IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

2 boys, wow, very good!!!
dun worry, be happy.
Thanks ladies!!! Yes Gan, prof is v chatty... I m v concerned abt whether my placenta is low. Aft d tummy scan, he ask me to empty my bladder n did a v scan for me n he told me it is Nt low at all...

Though I wish to hv daughters n quite disappointed with d results. But I m really v glad tt they r normal fm d scans. I m v v grateful already...

Most important now is they are growing well. U can try for a gal next round if yr boys haven't suck out all yr energy. Kekeke
Grumpus, congrats ;)))

What a relief ya ! Wow, you r expecting 2 boys...
I got my Oscar results today too and am low risk as I hv been quite jittery before the test. It was the first time seeing my little hyper-active bb moving and my heart melted....
Rostrum boy or gal ok de.... Most impt healthy babies! Moreover a number of us here having gals, we need more boy bbs so that our daughters got more choices for boyfriends next time mah! Hehehehe
Singapoh/Gan, true true, most impt is babies are growing well and me and dh are really v v grateful already...I hope after this good news, things will be smoother from here

My boys are younger leh...provided yr girls dun mind younger boys...hehe...next time we can meet up ya...
Btw, hw to see grumpus daughter's foto? fm FB?

Congrats Day on yr good results...I was so down and depressed from the collection of my oscar test results...only today I can see a glimmer of hope and finally can relief a bit...
So u kw the gender already?
I m looking forward to my 22nd week scan and then looking forward to delivery liao...
today's appt definitely boost my confidence...
Rostrum - happy for u!! Mummies must not worry so much.

Today went to ADC for scan of twins, have to come back in a weeks time cos bb ger is smaller in size then average. which doc wants to closely monitor.
Trying not to think too much abt it & see how nxt week.

By the way, contests to grumpus for bb girl's safe delivery!
Hey rostrum and day

Congrats on the OSCAR/ detailed scan results! One milestone cleared!

Waiting up for my OSCAR test in 2 weeks...
keeping my fingers crossed for the best ..
Congrats on yr two boys!
U wish to have dau? My hb wish to have boy but end up we have two gals.. He was disappointed when we know it.. But when our girls are born.. He just fall in love with them.. When i ask him now abt having a boy.. He told me he love girls more.. Hehe..

So dont be disappointed ok.. U will fall in love when u see them..

Boy or gal doesnt matter.. Esp when we tried so hard to conceive.. A bb is a bonus to us.. Somemore u have two! Double happiness!!

How to use CDA acc to pay for vacinations??
We recieve the baby bonus ocbc card.. Just show the card when payment? Need to put $$ into the acc? Cos govt match dollar to dollar right.. Need to put $6k into the acc then can use is it?
JJ, I read before tt more sleep and eat more meat will beef up the bb size...or u wanna try durians...not sure whether it will help...normally 1 twin is smaller than the other one, its pretty normal...dun worry too much ya..sleep more!

All the best Val! Are u hving twins?
baby, yup..I prefer daughters cos can doll them up..I even tink of a name for the girl long long time ago...but dh keep telling me as long as healthy can liao...true la...genders is not v impt to ppl like us so difficult to conceive...I hv the best gifts liao
Val, but still u bfp!!! Congrats! U r still going to be a MTB! Good luck on yr scan and hope yr bb coorperative and let u see the gender

U will spend more money on girls! Hehe.. U know my twin boy is so much bigger than my gal now. He is actually passing his (unisex) clothes down to mei mei. Haha..
Fancy, i was also not instructed by d pharmacist to hv a 2 hr gap with milk pdts. Looks like it is ok to tk together. Thanks!!

Singapoh, Yr twin boy really chubby Lor.. Gain alot of weight fm wat u posted earlier. Boy or girl also will spend money ESP for 1st time mummy... Hehe...
Rostrum - I scared I eat & it's the boy who gets bigger & bigger.. I just maintain current food intake & milk intake la. Doc say I gaining too fast which might be 1 cause of the swelling of the feet.

