IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

my elder girl weaned off night feeds at 8mths. by 2yrs old she was sleeping on her own bed but in my room
my younger girl only weaned off night feeds 2weeks ago, just before her 2yr old bday. and she's still co sleeping with me.

I tried to train my younger girl previously but she would cry n cry until I fed her. recently she went through a growth spurt n I took the opportunity to increase her solids. she continued to wake at night but just eh eh n not ask for milk. just like tat she weaned herself off night feeds.

last time when my elder girl was younger, occasionally I would leave her overnight with my mum n she would sleep right through. but with me she would eh eh quite a few times.

I left her with my mum twice before to go on holiday with hb. every morn 6am she would wake n sit on her pillow n ask for mummy

now I don't travel without bringing both girls along

my boy is also heavy, think abt 13.5kg! yes heavy, my hand ache after carrying.

at nite, too tired to train him to stop asking for milk. i just quickly give so tat all can go sleep. worst when he doesn

oh dear, sometimes my boy does tat too, waki many times a nite, next day really dont feel like going to work.

my boy sleeps in own bed in own rm.sometimes wonder if he scared to be alone. me or hubby need to stay with him till he sleeps. i know wat u mean, he also cry till hysterical if i don't give him milk, no choice lor. me too tired to train, just want to quickly go sleep.

recently i try to give some snacks eg bread/banana near his bedtime.was hoping to cut down milk. didnt see much improvement.

Yr elder studying in Marymount kindergarten. So Aly will be joining their pre-nursery in 2014? Priority is given to siblings of ex-student or Catholics right?

My girl couldn't get in the pre-nursery at the nativity church kindergarten. Minimum age is 2.5mths.
. So she can only join in term 3 for PN or their nursery class in 2014. Sianz.....
Bubbly bear, congrats!

Happyhipo, I haven't train my girl to sleep in her own room. Has yr boy ever wake up and walk to your room, and pester to sleep in yr bed?
just faith,
yup my girl attending Marymount kindergarten. aly will start pre N in 2014. priority given only to siblings
Just faith
ur girl has a place in nativity right? just that she has to wait till term 3 cos she's a year end bb?
Just faith
U are a catholic? Y u like to send yr girl to church kindergarden?

There is only 1 marymount kindergardgen is it? At thomson?
yes there is only one marymount kindergarten, along thomson road.
church kindys tend to emphasize more on moral values, manners etc and less academic. there's a lot of outdoor playground time and learning through play.
my boy has been sleeping in his own rm in the cot since day1.
only certains nights when he waki middle of nite and fuss badly then i bring him over to sleep in my rm on mattress on floor.
so far, when he waki middle of nite is to call for milk, i will go over to feed him. after milk, he usually fall asleep. but if he make noise, i will sleep in his rm. maybe coz he never slept on our beds, so never pester to do tat.
My elder stil not quite settle in yet... These two days still crying on off in school... Did not participate in the activities.. Even outdoor play like waterplay, car rides also didnt interest her. Unlike my small girl alrdy enaging in all the activities. My elder see meimei playing also didnt help to get her interested.
baby, some kids takes a longer time.. i m sure in the next few days/weeks she will settle in better.

i kept my eldest at home for 3 days this week. yesterday he went back to sch. teacher told me although so many days away, he was still v happy when reach school. no crying at all.. only appetite abit poorer..

now my fussy fussy girl everyday can finish the food for both lunch n tea break, and i finally see her gaining weight!!! her weight has been stagnant for the longest time..
mummies, my trio now still wakes up at night to cry ..every night without fail.. not for milk!! cry for me or my hb..smtimes wanna carry.. or smtimes just cry which i think its nightmare ... i dont mind if they ask for milk, i can make n they sleep after tht. but wake up cry non stop cannot pacify! struggle and kick.. aiyoh..v tiring...
Wow... Yr fussy girl can finish all her food everyday... Thats v good! Im still letting my girls had their lunch before heading school.. Cos by the time they reach there they are crying.. Cant eat at all... I do hope they can have their lunch there...
baby, yes.. finally.. but it took her 2 whole months.. i tink for 1 mth + she only eat the rice crackers i pack. last week start to eat half portion of school food. this week everyday she finish. and when i carry her i start to feel a difference..

giv ur girls more time... in time to come they will be able to eat in school..

my eldest is always bullying my girl at home. i feed back this to the tr. she makes the two of them hold hands when they go for outdoor play. my fren who is there today told me he hold her hands v tightly n din let go.. haha.. teacher hv to remind him let go so tht mei mei can go play slides. so funny!!
Your elder girl will eventually settle, just a matter of time. Its a character thing. But I think boys on the whole easier to settle, they tend to be less clingy and forget very fast when they are distracted.

