IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

can see doc for medicine.
also, eat more fruits & drink lotsa water. think someone is drinking prune juice to help as well

hee... fart & poo like chemical warfare...
hubby did not say dat, but i noe it stinks like hell.
seems most on ivf get these, maybe due to the jabs/pills?
hi sam,
i'm getting mild constipation too since beta. drinking lots of water helps only a little. try to have more vegetables & fruits esp those with high fibre content. m considering to try taking prune juice since someone mentioned, but as m avoiding cold drinks, wonder how should i go abt it.

hi hopfully,
think dr loh will be on leave sometime during the week of 12/8. i was supposed to have my 9-wk scan at end of that week but had to bring forth a wk earlier.
juju, sam - ok will try not to think too much. the more i read the more worried i get. i went to library to borrow a few books on preg, and all say MS is good, esp if you have twins. sigh... on consti, no leh i so quite "smoothly" heh heh. but i eat an apple a day, or orange. maybe you need to eat dried prune, not drink prune juice
it's in all books & ppl say MS will mean good pregnancy, but it is not a must.
i have so little MS, nauseous only when i eat too oily or eat too much, my bb is growing healthily.
dun think so much ya
ya, fully understand how the skin itchiness affecting us. I am only in my 14weeks now, so early kanna such skin itch, worse. Hahaha!
May I ask what are the medication and cream Dr Sadhana prescribed for you? I am seeing her this Friday, will see what she said. I have seen skin doc outside, but want to see if Dr Sadhana has any other treatment.
Must keep yourself in good mood always, coz my skin doc also said that the skin itch will worsen especially when feeling unhappy or bad mood.

ya, I am having constipation on and off too. I take lots of fruits and vege as well as 1 glass of prune juice daily whenever having constipation. It has helped. And it is also good to drink one glass of plain water (room temperature, add a little bit of salt will be better) early in the morning when you wake up. This will help you to allow your intestines to start working and you can clear bowels more easily after that. One more thing, must really drink lots and lots of water, especially during the day. I also notice that I will get constipation easily when I am feeling very tired over a few consecutive days. So plenty of rest is needed everyday. Hope these help.
one more thing, my skin doc did tell me that using the correct bath oil is very important in helping to ease skin itchiness. The pH value of the bath oil should not be too alkaline, will make skin very dry and worsen the condition. My doc prescibed oatmeal bath oil (pH is 5.5) to me, I find it very good, really helps to ease my itchiness. The fragrance of the orange and lavander in the bath oil also makes me feel more relaxed and better. Do try to get a good bath foam or bath oil, very important. I was also told by my doc not to take too many bath daily, coz the protective oil on our body will be washed away, causing the skin to become drier. I was told to bath once daily and just try to wear comfortable and cooler clothings, preferably with no sleeves.
Hi ponytail,
Yup, i know wat you mean, for me as long as babies are healthy can already
Some pple say twins will have more nausea and vomitting. Thou it may not happen for all, but at least for me, its true. My 1st tri was terrible, after wk 14+ then i feel better. Oh, oso expect ur tummy to grow faster too. Cos i read tat for twins, you would look additional of 2 mths bigger then singleton.
Maybe ur doc felt that you might be worried if whwole mth nvr do scan, so nice of him. Ur doc from which hospital? If want, maybe you can send them a Thank you cum Xmas card?

Hi Hopfully,
Good to hear from you
and congrats on ur twinnies

Hope you are feeling better already, my office oso got 3 pple around me got flu, the virus seems bad, i'm so afraid of getting oso now....
You must take extra care now ok? So far any MS for you?

I dun know when is dr loh going on leave leh, he nvr mentioned....my next appt is on 17/12/08, same day as my detailed scan. Dun worry, if he's not around, they won't give you appt on that day oso. Else they will call in advance if there is any changes. You seeing him in TPS oso?

