IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Pat half day is $1k before subsidy.

Talking abt the spout... I hear the teacher tell one of the parent to change their child spout bottle to straw. Say its easier to drink and child needs to learn to drink from straw. I rem that is during the orientation day... So from this i can see the teacher actually notice this kind of detail.

I believe buckley also have long waiting list.. That time when u enquire there is no slot for full day. Morning half day also full. Only left afternoon half day which is what i want.. So i was given the chance to visit the premise.

Day, yes I know jearld, he is one of the younger child , very quiet boy, maybe his popo doesn't know he cries in class, hmm I also dunno if grace cries in class. Maybe next time I. Shld go spot check. When he refuse food does the teachers try to feed him? How do you find the Chinese teacher? Grace Chinese teacher was feng laoshi, though very auntie but is quite a warm teacher, this new one I am not sure
Yes they do differentiate.
Their half days class are solely half day.. Not mixed with full day class.. Meaning half day am and half day pm are individual classes. Separate from those full day class.
Half day am is more exp than pm half day.

Why didnt u check with the teacher whether did grace cry in class?
There are some days the teacher told me they cry abit more than usual that day... But most of the times they tell me they didnt cry at all... Even tell them they had alot of fun and laughing away... I did a few spot checks before.. I went to peep in the middle of the day... Pat sch welcome parents to drop unanounced which i like.. I know some cc dont allow but get prior approval from the sch...
Baby, asked and they always tell me grace only cried when we dropped her off and after that she is ok. M dad tells me she looks happy when he goes and picks her up. She will also wave bye and hug and kiss the teachers. I think Cambridge doesn't encourage parents to go unannounced to check on the kids.
I understand they dont allow parents to drop by due to security reason and also minimize contagious bugs passing around...
But i still prefer to be able to go anytime i want.. Lol
Some days i reach earlier before their dismissal time.. I peep outside the class.. I will be able to know offhand how they are in the class... The environment is v homely.. All the teachers there know almost all parents..

My girls usually nap at 11am till 12pm plus... Then once wake up will head to sch... Lunch is at 1pm in sch.
In order to let them zz at 11am.. I will wake them up at 630am...
Chinese teacher Is from CN n is ok but if coz not as engaging as Yvonne. From what teacher Monica said, grace is one of the well behaved ones. I saw some of grace's art work in class ..

Yes Yvonne tried to feed jerald n ruka together but no luck for jerald. Poor boy lo. He always sit 1 corner by himself le ...

Actually I m ok with Keith crying coz they r still young. U know Zoe can go N1 n she will mo tintin asked teachers where is mommy n teachers said mommy will pick u up later .. She can burst out crying lo... But I need the teacher to know how to pacify Keith le .. Else going to school is a nightmare to Keith.

Wow the teacher is v observant. How big is the group ur girls are in ? Good to spot check le ... So I can only hope Keith settles down first. How often the teacher will whatsapp u with your gals enjoying pix ?
Day do you have Facebook? U know there is Cambridge Facebook ? It is a private group for the kids parents. They will put up photos of special events like children day , Christmas etc. Do join in , can see pictures of Keith next time,
Day, yes the class very small, they deliberately kept the toddler class small. in nov / dec, the class was 7 kids before my trio gate crash and became 10 kids. but it was end of year, so they make exception let my trio join so tht they can settle down before the Jan new intake.

their form teacher used to be from IFC, and is also a qualified nurse. very engaging w the kids too...i like it tht she makes effort to update or call me for out of normal situations. like the first time charlotte went to sch alone without the boys,she called me once they nap to let me know char is happy even though without the boys. she calls char "princess" in the comms book..coz she is the only girl in class!

i m sure keith will settle down in due course. you can brief the tr on the ways to pacify him. when my kids start class, the rest were all older n hv been in the class for a while, so she was able to focus on handling my trio and also observing their behaviour. during first 3 days she asked me alot qns about them so tht she can be up to speed when i m not ard.
she train the rest so well tht they can follow the routine ..none of them cried during the 3 days i was there... all very well behaved. only my trio cried..haahha
baby, what time does ur girls go to bed at night? early?? 630am very early!

now my kids wake up ard 730am...by 830am they will b all prepared to go sch..go downstairs for a walk while waiting for the sch bus to come.
Your trios for teacher is very dedicated n motherly figure le.

