IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

I have bought lots of birdnests lately, 6 bottles of concentrated ones and also a box of birdnests to be boiled with red dates. But I have not started taking, coz my hubby promised to boil the birdnests for me first. Ok thanks, I will take birdnests then.

yck - and i'm with prof wong at nuh. i notice almost all ladies here under kk. wow, that place must be crowded

bliss - then you can start drinking already. i take birds nest regularly cos my father in law grows them in msia

Yes, I'm a SAHM with the help of 2 maids.
Both gals are 34 + 3D weekers thru emergency epidural C-section. So everything just happened in a flash... really got no time to fear about the operation. Only bad thing is I had more den 48 hrs of contractions... that was really painful...

They are now 5 months old..

Sometimes it is nice to take care of them but at times you really can't be there for both..

I remembered when Jie jie was admitted to hospital for the 3rd time.. I really got to run between home and hospital during that period... And it's usually the odd hours.. like in the middle of the nite.. it was really tough at that time. Somemore the colicy thing... wow! the cry can really drive you nuts..

Wondering ...
1. Did anyone switch gynae after tested positive in the IVF process?
2. If wanna switch gynae, when is the best time to do it?
3. Does KK allow patient to select time of delivery assuming it is C-sect?
jo - i think my father in law give slight discount if buy in bulk, i.e. like 10 pieces. but the birds nest are 100% original and natural, i.e. still got some feathers stuck in them. my maid will help me to pick the feathers before cooking. my mother in law say those 'clean' birds nest you see in shops actually have chemicals and agar agar added, cos the taste is different. if you're keen let me know, i ask some more.
hi bliss,
i really dunno what triggered the rash. it started at my armpits and thighs. i changed soap, used a mild one already, used everything that i needed to use to ease but instead it spread. i also dunno if its because of diet, coz honestly i can't see if anything is making it spread. for the moment, i'm avoiding oily food. Dr Sadhana gave me a cream, which didn't work. when i saw her, it was the initial stages. now, it flared up. she hasn't seen yet. i've got an appointment with a skin doc on the 11th. i'm supposed to bear another 10 days of the rash?? argh!!

hi mrs teng,
i have been using loose clothes lately. and cotton yoga pants to avoid excessive rubbing between skin and material. so far at the moment, the rash has spread all over. my thighs, legs, body and arms (the worse.. ) i'm running out ideas to remedy already..

on sunday nite, i had to go to kk at 2am coz i couldn't sleep. i cried literally coz the itch was just too much. hubby immediately accompanied me to 24hr clinic but i was sent to the delivery suite coz i'm 22 weeks already. there, i was strapped with a baby heartbeat monitor, which made my tummy itchier. the doc came abt 20 minutes later to tell me that he himself can't give me a proper diagnosis. coz he said its normal for skin eruptions to occur. but usually its safe. but in order to really come down to the skin issue, i was given a referral to skin center. in the mean time they gave me another pill which is supposed to help me sleep and avoid the scratching.

i really thought that it was pregnancy rash. but the nurse that saw me said that usually pregnancy rash happen in patches on the tummy first. but my tummy is fine.. and the rest of my body is the one that is acting up. now its filled with red ugly patches.

i'm really, really enduring. its not easy not to scratch..
thanks for the info. will take note.

at least ur hubby willing to resist fav food wif u. dat's very good.
Hi Hopefully,
oh is it? Maybe he joking with you, but if need be, he could be quite generous with mc, so dun worry. Tat time my 2nd tri oso he thinks i'm ok to work, so i just go bk work loh

Tat means you must have the HL 1st then if not enough then considered as unpaid is it? My organization HL oso 60 days. If you take continously 1 shot then it includes wkends. But tat time i extend every 2-3wks. So if my HL completes on a Fri and i saw dr tat day, then the new HL will start from following Mon, so that weekend dun count. Urmm...did i confuse you so far? heehee...