Is this on-going ? Sounds like night terrors.
So what do you do ? Do you try to wake them ?
My kids also ever like that, usually too stimulated during the day or there are some changes. But if they do I will wake them up from sleep, make them open their eyes and then settle again, usually quite quickly they will settle.
haiz..my kids do play quite abit before bedtime. w the 3 of them its impossible to stop them from playing leh..

i try to wake them up, but just keep strugging n kicking n screaming! and finally if really awake.. refuse to sleep smtimes.. or smtimes after screaming will zzz back again..

i try to pat them ..smtimes i carry n run out of the room if too loud noise coz scared wake up all the rest...

my younger boy keep crying for my hb.. d minute my hb leave his side, shortly he will wake up cry for daddy!! he can only zzz better if hb is constantly beside him. and the other two see him like tht also smtimes start to cry for daddy.. there are some really odd nights tht all 3 wake up n cry wants daddy to carry!! really cant drive us crazy..

i tried askin my hb to stay out of the room. the little boy will cry n cry until cough n vomit!!
I'm a big supporter of co sleeping for kids like tat. it's also easier to settle them down cos the moment they start crying or eh-ing u're right there already.
I personally find it less tiring to lie there n reassure them than to hv to run from room to room.

usually I will reassure them gently. sometimes they will keep screaming or crying cos still asleep. then I actually say very sharply n firmly ENOUGH! when they snap out of it I'll tell them to lie down n go back to sleep, mummy's here etc. n I tell them I will hold their hand. sometimes I just go back to sleep before them while holding their hand :p
grumpus, yes..i agree its less tiring if we are in the room.

nowadays we still let them all sleep in the same room ..but once anyone fuss, hb or i will bring them to our room, n one of us will stay w the other 2 left in the room. now tht i hv to get out of bed early to go to work, every minute of zzz is even more precious! lately my girl suddenly more prone to night terror. there was one night she literally scream at the top of her voice like somebody abused her ... woke up all the adults in the house in shock! :S
Sorry for the late reply...
Baby, no, I am not a catholic. I was from catholic school (both pri n sec). Like what grumpus says, church schools focus more on moral values n most importantly, less academic.

Grumpus, I didn't let her join pre-nursery in term 3. Cause there are only two classes. One in the morning, one in th afternoon. I couldn't get into the morning class - so I gave up altogether. Their afternoon class starts at 1130am, it clash with my girl's nap time. Nursery class is better. 3 morning, 3 afternoon. Public registration is in April 2013. Hope we can get a place for the morning class.

Does yr girl pre nursery class comes with snack in the morning?
Just faith
haha I was from catholic school from kindy to pri to sec.
ooo hope Gina will get a place in the morn next year. morn session generally more popular.

yes my girls school provides snack in the morning. but is very simple one like biscuits, cornflakes with milk, bread with jam.

I usually pack 2 slices of bread with cheese for my fussy girl to bring for snack
Just faith/grumpus
Hearing u gals say church school focus more on moral values less on academic makes me wana send my girls to one too! I will love to have my girls taught on their moral values that help them in their life...

There is marymount kindy and newton kindy... Which one is better? They dont take in bookings right? Must q up and register? First come first serve?
Marymount kindy is more English Ed. newton life kindy is more Chinese Ed. depends on what you want.
registration opens somewhere in march. first come first serve.

Marymount kindy has been around since 1963, I'm sure they couldn't survive so long if they didn't sufficiently prepare their students for primary school
Baby, i have been planning to send my girl to church kindergarten since i knew i was expecting baby girl. I didnt make that decision overnight. And i also planned for my girl to study in the same IJ school as me when she enter P1.

Grumpus, talking about survival, the fees per term is $500+ at nativity church. Only 1/3 of Kinderland school fees. But nativity church compound is very very very old but I like.
Just Faith
wow $500+ per term is very very cheap. Marymount is abt $900 per term. still quite cheap to me compared to those which charge $900 a month!
I also love the Marymount compound! very hard to get schools like tat now. big open spaces, 3 playgrounds!! a wading pool and no air cons

u were from IJ??? which one??? my girls r going to IJ too
Ya lor. $530 really cheap. No deposit. Their yearly admission always got parents q overnight. The principal told me to go at 7am.... But most likely we will check out the night before. If got parents start q-ing, then we will also q. Out of 6 nursery classes, 2 already reserved for pre-nursery.

I was from CHIJ Ponggol (now Our Lady of Nativity). My pri school is just next to nativity kindy. U r from CHIJ TP right? I know most IJ girls will send their daughters to IJ. Haha.
just faith
wow q over night. yeah the Marymount q also starts at abt 6am!
hehe yup as u can see from my fb. IJ TPY
LOL! which kinda explains why we all click huh.
girl for #2 so u can make use of ur alumni status? hehe
very hot sch cos it's a full sch
Gan/Day, hello!

Grumpus, I MUST get into the morning class. Otherwise my timing will become haywire! Neither here nor there!!

Yr #1 on school bus?
Just faith
ya afternoon session really neither here nor there.
nope #1 not on sch bus. I send n pick everyday.
my hb sends and picks when he's around
Hey mummies,

Just checking since the topic is on preschool/nursery. For a foreigner, can we apply to these kindergartens you talked about?