Thos morning, I was with Keith to settle him before I left, guess what ? 8 came today n among which 6 are girls n 4 girls cried badly n wanted the form teacher to carry n pacify. But she got only 2 hands le. Carry kid 1, the rest cry. Most of the gals have been around for at least 6 months Liaos.

The whole class was with screaming n hysterical girls. They are seriously v needy le. Keith will look at them blankly then start to do the scare scare action.
Now, I left Liao... Hope he will be ok when I go pick him after his lunch.
Day, oh dear.. actually the teacher should not carry them in such a case.. coz carry one all want her to carry...

the form teacher also said the same thing to me. she says she only carry when only 1 kiddo fussing and after trying other means to distract cannot pacify. otherwise she will not carry them. i saw her squat down hug a kid who cried shortly when the parent drop off n left. but did not carry him. she hug him n told him its ok, teacher love you, later daddy mummy will come pick you in the evening... n very fast the kiddo stop and join the play.

i also do the same when my trio fuss at home. i sit down n hold n hug them close to me... no carrying.. now they know i wont carry them ..but they bully my hubby! always want him to carry coz he can carry 2 at one time.. i hv to repeatedly tell my hb not to carry when they cry coz v soon they will be too heavy for him to carry 2 together....
Day how is Keith? What time do you pick him up?

Likely let grace join the cny party tomorrow as she is much better now. Will pick her up after her lunch n bring her home to nap. How is the part time arrangement like for u? Thinking if I shld do that
Surprisingly Keith survived without me. Yvonne said he cried for awhile then ok Liao. He ate 2 small bowls of porridge.
When I reached with my parents, he is happily eating with Yvonne beside him, there is another new girl called Yu tong so beside her. She cried her lungs out in the morning...
I will pick him up at 1130-1200. V happy that he didn't cry.

I like my part time arrangement lo. Twice a week I bring him to GUG in the afternoon lo. At Cambridge he can't nap n landed up disturbing his mates
So I prefer to bring him home feed him abit more n nap lo. Though I take home half the pay now but I enjoyed the quality time which can't buy with him n my parents are not so tired too.

If u can choose part time mode u should seriously consider lo..
My nature of job requires project implementation n involves lotsa travelling. Not v suitable when we hv kids lo.

Do u hvfacebook ? Add me le ....

Tomorrow I will be there till I settle Keith so high chance to see grace. What time ur dad will bring her ???
Actually my girls will wake up ard 7plus am... But cos i wana let them nap before sch so i purposely wake them up at 630am so they will be sleepy and ko faster during nap.
During wkdays i will let them zzz by 8pm. By 745pm i will let them go into the rm... Usually by 815pm they will ko.

Wkends i not so strict le.. Cos they can wake up later...
I will try your method by it carrying Keith. Sometimes, he will struggle out from the stroller n climb up n ask me to carry.
Siong la ... He really like bao bao so much especially my hubby. He gets jealous when I touch my hubby..
So far the teachers watsapp me 2 times of their photo in class.. As for videos quite a no of times liao... I see how they participate during music class... See them laughing away with their class mates etc.. I also went peep a few times. No crying at all... They will only cry either at home before gg to sch or when we drop them there.
Nice! I see some of the kids cry like siao in Keith & grace's class n only want form teacher to pacify n carry. Can get jealous when she handles other kids.

I like that you all can spot check anytime n teachers to whatsapps parents foots of our kids to assure us lo.
Day i will be sending grace to school myself tomorrow as my parents are having their hols in states now. Shld be there 9 plus coz 830am going pediatrician for review.

