IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Hi Bliss,
Now oh, I feel itchy specially in stomach area. Sigh....
Luckily you will meet your Doctor shortly on 5 Dec. My next appointment will be on 31 dec... hisk hisk.... it is long long long... day to wait...

How old are you?

Hi Yck,
Hahahaha, you are same like me... (*wondering how to poke bb's neck)

Hi Mrs Teng,
So you quit your job after know your pregnant?

Hi juju78,
Why you said that you saw dr loh for the 1st time? are you with different doctor when you do IVF?

Dear Josephine,

I am 35 years old. Actually I asked my sister and she can remember where they poke. Will ask again when I am in clinic for jab. BTW, it is ok for us at week 9-10 to sleep facing down? This is my habit and sometimes, in middle of the night, I realised I have turned my body, with my belly down.
my skin is itchy all over my body, not only tummy area.

My anti-itch moisturiser is finishing soon. Think got to see the skin doc next week and also ask for any anti stretchmark cream for me.
yup! i was wif Dr HH Tan previously.

i changed both detail scan & doc appt to 13 Dec, Sat. phew! else, dunno to choose appt or holiday!
hi LFB,

No.. dun sleep facing down. I was taught by nurse at KK that better dun sleep facing down. not good. ooo ic... maybe to get better result of the Down syndrome that is why they need further test by poke bb neck.
hi bliss,
nope, the antiseptic cream is over the counter at the pharmacy. but i guess its mild coz it can be used for nappy rash too.. yeah today its the worse. red dots popping up at random places. i really dunno what's triggering the random spots.

hi yck,
you get it sometimes?! haiyah.. mine's not letting up.. it gets crazy in the middle of the nite.. my detailed scan is tomorrow. so i'll confirm baby's gender too.. lucky meeting doc also after that.. gonna ask for remedy for this itchiness. cannot tahan already!
never sleep with your tummy facing downwards. it will cause bad blood circulation to the feotus. The best position is to sleep sideways especially on the left due to the position of our heart. I am so used to sleep facing upward but as the tummy grows bigger, this position is out for me. will cause very bad backache.

you got the itch everyday? aiyoh, how to tahan? should get remedies ASAP.
hi ladies,
had noticed almost all of you are graduates from the "IVF/ICSI Support Group " thread... & me too.
hope all of you dun mind me joinin in..
will be having my 1st scan on next tues after getting a high positive beta reading 2 weeks ago.
had been reading almost all of you posts & realised many here are experiencing skin itch during 1st trimester. wonder if you all also experienced tiredness (eg. hitting the bed as early as 9pm everyday), slight backache & get hungry easily??
Hi Maykel/Juju,

Glad to hear both your babies are doing well.

Thanks so much for your concern. Have been very busy lately. No time to post as my project is going live in Dec. I am doing fine here
. I will not post regularly until the project clear next year.

I will still visit this thread and keep you updated when i am more free up. Jia you!
Hi ladies,
I just called one confinement lady recommended by a good friend who had very good experience with this lady during her confinement and also her cousin-in law's confinement. Will be arranging to meet her in Dec when she comes to Singapore. Had briefly asked her about her job scope, she does simple houesework too but not toilet cleaning, and does cook for my hubby too. Her pay is $1800 for 28 days, reasonable?
I am feeling scared to look for confinement lady, as I have heard of too many stories of getting bad confinement lady, really scared to have gotten a wrong one.

I may be calling a few more before making final decision, but it is difficult to judge anyway.
By the way, that confinement lady told me that if I confirm to have her, she will collect $300 deposit from me first. Is it secure to do that huh? I am aware that it is a common practice to pay deposit if to get one from agency.
ladies - i'm new to this thread, just came from IVF/ICSi support group (hi pretty, bliss, josephine). many of you are quite advanced already. i just did my BT on 17 nov, havent even gone for a scan, but want to know if any of you ever worry that the BFP can turn into BFN in a few days ? i feel tempted to retest using HPT, but dont want to scare myself also. very confused leh. also, i put on like 2 kg in 3 weeks, tummy so bloated. i'm really hoping its not OHSS, but the thought scares me.
Just want to check with you gals, is it normal not to gain weight from 9 weeks to 13 weeks? I had my scan yesterday, I am in 13w2d now, but my weight is the same as when I was in my 9 weeks. The nurse said that it is normal not having significant increase in weight at this initial stage and my baby is also growing at the normal range. But my weight has no increase at all leh, wonder if anyone is similar too?
welcome to the thread!

