IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Little joy,

Normal that poop is more solid now. My bbs usually once a day or every other day. Max twice a day. If too many times, anus became red. I would just apply aloe Vera gel. What did PD tell u?


At first my 3 year old was ok when twins arrived but lately he has cranky! Wanna be carried! I try to spend more time with him like playing and reading to him.
I also have the fisher rocker.. I have the same situation.. Bb will cry when i put her in the cot.. But in the rocker she is ok.. But i didnt use the rocker cos i dont want her to get use to it.. I fix it still.. She just lie in there.. After awhile she will doze off.. Its also good to put her there after milk cos its not flat..
I also have it for my baby shower gift... Selling at $149 robinson...

I only bf for abt 3 weeks..
Its harder to stop bf when we only started out to bf as the supply is building.. And will experience serious engoregment.. Thats y i choose to take med to have the easier way.
I didnt experience any side effects frm the med..
But i find my boobs like softer.. Not sure its due to the med or due to the pregnancy.. Its not as firm as pre pregnancy..
working wife, PD says its normal for them to have hiccups... so i let them hic hic hic until it goes away :p

this will continue for about 1 mth...
Mummies, Cn I chk whether do I nd to hv a 2hr gap in btw my milk intake n multi vits n fish oil?

I was told by d pharmacist tt folic acid is only required during 1st tri. After which tk multi vit will do as there is folic acid of 800 mcg. Is this enuff?
Ok thanks thanks

May I ask what is hot water bottle for when u pump? Is that for compression? Wow u girls v hardworking... Latch on bbs then pump somemore set alarm to pump at night also. Whatever I pump during the day I use it for a night feed so can sleep thru a bit. So far, no reserves to carry over.

Panda - what is 1 hour 30ml guide? Yr girl was abt 2kg at birth? How much can she drink now?
working wife, if bb is hungry 1 hr after the last feed, can giv them 30ml..if 2 hrs will b 60ml..etc...

yup,my girl was about 2kg at birth. she is drinking about 80ml max per 3 hrly feed now...but not consistent.. smtimes we make 80ml, she only take 60ml or even 40ml. initially very nerve wracking coz worried she not taking enuff..but PD says its alright... so long as growing and hv poos and pees.
working wife, i use the small avent 125ml bottle, fill it with warm water..n roll it over the boobs.. after tht massage...followed by pump.

if dont set alarm to pump at night, sure cannot wake up leh..hehehe.. even set alarm, smtimes also cannot get up...but if bb cry, i sure wake up...:p
r u using the cream from dr f for ur c-sect wound? do u see any improvement? my wound line still look very dark.. wonder if it is ever going to disappear.
I sort of stop using the cream liao cos abit lazy to apply..
I think the cream is for the scar to heal nicely.. Not so much to lighten the colour...
Yr scar really v dark? V obvious?
My scar not v obvious le.. Are u v fair? If u are fair thats y the wound looks darker... But ok what.. Got pubic hair there.. The scar wont be obvious.. Unless u usually shave it all...

U start yr massage liao? I have my first session today.. Shiok mann... I still have the binder on aft the massage.. Got to leave it on for 6 hrs.. Hopefully can help to flatten and tone my tummy...
Happyhippo - took off my stitches today. U know, the c-sec line is the least obvious thing on my tummy area... Its the stretch marks that are a killer! I didn't hv stretch marks until the last 6 weeks when I was in hospital, stomach really growing and I couldn't really apply the stretch mark oil cuz was doing ctg 3-5 times a day.


Thanks for the tip. Yah, I'm also constantly worried abt my girl putting on weight. Got poo and pee but given I was experimenting w bf and cup feeding past few days, dunno how will affect her weight.
baby..i tink the rocker is a must have esp for mothers w multiple bbs! aiyoh..when more than 1 bb start to fuss or refused to sleep... it comes in very handy.. i m not worried tht they will get use to it.. i dun rock nor switch on the vibration.. they r happy to just sit there n sleep...

working wife, i share the same problems! haha.. c sect line hardly visible..its the ugly stretchmarks! mine turn into light brown lines..

baby, i cannot walk w/o the binder leh..coz tummy feels like it will drop! i hv no idea how long it will take for the tummy to go down...:S
Glad that you are recovering from mastitis. I understand your situation very well as I also struggle to stay awake to latch my boy these few nights, followed by pumping and massaging very hard to clear the lump. Don't give up yet cos your supply is still building up. It's still too easy to make decision now. Wait until your supply has stabilised and you decide whether is it worth to continue to breastfeed or you should just stop bf so that you can have more time to take care of your 3 babies.