Yes, our greatest wish is for babies to grow healthily
My EDD is 03/05/09. But dr loh say by early Apr to 10/04/09 would deliver liao. He say maybe by March can give HL already or once contractions starts he can give. So I've decided to take leave from 09/02/09 til 28/02/09. After tat hope can take HL already heehee....I oso cannot imagine myself working tat long. Now already look like 6mths and tummy is very big and tight, but bo bian, must tahan, else take unpaid leave oso wasted.
You know i saw 1 colleague from another centre, she has the same EDD as me, but guess wat, her tummy still cannot see thou she a bit plump leh. We look so different haha....
Hi Bliss,
I got another pair of suede shoes from crocs, it dun look casual, very comfy oso. Maybe you can take a look there. Ya, usually our old shoes are nice, but 'not safe' as per my hubby's description haha....

Hi merlenna,
Are you putting any cream or lotion for ur itchiness now? Cos i read that some products meant for skin problem can in fact be a cause for your skin problem. Remember i was using clarins tonic oil and it gave me rashes? I stopped using and my skin is better, then i tried the Palmer's sample and the rashes is worse. Now guess wat, i'm using J&J and so far so good. Mayb cos its suppose to be hypoallergen. But even then, i am oso having rashes over my thighs, oso dun know due to wat, hiaz....
Maybe you can try to stop or change the products you are using?

Hi Sam,
Ya, like wat juju say, prune juice can helps, cos its al-natural, if you dun like that taste, can mix with some water. Got 2 brands, Sunsweet and del-monte. Both are not bad, but equally sweet. I've been taking fruits and juices too. Me oso prone to constipation even b4 preg, now its better with all the juices and fruits
Hi bliss,
you think its ok tat i use J&J bath foam? Cos i not keen to get Simple, Eucerin all these leh... you think i shld get NIKs? Me lazy to go and buy leh
hi juju,
really ar? so much diffence meh?
BTW, i forgot when is ur next appt? Anyway, we'll see each other on 13/12/08 during our antenatal class :0
rashes on thighs may be due to constant rubbing of both thighs against each other. put moisturiser there as well. or wear pants of soft material should help
my next appt 13 dec. right after antenatal class got to rush to ADC for detailed scan then quickly go TPS le
hi juju,
my rashes only on 1 thigh leh, and its not at the side, its at the front at an area above the knee only. Very funny leh....
Oh ya hor, you told me abt that, i forgot heehee...my memory very bad now leh, did you experienced that oso?
yep. bad memory. very selective as well,
maybe u brushed ur thigh against something? try putting more lotion there & see how...
now, i'm trying to ease rashes under the breast... sianz
Actually i dun really like prune juice.. but im taking a lot of vege and fruits as i love vege...and drink a lot of water also... maybe i should eat double amount of vege since i dun take prune juice..
Hi juju,
i dun remember brushing against anything leh, maybe hormorne changes....cos the rashes used to be on my tummy, nw spread to thigh.
ur boobs oso got rashes ar? tat bad...for me, the skin around my boobs are dry and itchy.

Hi Sam,
Ya, if dun like prune, shld take more fruits and juice. I oso dun really like prune juice, but its the oni thing that work for me initially. I think they makes me a bit nauseating...i oso stopped after taking 1 and a half bottle.

My beta level was around 601mmol only, so tat time i thot got singleton oni. But anyway, alot of pple say the level doesn't confirm anything, oni scan can confirm how many sacs you have.
ya lor. the underside started out dry, then turned red wif bumps. then start to itch lor... no matter how much moisturiser also no use...
hi juju,
aiyo, so bad....think cos boobs are expanding oso. Me started to feel them getting more and more sore lately, esp in the AM when i wakes up.
U working now? Me working, quite a bit of things to do, but mon, no mood to work so hard heehee....now counting down to 6pm.
ya, also getting heavier.
today took off, cos morn not feeling well. now better. dunno issit i overate snow crabs at kuishin-bo last nite... hee
tmr will be bz day at work liao
Maykel, juju.
you know who, I am having what both of you having, itchiness and rashes at both thighs and breasts areas! Hahaha! Very jia lat, coz these areas are always covered with clothings and bras. My arms and buttocks are having itchiness too. Sigh... I try to apply lots of the oatmeal moisturiser, although it feels oily and sticky, the sensation is a bit cooling and the fragrant is nice, so not so bad at times. When really too itchy, I will need to take the anti-itch pill same as Merlenna and Mrs Teng and apply some anti-itch cream with mild steriod prescribed by doc.

thanks, I will take a look at the shoes at crocs.

