IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Gan, i know what u mean. my parents babysit my nephew 3 days a week also need the help of a maid to clean the house. they only cook and handle my nephew. not easy for the elders to b looking after young children.

my agency also cant giv me suitable profiles. hb says to look for transfer maids..if need just change agency n forgo the agency fees. very stressful to b sourcing again coz dunno if the next one will also b a joker leh. keep paying n paying $ to hire jokers is not fun. i m very tired just taking care of the kids. when they sleep i still hv to do housework, prepare the foods for the next day, and source for maid!! and all this is happening when i still hv a helper!

smtimes i really really dont understand how they do work leh??? i always find my baby clothes n hb clothes hv alot of stains after washing. i kept telling them, if u dont spot the stains when washing, u shld see them when u r ironing or folding... then bring n wash again, dont wait for me to pull out clothes from the wardrobe n see all these obvious stains. repeat so many x... still like tht.. dunno if they r blind what...

Panda I think really alot of them CMI. Today whole day do nothing except cook, my mum asked why never mop the floor in the day, she said no time. She only mop after dinner.

Have u talked to ur current maid? to stay to help u abit longer?

Now the Filipino maid also ex, My agent told me $500!w off day n only Phillippines exp
Gan, Thts a melissa n Doug puzzle board. Not book. V interesting toy. Different types of latches for them to play. I got from amazon n my bil lug back For me..Locally should hv too..
If I remember correctly one bp has it.. 20% off. I shld hv d link in my laptop, tmr I send to u in fb.
You shld get the construction set from growing fun ..it's a very good toy. My trio everyday will play w it.. Can Construct many things. Way much more fun than Lego or mega bloks. ;)
Baby, really envy u can b maid free even though for short period!!! Me n one maid already struggling.. Just now all 3 tired wanna nap. All cry n scream want me to pat together ..
I pat one by one w two of them screaming outside w my maid. She can pacify them at all...

I found a transfer maid from another agency. But she is Indonesian.. I dunno if I shld take d risk. My current maid will not be keen to extend to help. She is gettig slower and doing lesser n lesser .. Can tell v v no heart to work liao. Hv to let her go soon.

I can't b alone without maid coz my trio will fight n push n climb everywhere. If I go cook leave them alone I might end up w broken limbs or open wounds of bite marks or bumps on the heads.....
I was telling my hb the scenario if my current maid decided not to renew her contract. I'll have to stay home & be temp SAHM cos my girl stranger anxiety is getting from bad to worse! planning to send her to weekend enrichment class when she turn 18 mths.

current maid getting more & more lazy & I have to check whats not done on a daily basis, machiam like detective at home. the part which I cannot tolerate is she has no respect to my MIL!! call agent to my house & counsel her only good for one week then back to square one *sigh*

I'm still keeping her becos she dote my girl a lot, lotsa patience to play with her. becos I'm planning to do FET this nov the more I cannot send her off. so I already warn hb I dunno how long I can tahan her laziness, close both eyes now before she do something funny to my girl without my knowledge
Pandawife, I am now hunting for child care centres. U mentioned about Pat's school house for your trio? Did you manage to enrol them there? Or you decided on another centre?

Mummies, other than the students : teacher ratio, what else to look out for? I have shortlisted some centres. When I called and was informed they have vacancies, I was abit scared. After I hung up the phone, my tears rolled down. I am worried I may chicken out and not send her to CC afterall. Is it compulsory for the kids to have all vaccinations before starting CC? I have not given her chickenpox yet.

Gan, since Grace on half day CC, did you actually enrol her on full day (bring her home earlier) or just solely half day? Can share how much is her school fees? What is the grant for working mummies for half day CC? Is it $300 or $150? I assume its the latter right?
Just faith I enroll her full day but brings her home after lunch. I just signed a form to change to 1/2 day for her so that I can save $50 since we bring her home after lunch . Full day $1080, 1/2 day 880. Working mum subsidy, full day $300, 1/2 day $150
Thanks Gan. Is this the price after subsidy? The price difference over at one of the centre here is $235. Aft subsidy, full day $1037.50, half day $802.30.
Just faith, I enrolled my kids at Cambridge at admiral hills, not pat sch house.

