IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hi juju,
Ya, i read abt that part too, thanks. But my antibotics already start liao...
I think the pain areas that you describe shld most probably be muscle strain cos i had that too. The pain can really makes you feel terrible and worrying.
Did they put up fans in the office? Maybe can go out and take a breather now and then?

Bliss & Maykel,
ya, i hope is expansion only.
engineering side said putting up fans tonite. tmr go in then see how lor...
Hi Bliss
After the BT, KKivf nurse did asked me but that time i still yet to figure out what to do next. I just made the first appointment with KKH today but im still confused...KKivf nurse told me once if i have decided which doctor to go, call the appointment no to fix appointment to see doctor but before seeing the doctor go to ANC do scanning. But when i make booking with the admin nurse she said no see doctor first and doctor to advise on the scanning.
Can you advise me how you go about it when you made your first appointment? Did you do the scanning first then see doctor or see doctor first then scanning?
Irish coffee,
sounded confusing too. Heeheehee...
For my case, I told the KKivf nurse that I will stick to Dr Sadhana as my gynae when I went back to get my medicine after positive BT and she straight away helped me to make an appt. And the sequence should be to go for scanning first then go to clinic D to see doc for advice.
I guess the other ladies with KK also had the same thing, scan first and see doc after that. Maybe you want to check with the hospital again.
Btw, I changed to private suite after the first appt. You may want to consider that after first appt too.
Hi Ponytail,
Hehehe... you use 'pantang' as an execuse... very good. hahaha :D

Hi Bliss,
Hahahaha :D, talking abt dream.. last night i got another dream but when i woke up i forgot what i dream. hahahaha :D
Maybe i can write a book... hahahaha :D
Wow... 2 1/2 hrs waiting, like waiting for Dr SF Loh. So how is the medicine? can reduce the itchiness?

Hi Maykel,
Yup, I also will feel the same like you.
wow.. sale at BHG Bugis.. Ok, noted. Hehehehe maybe Saturday will go there and look look.
Normally what is the cheapest and expensive price at MEV?
Are you singaporean or PR?

Hi Irish,
1st time appt after you are confirm pregnant will be your 6wks. Last time on my 6wks, I straight away go to AMC to see the sac and hear the heartbeat then after seeing the doctor. The doctor will do another scanning but not as clear as at AMC. I dunno whether ANC and AMC is the same or not.
haha, ya you can write a book and maybe read more about meanings of various types of dreams and add it after each dream, your book will surely sell fast! :D
Ya, me waited for very long 3hours to see doc last night, but you ever waited for Dr Loh for so long? Wow!! I never wait for Dr Sadhana for that long leh.

The anti-itch oatmeal moisturiser is good, though may not reduce the itchiness completely, but doc says will make the skin look good as normal.
My skin is so sensitive due to pregnancy hormone changes, difficult to cure it totally, must wait until delivery. I got lots of facial cream and oil too, altogether 5 steps! Doc said all are safe to use and actually it is not true that pregnant women has to be ugly all the way, can be treated and reduced one. Heehee! I was happy to hear that, thought I will have to be ugly throughout. My facial pimples and blackheads has reduced a lot for the past 1 month. Hopefully my clear complexion will be back soon, though it is impossible to be completely back lah, I just hope to look ok. Now I dare to go out without makeup and feel confident. You know, during first few weeks of pregnancy, my face was terrible, really looked disfigured with all the pimples and spots.
I am the kind must always put on makeup whenever I go out. But then I have not done any makeup since pregnant, will try not to do so unless really necessary.
jo - i didnt nkow 1st time see doc is already 6 weeks. my er was 1 nov, so i thought so far only 4 weeks. i'm seeing my doc tomoro. very nervous. last night had a dream. dreamt that i forgot to go for my 1st appointment. sheesh, better set alarm clock

bliss - is it because you're having girls thats why hormones affected. i read somewhere that MTB will look better when preg with boys, and uglier when preg with girls. actually 2 of my sis-in-law also experience same thing. so i think quite zhun.
hi ponytail,
No harm checking out the clothes if you not pantang. Or wait til after ur first scan, by then abt 6-7wks liao. The sale until xmas mah
Me oso buy around 8wks, cos my tummy was bloated and i can't fit into my bottoms by then heehee....
BTW, u are actually 4wks preg on ur beta test date. So now you can count how many wks you are from ur beta date.