My back pain oso cos i have history of slipped disc, then now i think it started due to teh weight bah. Is it ok to do light stretching? I wanted to do but scared leh...thanks for ur advise, think i will try to do some light stretch, else cannot tahan the pain, now shoulder oso pain due to work posture. Me now 18weeks

Hi juju,
really ar? i've been eating alot of fast food since 1st tri, cos sometimes tats the oni thing i can put into my mouth, talk abt tat, i feel like eating fries now heehee...

oic...ya, they say something like if eat crabs, babies next time'itchy hands' hehe....tat time i ate oso ok leh

where you go for ur prenatal massage, can recommend? Me desparate for it. you got water retention already? so fast?

Hi LfB,
Thanks for your info abt the dried longans

Hi ponytail,
So did you managed to ask the nurses today? Hope you are more assured after talkiong to them

If you really feel very stress, can try asking ur doc for mc at least a few days. Ya, i know wat you mean, my colleagues were oso like tat, tats why i oso stress til got spotting and cramp, tats why got HL.
By the way, I understand tat must wait until around 4-5th mths onwards then can take birdnest.

Hi bliss,
Oh i didn't know crabs are cooling....lucky i dun like steam crabs heehee...ya, i agree on the old wives tales, but if we really crave or feel like eating, i think there's no stopping us no matter wat the beliefs are haha....
Thanks for the info on the bath foam. I bought J&J already, haven't used yet.
I think mayb you can try talking milk now, its good for you. Me oso just started taking milk last week, so far so good....was hoping they can help me sleep better

oh, rgding ur next posting on the harmful products, i used to saw this email b4, but tat was some time ago. Dun know still true or not hor...

Congrats to you
Its easy to get hungry easily cos ur body needs alot of nutrients now. It is oso easy for us to have bloatedness now, so mayb tats why you feel the fullness feeling.

Hi Emma,
So nice to have a boy and gal, can't wait to see my babies gender on 17th dec
will keep you gals updated.
Me oso got sleeping problem, cos lie on back, its pain, lie on side, the boney area got bruise feeling and tummy oso very uncomfy...every nite can't sleep well....so have you found any suitable position yet?

Hi Mrs Teng,
Ur gals are so cute! ;)

Hi yck,
Long time nvr see you here, hope things are going well for you. So exciting as ur due date coming nearer hor
Hi bliss,
Oh i didn't know crabs are cooling....lucky i dun like steam crabs heehee...ya, i agree on the old wives tales, but if we really crave or feel like eating, i think there's no stopping us no matter wat the beliefs are haha....
Thanks for the info on the bath foam. I bought J&J already, haven't used yet.
I think mayb you can try talking milk now, its good for you. Me oso just started taking milk last week, so far so good....was hoping they can help me sleep better
oh, rgding ur next posting on the harmful products, i used to saw this email b4, but tat was some time ago. Dun know still true or not hor...

Congrats to you Its easy to get hungry easily cos ur body needs alot of nutrients now. It is oso easy for us to have bloatedness now, so mayb tats why you feel the fullness feeling.

Hi Emma,
So nice to have a boy and gal, can't wait to see my babies gender on 17th dec will keep you gals updated.
Me oso got sleeping problem, cos lie on back, its pain, lie on side, the boney area got bruise feeling and tummy oso very uncomfy...every nite can't sleep well....so have you found any suitable position yet?

Hi Mrs Teng,
Ur gals are so cute! ;)

Hi yck,
Long time nvr see you here, hope things are going well for you. So exciting as ur due date coming nearer hor
ppl say fast food ok, only my hubby say no. lol...
maybe jus eat in moderation lor. being the junkie i am, i sneak to eat lor...

a fren recommend aura royalis in toa payoh. quite ok bah... they use only olive oil for the massage so super "moisturising", she rubbed quite well so only felt the smoothness after the session, not so oily.
ya, calves were looking at least half times bigger. lucky after the massage, dun seem to swell so much. also recover faster from my aches, once i manage to relax and rest.
I can understand what you are going thru now. I think I am suffering the same kind of itch as you, my tummy is ok, but the other areas are easily itchy. I had eczema in week 9 before this skin itchiness. Was terrible, I scratched until the skin was broken and red. Luckily it was cured after seeing my skin doc.
Perhaps you should stop using soap, try some bath milk or bath oil.
If you can, you can try some black bean soup, black beans is good for skin, will help to remove the toxic in our blood and improve skin condition. I wanted to take black beans, but I have bloating problem, so cant take yet.
I am having this skin problem since in week 10, horrible, right? No choice, probably have to endure this from week 10 all the way to week 40.
Remember, try to keep calm and happy mood everyday.
Btw, was it aqueous cream that Dr Sadhana prescribed to you? I also had that from her during my week 9 appt, also found it no use at all, that was why I went to see another skin doc after that.

