IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Just Faith,

I need to provide 4 names and contact to Julia Gabriel to enjoy the group discount.

No need to go down for registeration together. No need to choose the same playgroup, week and time also.

Now, beside Gan, you and me, we still lack of one to enjoy the 20% discount.

Anyone interested to form a group of 4 to enjoy 20% group discount????
Prayhard, ok! Understood! Let me know if you found the 4th one.
. I will PM you mine and baby's full name!
has ur girls ever thrown things purposely? my boy does that quite often. i think he is able to understd thgs now already. we are trying to teach him not to throw thgs and try to get him to pick up and put back properly,but he is super stubborn, refused to put things back.
any experience? any idea how to train/teach?
Happy hippo, my kiddos does that too. They will throw and loudly tell me " throw!!" in mandarin. It's a phase I feel. They just wanna see the reaction and effects of throwing.
I treat it as a game with them. After they throw I will say "pick it up" .. They also follow and happily run over pick up the items. After that I say "let's keep!!" .. They will do the same too..

I find it hard to "teach" the proper way. If I do it like playing a game they all wanna "play"...
Now is the age they start to understand but still can't tell what's right or wrong. Many things to them is like a science experiment. Sometimes I find the more we try to stop them the more they wanna do it. So long as they don't endanger themselves or each other, I let them "try".. After a while they get bored and stop doing it. That's how handle my trio lah. Otherwise v v tiring whole day trying to stop them from doing "wrong" things.
throwing things is very common. they learn cause n effect. if its harmless toys during playing I usually just let them be. but after playing I will get them to keep the toys n usually show by example by keep together with them. n making it a game like who can keep the fastest etc

if its really something I don't want them to do like throwing utensils off the dining table. then I teach consequences. I remove the item n say firmly no throwing or mummy will keep. of cos they will eh eh make noise n insist on getting the item back. I will give it back n say no throwing or mummy will take it away. n I keep repeating n repeating, confiscating n giving back until they learn.

kids r kids n will tend to forgot the next time round. that's y we hv to keep repeating n reinforcing. everything takes double time to get done but it's a necessary leaning process to ge them to learn rather than doing everything for them. that also y mummies become naggy :p
pandawife, grumpus
Thks for ur advise. okie will try your methods

i remember u mentioned ur trios goes to see tcm at kembangan. can u give me the contact/address?
can we call for appt or must go there super early to queue? are they open on wkends? super crowded on wkends?
Happy hippo, we went to eys at bukit panjang plaza. You can google for their addy n number.

I usually go in the morning on wkdays once they open. Minimal waiting time.
Happy u bot the tix for baby sso? Today open to public, quick go buy, coz selling fast,

Grumpus which day u r going?
Hi grumpus,

May I check with you how do u get to know the bb sso or Hi-5 in town? Is there website to get the 1st hand info? Can't get weekend tickets for bb sso...haiz...even weekdays also difficult to get seats.
i wish there was a website to check too!
I usually look out on newspapers, hear from other mummy friends n regularly check the sistic website. a lot of these activities r during the sch hols so I zoom in on those periods on the sistic website.
some blogs also compile lists of upcoming activities.
cheekiemonkies.net is a good one
i didnt buy the sso babies prom ticket, coz we are thinking of short trip or staycation that wkend. so didnt buy in case cant make it.
also i had a look at the seats, really not many good ones left. i think all the good ones taken up by 'frds of SSO' coz they can book 1 wk earlier before public sale started.

how's grace doing? you managed to transition to full day yet?
Happy my seats are no good too but I figured since it is more for music not so much of performance, I didn't bother.
Where are u going for staycation? We planned one in the middle of dec.

Grace doing 1/2 day now till end of the year. She is doing ok in school but was down with flu, high fever for 2 weeks. Just returned to school this Monday. We missed her school field trip to snow city. N I have already laid $50..=( no refund.

I am shifting nearer to your area soon. How is ur boy?
oh where u shiftg to?
my boy went school trip to qian hu fish farm, cheaper $14. wow snow city..wonder if got area for toddlers.
teacher say he sometimes antisocial, or stoned out. play abit in grp then start doing his own thgs or walk ard. hope its not due to watching too much cartoons...haha

Normally when your kids start having fever, do you bring to doctor immediately or self medicate? My kids started coughing at night for past 2 nights, a bit of running nose and then last night, started to have low grade fever. I am giving them Aerius for cold, Prospan for cough and panadol to control the fever. How long should I observe before bringing to doc? The fever seems to have gone off with the meds.

Btw, I noticed that when they are sick with cough/cold, they don't have much symptoms during the day, but when they sleep at night, they start to have blocked nose and cough more. They also ALWAYS end up vomitting during their sleep. As in, they will cough cough then suddenly sit up in their bed, and then in 1/2 minute, will sure vomit out. Sometimes can be 2 times during the night. Then next day, they are back to normal, hardly cough in the day. Any of your kids like that too? I guess they vomit because in sleeping position, the phlegm backflow and cause itchy throat and then they cannot cough it out so they end up vomitting?