I look at the following:
1) environment - some cc keep their younger classes in a small classroom thru out the day. I think its not healthy. I prefer those open concept partition type of spaces. Rather than small room w 4 walls.
2) teachers n principal - I speak to them n ask qns to see how they response .. N also if the teachers r young. Kinderland teachers all look v young, usually younger teachers Will not hv as much patience .. Tht I m concern.. Prefer a group of more experienced teachers..
3) kitchen! I m particular about cleanliness n hygiene of the kitchen if they r doing in house cooking. One landed cc I went to left a big pot of raw dish uncovered and sacks of rice all over the floor..
4) overall curriculum - I want them to have good play time on top of learning. At this age I don't want them to b doing worksheets n coming home w lotsa homework. Cambridge uses kindermusic and an external gym vendor which I can't remember the name.
There is also 1 hour of outdoor play time every morning at their inhouse playground. They also hv sandplay, Waterplay or tricycle time.
Just faith

I also had the same feelings as you the other time when I was contemplating if I should send my girl to full day playgroup at cc. Now after 2 days sending her there. Think I had no regrets. She had more things to keep her occupied (toys, activities ,friends and teachers). I could also have more time to come back home, clean up the house and time to prepare for dinner. I ran to and fro the cc last 2 days. Hiding at corners and peep at her. Glad she din cry much and have start to be able to join the other small friends at play. If she did not start cc, everyday only me and her, she is getting bored of the same toy and same routine.

Yesterday I let my girl stay half day and today I let her try nap there and only pick her up at 3:30pm. Everything ok except she don't take milk cox she only wants me to feed her. Maybe you want to consider letting your girl try stay longer? So as to relieve your parents of taking care of her?
Just faith $1080 is before subsidy.

Xiao bei my parents prefer her to be on 1/2 day. They kinda of freak out when my gal fell sick with high fever for 2 weeks in July. My mum even said I am cruel to send my gal there at such young age. She wabted Me to withdraw her in fact. Think she heart pain to see my gal ill. So now we let her do 1/2 day.
Just that the current maid is not much help, I got another set of stress with my mum asking when can replace this maid
I understand and also worry about the falling sick part. Alot of mummies who send their child to cc sure will say child falling sick very often during the initial few months. It's a way to build up their immunity. HFMD is also a concern. But when we really have no other help and I guess cc is the only choice. Everytime I read the post here on maid problem, really is a headache. Hope u can find a good maid soon then.
Btw mummies how do u keep ur
Kids in high chair during meals? Mine lately refuse
Her highchair, wants to sit our chair but if we let her sit, she will go up n down during meals, doesn't sit thru.
Mow the teachers are telling us she is walking around during lunch!
Envy aside... We have more work load to do without maid.. In fact i miss my previous maid.. The one who stay with us nearly 2 yrs.. Thou she has occasional bad attitude, she is a responsible person.. Those that i can entrust her to handle both my girls alone. So far with her my girls has never hurt themslvs... My new maid just came alrdy hurt my elder girl feet trapped in the toy car and my small girl fall from a bench right in front of her.. And she didnt even try to grab her.. Just sit there staring at the blank.

Now we are more tired without a maid but do feel happier... At least dont have to face problematic maid.

Transfer maid ah.. Hmm.. Quite skeptical.. Maybe u can interview her in person and see how is she...
Baby, decided to take a Filipino transfer maid from my current agency. I spoke to her on the phone. She willing to take the job. I told her what I expect n she is ok. My Hb says no need to see her or interview to much. My last few jokers all I interview n ask many qns. Turn out Oso jokers. He says can do or not hv to start work than will know. Don't waste my time traveling to go meet her. Just go ahead.
This lady has 4 kids herself n took care of 2 yo toddler in her last contract .. Ex Sg. Shld b good w kids. Chores wise I hv to slowly teach lor. Most impt not scared off by my fussy trio
Panda how much is the ex sg maid? She asking for day off?

Actually ur hub is right, interview bluff one. Coz during interview says can doesn't mean can do. Like mine everything can, after coming, says cannot coz dunno so much work.
Gan, no off days. $510 including the off allowance.
Technically I din interview her. My chat w her was to tell her about the job. So it's she choose the job not I choose maid!! Irony right??
I already v Sianz w all these maids problem.
Panda yes now is they choose the jib not us choosing them! I can understand how u feel abt maid issue now...coz I 2 weeks already buay tahan!

Btw love the elephants u wil be doing! U r good in art
Gan, I hv v lousy luck when it comes to maids. Non of my previous maids can do chores well. I told my Hb mayb I used up all my good luck by striking triplets !! Thts y always kanna shitty maids leh.

Aiyoh my art only can bluff these little toddlers! Lol...
Pandawife, thanks for sharing. Sometimes I take care of one, no time to sms or type so much. I really don't know how you do it. Seemed like you have 36hrs daily. Lol. Today I am going to check out Cambridge @ Sengkang too. Are these Franchise as well?