I am not sure of J&J bath foam, is the pH stated on the bottle? As long as the bath foam does not change the pH of our normal skin, I think should be ok. It may be better to use bath milk as it is more moisturising than bath foam, so will not dry your skin further. How about Nivea bath milk?
Btw, I am not able to find Sunsweet prune juice in all supermarkets since months ago. Do you still see Sunsweet brand? Where? I have been wondering how come the whole of Singapore only has Del Monte prune juice, not other choices.

you can try taking cauliflower too! My mother always tell me to take cauliflower if having constipation, probably it is high in fibre. She will normally cook cauliflower soup for grandchildren when they are problem clearing bowels and this helps.

Heard that guava is good for constipation too.
my tummy is also still very small leh. Sometimes it looks quite obvious, but sometimes I look like before pregnant. Haha! At times, I wonder if the part that bloated out is baby's growing or only my tummy fats. Hahaha!

Hey, you went to the kuishin-bo at Suntec, is it? Nice? My sis recommended to me, coz my hubby and I love japanese food especially snow crabs. Worth to go eat there? I am also scared if eating crabs will worsen my skin condition or not... should I resist the temptation? :p
ladies - i think tomoro morning i'm going to call the clinic. my boobs getting less sore. and i'm feeling less bloated than 3 days ago. should i be worried ? sigh... hope my MS come soon... or next fri's scan come soon too
Dear ladies,

just to mention, but you can don't believe. I was told by my Chinese Doc that this period(pregnancy), no shell fish, no prawns. I'm taking Chinese medicine, so I listen. I went into the internet and saw that we shouldn't take dried longans, even cooked in soup. I just took some last night! Have to remind mum not to do so in future. Anyway, just some info as I see some of you are taking crabs.
Hi Bliss,

How about trying to drink lesser milk to see if it will help to reduce bloatedness and itchness? I read from somewhere that our "Wei" sometime need to take a break and if "Wei" is good, bloatness and itchness will fade off. You might want to try for a while to see if it helps. Oh ya, as what LFB said, dun take seafood as it will irritate your skin further. resist the temptation and say no. Heehee

Ponytail, so far i am like Juju, having nauseous feeling on and off. Never really puke out except twice when i was down with very bad flu. It is like something stuck in the throat which make you dun feel like talking. I have been drinking orange juice and taking fruits almost everyday after my bad flu. I wanted my immune system to be strong and Dr Loh gave me Vitamin C during that time when i was sick. After i have completed, i continue to take vit C from fruit n juice. I think it helps 1 way or another as i will poopoo max 2 days later. Oh ya, i am also working. Thus, i have been thinking hard when to stop working.

Prettylady: Thank you for your updates hopefully we will be informed before hand in case he is really on leave during our scheduled appt.

Maykel: My check up is also on 17 Dec, 5pm plus at TPS. Are you also in the evening? My EDD on 3Jul09, based on the scan sheet. He didnt mention if babies will come out earlier not. Dun noe if Hosp leave can be as long as 3 mths anot? Heehee, if yes, i really hope to start from Mar 09. Do you sometime feel giddy? I sometime will and it seems like the outside world is slower than my action. Du noe is it lack of iron?

Btw, do you realise that the scan quality dun really seems to be good? I cant see my babies image well. It is like very blur. Just wondering if it is just me?

Sam: My Beta was 1886 during my BT. How abt you?
Hi juju,
ya man....poor thing, hope you'll get well soon.
haha...but at least you get to enjoy the good food

Hi bliss,
hiaz...think we all have the same problem, blame it on the hormone....oh ya loh, my buttocks oso got itchiness, some more now sweat easily. ok, i'll check the shower foam ph b4 i use. Is the nivea milk ph balance too? Maybe i'll go and check it out. thanks.

If i dun remember wrongly, my crocs shoes is Alice Suede.
urmm...as of oct, i saw ntuc still have Sunsweet, nowsadays i nvr take liao so nvr noticed oso.

Hi Bliss and juju,
How come got pple say preggie cannot eat crabs har? Is it pantang? But i still take leh heehee...