once again I must say, dont think or worry too much. As long as you are feeling fine and no bleeding, believe that your baby is growing well. No need to do hpt again lah, dont scare yourself, dear.
welcome to the thread. as long as you have no bleeding or any unusual cramp, should not be any problem. dont worry too much.

i think its quite normal to not gain week in the first trimester. in fact i lost 2 kg in the first trimester due to poor appetite. only managed to put on weight from week 14 onwards and the weight will shoot up rapidly. I have already put on 11 kg to date. For IVFers (fresh cycle), some of them put on weight in the first trimester due to mild OHSS. the foetus, placenta and waterbag is still very small in the 1st trimester to be able to show any significant weight increase. that is why gynae only start to measure bb weight from 20 weeks onwards.
Hi Pretyy, Ponytail,
welcome to the thread.

Pretty, before itchiness you will feel the morning sickness, nausea, headache, backache, no appettite, vomitting lah.. gastric lah... up from 5 wks to 11wks then after that the itchiness will come to u. Hahahaha :D

Ponytail, happy to see u here. ^_^. Dun worry, that time I put on weight up to 4kg. Hahahaha..

Hi bliss,
My current weight now is lesser compare to 1st time visit leh. 1st visit to Dr Loh, i gain weight up to 4kg and during 1st trimester lost weight 2Kg. Now only gain 1 kg.
Dun worry to much, just feel happy and endure your little one. Hope s/he is swimming well and ok. ^_^
josephine, yck,
thanks for sharing. Ok, I will not be so anxious about having any weight gain now. Thanks!

I dont know what is wrong with me, I am feeling anxious and tensed up about having a good confinement lady. Could not sleep well just now during afternoon nap and kept feeling worried. I told my hubby I also dont know why I feel so insecured and worried baby will not be well taken care by confinement lady. Me so jia lat! Sigh... must calm down and think positively leh. :p
Hi Pretty and Ponytail, welcome and congrats on your BFP!!!

Hi Bliss, I too was worried about my weight. I have lost 2 kg since I got pregnant (I now 16+ weeks), so strange. My appetite is good, so don't know why... but everything I read so far says for me not to worry too much it should be ok, but I still do - seems like I'm always worried about something.... ha ha ha. I also read somewhere that some doctors now adays don't even do weight check at clinic... but mine still does. Any way I know your anxious feelings, I too am the same. I hope you feel better soon. We will be ok and blessed with the healthy baby soon
congrates & welcome to the thread !!

i understand how u feel. After tested +ve, everyday after i was living in fear that my +ve will disappear b4 my 1st scan..whahah i did HPT everyday till my 1st scan. Everyone was laughing , telling me that i'm over worrying.

I think Bliss is right, as long as theres no heavy bleeding or any unusual cramp, the babies should be fine.

wat are the sizes of your babies at 8 weeks scan? i did my 2nd scan today and i remember one of them is ard 5.6cm. is it normal?

u will be ard in the house watching the confinement lady taking care of ur child so i believe should be fine.Most confinement ladies i heard are from malaysia and their price range is abt RM 3000+ depending on seasons.

Guaduate mummies here care to share some advices on confinement ladies??
half hour queue is ok la. i ever kenna 4 hrs wait in clinic D.

thanks. you keep well too. take care!

congrats & welcome! fyi,i put on almost 8 kgs from ivf treatment and good appetite (no thanks to the meds & jabs!). now managed to keep the weight gain.
juju - wow 8kg. i think i'mm putting on weight due to the egg whites and ensure. trying to cut back bit by bit. otherwise have to buy new wardrobe

thanks ladies for your well wishes. my 1st scan is next fri 28 nov. any idea what i should be expecting ? doc told me can see how many inside me.