So far haven't touched durian, maybe last tri...
Congrats to Grumpus on the delivery of your baby princess Alyson!

Congrats on expecting twin boys! Till now i still dunno mine.

Hi Sarah,
Congrats on graduating!

Are u feeling better now? Could be baby playing inside belly? I also had a slight twitch of discomfort just now near my ribs but after stroking and patting the area and talking to baby, it's much better now.

if breastfeeding, do u know wat are some of the impt food we mummies shd be eating so that the good nutrients are passed on to our bbs?
lately hv been so bz looking after bb, sometimes end up no time for breakfast,by time settled is time for lunch. also no time for tea snacks..
Rostrum ,

Thanks for the info. And CONGRATS....
actually even iam so much for girls , actually for me doc said most probably boy .. but anyhow as rightly said baby itself is bonus... so iam excited...

Ya actually feeling better, i kept on touching my tummy and telling i love so much and please be strong and healthy.. wow bab y playing inside.. ur words made me smile :)
ur painful arms fine now?

Hi Sarah,

I hv a mini fridge in my room where I keep HL milk, vitamins and breakfast like bakery. I can eat and watch my bb at the same time.
Thanks called Sbcc Amk branch to clarify the doubts. Ya housewk secondary if let maid handle the bbs. I heard can put them in stationary rocker n feed them without carrying. MAybe will try that if I need help to feed both at the same time.

Oh u got ur hb to help u with night feeds so lucky. My hb travels quite frequently so can't depend on him. Somehow have to learn to let one cry while feeding the other if both wakes up but heart pain lor ...
My mil says I should let the maid make fm if need to n same thing I paranoid I say I must make myself. The least I stand there carry one bb watch her make ... Haiz. Wonder how my gf can leave her bb with maid only n go back to work.

Glad to hear all is well n congrats to u having two boys
I was like u a little disapointed when I found out having two boys. I even had girl names ready for them hee ...
But after the whole pregnancy n delivery, ur tears will flow when u see ur bbs for the first time. Boys or girls the same healthy can already. Whats more, boys can play boys stuff together next time....

My twins are 7.5 months old. My house is 2 level.


My maid cleans my room everyday. I would also pick up any crumbs drop on the floor.

Stroller is the best. Can feed and push around without touching the bb.

If u bottle feed yr bbs, u can do it yourself. Just let them lie down (on a cushion to a semi recline position) next to each other. U can either use 1 or both hands to hold the bottles for them.

I ever lie on my side to bf 1 bb and hold 1 bottle to feed the other. Well u will find yr own way to feed them
Welcome sarah n Congrats on d good news!!!

Syrah, u will kw yrs soon... Hope u hv a girl n a boy

Singapoh, Yr babies still on breastfeeding right? So Shd b ok else "high maintenance" ar.. U stay landed property? Storing a fridge in d room is a good idea bt too bad my Dh dun allow me to eat inside bedroom de.. Will invite cockroaches..

Nancy, true... After stepping out of d consultation room, I tell myself as long as they healthy can already though a bit disappointed...bt no matter wat they r already d best gifts for me ever!!! I Shd treasure them as they dun come easy ya...
I am also trying to imagine how u bf n bottle feed the other at the same time
ya I bottle feed my bbs so guess must trial n error. I still panic when hear them cry ... Must zen more. One boy seldom cry but when he does , think whole blk can hear !
I am writing down a list of "why bb cries" n paste it in the nursery so after cl leaves, I will follow it. Haha ... Eg. Is he hungry ? No.. Diaper wet ? No .... Wants to be carried ? Etc

Do u use the sling when with ur bbs? I heard bb that loves the sling doesn't want to use the stroller after that. Most bb like that ?
Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! my bb 2nd day in hospital already eyes big big dun want to sleep, but not hungry also.