Hi Jo,
oh, think the delfi MEV oso got sale. But i prefer to go bugis, cos got other things to see mah heehee...
the cheapest is the shorts, think $15.90 and most exp is dresses or work pants at $82. But the tops range from 30+ to $59.90. But very comfy. Their bra very comfy leh, 2 for $50. Its a bit like sports type but very comfy. But frankly dun expect their sales to be really cheap, cos they want to maintain the good quality of their clothings.
Me Singaporean.
hi ponytail,
the date of your ER is already 2 wks. and our BT is usually taken 15-17 days away, hence we're around 4 wks. the date of your scan (i.e 11/28) will probably reaching 6th wk. when u see your gynae after scan, u can ask him to forecast your expected delivery date (EDD).

my scan experience was a nervous one. initially i was given a tummy scan which after a minute or so... the sonographer found nothing & i was asked to empty my bladder & return for a v-scan. during the v-scan, the sonographer seemed to take "ages" to locate the sac with heartbeats. i was getting more nervous, faceup to the ceiling... the moments then seems forever. i was so worried something had went wrong! finally i heard printing being proceeded & asked how was the search. when the printing was done, they turned the monitor towards me & pointed a beautiful black beanie (the sac) with a flicking white patch (i.e heartbeats) somewhere in the centre.
the downside is the sonographer wouldn't entertain questions from me as they told me i could divert them to my gynae subsequently.

i hope yours will go smoothly...
Hi Bliss,
Yup, the longest waiting hour to see Dr Loh is 4hrs leh... some ladied over here got wait for 4hrs plus... so must bring book, food, drink or maybe can camp overthere. hehehehe :D
Oooo ic, glad that your itchiness is reduce.

Hi Ponytail,
Like Maykel said after your beta test is 4wks already. And normally 1st scan at AMC will be done at 6wks pregnancy. Hahahaha :D

Hi Maykel,
Wah... so nice.. so later you are entitle for 4mths maternity leave. I am envy with you. Hahahaha :D
I only got 2mths... hisk hisk...
Ok, thanks for your info. Will try to go on saturday to bugis to look look.. hehehe
the old wives tales are not accurate at all, so I have given up on listening on any of those myths long time ago, all not zhun for many many of my friends as well as my two sisters. Heeheehee... I am very sure that how a pregnant woman responds to hormones changes really depends on individual, nothing to do with the gender of the baby, even docs would say that too.

Anyway, I have no special preference on gender of my baby, as long as baby is healthy and sensible and happy person in life.

Some people say that girls are more filial, understanding and some people say that no, boys can be filial and good child too. So in the end, it is not the gender that matters lah, it really depends on the nature as well as the upbringing of the child, dont you agree?

Thanks for the chart too. We have discussed and shared a few birth gender charts earlier. My conclusion is the chart also not very accurate, once again I found out quite a number of friends' baby gender are not the same from the one they checked from those charts. Heeheehee! Perhaps the gender really cannot be planned, unless really have the right sperm fertilised with the egg in the lab intentionally.

have u started buying maternity clothings? my clothes are all so tight, cannot zipped. I went to shop for maternity clothing today-dresses but i look so pregnant. like 4 months above when i'm onli 2 months. how? really dunno wat to wear...
pretty - thanks for the advice. i'm really nervous, *touch wood* if anything bad should happen. i'm told i dont need full bladder, so i think means v scan. how come your doc dont scan for you on such an impt day ? i cant wait to ask my doc how many weeks already. that is assuming the scan is ok. oh oh oh... i'm so nervous

pleasance - i also cannot fit. my skirt cannot zip, dress bursting, pants dont need to say. got nothing to wear.

bliss - yes i agree, as long as happy and healty, got pros and cons for boys and girls.
we go AMC and later on, ADC for scans bcos the equipts there are better & clearer than the ultrasound machines inside gynae clinic. dat's why for impt milestones, we do not scan at gynae's clinic
Hi Maykel
Thanks...so far only my family & close frens knew about my ivf, the rest i will just wait till 2nd tri.

