IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

gan, happyhippo
be careful with frequent coughs n phlegm ya? can lead to bronchitis or asthma n sensitive airways.
my girls hv sensitive airways n coughed on off for almost a year. they take singulair on a long term basis n ventolin inhaler when the coughing is bad.
I give lots of vitamin c n sambucol regularly to build up their immunity.

my elder girl only started coughing when she started school which was 3 n my younger girl got affected too from 6mths old

Grumpus was so worried last night coZ grace fever went up to 40 at 3am. We rushed to tmc but their registration service sux coZ no nurse to attend to us though I kept telling another nurse my gal is having high fever and I was crying coZ worried. Eventually we rushed to Kkh as we dun want to wait . Kkh dr also said must oberve coZ cld lead to
Bronchitis. The private dr we seen yesterday gave grace vit
C with zinc to boost immunity.
oh dear. hope grace is better. it's scary when their fever goes so high. but one pd told me before that how the fever is not indicative of how sick they are. doesn't mean higher fever means more sick and vice versa. it's the body's response. but of cos we hv to manage the fever well to prevent complications.

didn't know tmc service is so bad! IF there's a next time, can go mt alvernia too.
I brought my girl to tmc also at 3am once when she's 3 mths old & having high fever. she was attended immediately, becos she's young & have fever for 5 days PD say have to admit.
Gan, try using alcohol wipes at the joints back n chest when fever v high ... It works v well in bringing the temp down.. Much more effective than sponging. I store many boxes of them at home for my trio.
Hope grace is better.

Baby I m changing maid. This one has hearing problem. She told me one of her ears can't hear well. Thts y she can't hear me when I call her. Haiz.. Got another one w 2 years experience in Saudi taking care of toddler twins boys n a 4yo. D mummy is a sahm. ...she is willing to take up the job.
oh dear, how is grace now? did the fever shoot up very fast? so u hv to take leave to look after her today?
my boy had fever last time, i gave paracetamol, but pd said that is for low grade fever. need sthg else for high grade fever,but cant rembr the name. was just thinkg good to standby those high grade fever medicine.

ya think i better be more careful. i quite slack ....hahaha..the last round, pd only gave 1 month singulair. then stopped. oh i hear that singulair is alot cheaper in bangkok.

is this the sambucol you giving your gals?

which brand of vitamin c you giving?
i've not started my boy on any vitamins, maybe i shd start, esp now in cc sure got some kids sick. also dont knw how nutritious the meals they provide and how much he actually eat.
neurofen is the one for high fever. if buy off the shelf still need pharmacist to dispense.
mustafa pharmacy has a pharmacist on duty 24/7

yup tats the sambucol I'm giving. it already contains vit c. I also give extra vit c tablets let them suck like sweet. I bought some from bp, some jap brand. can't remember wat :p

singulair is much cheaper in msia too
Hi gals thanks for advice. Realized I m quite inadequate when comes to taking care of my gal, I didn't even think of sponging till kkh dr told me. Still having high temp, whole day 38.5-39. Did a blood test at tmc abt 2 hrs ago as I didn't want to wait till tomorrow, it's viral infection.

Happy, the stronger fever med is nurofen. Can stock up. I gave her that last night when her fever was :39 but it continued to go 40, that's when I panic n went hospital. Took 1/2 day today, will take tomorrow n thurs off...hack care abt work now.......
Alamak... Hai.. Maid is forever problem...
Take how long for the new one to come? Meantime she still continue to work till the next one comes?
So fast u able to choose another new one ah?

I also have panadol and neruofen at home to standby in case of fever. I will always buy additional bottle from pd during visit.
I give my girls cod liver oil to boast their immunity. I also have those soft pastilles gummies for vit c.
Gan, char has viral fever before too. It took 4 days for the fever to became low grade. And temp always particularly high at night .... I check her temp every hour and kept using the wipes. Manage to keep the temp below just below 38.5. Very very siong for mummy.
Hope u try to rest as much as u can too.. We all first time mummy learn along d way. I know coz I hv 3 and all will somehow take turns to fall sick!
Panda I have difficulty feeding my gal med.. She struggles and screams and most of the med she would spit out.....
Yup my elder also have high fever for abt 4 days.. No other symptons other than high temp... Fever went away aft med then come back again.. It goes on for days.. The highest it went to 38.9 at night. I didnt bring her to see pd initially cos i have med at home and i know pd will give the same med and ask us to monitor since she has no other symptoms. On the 3rd day we brough her to see pd just to make sure she is checked... And sure enough pd gives the same med and ask us to monitor. On the 4th day the fever went away.
Then came on the rash... Didnt see pd again as i know its fake measles... I know it will go away by itself... Cos my small girl has it before...