Mrs Teng,
wow, you have 2 maids! Sounds like tai tai with 2 maids at home. Heeheehee!

Ya, it can be really tiring and stressful to take care of kids, especially after first pregnancy. Not easy to be a SAHM.
I am also worried if I can be a good SAHM at times, coz I really hope to be able to take good care of my baby and also myself. I will not have any help from maid or in laws. I hope I can do a good job. Quite nervous when think of it at times, but I really look forward to that.

wow! your fil grows birdnests! Rich FIL leh! Heehee! You must be having free supply of birdnests all along.
pls add me to the list. i'm having twins, Edd 03 Jul 09.

when should we start taking birdnest? some say can start taking now, some say after 4 months...i am very blur.

how much is ur fil selling? u mean we gotta pluck the feathers ourself b4 cooking?
I am not sure leh, but my mum said it is ok to eat after 1st trimester.

For those birdnest that need to be cooked, I normally will pick up the tiny feathers before cook it.
Mrs Teng,
do you already have a scheduled date for C-section before your emergency one? are there of good weights when they are born? i am worrying about premature birth.

so poor thing. got to suffer the itch. hope the skin centre specialist will be able to help you.

yes im excited but at the same time worry about premature birth. and in have not buy a single baby stuff yet. will start to stock up after next week gynea visit.

Are you with L C Cheng too? his package will start the 1st visit all the way to delivery. for me it start at week 10. for singleton is $1250 , twins $1750 and upon delivery have to pay another $1650 regardless of natural or c-section delivery (should be something like that, dont have the printout now, must go home check). i find my package a bit exp lor but i think is good to follow throughout with him, morever im carrying twins where he is experience in this area.


please provide your doc and hospital info.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nickname</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>No. of Baby</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Clinic / Delivery Hospital</TD><TD>Baby Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>yck</TD><TD>05 Mar 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>L C Cheng</TD><TD>TMC </TD><TD>1 Boy 1 Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Emma</TD><TD>25 Mar 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>Prof. Ng Soon Chye</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD><TD>1 Boy 1 Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>babywee</TD><TD>25 Mar 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>KKH </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Merlenna</TD><TD>04 Apr 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Sadhana</TD><TD>KKH </TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Imel</TD><TD>21 Apr 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MaybeBaby</TD><TD>02 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Cheng</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>mikojade</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maykel</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cale</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Josephine</TD><TD>12 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bliss Tan</TD><TD>27 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Sadhana</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pleasance</TD><TD>03 Jul 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ponytail</TD><TD>27 Jul 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>Prof Wong</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi yck
Actually Im now also concerned about preterm labour. Have you book for the hospital room yet? Anyone helping you to look after your babies? I have just employed a maid but also afraid that she might not be able to handle 2 babies at the same time...sigh.
Yes, will be going fo rthe C-section but not too sure if I were to go for LA/GA. wat about u? It seems like those having twins will deliver a month earlier. It is such a nice feeling to feel the babies punches and kicks ya. As for BH,im not too sure if im having them but these few days, I feel bit of cramps (like having slight tummy ach feeling). Is that BH?

Hi Mrs Teng
When did you start to have the contractions? Juz wondering why your doc did not give u delivery under GA/LA but let u endured the 40 over labour pain? Your babies are so adorable!

Hi Merlenna
I had the rashes on my tummy since in my 1st tri. Have been using the brand 'Buds' for itchiness during pregnancy and so far it works for me. It's 100% organics. You can get it at MOthercare. Hope this help.

Hi Maykel
I put a summer quilt(folds into half) and place on my mattress so that my hip bones won't be 'sore'. It does help a little but still not fully comfy. So in order to catch up with my sleep, I take naps sometime. Are you working? Are you the one that used to fly?

No im not with LC Cheng.. still considering Dr Fong Yang or any good gynae with TMC..