Now my turn to ask for help liao! Yest my girl only latched on to drink every 5-6hrs, she's on tbf. When she latches on she solidly suck for 15-20mins. But in between if I try to latch her after 2-3hrs she will refuse. Tickle her chin, ear etc also not interested. She doesn't root for the nipple at all.
I asked the nurses if it's normal they say it's ok cos she is still considered 1st day bb (born Tuesday evening, so yest still considered her first day) and usually bb dun drink much at all on the first day.
I still don't know the gender yet. Shall see if the bb cooperates during Wk16 scan. But my instinct tells me that its a girl as the measurements during the scans showed that my bb is small. Maybe I am obsessed over the size of the bb but dr always assured me that everything was well. Most importantly the bb is healthy, I have no more to ask for. Your edd is in July too ?

Val, Hi! ... Don't worry and all the best for your oscar.
I didn't put all 6k in one short. I just deposit 1k first and the gov will match the amount within the mth. Not everything can use the card so you money will be tied up in there for a long time if you put in too much.
Need to check with the clinic if they accept the cda payment for vaccinations. Some toy shops in paragon also accepts the card for payment and with discount too!
Day, I tink it's still early to worry abt bb size nw as we are still in early stage of pregnancy. Most imptly is bb is growing well.. My edd push forward to 10th jul bt I gather for twins will be 2-3 weeks earlier so I hope to pop end jun.. wan my babies to stay inside me as long as possible..
I understand this jealousy its unavoidable as my #1 is still young and may not understand. But tell u, that day she ask me, 'Do u love me, mummy ? ' My heart aches when I hear that

Did u try to air your breast, go braless or topless for a while ? It can help. The nipple cream should help, but if yours really severe itch, I think its better to get meds from Dr.
I think your hb suggestion of IFC is not a bad idea. Having 3 women in the house is really too much, our own mother is not so bad but with MIL, a bit tough to handle. If I were in your shoes, I think I would consider IFC too. Put 2 in IFC and look after one yourself. But it still doesn't solve the tiring night feeding problems and the chores that u need to do. Or let your MIL or mum each take a baby home to look after if they can do it or get a baby sitter for a few mths. But not long term if u don't like them to be separated, maybe until they are bigger and more settled, then bring all 3 back together, now I think the house needs some peace and u need some proper rest, 1 adult 1 bb is alot more manageable. A maid can be good help too for all the housework and as an extra pair of hands.

I understand problems with multiples as my mum used to be a baby sitter helping a twin mum with 4 kids in total.
Hi Mummies

Congras to all mummies here..

I will be trying my final cycle this month and would appreciate if anyone still has the Lucrin needles to give away so that I can grab the BB dust from you and BFP this round?

It's only 2nd day. Slowly la. Keep offering her every 3 hours. Hv I mentioned that I didn't manage to latch my gal for the first few days?

She had problem sucking on her own so she was in SCN for 4 nights. Now she latch on for 5 minutes only and will last till the next feed.

Dun give up yeah!

Yeah lo. After I pump, I just keep in the fridge first then transfer to the freezer downstairs the next day.


I tagged u in fb pix how to use 1 hand to bottle feed 2 babies.

The other method is I lie next to Twin 1. T1 beside T2. 3 of us on the bed.
I lie on my left and T1 latch on my left breast.
I hold a bottle with my right hand and feed T2.
My left hand playing with iPhone. Hehe..

Hope u know what I m talking about.

Dun be sad! Kids this age dun really know what they are talking about!

My 3 year old suddenly said "mummy I love you!" but 1 hour later he said to my maid "Kakak, I love you!" Faintz~
Singapoh, 5 mins can last until next feed! wow!
i m still strugglin with 40-45mins latching for my boys.. n after tht need FM top up...faint.....

My girl just vomitted earlier after her feed. It was abt half hour after her feed, amount quite a lot like 10ml of milk. What should I do? Should I observe before bringing to doc? Or its normal sometimes for them to vomit?

Thanks Rostrum!

Can any moms please advise how badly bloated were you from 2WW till BFP. I am 6 weeks next Monday and I look as if I am 3 months preggies. Tummy visible. Anything to relieve the bloatedness.