Panda is right... We all first time mummy.. Alot things we may not know.. So dont blame yrself ya..

Panda, hows yr trio sleeping now? Still keep waking up? My small girl lately keep waking up crying v bad... Kick and kick when we carry her...
Try this method. Ask someone to carry yr girl while u feed her.
Carry in baby position so that her head is horizontal with her body. Use syringe to place the med on the side of her mouth. Abit at a time... Even if she is crying its ok... This way she cant spit the med out.. She has to swallow it... Dont place the med in the centre of the mouth cos she may choke on it..
I always use this method when feeding med... Never spit out before.. Taught by nurses at kkh.

This method requires 2 persons. The person carrying her has to hold her tight to make sure she dont twist and turn.. Her head has to stay still to prevent the med from flowing out...
Baby me n Hb both discussed this morning n concluded this maid is not suitable. My hse is like war zone. I need someone good w kids and must must b alert. This maid cleans v well. But all other areas in terms of speed, n ability to handle kids fail. Everynight she spends 1.5hours bathing n washing her own clothes. Hb says our utilities bill will go up !
Haiz. Today she is so phantom tht I hardly see her when I need help w my kids. I m seriously considering to just send her back now. I go maid less until new ones come. 6 weeks processing time lor
My boys still v happening at night!
Linus kept having night terror. Cry n scream can't pacify ..
Lucas have withdrawl syndrome from the maid who just left. He wanna stick to me like superglue day n night. Everynight wakes up cry for me and wanna koala me for hours!
I m having a v bad backache now... ;(
Only my girl is sleeping well most nights.
Baby , panda we tried the method with 2 feeding but grace will struggle s hard that We r not very successful....she really screams and cries very badly.

Panda, a slower helper maybe better than zero helper....if u r alone with 3 toddlers I think wld be super tough unless u have other help from family.
I m quite frustrated by her presence coz I hv to keep checking n undoing her "wrOngs".... I rather I do it myself when I can n get it right.
Even my most patient Hb can't tahan her. I hv never seen him lose his cool before over maids. This is tht first one he actually complain about Everynight.
my boy also struggle whenever we give medicine. one day, my hb tried putting the med in a small cup, surprisingly he was ok to take. give it a try?
my girl mostly takes med willingly. I follow her ard with the syringe n squirt bit by bit into the cheek. hv to squirt deep enuff so they dun spit
occasionally she resists or spits then I hv to force feed. I use the same method as panda n baby but I do it alone. I sit on the floor n let bb lie horizontally across my lap. I'm right handed so i tuck bb right arm between my left arm n body, neck supported on left forearm and left hand grab the right arm. syringe in right hand. I find this way easier cos they can still struggle
n twist the lower body but I just need to keep upper body still n dun hv to be afraid of dropping bb!
they will scream n cry n it's painful to hear but really no choice just squirt fast into the cheek with head slightly tilted back. actually when they cry is slightly easier cis when they gasp for breathe they swallow.
Yesterday night was nightmare....screamed at every med feed... We have to force but she spit all out, even vomitted, but her fever was creeping up... I have 1/2 the mind to send her hospital to let her stay there n let nurses administer the med. ...one if the feed, we didn't know she had poo and the poo overlow from diapers from the struggles and we had to change her, change bedsheetll .. Really sweat. Used to be very easy to feed the med, in fact she loves the fever med last time but since yesterday morning, feeding med is a nightmare, her cries etc really heart
Ain like we r tottering her
Panda I m also very frustrated with my current maid....like this morning, after being here for 1 month, still can point at diaper bag and asked me'mam, need to bring this bag?' when for past month she has been brining the bag to my parent's place as it contains grace clothes, power etc.