Im starting my MS.. Quite bad lor... every now and than wanna merlion..
Hi Bliss
Thanks! You might want to try Anmum (chocolate flavour)as I disliked powdered milk till I try Anmum and i quite like it.
thanks! My first tin of milk powder was Anmum. But it was too sweet for me. That's why I changed to Enfamama, but it is worse, the milk powder smell is too strong.
My mum will be taking care of the babies. hope she can cope lor. see how. worst case will employ maid to help her out when im going back to work. i will opt for epidural. i want to see them the moment they are born. did you highlight your cramp to your gynea? not sure about yours. i read that BH occur irreguarly at no fixed timing and interval. and each time last no more than a minute. the tummy will "raised up" and become rigid. mine match that.
ladies - i asked the nurse if its normal for me not to have MS. at first she was like, 'congrats! no MS', then i told her my concern that i read some where MS means healthy babies. then the nurse said depends on individual, and that if i got no MS i should not worry about it. so i'm trying not to worry.

today i went to pass motion and there was quite a lot of bright red blood. i thought hard constipation, and thought stop, but then my undies red again. i checked and the red is from backside. so going to call clinic now to see what i can do abt it.

btw, how come 1st tri cannot eat birdsnest ?
Hi juju,
My hubby just let me eat watever i want, cos he say better then dun eat....but he very strict with cold drinks and ice-cream...i oso took them when he not around heehee....
Thanks for your info, i'll check it out.

Hi yck,
Ya, me too, so worried tat babies dun have enough time to grow if premature.
Now got xmas sale, think its a good time to stock up
Take good care as you get heavier hehe...

I read ur posting to Emma, your mum so super, can take care of both together mah? Me getting a maid then my mil and mum will take turn to come and supervise. Hiaz...but its so difficult to get a suitable maid leh, headache....

Hi Emma,
Thanks for your advise, maybe i can try tat too.
Yup, me working, so oni wkends can take nap....no leh, i'm not the one who fly

Hi Emma and Bliss,
Me oso taking Anmum chocolate, quite like it cos taase like cocoa. I oso bought the vanilla one but dun like it...
Hi Ponytail,
Think maybe you strained too hard when you pass motion. I had it frquently oso but usually its oni staining, wipe then have, not active bleeding. Try to drink more fruit juice and eat fruits.
Hi yck
My nx appt will be nx wk,was told if I encounter contractions,stomache will be hard but mine not leh, so maybe it could be BH, but will check with doc nx wk to be safe. Initially I wanted LA so I could see the delivery of babies but was told that my hubby might not be able to go in with me, think if my hubby not with me during delivery,I will get panicked so might get GA cos also afraid of pain. Wow, that;s nice of ur mum to help look after the babies.

Hi Maykel
Ya, it's very difficult to find a suitable maid, so at 4 mths of preggie, I employed 1 and now find her not suitable,so got to find another 1,hopefully will hv a beta luck for the nx one.

Hi Bliss
How many wks are u in now?
I am 15 weeks today.

I find Anmum too sweet leh, so also dont like.

Maybe I just dont like milk since young. Dont know if I should try another brand of milk leh, afraid that I will waste money again.

oh dear, maybe you really pushed too hard when pass motion. Ya, eat more high fibre food and fruits, as well as lots of plain water. Dont strain too hard when clearing bowel next time, will get piles easily and that will be terrible and very painful.

Well, my mum told me not to take any additional tonic or birdnest during 1st trimester as the baby is forming all the vital organs. And so it will be better just to take natural food and no need to take any 补品 just to avoid any bad effects on the baby.

Just like you, the itch was so unbearable n I also went to the 24hrs clinic in the middle of the nite.. However, I was only given a jab to help relief the itch ( honestly, it didn't help at all) and referred to National Skin centre.. Didn't have to be warded. I guess your case is that they are worried that the irritation may case BH contractions, that's why they want to do the CTG monitoring for you..

I figured out after that trip that it's pointless to go 24hrs clinic bcos they can't help much. It's partly psycholocial on our part.. Endure for the babies - I kept telling myself.. save the hastle of travelling and not getting the solution..


I'm sure u can handle the baby alone, the motherly thing will come naturally...