Hi ponytail,
Our symptoms do comes and goes, my boobs soreness was for a while oni, then it gets less sore and started again near 2nd tri. I oso remember that time i got terrible tummy pain and went kk 24hrs clinic. The dr say its just muscle strain and say as long as no menses-like bleed then dun have to worry.
But of cos if you are really worry at anytime, call the clinic and see the dr for reasurance. Cos we went thru the same thing and would be worried abt the slightest symptoms or non-symptoms. Pls take care and dun think so much now ok?

Is it applicable for ladies taking tcm oni or all preg women? Cos i still eats prawns on and off leh. Oh, why dry longans cannot har? too heaty is it? my mum oso made for me b4 in soup leh....

Hi ladies,
I'm having terrible lower back pain for nearly a week liao. The pain nvr seems to get better, its near my tailbone there. So when i sit too long, its painful, if i sleep on my back, its painful. Lately sleeping on side oso the boney area is pain. Can't seems to find a good position to sleep, very aching...i had tried the wedge support pillow but no use leh....see dr they oni say eat panadol but i dun fancy tat...
how har? Can we go pre-natal massage? is it safe? I got no energy to travel for yoga regularly oso leh...
Hi hopefully,
I'm going for my detailed scan at 4pm then appt to see dr loh at 5.10pm.
I think usually he can oni tell the actual edd at a later date. Tat time i oso kept asking him cos i need to book CL all that, but he oni say prepare to deliver around 3-4 wks earlier...

I think if you have potential problems adn feel really unwell, dr loh can give HL. But ur company allow? Actually i oso overshot my HL this yr, cos i took HL since my ER and thruout 1st tri. My boss say need to consider teh rest as unpaid leave, but til now haven't deduct my salary leh heehee....
Oh ya, i do feel giddy during the times when i have ms/vomitting and poor appetite. Cos maybe low sugar...so must be careful during this period.
haha...ya, i agree that dr loh's room scan machine not tat clear, cos tat day 1 of the baby's leg open big big oso he say gender not clear 'maybe' gal...
Hi Maykel,

Thanks for your prompt reply.
The last time when i went to see him, i told him abt my intention of not working. Guess what he say? "Go and tell your boss lah" heehee but he said it in a joking way. He also say i am ok as of now so dun see the need yet wor

I have checked with my HR initially and informed that i wanted to take no pay. But surprisely HR say they classified that under Hosp leave (as i mentioned i dun feel well). So of cos if want to take, i will take as Hosp leave. But my com only got 60 days hosp leave. Not sure does it include Sat & Sun?

As for your back pain, is it due to the pressure forming in front (your tummy). You might want to try to do some light stretching to the left and right and pulling your arm to the back slowly a few times. It might be due to posture too. I too will sometime try to pull my shoulder back (like chest up) so that the back can be straight. Hopefully, it can help you ease abit of pain.

Are you in your 5th mth already?
i guess no choice la. itches seems to be part & parcel of pregnancy.

J&J is usually 5.5ph, or around there. quite safe bah.

i think initially is fats, then abt 4 or 5 mths onwards, then is uterus. dat's wat the diagrams in some pregnancy books show.

hubby & i like to eat at kuishin-bo(suntec one) but ex cos we only go during wkends (work west, stay north-central mah). snow crabs free flow only during dinner, which is 39.90 per adult, but if u finish & pay before 7pm, only 33.90. so still ok. oh, now they got new branch at great world city but dunno if they have snow crabs there or not.
but since ur rashes are so bad, u might wan to chk wif gynae or ur skin doc whether ok to eat seafood. also, we cannot eat the raw stuff so will miss out the sashimi. now, the only sashimi i eat is lobster one at suki sushi cos cannot resist. hubby say ok since once a while, but hv to dip a lot of wasabi first to kill the bacteria.

thanks. ya, a lot of ppl tell me no shellfish. but also a lot of mothers say moderation is ok. so, guess it depends on individual bah.
i thot dried longans is ok since heaty? why cannot huh?

scan pics from gynae office wun be as clear as those from scan clinics. those from ADC & AMC are really clear lor. heard private clinics outside also have scan machines which are very clear.

hee... ya lor. esp now 2nd tri, i dun hv good appetite, hubby lets me eat almost anything i can stomach le. except fast food which is still a no-no.