Baby, Stb,
After listening to your stories and weighing the pros and cons, I've made up my mind to stop breastfeeding now. It's really tough for me to make this decision as I want to give the best to my 2 babies. However, my BM supply is really too good. It's not worth working so hard every 3 hr to clear the lumps, latch on and pump and get so little BM only. I'm really sleep deprived. I rather spend the time on taking care of my babies. If my supply is good, I don't mind spending all this effort.
I hope I have made the right decision. My family members and some friends are also encouraging me to stop breastfeeding..
Hi mummies

Wondering if u would be ae to assist to advise. I m in my 10th week of pregnancy and have been "suffering" from increased boobs sizes since early pregnancy (even at week 6). I'm really suffering coz my boobs are stretched and the nipple area is extremely itchy!! I feel like a gorilla and it's starting to drive me nuts coz I can't get a relief! I tried moisturizers for super dry size (cetaphil) as well as what some frens suggested, nipple cream (medela purelan) but it's not helping it's extremely bad after bath as well as before bed time and I m at my wit's end!! Any mothers who had this symptom able to advise on possible solutions?? *scratch scratch*
Hi ladies,
Bb Alyson was finally born on 11/1/11 @1853 via c-sect.
Weight 2.49kg

Endured 9hrs of contractions before dr said no choice hv to do c-sect cos not dilating fast enough
Congrats grumpus !!!

Me too. Set alarm for pumping sometimes too tired cannot pull myself out of bed. But when bb cry, I jump out of bed right away

when u go back to work, who will care for ur twins?

how u coping? Night feed u handle alone ? My cl leaving next week n I still dun know what to expect. Hm.... Ur let ur maid carry your bb ?
Had a small argument w hb yesterday. He says must start letting maid carry bb but I just dun feel at ease let her carry them. He then say if both bb cry then dun call him on his mobile !!!! Haiz...asking me to relax but how to let stranger carry them, they still so young.
Maybe I being paranoid

thanks. Cause I dun intend to go back to Tmc pd too expensive. I better start looking for one pd then arrange from there. When I look at the health book n Clinic protocol quite different .
nancy.. i understand how u feel about letting maid carry ur bb! even my mil carry i cant relax. she like dunno how to carry bb..always dont support bb's head properly leh. i so worried tht i kept following her around when she is carrying bb :S

at first i thought i was paranoid..bt last night i found out i was rite..she really dunno how to carry bb!! she has always been complaining tht my bbs wiggle so much when she carry them thts y she cant support their head. i always cannot understand whats the problem coz when i carry bbs...i dun hv this problem. now i know its coz she dunno how to carry them properly.............

hmm... i tink when bbs are abit older..neck more stable, its alright to let maid carry...but now still very small...

i only slept 2 hrs this morning...helped my mum feed the bbs and also pump... mil slept thru the night n just woke up.
Errr... Can I share 1st time mum r usually a bit more Paranoid? I was complaining non stop when I saw how my mil took care of my son in e 1st mth...but to b fair to them, when was e last time ur mil or mum take care of a new born? N don't forget abt their old age. It took close to 1 mth b4 my mil was more zai w my son.

Panda, my mil admitted tt she was more scared than me in handling my son coz she knew how precious he is to us...thus, e extra carefulness may b seen as clumsiness to us....well, those early days r over for me...now we hv no Prob leaving our son w my mum or mil while hb n I go out for couple time every week....heehee

Likewise, I dun let my maid take care of bb but coz I only hv 1 n I can afford tt. But mummies w multiple, in order to get ur rest n sanity, it's gd to get as much help as possible, as long as there is supervision. Now they r still new born, won't move much...wait till they becomes more active, u will really appreciate e extra pairs of hands
soon to be, thanks for sharing.. i m having quite abit of problems at home w the way mil handle the bbs.. haiz....and when i try to correct her, she is not happy..go complain to my hb.

my mum in comparison is more meticulous n careful when handling the bbs...

at night, now my mum handles 2 bbs and i take 1 bb in my room.. she hardly gets any sleep...

when will nbs wean off night feeds?? with 3 to feed at staggered timings.. its really challenging to get any rest at night now.
Panda, I guess our own mum will do the best for us! Not saying that mil won't, coz afterall, the bbies are their grandkids too....