Hi Bliss/Josephine
Im also in private suite, I have already made appointment with Dr Sadhana, as i have the ultrasound request form given by the kkivf nurse guess will go straight to scan at AMC then see Dr Sadhana at private suite.

Hi Pretty lady
If ive gotten my beta test on 24/11 means that will be already in my 4weeks, my 1st scan is on 12/12 so am i in my 7weeks?

Hi ladies,
How soon will you feel your tummy expanding? Im almost difficult to fit in my bottom...but im only in my 5th week..is it normal?
Hi ponytail,
If ur BT last mon, then next mon shld be wk 6 bah. Ya, cnf with the doc 2mr better

BTW, thanks for the link.
Oh, dr did v-scan for me on my wk6 visit cos he say too small, tummy scan difficult to see. V-scan then no need full bladder.
All the best for ur scan 2mr.
At kkh, if you see dr in TPS then dr will scan for you in the his room. If go other clinic then need to go AMC scan b4 seeing dr. But i agree with juju tat the machine at AMC shld be better.

Hi Jo,
oh is it? i didn't know PR got 2mths oni leh....
The reason why i continue working is so tat i can enjoy the ML haha...

Hi pleasance,
I oso started buying in my 8wks cos my bottoms can't wear, then i feel very uncomfy n tight wearing my old bottoms. I nvr buy maternity dresses cos looks so preggie, leave em for later part bah. I buy all separates now, can mix and match

Hi Irish,
ya loh, the rest not so close ones can wait til later. In fact i dun feel like telling pple, but if wait til deliver then tell oso not so nice hor...
Oh, think bliss oso see dr sadhana. I think its standard that the kkivf nurse give the form. I oso have the form initially, but when i call tps, they say no need to go AMC, just ignore the form and go tps straight away.
my tummy oso started to bloat straight after ivf, oso abt wk 5.
Dear ladies,

did you experience stomach discomfort around week 11? I have slight tummy ache last night and also headache. The pain is mild, just like abit of churning. I was really worried and had nightmare from it. I dreamt I went to the toilet and started peeing blood. The next thing is a blood clot dropped. I was so shocked! Luckily I woke up and realised it's a nightmare. Really too kan cheong over everything.
hi lfb,
it was just a dream...don't let it affect u. have you called up your gynae relating your stomach discomfort?? believe they will be able to advise if you could just take normal panadol for your headache. stay positive & relax...
LFB, i read from pregnancy books, they say as the pregnancy goes on, mummies will have funny dreams ongoing...

Pleasance, ponytail,

Yaya me also cannot wear my bottoms now... sad already started buying maternity clothes already to wear..


I think you are 3 days later then me? My BT 21/11 and scanning will be done 10/12 (7 weeks) as my gynae going away for holiday..
Hi ladies,
sorry for sharing a true story here, my friend just received a very sad news about his pregnant friend's sudden death last few days... I read the news report, so sad and scary, dont even know the cause. Why like that one... The 7 months pregnant lady just had fever suddenly and passed away together with the baby for unknown reason. Sigh...
it is common to have stomach discomfort or cramps on and off, may be due to stretching of uterus or just mild indigestion. Dont worry too much, ok? Unless got bleeding or painful cramps, then go see a doc. I understand the anxiety, especially with the bad dreams. Perhaps try to do things that make you happy and stay good mood in the day.
Me also having strange dreams every single night... never have so many dreams in the past before. Hahaha!
Thanks for the advices. I am so frustrated with the mild pain. It's causing mild diarrhea today. Sigh. Cancelled an appt tonight cos no mood. So sad.