no crabs during pregnancy, old wives tale - bb will be hyperactive or 横行霸道. medically - maybe to reduce our itchiness bah.
but i dun experience increase in itchiness after eating shellfish. so i still eat lor.

try prenatal massage for ur back ache. i had it so bad last week, i booked prenatal massage. after dat, backache better, water retention also not so chiat lat.
BUT, i did not chk wif dr loh. u better ask la cos think twin pregnancy usu have to be more careful.
Dear ladies,
re dried longan, here is the link you can try reading. It's in Chinese.
Summarising, it said that although longan is suppose to be warm, the heatiness may cause constipation. Moreover, being heaty, it may cause spotting or even miscarriage. So when you have spotting, you should stop the longan immediately. About the crab, it's ok if you take some, but for some pple, taking it might cause allergy and stomach discomfort. My TCM thinks that st this stage, it may be too cooling. So I listen.
hopefully, maykel - thanks for sharing. i was so worried that my boobs suddenly not so sore, then this morning slightly sorer than last night. after hearing from you that they come and go, i feel much better, thanks. today i'm going back to clinic for my progesterone jab, think i'll ask them abt my non-symptoms. i also feel like taking HL leh, but no MS, i look perfectly normal, think my doc wont give me HL. but my work very stress, and my evil colleagues see me back in office faster throw all my files back to me... sigh... if can take rest of 1 tri off, then also 1 mth before edd, then only need to work 5 months. wahhh...
Hi LFB, maykel, juju,
ya, from what I know, crabs are very cooling seafood, that is why it is better to cook crabs with chili or black pepper or ginger. If just steam crabs, it will be too cooling for the womb, so must avoid to eat too much. As for the old wives's tale about taking crabs, it really depends on individual to believe it. Some of my friends believe that so much that keep telling any pregnant friends not to take in order not to have 'itchy hands, itchy legs' kids.
Both my sisters love crabs, they took crabs still during all their pregnancies(but at moderate amount), everything is fine with them and their kids. Heeheehee!
Longan on the other hand is heaty leh, I always dislike longan, coz my body is prone to getting constipation.

wow, the buffet sounds yummy... my skin so sensitive, I may have to resist the snow crabs...
My hubby really loves to go and try it, but I cant...

juju mentioned J&J bath foam is of normal pH. As for Nivea bath milk, my doc mentioned that to me before, suggested that I could choose those moisturising bath milk of normal skin pH outside if I want. You can also check Vichy products, I used the moisturiser before which is quite good, very thick and moisturising, helps to ease skin itchiness.

mu hubby said I must not take seafood during this period. So he refused to go to have the snow crabs with me.
So sad... we love crabs!
I am guilty to say that I have not been drinking any milk for more than 2 months. As I had very bad nausea during my 1st 3 months, I stopped taking any milk coz the smell really triggered nausea. And now I still dread the milk smell, so my whole big can of Enfamama is still 3/4 full now. I may have to throw away, so wasteful I know.

I am concerned about the protein I am taking over these months, I cant take eggs, milk, fish or meat during 1st trimester. And even now, I take only a bit of eggs and meat only, fish and milk still dont taste ok to me. I hope should be ok, coz I do take lots of vege and fruits and wholemeal bread. The prenatal multi-vit should also be helping, right? I am worried at times, coz I take only 2 meals in some days, much lesser than before I am pregnant.
I love all kinds of beans(esp black beans which is high in iron and protein) and nuts which are all high in protein. But beans will induce bloating, so I have to avoid too... haiz...
Hi ladies,
just gotten a forwarded email from my hubby, not sure the info is reliable or not. Anyway, do take note of the creams and lotions, dont use them since it is said to contain ingredients causing cancer. I am shocked to know that they are products of J&J and Hazeline.
The products are as follows:
1)oil of Olay moisturising cream
2)Hazeline white and natural lightening lotion
3)Johnson's baby lotion
4)Johnson's baby lotion Ultra care for extra dry skin
5) Baby Magic Baby lotion, Aloe
6)Johnson's Clean & Clear Skin balancing moisturiser, medicated oil-free lotion
Hi MTBs,

Finally, I have crossed over to this thread.

I have been feeling hungry easily and also get full easily, is this normal?
Hi all

Been MIA for a while. How's everyone doing? On my side, am doing good except like having problem in sleeping positions. Yes, like yck,am expecting a girl and a boy.

