to scare them...haha. The only issue as I told my hb, I'm afraid I will get too comfortable and loose the fighting spirit...haha. But at the same time, we cannot both focus on our career if we wanted kids, someone has to sacrifice. Agree with happyhippo, single income although possible but the future is unknown, esp. the last few years, economy is not doing well, yet inflation is going up every year, but salary don't go up esp. during downturn.

We don't owe the co anything, neither do they. Can find another job if not happy, but you get to see your kids grow up only once, very soon they will be self sufficient and don't need us anymore. So just do whatever, you feel works for your family. But I think we are all doing very well, still surviving despite having minimum sleep. Keep up the spirit !
We started with being ivf mums-to-be and stayed on this thread post pregnancy. I think some have gone to start off another thread for mums-to-be...
I'm working for my dad, so tons of flexibility in terms of taking time off & work from home. but he expects me to be on standby mode 24/7! even sat & sun is not spared, looking at the bright side is he doesn't really care how many hours I clock at work as long as my work is done.

now that my girl is still so young (19 mths) I tresure this job very much, how long I can sustain working for him I really have no clue cos in terms of income is not fantastic. I take comfort that I can be there for my girl when she needs to go for jab or see doc

I think for now I can forgo my career & just concentrate on my girl instead

Today I brought Keith to Cambridge n his temperature was 38.1 over the infra thermometer. Gotta to send him back to my mom's place lo. But when we took his temp at home n later at GuG was normal range le,

Now do I need a dr's clarence To go back on monday ??

Most of us here cnceived via ivf n I got quite a worrying question to ask.

After I pop, my AF was heavy for the 1st 5months after I got my 1st AF. Then the AF gradually lessen n my AF is regular. I started monitoring ovaluation but no luck for 4 months n I stopped. My AF also lessen quite significantly. Clear by day 4-5 type. When I fall sick,worse,clear by day 3. I suspected it's estrogen deficiency.

These symptoms are obviously hypomenohrrea n worse of all I m worried its signs of menopause.
. I m going for a hormone test sometime next week.

Anyone also have the same system big time haywire issue as me ?!?!?
Day ...my mens only comes once in a few months after birth. And not much ...think my hormones are haywire,

No, dun need dr clearance to go back school on Monday. Keith walks to school? Sometimes weather is hot, temp cld be higher.

Happy, dunno how to answer your question... Will take things as it comes
Day, my menses used to be irregular and lasted 7 days. After giving birth, it becomes very regular. Monthly. But flow is pathetic. Only 3-4 days. Dr Loh says though I am cleared of blood test, doesn't mean I don't have PCOS or can ovulate. I am supposed to start SOIUI for this cycle. But I dragged again. Cause my girl was very sick during CNY. I have no mood for anything. Not to mention rest or make babies.
Just faith,
Do u hv pcos previously ?

Seems to be a common issue for us who conceived via ivf.

I got plans to go fet n is on tcm but hormones still haywire.
With af low vol, lining is lousy n will affect the results.

I was nv suspected of pcos till my stimulation coz I was overstimulated. Now dr Cheng suspected that I hv pcos.
But pcos will still ovulate right ? Mine is totally haywire!
Never ovulate plus AF pathetic. Now I need to Do blood works for menopause

So dr loh prescribe any estrogen pills for u to increase the vol of our AF.
Day, yes I have PCOS previously. With PCOS, cannot ovulate de. For me, I have lota eggs in the ovaries. But not growing to desired sizes. All small small de. Thats why went for SOIUI under Dr LOh. I never done any full cycle for IVF. Always convert from SOIUI to IVF due to overstimulation of eggs. I already failed my FET. Also failed 1 round of SOIUI (again convert to IVF). Now my problem is EGG QUALITY. My last round of SOIUI/IVF, only 1 usable egg out of 20 eggs retrieved. Now my AF report, I will delay for one more month. Really no time to "bu" myself. Sad.
Day, no estrogen pills for me. I find it okay as I don't have blood clots. All fresh flow. I assume its ok. If I see sinseh, he sure ask me any blood clots? LOL
Gan, I did FET under Dr Loh when he was still with KKH. Dr Loh assured me that his charges will be the same or if not cheaper than KKH.
Just faith,
What's wrong with blood clots ? Last time when my AF was normal n regular, I get them too.