Last night both me and hub were busy with baby, mopping the floor, change bed sheet etc...lack of sleep..even wash clothes. This morning she saw the clothes in the washer still asked me must out in dryer? I was thinking oh my god, after 1 mth still dunno after wAshing put in dryer? So frustrated that j told her I do myself.
Alamak... U going maidless ah?? U alone at home with yr trio? Cant imagine mann...
Or u go over to yr mum pl during the day and go home when yr hubby knocks off?
U have to try not to be affected on her cries when u feeding the med.. The main objective is to get the med into her mouth and make her swallow. When she cry its better cos she needs to swallow and breathe... Most impt thing is to tilt her head slightly lower than her body so she cant spit out. And have to hold her head still else the med will flow out.
fully understd how hard it is to feed med when kiddo struggle hard. the otr thing we do is to have fill water in another syringe. let my boy play with it, let him squirt water into his mouth himself. idea is to let him not be scared of the syringe.
can you add the medicine into milk? i usually give a smaller amt of milk when add medicine.
does grace like to drink from cups?
try the cup method, may work.
Gan, have you discussed with your PD whether can give 1/2 pessary to yr girl? but only for high grade fever. I gave once when she was 15 months old. I only used 1/2 tablet, insert into her rectrum. Cannot be used with other medicines. That time, she refused all liquid, including milk, water and medicine. I didn't know how much medicine she was taking after spitting out. I asked GP for pessary. I visited GP 3 times a day when i see her fever didnt come down at all. very worrisome.

Take care mummy, I hope your girl gets well soon.
I support Happyhippo. Let her play with a syringe. Encourage her to feed mummy, feed her fav soft toy etc. now my girl see syringe, she will go NO NO NO and cry cry. Must let her befriend with syringe first.
Baby already tried very hard to ignore and till I started scolding coz she refused the med and her fever was going up. She got so upset with me forcing her and shouting at her to take her med, she refused to let me carry. =s

Happy, we tried to put in her milk, she knew n pushed bottle away. Tried cup also can't.. Now even multi vit which she used to love, she shakes her and said no when she sees me taking the bottle.

Just faith I brought her see 3 dr coz really worried. Now I m down with the flu bug myself....now seems like her temp is not so high around 37.5, will monitor tonite n hopefully no more Hugh fever. Didn't give her any fever med now as it is not higher than 37.5
Baby fever is back today to 38.8, just came back from dr, on neubiliser for the cough, and pressery for fever. Pd told my gal must take medicine, she replied no very firmly. So dr said used neubiliser, Monday back for review
Hope grace is better by now...

Btw mummies
I wana order stroller from amazon.. How to order? It is go thru vpost? What are the procedures?
Eg, create acc from vpost?
Baby u can create an account at vpost and use the us address for amazon to deliver the item, and then Vpost will send to ur sg home. Alternatively, check if u can have amazon shipped direct to sg, some items they do ship direct to sg. But I think shipping cost will be very high? I have a pair of shoes shipped from us through Vpost and that cost me about $35... Stroller shld be in hundreds??
shipping from overseas to sgp is by weight. strollers r heavy n will cost quite a bit to ship. shipping cost might even end up more ex than the stroller itself
prob won't hv much savings as compared to just buying in sgp. better to look for local seller
I see... hmm.. Then i guess i will abort the idea..
Thanks for sharing..
hey, hv u been going to food for thots botanics? me just went this morn, aiya no more the 3 items for $8 liao. miss that! the full works cost $18! today was crowded with lots of kids.
oh i just went abt 2 weeks ago? yeah noticed no more 3 items for $8 already

today is sch hols and a lot of childcares are closed due to teacher's day.
that's prob y it was so crowded.
yes it is. that's where Aly used to go for gym classes. but open gym means just let the kids free play with the equipment there. honestly not as fun as an indoor playground.
just saw the ad for SSO babies prom. are you going this year? thinking of going, but not sure if my boy can sit still/sit thru.. hhaha
yes yes am bringing both girls this yr. hv to grab tix cos they sell out fast!
it's quite casual with lots of kids. they're not really expected sit still. get seats next to the aisle so he has some space to roam, stand, move.
Same same ...can't take too much leave too...which time slot are you taking? I am taking 2pm-4pm. If same same, I can meet and say hi to you and your lovely girl