Hi Merlenna
Great to hear u r doing great and exepecting a girl. Have u start your baby shopping spree yet?

Hi Maykel
Like u, am experiencing backaches, guess it's normal since we are carrying twins. Let us know ur detailed scan results and the gender of your babies.

Hi Sam
You might want to eat yogurt and drink Yakult to help constipations as it work for me.

Hi yck
How are you doing? Due date getting closer ya, did your doc mention u will have an early delivery date by how many wks?

I fully understand how you are feeling right now... Well! just got to endure. Try to keep yourself cool especially your mood... it does plays a part.. when u get cranky, body temprature will rise too..

If u've got no bath oil, try using Cetapil to bathe. It is a very mild washing agent. Wear loose n cool clothings if u can. Dun wear too tight underwear becos the elastic area is where it itches the most...

Here's a pic of my 2 gals

this is probably going to last throughout the whole pregnancy. As your uterus is growing month after month, and even faster from 2nd trimester onwards, you will feel more easily full after eating(coz the food moves slower inside intestines), but then hungry again very soon.
Mrs Teng,
your gals are so cute!!

Who is no 1 and who is no 2? The one on the right has bigger eyes hor? Your twins dont really look alike hor? Can differentiate them easily.

They are so chubby... cute cute!
You very cute leh, why placed a towel on their foreheads? Hahaha!
Hi Emma,
Congrats on the boy girl combo. i am currently in my week 27. checked with my gynae, most likely will deliver during 1st or 2nd week of feb for twins. another 10 weeks to go. i think am starting to have the braxton hicks contractions. can feel my painless tummy tightening and becoming rigid for 10 to 20 seconds everyday for 2 to 3 times. at the same time, i am enjoying their kicks and punches everyday. and sad to say, my stretch marks are starting to form. Currently still working. think will only stop work from CNY onwards. are you going for C-section too?

i also cannot stand the taste of milk, make me want to puke. but will still force myself to take a glass on alternate or every 3 days. but only can take HL milk. feeling very guilty too.

pretyy_lady, hopefuilly, ponytail, BBW,
welcome to the thread.

updated table here! long time never update, any new MTBs to join in the list?

<table border=1><tr><td>Nickname</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>No. of Baby</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Clinic / Delivery Hospital</TD><TD>Baby Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>yck</TD><TD>05 Mar 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>L C Cheng</TD><TD>TMC </TD><TD>1 Boy 1 Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Emma</TD><TD>25 Mar 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>Prof. Ng Soon Chye</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD><TD>1 Boy 1 Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>babywee</TD><TD>25 Mar 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>KKH </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Merlenna</TD><TD>04 Apr 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Sadhana</TD><TD>KKH </TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Imel</TD><TD>21 Apr 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MaybeBaby</TD><TD>02 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Cheng</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>mikojade</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maykel</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cale</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Josephine</TD><TD>12 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bliss Tan</TD><TD>27 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Sadhana</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Left is Meimei , right is Jiejie.. yeah they are very easy to differentiate. One big eye and one small..

I was about to bathe them, usually I use these towel to pad dry their face after cleaning with cotton balls.. Den I thot they may look like sumo wrestler when I place a towel on their head.. We had a good laugh when they look blur blur...
I really dislike those milk powder for pregnant muumy. You are having twins, needs more protein leh, so what else do you take to replace the nutrition from milk? I take soya bean milk at times too, but think still not enough.

congrats! So nice to have 1 boy and 1 girl.
Mrs Teng,
really very cute leh!
How many months old are they now? Really so sweet and blissful to spend time taking care of own babies.
sometimes i take milo lor. and ya, i like ice-cream but only occassionally cos too much cold stuff is no good for the baby.

Mrs Teng,
cute babies. are you SAHM? you deliver your twins at how many weeks? C-section? epidural or GA?
Mrs Teng - so cute, and they look in the pink of health !

yck - hi pls add me to the list. i'm having twins, edd 27 Jul 09. so still very very junior here

bliss - you try drinking bird's nest ? its high in protein.

oic, thanks! I also take milo everyday, but it is the kind 3in1 high calcium packet, doesnt have milk inside, only creamer, still ok?