Emma , Yck

Had BH contraction almost every other day since week 24.. It was during a weekly check up that Dr Loh told me to be warded for observation on that Friday nite itself... but I insist of going home and returning early the next morning.. My babies were not growing for almost 2 weeks already..

Somehow it was so coincidental that the next saturday morning I started to spot.. So was admitted promptly and attended by Dr Loh very early in the morning without any delay.. It was during these 2 days of observation that the contractions seemed to get more frequent and regular. Dr Loh said that I could go natural so I had to wait lor... but on Sunday he suggested that since the spotting hasn't stop, there could be a possibility that I have to get the babies out on Monday.. That's when they made me fast from Midnite without scheduling a slot me for on MOnday. I fasted for almost 17 hrs and I couldn't take the pain anymore... so they wheeled me in for emergency c-section.


Babies were born at 1.74kg and 1.84kg.. Infact, I wasn't worried at that time about their low birthweight.. somehow, I'm certain that they can make it...

Premies are more difficult to care for... do make sure they do not catch any virus or cold during their first 2 months.. Get good help.. I was unfortunate that my CL did a very sloppy job and landed my babies in the hosiptal for flu.. I was too weak den to monitor what she does... Really inappropriate caring for premies I must say...
bliss, maykel - still active bleeding from backside. i went toilet just now and when i was wiping think saw 1-2 drops from vagina area. hope its actually from backside. so stress now. i called clinic and they said most likely haemeroids. they said the progesterone jabs and medicine are quite heaty, so maybe thats why i have consti and also dry skin round mouth and nose.
how come you are still having progesterone jabs?
Yes, the medicine are quite heaty, you must drink lots of water.

Mrs Teng,
it really hurts to see babies fall sick.
Thanks, I really want to be a good mother in taking care of baby as well as giving baby good upbringing and education at home.
in KKH, we are given progesterone tablets to take for 1st 3 months, then no need to take anymore after that. No jab after BT.
Hi ladies,
is it true that there must not be any painting done in the house when someone is pregnant at home?
My block is under repainting works and there will be free repainting service done to every unit's main door and metal gate. Should we reject the offer to play safe? Our metal gate has a bit of rust and the main door looks old. Or maybe we should do the repainting ourselves after baby is born (though the result may not as professionally and well done as by the worker)?
Hi Emma,
Where you get ur maid from? I'm looking at Nation's biodata. I thinking of taking from them cos of good reputation, but cannot find suitable maid that i like leh....the one you got now is Indonesian? Me thinking of getting a maid by Feb, cos i taking leave from Feb, so can teach the maid. Oso nid time to try the maid 1st, in case not suitable.
BTW, i heard from 1 of the lady from TMC (if i dun remember wrongly) tat her hubby can go in for epidural c-sect. But not sure KKH can or not oso. She oso mentioned that epi would recover faster then GA, in the sense that we would not feel so groggy after the op.

Hi Bliss,
oic...if you really can't stand milk then try to supplement with other diary products like cheese?
Anyway, dr loh did mentioned tat if really can't take milk then dun force urself, so i think shld be ok bah.
I read that painting is ok, just worried that we may inhale the fumes and cannot tahan the smell. To play safe, maybe you can go out of the house, maybe stay at ur mum hse and stay for a nite?

Hi Mrs Teng, Emma and yck,
May i know wat does BH contractions feels like?
Mrs Teng, skin itchiness can cause BH contractions mah?

Hi ponytail,
oh dear, then how? When you seeing doc again?
Me oso, since few wks ago, i started to have nose bleed almost daily, but its not those active type, it bleed whenever i blow my nose.
Thanks, yes, I do take cheese sometimes.
My concern about the painting matter is becoz the old wives' tale says that painting in the house will cause the baby to have a birthmark that looks like the paint. Heehee... my dad said better not to have the repaint service, just to play safe even though it seems like superstitions only. I think I will just listen ba, coz baby matters the most.
Hi Maykel,
you know what, when I woke up this morning, I found that my hubby had already let the workers paint the main door and mental gate! Aiyo, he never let me know, I was sleeping in the air-con room then.
When I woke up, the workers had already done the job and left, but the whole house was full of paint smell and still now! I have to hide myself in the bedroom now, with all the windows open and fan switch on. Dont know what to say...hahaha!
Hi Mrs Teng
Wow,must be so painful and stress to go thru the 40 over hrs labour pain. How long did your babies stay in the hospital? Did you put on any patch (to stop the contraction) on your body when you had BHC from 24 wks?