Xiaobei, thanks for sharing too! I started my girl for PG in may 2012. I can see she really enjoy her class very much though it's only 1.5hrs. Very rushing for me too! Though her class starts at 930am, I usually leave her class around 945am - 950am. The free time is just nice for me to buy some groceries or my own lunch, the rest of the time are spent peeping thru the glass. My hubby usually help me with morning housework including steaming her porridge. Though I am staying with MIL, she is not helping us at all. Two days ago, she even used the cleaning cloth meant to clean my girl's toys to clean her room's windows! I was really fed up! It was clearly written on all cloths, supposedly to help my ex maid. And during replacemt of cloth, I still repeat the same wordings. My MIL even defended I should used different "colour" cloth to differentiate. I told her no use! Cause she ever kept away my bathroom pink hand towel together with the rest of the cleaning cloths! Complained to my husband one house cannot have two mistress. The other better know who's the real mistress. When my girl just turned 1, my MIL already made comments, should send my girl to class n learn "something". She always make me feel my girl is not learning when she's at home with us.
. My girl really enjoys her class, at home, she can remember her friends' names.
Just faith! I took a while to draft the message. While waiting for lift, while waiting for traffic light when I zoom out to buy groceries n d kids were napping at my parents place. ;)
I wish I hv 36 hours!! But I m abit hyper kind of person.. High metabolic type. Can go on n on n chiong until battery flat, then Ko for couple of hours at night, wake up for their happy hours than chiong again. Lol...
Oh yes I think Cambridge is franchise ... Their curriculum shld b the same. They all use mind mapping method for the older kindy kids.
Pndawife, hehe. I actually typed the earlier post at 630am. I sent out two hrs later. Lol. U r really full of energy. We just came back from her PG. see her nap, I also want to sleep. It's almost impossible to sleep beyond 730am these days. Lol.
Just faith
Which PG u send yr girl to? Can just drop and go?
JG need parents to company...

Panda, im also in the mid of confirming one.. This maid has 2 yrs experience in babycare of 1yr and 3yrs old children. And another 2 yrs experience in housemaid. Sounds not too bad.
Really so qiao... So many here changing maid at the same time.. Lol...
Just faith
Nowadays we got to wake up 6plus am once my girls wake up lor.. hai... Last time with my old maid we can sleep till 8plus am... No more honeymood liao...
Just faith, last time 2 maids when my kids nap I can also sleep for 15-20mins. Now left one it's mad rush to cook, clean up, eat my lunch, n bathe.
My trio used to wake up betw 530-6am. Now I dream feed all at 5am. They can zzzz until 7-730. Aft feeding I go back sleep Somemore!!
Mine up 4 am every day asking for milk, then want to sleep on our bed horizontally!! I never have any good sleep... Sleep at 12 am plus and wakes up 7am for work, in between up to take care princess. I always tell my gal I am a panda.=)
Baby, it's nearby my place. Called Genius Tots. Can be parents/maid accompanied or without. Some toddlers took 3 months to "wean off" parents. My girl only settled on the 3rd week. She was very sick during second week.

Pandawife, last evening, my girl finished her porridge and even asked for one slice of plain bread + milk before going to bed. At 3am+, she cried for mummy, mummy.... Then I gave her milk. She slept until 650am.... Play n talk in her own bed while I nua abit. On some days, she don't ask for milk before going to bed.... Slept all the way to morning!

Gan, yr maid having easy life still don't know to appreciate. I know some toddlers sleep with the helper... But still wake up early to do housework.

Mummies, did u exchange yr maid's names? Make sure u don't end up getting each other maid hor. :p
Hi all, it has been a long time. Just a brief update. My gal went to infant care once she turn 1. All went well till she keep falling sick n once landed in hospital. I have to take leave the last straw was 3 week back she got HFM. As my parents are old and can't handle my gal alone, I have gotten a maid to look after her. Hope I make a right decision. I have used up all my leave n feeling very tired look after my gal once I reach home.

Everyday I'm like a walk zombie...crazy at work n home.
blissful fate, oh dear! so u withdraw ur girl from cc and now she is taken care of by maid at home??

its also not easy being a working mummy. i am also not sure if i cant handle d kids when they go cc and i hv to work. kept asking hb who is going to take care of them when they r unwell.. he kept telling me when the time comes we will cope w it... but i will still b keeping the maid to help out.. i definitely cannot handle all 3 myself plus the chores after work
Blissful fate, so in all, u left yr girl at infant care for how long? Many mummies say sending kids to CC, falling sick is unavoidable. But what is the limit we should set?

We visited character Montessori along Punggol Road last week. Hubby and I were so turned off by the coughing kids in the class. And some kids who were absent, were mostly sick, didn't attend school. I really cannot imagine leaving my girl there. Sitting next to a coughing child. I am not saying my girl don't fall sick, but I will confine her at home, n let her join her class when she recovers. Ought to be fair to other kids. Sigh.

Good luck to you with yr new maid. Hope you have better luck than us. Cheers.
Pandawide, Just Faith, I just got my maid on mon nite. My gal don't like her but my son is ok. Like having a big sister around. So far she is ok, don't have to tell her what to do. My gal in infant care for about 8 mths.