Wow, dr Loh is nice. He charges his old customers aka patients kkh rates.

I did my FET with dr Cheng at TFC is apemt about 5k without supplements. Heard now TFC is v pricey. For storage they charged about 1k+/yr while care only charges 400/yr.
If I ever hv chance to do my FET, I will transfer to care n get dr Cheng to transf.
Wow grace so advanced, can tell u don't go work?
Hmm... My boy don't even undstd mummy goes to work.

Pandawife, actually if u sahm, it is worth it, coz u r taking care, giving quality time to three kiddos. justifiable and make economical sense
Day, my sinseh didn't say much. Only mumbled "有血块不好". Ya Dr Loh is nice. In fact waiting time is shorter and spend longer time in his room these days. The first time I saw him at TMC, he charges me "repeat" customer rate. Not "new" customer rate.
. His clinic is not GST registered. So bill size is slightly smaller. Not sure about mine.

1 adult to 3 kids very hard to hv quality time! its a constant fighting for attention and screaming contest!

this CNY me n hb so exhausted by the kids. all refuse my maid. so its always 2 of us handling the 3 of them when we are out or at home.. lately they hv become even more demanding and difficult! drives us crazy sometimes....

keep pushing each other and telling me, "bu yao didi" or "bu yao gor gor"..

today i telecommute, so i prep them for sch. all v happy..until the sch bus came! haahaha..then all cry for mummy, i hv to pass them to the bus auntie n watch the bus drive away...haiz....:S

last night my boys took turns to cry n fuss before 2am.. after tht 230 my girl woke up!! turn, toss and grind her teeth until 530 then KO again..until 8am.. gosh..
Its always this way... Once papa mama around.. All refuse maid or others... Only want papa and mama.. Sometimes worst still... Only wan mama.. Papa also refuse... Faint..

But if we not around.. They all can play happily on their own.. Can sit guai guai with the maid.. But once we appear.. War starts....

Wonder will they outgrow this...
baby, i am not sure if all other kids are like that... or becoz we were sahm to begin with.

My nephew dont hv this problem coz my sil worked..and from 3 mths old my parents babysit him. naturally he is closer to my parents... i foresee its also not a problem when my bro hv to drop him off in cc next month.
Panda my gal is superglue though I have been working since she was 4 mths old! When I am around everything mummy, mummy fees, mummy sit with her at the back of car while my maid sits the front, mummy carry etc. now my hub broke his hand and still healing, she has more excuse to have me do everything for her coz she wld tell me 爸爸手痛痛 妈妈做。
Haha... I also sit with my girls behind the car while my maid sit infront...

Mommies need some advise
My girls initially down with cough and cold... Been to see dr 2 times.. The last time is few days bk... Dr say both are ok... Gg to recover soon... Lungs are clear... Throat and ear clear of infection... But still have phelgm and cough... So pd gives antibiotics cos they have fever... And singular for the cough..

Yday my small girl suddenly have fever again... Give her panadol fever went down.. But fever come bk once med wear off... Now i headache whether i should bring her go see dr again or what... She alrdy on antibiotics.. Tml is the last dose.
Baby, your gal in fever for how many days? My girl was down since CNY eve. Fever lasted for 6 days. During day time was ok, still active and playing. But her eyes were teary. Cause she kept sneezing. Evening come, fever again. Sometimes fever went up to 38*. Very worrisome. Now she is cleared of fever. But cough n phlegm still have. I didn't give medicine anymore. I let her recover on her own .... Those medicines were not working on her anymore.
Mommies, looks like most of us got demoted to sit behind these days. Hahahaha. For short journeys, I let her sit on my lap.

Just faith
Fever started yday... Always 38plus.. But give panadol will go down.. But aft tat come bk again.

Did u bring yr gal see dr? Or u self medciate fever med only?
Same.. Daytime she active... Then temp always go higher during night time...
She now still on cough med.. Anibiotic tml last dose...

I find it strange how come will have fever when on antibiotic.. Dont knw is it she kena another kind of bug or what.

Now dont knw should i just let her be or bring her see pd again..
Is it ok to keep having fever? Will it go away on its own or must see dr?