Hi Maykel
I took my maid from a agency named 'Loyal maid' at Katong shopping centre,there are quite a no. of maid agencies there,mayb u might want to go 'window shopping' first.
Till now, I dun really know how does the BHC feels like..

Hi yck
Besides stomach cramps, does the BHC make you feel like wanting to go toilet but nothing comes out?

Hi Bliss
Huh, cannot paint the hse when preggy ah? Oh dear, now I have contraction refurbishing and painting the nursery room...
you confirmed with your gynea that hubby cannot go into the OT during delivery? maybe different doc practice differently.

i dont feel any cramps and it also does not make me feekl like going toilet. only experience that the tummy suddenly become hardened for 10 to 20 seconds. sometimes is one side only.

i also heard that better not to paint. but i think if you are not in the house during the process should be ok. anyway these are myths, not medical proven.
ya, my dad told me better not to paint.
But my hubby did already... bo bian liao. Hahaha!

but I was still in the house during the process leh, I was sleeping in the bedroom. How?
For now, i just try not to smell the fumes, so the air is ok and free of the paint smell in my bedroom where I am hidding now.
you are doing painting in the nursery room? You better dont do the painting, ok? Get helpers to do the job and you should avoid the room and even the whole house when painting is in progress. It is very smelling and uncomfortable.
Do you have bad backache? Im having terrible backache... even with my support pillow and support belt didn't seem to work very well especially when i bend down, its worse...
Hi Bliss
Ya, i know wat you mean abt the painting. But guess wat? This Am oso the contractors painting the outer windows of my office. I can't ask them not to paint and i can't leave office hiaz....
If you have a choice, of cos its better to play safe, for me i got no choice in the office...

haha....dun worry, as long as you does not know when they painting can already. Me oso now enduring the smell in the office, cos got aircon but the smell still inside, i can't have ventilation, inhaling alot already, hiaz...At least you can stay in ur room and ventilate. Did you open up all the windows and fans in the other rooms too?

Hi Emma,
Thanks for your info. Yest i went into Nation website, they got new biodata and i saw a maid that seems quite suitable. I called them to reserve for me already, wkend will go and do the procedure. Praying hard that she'll be good.
Hi ladies,
Any idea if its safe to go for pre-natal massage? Was thinking even if twins oso shld be able to do if there is no complications now right? My shoulder, back and legs are so sore now tat i'm desparate to go today.
Can i just check if any ladies had went?
Hi Maykel, Thanks for your explaination. Very clear and i understand.
Can i ask if all detailed scan will have to be done at the scanning place instead of at Dr Loh's room? What is the detail scan for?

Yck, please add me too. EDD: 3 Jul 09, Twin, Dr Loh, KKH

Pleasance: We have the same EDD, same also twins and same under Zou Yishi. Are you with KKH, Dr Loh?

Ponytail: Please get yourself more fruits and fibre rich foods. My TCM last time told me not to exert to much strength when doing big business. So take it abit easy when pooing. Hopefully, you are ok now.

Bliss: 15 weeks already? Very fast and happy for you. Did your tummy show slightly already? Got to know the gender already?
Hi hopefully,
No problem

Usually when we go and see dr loh, he will just scan and see the babies' length to see if they are growing, but i find his machine quite blur heehee...
There will be a detailed scan around 20wks of preg. This will be done in ADC at level 2. The sonographer would scan the spine, fingers, toes and other details, as well as try to see the gender of the babies (i understand that their machine much clearer heehee...)
If we doing FTS around 12kws, the NT scan is done by a doc, oso in ADC.
oh your office also had painting done? Then everyone in the office stay inside whole day to smell the fumes ah? Very poisonous leh. :eek:
I went to my sis's house whole day yesterday until evening time, to stay away from the paint smell. My hubby stayed at home to look after house coz the metal gate has to be kept open for a few hours until the paint was dried.
So by the time I went home, the smell was lighter and I went to sleep quite early. Heehee...

