IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

working wife, the fitting clothes are from carters. cutting is much smaller than the other brands. the normal new born ones tht i got from the amk shop... my bbs are still swimming in them

u can consider buying some carters rompers..my bbs are wearing the 3mths ones....not nb size.

i dun dress my babies in long pjs coz they r not sleeping in air con. we just swaddle them w the cloth nappy over their normal clothes.
rostrum, singapoh is right.. its alot of work to use cloth nappy.. we tried using cloth nappies too... apart from the tonnes of washing ..the other problem i notice is babies will cry more often. coz once wet, they will feel uncomfortable. if using dispoables, babies dun cry so much due to pees.

you can use Avent baby bottom balm to prevent nappy rash.
Where can we get the carters rompers?
And where can we get nice bb clothes cos i went to mothercare, kiddy palace.. Not much variety le.. Also wana get mittens.. Cant get.. Mothercare only have one pattern.
I have carter rompers for my baby shower gift.. V nice.. Dont know where can i get it...
So far I've seen some in kiddy palace n online from baby kingdom. Then came across the shears one on www.palmax.biz.

Re: cloth diapers
I'm also thinking of cloth diapers. Maybe use in day time n then disposable at night. But agree at the beginning I'll stick with disposable too.
I bought my diaper cloth from the AMK bb shop recommended by past sisters.
Pureen brand, 12 pcs, $23.90. Got other cheapo brands but I bought pureen 1st ... likely to get another pack of 12pcs cos my mum said not enough
Cloth diapers
Must be prepared to do alot of washing especially if u r breastfeeding as Bb will poo n pee more. Will be ok if u have someone to help u wash the diapers. To prevent nappy rashes, change the disposable more frequently. Dun change only when the disposable is full of urine
baby, there are a few bulk purchase sellers on the forum tht sells carters. u can check them out. i din buy alot of bb clothes here..mostly r gifts or hsndmedowns.

i see some nice clothes from fox, OG and BHG. u can go shop shop.
Regarding the little bumps on the forehead. U can try using cream containing calendula. I apply after bath before the pus appear and they cleared up in 2 days. Don't need to clean the area too often, its better to let it dry out.

Actually, if u change cloth nappies or disposable regularly, u will prevent nappy rash. Apart from being environmentally unfriendly, disposables save alot of washing.
Thanks ladies on cloth nappies... Seems like alot of work n babies will cry easily causing more work. My mum keep insisting to use cloth ones as babies will feel more comfy n she is real insistent on this!!! Anyway I will play by ear when time comes... Even with helper it will be more work for her too..
Hi all mummies, I am new to this thread and is currently 20+weeks expecting twins. Am an irregular silent reader.
Firstly mus send my late late congrats to PandaWife & Grumpus!!

Rostrum & Syrah, my col also recomm that I use cloth nappies since will hire maid to wash. But the amount of washing and ensuring they are dry fast enuf, dont know will be a challenge anot.

Anyone can advise me on medela dual breast pumps - freestyle? There is a spree online selling export set, any feedback on the product?
Imp22, thanks!

seriously alot of washing..hehe.. maybe also coz i hv 3. laundry has to be done everyday.. n my entire balcony is always filled with baby laundry. we wash every morning.. and everynight keep to fold.

and also bb poo will get onto the nappy even with nappy liner.. so hv to make sure the person washing separate this from the rest and clean the poo away well.
Pandawife, wow! didnt know even with liner also can stain the nappy. Did you use the pants type to fasten the nappy cloth or u used the traditional safety pins type to fasten? I was told if use the pants type it wouldnt leak. Not sure hw true it is..
Singapoh, my mum talk only... All d work will b done by us cos she is working.. Till nw she is using her method of caring for bb 30 years ago when she told us. I hear liao I wan to faint.. Somemore she always like to hv her way to get things done.

Imp22, I rmb u in the ivf thread. I m a silent reader there also..I heard the medala dual pump is v good!! I m still pondering whether to get it or Nt cos I scared last min give up BF as need to go bk work bt on the other hand I wan to BF my babies.. Really dilemma... My fren suggest to borrow fm frens first n if I m ok then buy.
Imp22, i m using the pants type.. it wouldnt leak coz no chance too.. once bb pee n wet, they will scream to be changed! hahaha.. leak is when pee many times..too wet...

i m still doing confinement now..so i can "rest" ..after confinement finish.. probably will see less of me online :p

i hv my mum, dad and mil here helping me look after the little ones now.
Rostrum, hehe u rmbr me? Hw many weeks are u nw?

I didnt manage to get any hand me downs for breast pumps so I am sourcing ard for it. And same like u, I also wonder if I can continue to pump after 4mths back to work as my office is not very PRO this kinda things, the environment is not conducive enough for BF moms to pump there. But I will try as I want to BF as much as possible at least during my 4mths break.

it will be good u can loan fr friends and use first. The most like some ladies do, buy your own spare parts for hygiene purposes.