Pandwife, you die die must have a maid. I don't do much housework except for ironing my HB n son clothing. As I don't have the time. My gal is to glue to me. Now the maid so I fel my house so neat n clean.

Crossing my finger n praying to God, this maid can help me.
Baby, also brought my girl there a few times. Only picnic and play ball games. We went on weekdays. Not sure about weekends - should be crowded.
Just went home from marina barrage.. Nice place.. Saw alot playing kite and picnic... But the grass area v sunny and hot.. So most people hide in the small area of shade...
My girls had fun and the waterplay.. Didnt bring any towel and shower gel.. So quickly rinse with water and change clothes and went home. Will go there next time to picnic.

Just now dnr gave my girls fishball kway tiao for the first time. Finished! But i find the fishball abit salty...
Usually hawker i only give fish slice rice for them... Now i have another option...
Chicken rice attempt failed. Will try again some time...
Panda what time you were at kiddy fun? We were there at around 4pm.

Blissful ur gal will take some time to get use to ur helper, dun worry ya. Seems like at this age, our kids all become super glue. Mine is also super glue!

Grumpus, do u use toothpaste with Aly? If yes which brand is good? Need to rinse off like adults?
Hows kiddy fun? Crowded?

There are numerous brands of toothpaste that dont require rinsing. Safe to swallow. I started using it long time ago.. Used gerbers, first teeth, nuk etc...
Yr transfer maid came liao?

Hai.. Hubby and i are so exhausted lately.. Looking aft two little monsters and doing all the chores... Too used to having a clean house so we still do all the usual hsewk everyday..

Always hear my friends saying how much they enjoy parenthood with their ones... But i wonder how come i dont enjoy as much as them...
Baby, for the past 3 months, we managed on our own without a maid. Yes I still managed to keep up with all the housework. We only decide to send away our girl last week so that Daddy could service the aircons, and mummy to climb the stool to clean the windows. We are more tired than ever and no more afternoon naps but still, we are enjoying parenthood with her. Plan more activities with yr girls... Dont just stay at home.
Just faith
Its a different situation when u have 2 toddlers of the same age.. I can easily manage 1 myself when my hubby bring the other to work.. But with 2 fighting always.. Running in different direction.. Climbing every where... Its really not as easy.
I didnt even have any afternoon naps ever since they are born.

Not that i wana stay at home... How can i go out with 2 myself?? I guess only those with mulitples can understand.
Baby, I changed my mind n picked another transfer maid. Took one w no experience to train. Coming 2 sept. yes I m Oso tired! Everynight I hv to do cleaning coz maid so slow she can't cope. Kids nap I grab my instant noodles lunch, cook their dinner, do chores n bathe. Everyday firefight.
Ur Hb can bring one to work??? It's gd ur Hb helps w the chores. Mine don't. He only help w d kids.
Agree tht only fellow multiple mummies understand. Even betw taking care of twins n triplets it not the same.
I hv frens who hv 3-4 kids of different ages, always comparing their kids w mine n how they cope with one or no maid
I must say every kid is different...n every family is different. What works for one may not be so for another .. ;).

Very true... I always tell my hubby abt u... I told him i alrdy so tired with 2.. Really cant imagine i have 3 like u... Wonder how u can manage 3 active tods... When my girls fight.. Its really like wrestling.. I keep wondering when yr trio fight what kind of scene will it be.. Lol..

Same same! Once my girls take their morning nap.. I quickly wash the dishes and bottles... Cook instant noodle for my lunch.. Hang their laundry.. Iron clothes... Their lunch i cook in the morning when my hubby still around... Then we will quickly do the hsewk.. He will vacume and mop.. Bathe the girls.. I will go keep toys.. Wash laundry.. Cook their lunch etc... Morning time always very rush... Even bathe also must do it fast fast.
Sometimes i feel like i cant breathe...

Firefight is the word mann... They fight on the slightest thing.. Even exact same thing same colour also wana fight that particular one... Mummy becomes the referee and mediator..

Ya my hubby brought 1 to work a few times lately.. Else mummy v hard to cope... Cos my hubby is self employed so can be done.. But i try not to cos its v disruptive to his work..
Luckily my mil and my father take turn to help me out... If not i cant even go cook their dnr.. As they dont nap during the day i need someone to help me with the girls so i can go cook...

Yr new maid can come so fast... Mine got to wait at least 1 more mth... Alot maids hear i have twins v scare. Say scare they cant handle... Agency need to explain to them im a sahm.. So i will handle the girls most of the time myself and they do hsewk...

So many of my friends only have 1 kid alrdy cant cope without a maid.. Tell often tell me they wonder how i manage without 1... And keep telling me they v tired... I told them i can drop dead anytime at home... Lol..