I do not know the gender of my baby yet, I guess it may be a bit early now. Anyway, I will be seeing Dr Sadhana this afternoon and hopefully my baby's legs will be wide opened and show girl or boy.

My tummy is showing a little bit, but when I wear very comfortable and loose dress, it seems that everyone says my tummy is big! Probably because of the dress lah...heehee...
But then, I really wonder the bloated tummy is my fats or baby leh, I want to think it as baby growing fast inside, but it really looks like fats only...
Btw, I noticed that my breasts are growing fast this week, including the cup size. I bought the bra extenders last week, have been using. I thought I dont need to buy new bras, just need bra extenders will do. Who knows now... I think I need to buy new bras!
Dont know how... my sis told me after giving birth, all her old bras cannot be worn anymore. Oh dear, I have 20 over bras leh, what to do if I cant wear anymore now and even after dellivery?
So wasteful, somemore I bought a few new ones this year before pregnant, just worn a couple of times only... if cannot wear, will have to throw away next time...
Bras are expensive somemore...
Hi Bliss
No lah, asked the painters to do the painting not on my own. Oh boy the smell is almost unbearable. Took refuge at my sis pl..hehe

Hi yck
Mine could be uterus expanding cos I dun feel the hardness on my tummy. Already checked with my doc and said my hubby cant go into the OT
too bad my gynae is at GlenE not Thomson. It seems like Thomson has rooms that look like a hotel suite..hehe

Hi Maykel
Did you take a 'freah new' maid or a transfer? Mine now is a transfer maid as my hubby prefers to interview face to face b4 getting but the nx one I might go for 'new' one cos think transfer maids are 'too smart' and always request for days off. Mine barely working for me for 11/2 mths already requested to go out this sun with her sis who is also working as a maid in sin...sigh
Hi Maykel, thanks for all the info given. Very useful

Bliss: Heehee, share with us if your bb cooperate this afternoon. My tummy is also showing abit. I realised that the "Tu Qi" seems to have become deepen. Not sure is it a sign that tummy is expanding. But all my normal working pants cant button already. So i got myself some pants n skirt for work loh. Now my bra still wearing the same. Haha, dont even need extention yet.

Can i ask, how are you all sleeping nowadays? By side or on the back? And did you all wake up to urine at night?
hopefully - yes i wake up at least once at night to urine, esp around 5 am. bladder very full. my hubby tell me not oto drink too much water before bed, but i always forget to drink more during the day, so piah at night and driank a lot to make up. maybe thats why go toilet so often at night.

jo, maykel - think you ask me abt birds nest. my mil thinks fil sells raw birds nest to shops, who then pluck the feathers, then sell 'clean' version to customers. but not really sell much cos we have big family and most of the time we eat ourselves. hee hee. but market rate is 500g of clean birds nest for $1600. my mil says raw form is abt half that price. but my maid picks the feathers and not too difficult, abt 1 hour to pick 1 nest. if you really want to buy from me i have to ask my fil when is next harvest of birds nest, maybe in a few weeks.

bliss - i read in the book that must avoid paint cos may contain lead. but book also way most paint now are lead-free. except that you didnt buy the paint yourself so you dont know. so better stay out of the way.

i'm trying to remember to eat more greens... hope consti prob goes away

hi yck,
based on your description, i think i'm already experiencing BH contractions. the tummy becomes hard at the bottom and raised up. its not painful per se, but its uncomfortable. at first i thought its because baby's head is at the bottom. so i just rubbed that part of the tummy to ease it. perhaps i should research more about BH.

hi ladies,
just an update, i tried to go back to the gp clinic and buy the only cream that worked again. turned out that the doc thought i shouldn't be using the cream so much more. so he gave me a milder cream still contain a little steroid.. gave me more anti-itch pills and a big tube of moisturising cream. he said, the way to go to help with the itch is to ensure that the skin is moisturise. so he told me to put it on at least 4 times a day. or whenever i feel the itch. i do feel that my skin is less dry as i've stopped the calamine lotion. and now i'm hoping that i can help to lighten the marks with this method. mean time have to wait til i see the skin doc when he can help me further..