OMG... Ur friend's friend is sooo porr thing.. I cannot imagine how the husband can cope now for losing 2 love ones in just 1 day... Thats a really terrible and shocking news... Life is really so brittle .... Nothing can express my emotion and sadness for the couple but hope the baby and mother will be in the good hands of god now and hope the husband will pick up soon and take care of the 2 yr old....
Hi Sam,
Yes im three days after you. So do you feel your tummy expanding? I cant fit in my bottom soon is this normal? WHich doctor are you with?
Hi Irish,

Yes im growing fatter and fatter.. Already gained 9kg from the start of the journey... I only have few pants that are wuite lose beforehand that i can wear.. most of them i can't cause rather tight now... also dun wanna breathe in to fit in also..keke.... Hmmm guess its normal but think its a bit too fast hor cause only in my 5th week but already looked so preggie... *sighs*
Maykel, Sam,
ya, sad and sorry to hear about the news, somemore the cause of death is still unknown. Hoep the husband and daughter will be able to cope with life in future.

Hi all,
I have been going out to shop for comfortable shoes these 2 days, but I couldn't find! Aiyo, I am so 'sian' when back home empty-handed. Wanted to buy Scholl shoes, but surprisingly I could not find any shops selling this brand at Marina Square and Suntec city. Sigh... maybe I went to the wrong places, should go Orchard.

My legs are so tired now.
I finally got my Scholl shoes at Parkway Parade this afternoon! So many people there, it was really tiring to shop there. Heehee.

During my pregnancy, I wore Rockport sandals and they are extremely comfortable. The thing I like most is that the rubber base is really good and non-slippery. The entire sandals can be washed in the washing machine. I only know of 2 place selling it, one is at marina sqaure n another is at great world city..

bliss - i was at parkway yesterday too. maybe bumped into you
my hubby asked if you're wearing black top white skirt yesterday

ladies - update abt myself. i went for 1st scan last fri and cld see 2 sacs so potentially twins
no heartbeat yet cos only 4 weeks. going for 2nd scan in 2 weeks to see heartbeat. but i still dont have MS yet leh... hmmm, a bit worried... i heard that MS is good... hoping that my MS will come soon
hi ponytail,
congrats on your good development! dun worry too much about MS, as many ladies mentioned... different pple have different symptoms. as the days comes along, u will noticed your symptoms unfolding....

hi irish coffee,
by the time u'd your 1st scan on 12/12, you are ard 6w4days.
pretty- thanks. yes i hope my symptoms come soon. every morning now i check if my boobs still sore, scared that the soreness will disappear.

irish - oh so that means you are currently 4 weeks ? same as me
i did my ER on 1 nov. did you go for ivf too ?
I wore a long blue sleeveless floral dress at Parkway yesterday. Too many people there and the weather is hot outside the building, I had headache when reached home.

Congrats having twins! Must be very excited and happy rite?

Aiyo, dear, it really does not matter much not to have MS. In fact you should count yourself lucky not having those really bad MS! Haha! Pregnancy can be just as healthy and smooth even without any MS. It really feels so comfortable throughout pregnancy if without those nasty MS leh! Do update us your next scan.

Mrs Teng,
thanks for the recommendation!
I will take a look. I also need to buy another pair of comfortable shoes beside the scholl casual sandals I have bought.
Hi Bliss,
I oso bought a pair of slipped-in scholl from isetan for work. My hubby oso bought crocs slippers for my casual wear, he very strict leh, refused to let me wear all my usual shoes hiaz....

Hi ponytail,
Glad to hear ur scan went well. But how come 4 wks oni you go for scan liao leh? I thot usually 1st scan is 6wks? My 1st scan was supposed to be wk6 but i went to see dr on wk 5 cos of cramp and spotting. Tat time can see 1 sac oni. During teh wk6 scan then can see 2 sacs.
My MS and poor appetite started around wk6 and lasted til wk 14+, was a real terrible period then....enjoy ur non-ms days while you can heehee...
bliss, maykel - twins... yup happy, but at same time i only want smooth pregnancy, so 1 or 2 is ok with me as long as healthy and fit. i also dont know why my scan at 4 weeks, maybe doc is gan jiong. my doc supposed to be on leave whole of dec but he is making special trip back to clinic for my 2nd scan. i feel so touched. should i by him a gift, and maybe the nurses too ? whats the usual practice ?
Dear all,

Long time no see.
Sorry for not coming to update for so long. After my BFP, i kana very bad cold, fever n cough. When to see Dr Loh exactly on my 6 weeks and he found 2 heartbeats!!! We are very happy but i am not well to rejoice at that time. Work has been bad during that period too. Finally, i have fully recovered and work is back to normal too. I am really very grateful to god that all are well and back to normal track.