For schools like Pat Schoolhouse, Eton etc, how much are the school fees? and what is the registration fees upfront? Anyone has any idea? Thanks.
working wife
yes foreigners can apply. there's no priority for Singaporeans for preschools.

fees MAY differ though. best to call/email the schools directly
hi mummies
does anyone know how this works? my maid said she want to go back agency to change employer so that she can have off-days. is it so straightforward? does the maid have to pay any fees? does she have any penalty, anythg to lose? or it is us as employer at the losing end again?
all these maid is so frustrating. the government shd do sthg abt it! so annnoying!
Happy , think agency will only charge herb1 month her salary as transfer fee.

If she is good, u want to negotiate n give her off? Mine has 1 day off per month in her contract
Gan is right.. Agency charge her 1 mth salary if she change employer...

Off day or not is based on the contract when she come over.. Unless new employer is willing to give her off day else its still base on old contract...

Cos now new maids have higher salary and off day so alot current working maids tot they can change their welfare as well. Unless they go back and come again or wait for their contract up for renewal then they will get the new scheme...

Is yr maid good? If good then u can consider nego with her on what she wants.. Its really hard to get good ones nowadays.. If no major problem consider lucky liao.. Esp if the maid is good with kids..
Happyhippo, my ex maid told me when she change employer, her agency charged her two months. If I don't want her, her agency charge her 1 month.

I agree with baby and gan. If she's good, I rather negotiate and n retain her. I used to ask my maid to take off, to visit her sister in singapore. She don't want. Said she want to earn $. LOL. I support off days, so maid get enough rest n come back happy. Of course the sad part is, the maid go out n do part time work or meet boyfriends, then get into trouble.
. When maid go on off, you and hubby can have privacy at home too.
Now no maid. She's still attending 2hr PG every morning, mon to fri. Attending mandarin class once per week. Now her feeding improved at least 200% since her food strike last week. She's not potty trained yet. Only can tell me "I pang sai" when she poo. Other than that, she still happily pee in her diapers. During shower, I will encourage her to pee (eg... whistling to her) and tell her she's pee-ing. Lol.
gan, baby, justfaith
thks for the info.
her contract is no off day. 2 incidents in the last 1 mth. 1st- she packed her bag, almost ran away with my neighbor's maid. she claimed that her friend told her change employer can get off day. after tat we pet talked her & she said she want to work here. she was very good for few days.
then thurs, when she went out with my mum, she detoured and went to buy phone. when we found out, she said she bumped ino friend who gave her the phone. the phone got receipt, we figured tat she sneaked off to buy $90 phone. we don't think she has $90 coz i give her $20 per mth and save rest in bank, so now suspecting she pocketed our $$. any advise on wat i shd do?
sometimes i'm so pissed that i want to give her ultimatum. so pissed that i feel like threathening to send her home? but then again, maybe that's what she wants...LOL... either way we are on the losing end...sighhhhh
shd i get agency to talk to her?
she doesn't take care of my boy. she's only here to do housework and accompany my mum when she goes out. dont thk we can do without a maid. it is frustrating but a new maid may not be any better. cld be worst!
actually i now suspect she is much younger than her passport age, possibly underage even! is employer or agency liable if she is really underage?
Just faith
Haha.. Mine also not potty train yet.. Both hv diff patterns.. Small girl wil go hide one corner when she wana poo.. Ask her to sit on potty she refuse... Elder will not given tell me she poo.. We only know when we smell the poopoo.. Lol

Wow yr girl feeding improve by 200%!! So good mann!
Mine still as usual... Still giving boring porridge for lunch before she goes cc... Dnr will either eating our dnr with rice or noodle soup..

Which pg yr girl attending?
Ya.. Employer seems to be on the losing end.. Most protect the maid than the employer.. If they run to embassy maid win we lose. Stil got to pay for her flight bk. We lose the loan $$..

I can only say its really luck when getting maid.. If luck is on yr side u can get a decent 1... If no luck.. Then jialat... Problems and problems...

My current one say she got toothache... Then ok liao.. Becomes leg pain.. Till cannot work... Bring her see 2 drs.. All med doesnt help.. Pain get worst... Damm pissed... Bring her to agency... After that no pain.... 2 weeks later tell me wana go bk agency... Wana change employer... Tell me she only want to do hsewk dont want to look aft kids. My blood boil.
So send bk to agency... After "scolding" from agency... Come bk promise me will work hard. So far so good...

So u can bring yr maid to agency and let them handle...

aiyoh..these maids ah.. have also jia lat, dont have also cannot.

now i hv to handle my maid with alot of tender loving care.. so tht she dont get freaked out by my kids n say wanan resign.. smtimes i see her "stressed" face when my kids fuss, i very worry she will write me love letter n say wanna go back agency!! she work for my 3 months, agency counsel her 4-5 times already!

but the good thing i like about her is she is very good girl. she doesnt hv hp, no off days. also dont demand for anything yet. I let her call home every 2 weeks and pay for the calls..