This is the teething period for u...once u, mil and mum found the most comfortable arrangement and how to take care of ur triplets, I'm sure all the "fights" will be forgotten soon coz u all will be so busy "running" after them...hehehe..3rd mth onwards, my MIL and I took turn to complain to each other how heavy and active my son was......

U r getting a maid rite? Hopefully ur new helper will be of good help....

I wean off my son's night feed from 3rd mth plus when he was able to sooth himself to sleep on his own......

It's impt that once bbies rest, u guys quickly take a quick nap too.....It was v bad for me in the first 2-3 mths as my little rascal slept v little day and nite....I ever went without sleep for 48hrs coz I had to carry him to sleep, and the moment I placed him down, he wld wake up and cry...I almost lost my sanity n dipped into depression....my hb was shocked to wake up seeing me crying non-stop 1 early morning w my son on the sofa...he quickly activated his mum to come over to our place that day so I cld take a 2-3 hrs nap...from then onwards, I try to be more relaxed and rest for 2-3 hrs whenever my MIL is ard......
Panda, oh....if ur MIL complains to ur hb, let ur hb manage it..now it's not the time for u to manage such matters.....u need to stay happy and positive for ur triplets....8)
soon to be, the r/s betw the mummies, me n hb is quite bad now.. but everyone's staying together for the bbs... but its like a time bomb.. one house cannot hav so many woman who wanna call the shots..

we are looking for maid, but i dunno how much tht would solve the problems we hv...

my hb suggested ifc last night... he says if bbs go ifc, we both dun hv to be sandwiched betw our two mothers...

my mum is by nature more meticulous... mil although she had 4 kids of her own, she hardly looked after them.. to her, bbs will grow up on their own w minimal care.. all her kids grew up not close to her...

now the time tht bb is sleeping is my pumping time.. and also helping out to prepare for the next feed, do the bottles cleaning n sterilizing... n becoz there r 3 of them.. the timing in betw feeds is very short.. which is just nice for these "duties"...then the cycle will start again.

i can understand how u feel...coz got one night my bb also fuss alot..kept crying..i carry him i also start tearing.. luckily hb woke up n quickly took over....

hb also told me he will manage my mil..but i can tell he is very stressed though he din say... and he also worried abt me..everyday will do 2-3 hrly calls to check on me. i feel very bad too.
Im still learning how to cope with two bbs.. Haha..
For night feeds.. My hb and i will take turns.. Its really not easy.. Got to feed two bbs.. Change their diapers.. Easily take more than an hr.. Somemore after feeding bbs dont wana sleep.. Sigh... So tiring..

I also nv let my maid carry bb.. They are still so small.. Maybe when they are older i might consider hee..
So far my mum is around to help out... There are once when im alone with the bbs and the maid.. Nearly cant handle.. No time to even go toilet.. Didnt eat the whole day.. Cant find the time mann...

Im also wearing the binder... Find it abit werid at the tummy area wihout it... Yday the massage binder quite good.. Its really tight... Can see tummy abit smaller after taking it off.. The masuer comment that my tummy not big at all somemore i have twins... So happy aft hearing her say... Hehe..

Dont feel bad ya.. At least u have tried for 10 weeks.. Better than me... Hee..
I aldy feel so tired handling my twins.. I dont know how i can handle if i have to pump every few hrs.. I feel much better aft stopping bf.. More energy and better mood taking care of the bbs.. Cos no more pumping.. No more engoregment.. No more painful lumps... And no food restrictions=happier mummy... Hahahaha..

Congrats gal!!!! Hello Alyson!!
Post yr girl photo here leh!!
Panda, take 1 thing at a time now....I know it is not easy for u now...if I cldn't manage 1 bb, I can imagine it's even tougher for u with 3 bbies......

IFC has its own set of issues...first, do they have slots for 3 bbies? second, u must note that IFC teacher to infant ratio range from 1:3 to 1:5, meaning ur little ones will not have 1-to-1 attention, can u accept that? third, IFC can be quite exp depending on the "brand" u go for...

To share with u, I have recently left my little rascal (Alvis) in My First Skool IFC when he turned 7 mths old, coz my MIL is unable to take care of him for the next few months. I have already forked out $2k for deposit, registration fee and 1st mth fee ($600+ after govt sub for working mum). This is his 2nd wk there...he was crying quite a lot last week, but this week, I can see that he's more settled down. There are pros and cons to put him there.....however, MIL, hb and I just kept reminding ourselves of the positive stuff; he will learn to be more independent, he will learn to socialise, he will learn new things, he will learn to be more discipline, he will learn..blah blah blah....