Has Grace been falling sick frequently since going to school? I'm beginning to worry now, the twins will start school in Oct. 3x a week, half day. Now when they fall sick, sure both will kena, so tiring to take care of 2 sick kids
Haiz.... I'm thinking they will surely fall sick more in school... cuz now they sit at home whole day, only go out weekend also can manage to fall sick...
working wife
if its flu symptoms or just fever I usually self medicate first. if fever still high after 4-5 days I will bring to dr. if cough doesn't recover after 2 weeks I will also bring to dr.

usually cough is worse at night cos of mucus backflow. my girls also cough n vomit at night. lexie only recently stopped, I guess cos she's older now.

I find prospan very mild n not effective. I use rhinathiol plain for phlegm, ventolin for chesty cough n Zyrtec for the runny nose. Zyrtec n aerius are the same category. prospan n rhinathiol r the same category

if yr kids hv the tendency to vomit from coughing, they could hv sensitive airways. need to be careful as it can easily lead to bronchitis or asthma. u may want to talk to yr pd abt a long term management plan as well
Working wife yes grace has on average fall sick every 2 week since starting Childcare. The last one was the worst as her fever went up 40 and she had fever
For almost 1 week.

Mine also cough more at night. Usually if fever more than 1 day after taking panadol I wld take her to see dr. The last round we went to dr 5 times within 2 weeks. =S
The medicine u mentioned can be bought from pharmacy or need dr to prescribe? So far i only have panadol for mild fever and high fever at home on standby.
I brought my girls to qianfu farm before... Overall quite an experience... They love to see all the fishes... But very hot mann! Hehe...
ventolin needs dr prescription.
rhinathiol and zyrtec can be bought from pharmacy but need pharmacist to dispense.
but u also need to know the dosage to give cos the box only states dosage for above 2 yrs old.
I see... Will the pharmacist advise us on the dosage for children below 2yrs old?

Btw seafood like prawn, crab etc can only be given above 2 yrs old is it?
I dunno whether the pharmacist can advise. cos these meds r the usual ones prescribed by my pd so I just call the clinic to ask the dosage or I calculate myself

seafood above one yr old can give already
is your work abit more relax in dec? when grace move from half day to full day, it will be another round of transition for her. i remember u mentioned she cried for you when u tried full day one of the days? so at the start u may hv to pick her up earlier, maybe 3/4 day, after nap time, etc. so just thot if dec is generally more holiday mood in office, maybe u shd start grace full day in dec, so that if need to pick grace earlier, easier for you to sneak out of office ...heheheh
what do u use for mosquito bite? my boy has been scratching till broken skin. now teacher say scare infection, ask us to go see pd..sighhh

oooo does yr boy get a bad reaction to mosquito bites?? my girls will swell very big n red.
I use bactroban which is an antibiotic cream from pd. one tube lasts super long cos each time use a bit only.

do u hv fucicort? can use a bit of tat too.
Grumpus my trio too! I think coz sensitive skin. So reaction to bites v bad.

Happy my pd gives neoderm. But must use once bitten. If wait after one day not as effective.
sensitive airways, eczema, sensitive skin all related.
once u hv the allergy gene it's just a matter of how it manifest and how severe
Yes you r right. I hv sensitive skin n hb has mild eczema. So the kids all sensitive skin n airways too.... Until now I m still using baby detergent coz of their sensitive skin.
Grumpus, can advise when did u upgrade from child seat to booster for your number 1? Is there a minimum requirement for booster?
just faith
I upgraded #1 at 3+ almost 4 when #2 took over her car seat. high back boosters r safer n there's a 15kg requrement. they hv to be a certain height too as regular seatbelt is used and is less adjustable.

actually there's no need to hurry to upgrade to booster unless they've outgrown their car seat. car seat is still safer.
Grumpus, I also prefer her Aprica car seat. But problem is the harness is getting tight for her. She always struggles to put the harness over her shoulder. The harness is already at its maximum length. She's only 12kg and 90cm... Think I have to source for alternative car seat. The booster don't look very safe for a 21 month old.
just faith
oh the car seat already at max length? hmmm maybe a new car seat then. try the ang mo brands like maxi cosi or britax. my elder girl can actually still fit into the car seat
U have all types of meds !

U use mosquito spray or patch ? Better to spray when outside, works effectively for me. Spore is clean and green but lots of mossies.
actually i never use any mosquito spray or patch. but for the last wk, my boy everyday come back from childcare with a new mossie bite. told the cc,they say ok will spray more on him, but still got bites. so last few days, i started to stick a small patch on him before going cc. also gave them extra to use after shower.hmm now got lots of bite marks, no more smooth flawless skin
if my boy started stage 3 milk (enfa), is it ok to take some stage 2 on and off? cause i still got a few enfa stage 2 samples and nan stage 2 samples. want to use it up otrwise wasted.
grumpus, thanks for the advice. Was shopping this afternoon. I need a replacement ASAP cause I can't bring her out alone without a car seat! Which brand are u using for the car seat?
Happy ur boy still stage 2? Stage 2 has more nutrients compared to stage 3

Just faith ur gal is tall! Mine around 85cm I think. We r using maxi cosi n seems to have quite alot of room for her