Panda, tsk tsk tsk.. full house!! many babies and adults hehe... u are having your mum to help with confinement or there is another CL??
rostrum, sounds like my mum too.. use 30 yrs old method n refused to listen to me. i argue w her many times.. but at the end of the day, i know she meant well for the babies..better than leaving bb with maid or ifc...

these few days i try very hard to ZIP... unless its smthing very ridiculous.. i will keep my mouth shut.
Imp22, I m 14 weeks+ now. Hw abt u? Kw babies genders already? I do Nt hv hand me downs for medala pumps... I m tinking of getting fm US which wld b cheaper. Bt tink I will start sourcing after my 22nd week scan. Now too early n I also wan to start shopping when I m in my 5th - 6th mth. My office also no place for me to pump except d toilet!!! Bt I still hope to BF whenever possible.

Pandawife, I argued with my mum even babies out. She likes to meddle everything n those methods are 30 years ago n she dun even allow me to hire cl when she herself cannot help me!!!! She say she Cn cook for me aft she ko which is like 5pm??? Then fm morning till 5pm I will starve with 2 babies... She forbids me to do tis n tt which cld b frustrating at times. Initially I hv the tots to let her tk care of my babies with a helper but now I chg my mind...I hv been so stressed over her tt I think I hv my bleeding episode earlier bcos of all d arguements n stress!!!
She keep saying last time she also no cl n din tk confinement food n still Cn survive
tell me dun nd tk those confinement food, tk normal blah blah blah n she is Nt supportive if BF n keep telling me fm is good, dun nd BF n when I say I wanna BF, she v pissed!!! Sorry for pouring here bt there are so many arguments tt I m so sian at times...

Last time yr mum only care for 1 baby at a time so cloth diaper might work but now u gonna hv 2 babies. Must be practical. U dun wanna tire yourself by doing so much laundry. 1 person attending to 2 babies are really tiring and can get too overwhelming especially when u r a 1st time mum.

Before I popped, my MIL already asked me not to bf coz 2 babies ma. Dunno whether I got enough or not. She had triplets so she know how hard it is to tc of more than 1 baby.
Panda, can understand ur frustrations at this time. It is a teething period, guess u will adjust and accomodate whenever u can
u will find a way to deal with all these soon ya! JIAYOU! Are u preparing for their full mth liao?

I also wonder if I can get used to having many peeps ard the house nex time, the CL, maid + bbs since many yrs alone with hb oni.

Rostrum, I am told that am expecting a boy n a gal during las detailed scan. wonder hw accurate is this at 20weeks... ur coy same like mine, if I hav to pump is going to be in the toilet which stinks. are u gaining weight liao?

The online spree can be found here :

Ladies with KK whos done the detailed scan at 20weeks, if the ADC didnt specifically mention any abnormalities to u, means bbs r ok rite? I got a copy of the report which says my bb gal is spotted with 2 spots at her heart "echogenic Foci" which dr loh told me "everything is gd".

I googled and found that it is common in 2nd tri but if stil continue to have, might hav to go for other detailed scanning, this is a marker to do with down syndrome too. bugging me leh...
Singapoh, I try to bring across tt tc of 1 n 2 babies is different bt she dun understand... Till now I try to refrain fm talking to her much least will end up with argument again.

Congrats on hving a girl n boi!!! Did they mention d 2 spots at heart is small? I tink it's quite common to hv small spot at heart n will close up when they grows up. If dr Loh say is ok, Shd be ok right?
Rostrum, hmm I hope so too. they didnt mention abt how big are the spots, I researched say it could be due to calcium deposits.
when is your next scan?

Singapoh, u didnt BF ur twins? How about alternating btw nappy cloth and diapers? Or is not viable at all for twinnies?

Congrats to u!

If uncle Loh says so means it's good! He doesn't keep anything to himself one. Sonographer won't explain much, they leave to the doc to explain to u.

That time I had a scan and the water level in my boy's brain is at borderline, increase the risk in down syndrome. I went back another day for a scan again and it turne out fine.
Imp22, my next scan is my 22nd week at camden. Nt going bk to kkh after d scare of my Oscar test result. I did my 2nd opinion for Oscar at Camden too cos my bt results fails n pull dw d overall results.

Dun worry abt d holes of Yr gal... If there is a cause for worry, dr Loh will alert u...

Singapoh, y u call him uncle Loh? Then nurses at ivf centre all calls him tt... Wahahaha...
Thanks Singapoh!
hehe uncle Loh at times tend to worry us less by not telling us alot things. during all my vists since BFP, he only alw ask me one question without fail : Are u using stretchmark cream? if u r using what brand isit?

he did tel me my placenta low, is it a concern? he didnt elaborate further too and I didnt ask.