Good to hear Keith didn't cry! Such a good boy! Sometimes I think they cry coz we r around. When we r gone they wld be distracted by other things. Grace also won't nap when I tried to let her stay whole day once last year, that is why I decided to do 1/2 day and only started full day this year. She is older this year so I guess more adaptive and was ok napping in school.
So you work daily in morning only?
I don't have personal Facebook , using my husband's . Hehehehe
I will most likely stay till 915 then Chiong home to work.
If ur hv sometime, come into grace's class should see me la.

Yes I work in the morning at jurong summit lo. But at times when I got family matters, will work from home.
I think for initial period will have alot of crying.. One cry the rest start to cry also.. Give them some time to settle in..
When the term jus started.. All of them are new.. All start sch at the same time so alot of crying.. But now cuming to a month liao.. I dont see anymore crying when i drop them.. The rest alrdy eating or playing...

Ya i do like pat allow us to drop by anytime.. And appreciate the teachers to watsapp me the pic to assure me my girls are fine esp during the initial weeks... Feel so relieve when i saw the photos... I even cry at home when i see them cry so bad in school... Lol..
I feel u lo. Today when I was in school to settle Keith, I felt horrible coz I was worried that he will cry his hearts out ... Emo me too.
you mummies all very brave. until now i never send the kids to sch apart from first 3 days. LOL
i sure cannot take it.. most of the time its my dad or hb send before they start sch bus.

even morning when i go to work, they cry like kanna abuse i already cant take it. feel like call office to take leave!
I feel u lo...but Keith loves his daddy to bits n if he brings he sure refuse to come down, so I bo bian, must bring him...

His left eye swollen big time jus brought him to dr Ang ai tin then left him in his form teacher hands. He is ok n I quickly left ...

I checked with school us but all packed. How much do u pay for 1 tot for return trip ?

Keith Kena mossie kiss yesterday n his eye swollen big time.
Brought him to TMC n by the time I reached Cambridge was like 10am. They are having some slide shows or videos on cny customs at the nursery class. I just handed over Keith to teacher Yvonne n left. He was ok.
Yvonne was carrying grace le ... Big small tears ! Crying for u le... Sigh!!! Poor grace ... Sayang Sayang !!!
Day I could have just missed u! I brought grace there 945am after seeing doc at mt Alvernia. I left her there n dashed out coz I expect her to cry after being away from school for almost 2 weeks. When she reached the gate she already told me she dun want to go in, wants me to carry. Did she scream and cry ? Will pick her up after the celebration。

Mozzie bite from achool? Swollen sounds serious leh... What did dr Ang say? I very scared to go dr Ang coz the wAiting is a killer!
I don't think he Kena bite from school. Probably on way on school. His own right eye swell badly. Dr Ang ai tin said he Kena eye infection. Gave so much medication.

If u go to dr Ang at , so v early in the morning. I was there at 820 n I m no.3. ...

Grace poor thing cry n cry kept saying mommy mommy ..
U try to check with yvonone see what she says..

I m picking Keith up at 12 noon ... U ?
Must take medication? Not just apply cream? I saw Keith! His eye really quite swollen but I didn't approach him coz one of the teachers is trying to feed him apple but he didn't eat le. I think he cried Abit before I came coz eyes wet wet when I saw him. I went to pick grace at 1130am. She was self feeding apple n sitting with the gals. Teacher Yvonne said when she cried other teachers wanted to carry, she refused and wanted teacher Yvonne to carry.
Dr ang ai tin is a woman pd? Is she good?
From tmc?
Im thinking to switch pd to either tmc or mt alvernia.. Nearer to my home now... Wonder which pd is good and dont hv v long waiting time...
must apply medication n eat antibiotics coz dr ang said its an infection lO
Yvonne said Keith cried for awhile. When I went he was In the class he was ok. Yvonne can pacify but everyone wants to pacifiy lo ...