Discuss with ur hb and consider carefully. If IFC is the way to go, perhaps you can start calling nearby IFC to ask whether they have slots. Can consider half day IFC too, so that at least u, mum and mil have a breather and ur own free time for half a day.......

Hang on there...by the time ur triplets reach 3-4 mths, they will be v cute to play with....8)
Pandawife if u r considering infant care maybe call and see if there is slots like what stb mentioned. And no slot, do waitlist while u and hubby sort out the arrangement for taking care of ur bbs.

I just called both pat school house n learning vision ... They are all full and I am on wait list. In fact pat school house told me they can only confirm my gal's enrollment in 2012.=s
Not cheap too.... Learning vision $1500+. Gst, pat school house 1872. Now I have 1 more worry who to take care of my gal when I m back to work.
Stb I m not sure if these 2 are good but they are nearest my home n workplace. Seems like the waitlist is long... Have to make use of these few months of my ML to think of care for my gal when I m back to work....

Did u wait long to get a place for ur boy in the IFC? Btw the FM is provided by us right? How is the teacher to infant ratio? Where is my first skool?
Gan, mine was easy coz it's a fairly new IFC....the teacher to infant ratio rightfully is 1:5, but coz they still have vacancies, the current ratio is 1:3. Well, when I was there during the 3 days transition period, I felt that 1:3 is still bad as some of the infants really need a lot of attention...1 need to be carried at all time! Hb n MIL actually asked me to withdraw him, but I told them let's observe for a while as I don't want to activate other options yet.

Yes, you need to provide FM, milk bottles, pampers, wet wipes, towels, clothes...etc...me being KS, bring my own porridge and puree coz my son is already taking solid....and I dun wan to follow the center's menu....

My First Skool has a few locations. This center where Alvis is in is 1 block away from my place, so quite convenient. You can go to their website and check for a center near your place. Not all centers have IFC service....
Gan, u stay somewhere near novena rite? I remember when I called Learning Vision in Nov, they told me they had 1 slot near the area......a walking distance from novena mrt station...not the iras building one...
Stb yes staying at novena so I called the one at gentle road not the one at IRAS. I think the one u called. The lady told me has to be on waitlist and the list is quite long. =s

Surfing my first school website... Seems line Toa payoh nearest.
Gan, I actually wrote my queries on learning vision website, and the center w available slot jus called me.....but I find it quite far for me...my 1st choice was learning vision at grassroots club...but hv to wait till july 2011 and still no guaranteed slot lor

AMK ok for u? My son is at AMK Blk 601 center..still hv slots...

U can try and call the toa payoh one..I heard they opening 1 new center there...
I just submitted the preliminary application form for Toa payoh coz near to hubby's workplace so sending her there in morning ok .. But picking her up abit tough ad my hubby works late, so I need to rush down from my work place.
Now kiasu abit... I called LV in september last year... Got vacancy but I didn't go put deposit ... Now have to be on waitlist le,
Grumpus Congrats..

Really do we need to have gap between multivitamins tablets and milk consumption.
daily morning i take 2 glasses of milk with corflakes and one cup of tea and 2 biscuit and immediately take the tablets before i leave office. is absorption a issue? pharmacy lady never told me the instruction. iam having newobimin and neurogain . my stools are also dark coloured. i thought it is bcos iron supplement and better absorption.

mtb and new mummies,

iam in 18th week, today i suddently i feel some uneasiness or discomfort in the left side of abdomen. is it matter of concern ? should i head to kkh 24hrs clinic or wait and see is it persist for another day.? is this the same as Ligament stretch pain? i don't know how to differenciate the discomfort.. thanks for your advise.

Well said! Clap clap

Yeah sometimes really need to close both eyes but 1 thing for sure is that our mum/MIL won't hurt our babies. It's very stressful to watch other people's kids. Very big responsibilities.


In yr case, y dun u let yr hb tell yr MIL instead of correcting her? Old people wants face de. And younger generations r suppose to know lesser coz lack of experience =p


U just hv to watch yr maid. See if he is able to handle yr babies. I didn't let my 2nd maid touch my babies coz she simply can't make it. My present one is good with my kids but her cleaning is not good. It's harder to get a maid that is good with kids. Housework is secondary.
Mummies, I m bk fm camden's review n I m indeed feeling v v relieved now. 1st milestone cleared... My risk factor has gone down alot n nw in safe zone I think... Prof is v assuring n I m glad I go to him...

He told us 90% I m carrying 2 boys.. I just hope they r healthy n we are v happy already!!!