Uncle is very straightforward. He doesn't keep anything to himself. If no good he will say no good.

Usually placenta will move up in later stage. Mine was low too then moved up. If remians low, it's a concern.

I am still bf my twins since birth. 1 fm a day.

You can try using both cloth and disposable diapers.
Hi! *wave*
i used cloth nappies in the day and disposables at night for my elder girl and now my bb girl as well. it is a lot of washing and folding. drying is not too bad if u hv an airy or sunny area to hang them cos they dry really fast. i dun use the waterproof pants cos i find it quite hot.

i hv a pail of water to soak all the soiled nappies and every morn i will throw them in the washing machine. most of the time, by late afternoon they'll be dry already.

i bought the medela freestyle, just took it out only. i should be able to give some feedback in the next few days.
hv u been supplementing with fm since day 1? how do u give yr bbs the formula? in a bottle? no nipple confusion?
Singapoh, for meihao catering, say if i hv about 60+pax.. cater for 40pax ok? we are also cooking some food like fried bee hoon and vinegar ginger trotters etc in addition.

If I hv 40 adults and 20 kids, I would order for 50. If cooking more dishes, maybe 45.

I also prepare plastic container to tapau.
Yr period resume liao? U still bf? Cos if bf usually period will not resume so soon..
Today i saw red spotting.. I think my period coming bk.. I heard after delivery.. Period may come bk 4-5 weeks later if no bf.. But it depends on individual..

Anyone here has any idea abt period returning? Those not bf.. When will period resume?
i just weigh my babies.. average each of them put on 1kg..is tht normal for almost 1 mth old babies?

singapoh, thanks..then i better cater for 50pax.. i only count adults.. kids excluded :p
wow, how did u do it with twins??? cup feeding is so tedious. i'm currently supplement my girl by syringe feeding. it's only the 2nd day and i'm exhausted already from the round the clock feeding and syringing.

that's good weight gain. it's average 1kg a month for the 1st few months.

U got include yr family or not? Later u all no food to eat. Hehe.. Btw we eat b4 guests arrive coz if wait later, wanna drink or pee also no time!
grumpus, thanks! its a relief to know tht they are gaining good weight.

their stock mkt feeding times and amounts quite worrying smtimes.
How much ml of milk u feeding yr bb?
Im giving 90ml.. Abt 2-3hrs interval from finishing time..

Im exhausted on the night feeding... Got to wake at at least one time to feed two bbs and change their diapers.. Then usually by 6plus am feeding time again... After can slp for abt 2 hrs then wake up to bathe them before their milk... Shack mann...
ya confirm period back liao. its barely one mth. i still breastfeeding, didnt really cut down also leh, but did notice supply is lower. so now not sure if its the period that is causing the milk supply to be low. so really don't understd why period come so fast when i didnt stop or cut down bf. abit worry if anything wrong with my body.

does anyone know if it is bad that period come back so fast? does it say anythg abt the body/our health?

my boy has been pooing 2 times a day, suddenly today didnt poo for whole day but keep farting & super smelly... now worry whats wrong...
we all mummies now got worries non-stop hor..
Baby my gal drinks between 70 to 100ml at 2 to 3 hr feed. Sometimes she takes 100 ml at every 2 hrs.
Yes Tiring especially I need to pump and feed her.... Today during her full month celebration my friends all said I look tired lor,

And my breasts became hard rocks after the party coz didn't pump for 5 hrs!!! Super painful ! Wonder after confinement if I go shopping how ar???

Pandawife so busy during full mth party that no time to eat and even forgotten to take photos!! I ordered a box of nice cupcakes and forgotten to take a pic too
baby, ur gals can finish the 90ml every feed?

my gal can take 80ml max, two boys max at 100ml and 120ml. but not all feeds can finish. smtimes only wanna take 50 or 60 ml... so the feeding chart like wall street stock market.

my eldest boy has the milk spitting problem, so now i try to latch him as much as i can..then do another 30-40ml top up of FM....

i know how it feels like...i only wake up to pump, already exhausted. my bbs will usually hv 1 feed between midnite to 1am.. then 3-4am another time..followed by 5-6am another round.
best part is my eldest bb has to be fed n burp during the feed..so just getting him to finish the milk takes at least 30-45mins....

hmm..i tink i m also getting my menses..coz the flow turn fresh red leh... not heavy though..like staining kind...

Gan, wow..u reminded me.. i hv to appoint camera person on tht day..i dun tink i will hv time to take photos too.

talk abt pumping.. i was also tinking if can find time to pump on tht day... will try to pump as near to the event starting time as possible.. n if need, i will sneak away for 15mins quick pump in the middle of it.