Dr ang AI tin is a renowned pediatrician but her queue kills lo. I will either be the first or last patient. PreviOusly I heard stories on how cold she can be. But we found her friendly. Today she saw Keith wearing Cny costumes n she asked where we bought his clothings n said she nv been to Chinatown fora long time n before we left she toldkeith that she will try to go Chinatown this yr ... Hahaha
Day, return trip is $130 per toddler. actually my side bus also packed. in the morning, the driver make one extra trip for my trio. and they reach sch alightly after 9am... coz earliest she can come pick them is 8.50am.

Afternoon same thing, they leave sch earlier.. at 430pm.. but come march i will let them join the 6pm trip back home. so they will sit the bus w the older kids too... now its only 3 of them on the bus.

baby, smtimes my kids see ang ai tin too. she is sharp and fast. not the kind tht will engage in chats or provide alot info unless u ask alot qns. if not you will see her less than 2 mins type.

the other doc in the same clinic is the usual doc my kids see. dr ang phoon liat. he is more chatty n v willing to share information. esp regarding development or nutrition related topics for kids, he is very well versed n knowledgable. only down side is he works half days only. n no wkends.
Day, my kids also v close to my hb leh! esp the boys.. sticky sticky to him. smtimes i dont allow them to do something, they will cry and say "bu yao mummy!"...then charlotte will quickly run over n tell me "mei mei wants mummy"!
think if i hv 3 boys i will be outcast by them..hahaha
Yr sch bus is $130 for return trip.. How much for 2 way?
No wonder la.. Cos pat is $220 for 2 way.. I was thinking to myself how cum so exp.. I tot yrs $130 is also 2 way.

Dr ang phoon liat is good? Yr trio seeing him since birth?
Waiting time ok? Everyday work half day only? Am or pm? My girls seeing dr vanessa tan from kidslink at sengkang.. I like her.. Friendly and approachable.. But very far from my home now since i moved. So im trying to find alt pd around my area... Now im still travelling bk to sengkang to see her..
Does boys stick to papa more and girls stick to mommy more?? Hahaha... Cos my two girls are always sticky to me!

My girls cc has steamboat party today... Asked us to bring some food... Brought egg tofu and fishball..
Now waiting at home to pick them up later.. Wonder how did the steamboat went..
Baby, i mean $130 for 2 way.. to n fro.

Yes, ang phoon liat see my kids since birth. he is "grandfather" age type..hehehe.. waiting time quite normal. also good to go early..then no need wait so long. everyday AM only.

my kids now mostly see the GP at raffles medical group near my house. only when serious problems then i go PD. small cough,flu, stomach flu all go GP.
wow, steamboat party sounds nice!
my trio also have celebration today. sch request for us to pack snacks for tea break for the kids... i let them bring some cookies and fruits snacks.

i prepared the traditional costumes for the kids. only my girl ok to wear it in the morning. the boys refuse so just let them wear the normal going out clothes.

i request the teacher to send me their celebration photos... think she will email me..

my younger boy before 18mths v v sticky to me. after tht shift to daddy...the elder one see him stick to daddy he also join the fun..haahhaah... my girl smarter..she knows w 2 boys daddy hands r full. so she come look for me so i can giv her 1 to 1 attention. and mummy is the one who will buy all the yummy snacks n toys! LOL
baby - my girl sees dr zainal at rivervale plaza since birth, I'm at hougang so his clinic is the closest to my home. downside I dun like abt him is always must call to make sure he's not on leave if not wasted trip! on some emergency days when he's not ard I bring my girl to sbcc amk & see whichever PD on duty. I try not to go sbcc amk cos their med is different from dr zainal & can be confusing to me

panda - my girl is extremely sticky to hb! she can forsake me for anybody but cannot forsaker her daddy for anybody! she's really a typical daddy's girl!!
winnie, these toddlers sometimes v hard to understand! smtimes my eldest only wants me to pay him sleep, but middle of night wake up cry for daddy. or my girl only wants my hb pat her sleep, middle night cry for mummy! LOL..smtimes me n hb also confused by them leh....

when me or hb ard, my kids will refuse everyone else, maid, my in laws, my parents, all dont want! but when we r not there, they can play w the maid happily!
Haha ya lor... Also dont knw how the teacher do the steamboat party... With all the boiling and hot food.. Dont knw how they give the kids... But it does sounds fun lah...