I went for my 2nd scan on Wed and babies are growing well.
1 is 2.3 cm and 1 is 2.09 cm. But next scan is scheduled for 3 weeks later.
MTB under Dr Loh: Do you know when is he going on leave? If my next check up falls on his off day, what would happen?

Now i am in my 9 weeks and hopefully all will be well and smooth. Most importantly, babies can be healthy and happy too. This is my greatest wish.

Bliss: How are you? Hope you are getting on well with lesser MS and increased appetite.

Maykel: When are u intending to take hospitalisation leave? How many mths before EDD? I am planning to as i cant see myself working till the last day.

Ponytail: Really dun worry abt MS as i read that 小S didnt kana any MS too. So u might be lucky.

Jia you all the MTB here

So funny le.. My ER 6 Nov and im already 5 weeks 4 days and suppose my 1st scan on Thurs but gynae go for holiday so scheduled on 10/12. How come your ER 1 Nov but only 4 weeks? Did you ask your gynae? When you do Beta, you are already 4 weeks...so you should be 6 weeks by right..
I went mothercare to buy my support belt, panties and maternity bra yesterday... the maternity bra are so comfy.. finally my breast can breathe ...oh ya and if you ladies can still wear your skirt, pants and jeans but cannot zip, you might wan to buy the belly clip...it clips the pants, skirts or jeans and can wear normally after that.... Bought few maternity clothes already but i suppose maybe if tummy get bigger.. think the meternity clothes also cannot wear.. also im getting terrible backache, so went to buy the support pillow from maternity exchange.. Its 2 wedge pillows to support back and tummy... So if you are experiencing back ache can try that...

So far, my MS not that bad...only once in a few days naseous only...
sam - i forgot to ask doc how many weeks. i dont know my levels cos my clinic never tell me. but i read a few books i'm supposed to be 6 weeks. anyway, dont care lah. my doc say go back and see him 2nd scan on 12/12, should be able to hear heartbeat then. so your MS is only feeling nauseous ? did u puke ? sorry for being graphic,but i worried cos no MS...
happy for you. So many twins here, very nice.

Must take good care of yourself hor.
My MS has slightly reduced so far, hopefully my appetite will get a lot better. My appetite is still very small so far due to my bloating and constipation. My skin itchiness is still there everyday. I try to keep myself in good mood in order to prevent skin itchiness. Having headaches these few days, probably due to constipation. I drink prune juice everyday but think my body is a bit heaty still.

ya, I want to buy another pair of comfortable shopes which looks more formal. I also cant wear all my old shoes, coz they are all high heels. I have only a few flat shoes, but they are not that comfortable, just nice designs only.

ya, can understand. It feels very blessed and touching to see your twins. Stay happy as usual.
hi bliss n mrs teng,
i've been bugged by skin itchiness too. now it looks like insect bites all over my arms, thighs and body. i feel so miserable at night when the itchiness gets so unbearable. i know you went through or are going through the phase too. i've done whatever recommended to be done to ease the itchiness. currently i'm taking the yellow pill doc given me. and also using the cream that helps to ease the itching. other than that, the itch happens at random and i fear, i have to bear with it til delivery. and that is still so far away.. since i'm only at 22 weeks. sigh!!

No le.. so far never puke only naseous, feeling hungry.. headache, tired and backache.. terrible backache therefore need to buy the support..I think my MS is quite mild..or maybe too early for MS.. haha.


Oh yes im having terible constipation and it started a few days before beta till now.. And i only had few times diarhhoea due to eating bad food... But the constipation is really bad... Super duper smelly like chemical warfare my DH says and keep farting like nobody's business.. Can i know what other things can help me pass motion easier?