My girls also same.. See me and hb only wants us.. Maid or parents all dont want.. Stick with us like koala bear.. But if we not around.. Can play with the maid happily... My maid can easily handle both of them.. But if im alone with them sure cry like hell.. Both wan mommy... Push each other away...

Ohhh... Its about time lo.. Going to pick them up from sch lo..
The rate is pretty reasonable. But too bad school bus is fully pcked.
Today aat very good mood ... Think probably she saw Keith In cny traditional costumes, talk n talk n talk to my mom,

But I realised when ever Keith sees her, he will wail lo...
She got v stern looked face ...

Your boys also refused to wear the cny costumes ?
Thought only Keith ... He is so used to his usual attire n if I introduce long sleeve shirt or slightly diff to wear clothes, he will refuse lo

I tell u hor, Keith can be so jealous if I touched my hubby, he will push my hands away or screamed at me. But he always finds me for food.

How's the steamboat party !? Ur gals got say anything ?

Mommies who kiddos attend cc,
I realised Keith has been v clingy in the afternoons after he attended cc ... Is this phase ? He used to be v jovial in his GuG class, but now he is abit reserve towards the teachers whom he previously are v ok with...

he is now having ruining nose with white phlegm .. Sigh!
Any medication to fix thisv??? Or use Vicks ?!
The teachers told me both ate alot!! My small girl had alot of sausages whereas my elder had alot of noodle... So i guess the steamboat party went well!
The chinese teacher told me excitedly that my elder can say hong bao and ju zhi in mandarin today... I never taught her.. The teacher told me she taught them in class and today my elder saw it and say it out herself... Excellent

My girls also v clingy after they started cc... Esp so when they knock off from school.. Refuse to let us out of their sight.. I guess thats normal bah...

If only runny nose i will just let it be.. I will use some vicks rub in their chest and nose during bedtime..
Day, GUG is parent accompanied? When grace attends milia Gabriel she never cried and also very happy but I guess coz it is parent accompanied. But in cc, she cried and also became superglue, but I guess is a phase.

Baby steamboat party for kids sound fun.. Tomorrow will be having steamboat lunch too. Just chiong to Thomson plaza
buy some food.

Grace came back and said gong xi gong xi fa cai to me coz she had an ang pow from the teacher. So cute,
I also find AAT very stern looking....she looks like a tai tai to me.. And recently my friend confirmed she is a tai tai.. Staying in sentosa cove.
Baby, saw yr post on pat school bus charges. Kinderland quoted me $360 for two ways. One way $260. Super expensive!
Wahhh... How come the bus charges got so big diff...
My friend one is only $90 for 2 way... What a big range, from $90 all the way to $360... Hmm...
Wonder how they determine the price... By distance?? Mine is less than 5mins drive with good traffic...

Jus faith, yrs a big distance??
my girls see dr Veronica toh at raffles hospital and dr chan kit yee at mt alvernia SBCC.

dr chan is very fast n efficient. very short waiting times. but she's not the chatty type so u need to ask more qns.

snake yr is approaching. Hope our little tots, 快高长大,身体健康!n those of us who want to attempt no.2, 蛇年添子!

Yes, GUG is parents accompanied. Keith loves the class heaps till he joined cc. Totally diff n his GuG teachers can also spot the diff. Sigh ...N plus his runny nose which he contacted in school .. Sometimes I asked myself if he is too young to be taught independence lo...

aAT is damn rich lo... Stays at sentosa cove. 1 gd thing about her is her clinic opens on Sunday. Any emergency still can approach her.

Thanks for reminding me. I gave baby Vicks too...