as for confinement lady, just to share with you that my sis-in-law had a baby last year and booked a confinment lady from msia that was recommended. everything confirmed, deposit paid. but when she gave birth, another lady came instead, said the 1st lady is already pre-booked by other ppl. of course my sis-in-law no choice but to use her. but just want to warn you that there are some ppl like that out there. and of course the lady not very good, always asking about ang bao.
dun cut back. jus try to maintain ur weight at least till end of 1st tri. if increase, then let it be.
now me in 2nd tri, but not much weight gain. cos bb seem to dislike meat and a lot of fried stuff. so, i only eat those once a while...
hi yck,
yeah, its here to stay at the moment the itch. i met doc sadhana today and she said its probably due to the pregnancy. she prescribe me the cream to put once a day.. and to put it evenly on the itch.. but i still feel the itch.. no immediate relief for me! in fact, i'm now using ice to ease down the areas that itch like crazy.

hi bliss,
don't need to worry.. i'm at 21 weeks as of today and i've only gained a few kgs. hehe.. tummy growing forward but body still the same.

hi pretyy and ponytail,
glad to hear your good news!! welcome to the thread! hehe..

did my detailed scan today. gender finally confirmed for me.. its xx!! hehe.. baby's anatomy is seen clearly. however, as baby kept facing downwards, the doc couldn't see certain parts of the body that they needed to see. i was scheduled to come back again to ADC on monday to do a follow up scan. at the moment, i'm pretty happy with having a girl! hehe..
thanks for sharing about weight gain.

happy for you having a girl.

Btw, what cream did doc Sadhana prescribe to you? Aqueous cream? My itch is all over my body, I guess it will be there throughout the pregnancy, sigh...

the confinement lady story u shared was bad... I am getting more worried now.

You know, I could not get back to sleep the moment I woke up at 4am plus and trying so hard on bed to sleep, still couldnt succeed. So now on the computer and read this thread. Sigh... I just cant help thinking alot of things the moment I wake up from sleep, very difficult to get back to sleep leh. How I wish I can be more easygoing and v positive. Wondering if it is the hormones changes affecting me lately...

yes, I will definitely be around during confinement, but just worried if the helper will do the job well especially throughout the nights and when I am resting. Mine will be S$1800, you mentioned should be around RM$3000, that means it should be around S$1500, right? That means mine will be higher in price hor? I am not sure, but my friend told me that the market price is around $1800, $1900 here, if get thru agency, will even be slighter higher coz commission will be taken. I really hope will get a responsible and hardworking one. Perhaps I am not used to have a stranger staying in my house and somemore paying the person to work in my house, I suddenly feel so worried and lost when thinking about it. I dont want to be bullied leh.
bliss - oh no, not meant to scare you with the story... if you're still worried i suggest better to get from agency, you pay a bit more but if the lady is no good, can send back. try some relaxation breathing or meditation to get back to sleep. i try it myself sometimes
Hi pleasance,
my baby size on 8wks scan is abt 15,7mm (not survive) and 20.5mm. Wow... your baby size is quite big oh.. 5cm? Just hope that you not difficult to gave birth.

hi Juju,
I only wait max to 2hrs at Clinic D. Never kena 4hrs (*touchwood). Hahahahaha :D I thought at TPS the queue hours should be lesser than Clinic D cos pay more mah... wow.. 8kg.. so do you buy any maternity cloth? where u buy?
ok la, i find TPS very convenient. and since i'm on FAST scheme, i collect meds after seeing doc then can go off le. dun need to wait for payment. i was done & out of the clinic by 4.45. so, spent total of 1 hr inside only.
i jus bot a few bigger size clothings & some maternity bottoms from Cloud9 @ Suntec, but think closed since Oct bah... most of my clothes still can wear cos beginning of the yr jus lost dat 8 kgs which i put on after ivf. so, jus wear back same clothes. the other day, john little had this sale at jurong point, baby doll tops & dresses going for less than $15 each, so bot a few pieces there as well.
hi bliss,
I just notice your post date leh.
Your last post is 5.56am.
You wake up at 5.56am or you haven't sleep? Hehehehe

Hi Juju,
ooo ic. I am looking for maternity cloth sale. hehehehe.
hi josephine,
seeing your long list of symptoms before itching starts 'scared' me. so far, i'd only slight nausea (esp in presence of the smell of fried stuff) & backache. but the latter gets a little better. not sure if it's becos of the chinese medic (yes,m still seeing my chinese physician) that m taking.

hi ponytail,
would like to ask if u r seeing dr koh in TPS?? how's your experience there (other than what juju78 had shared in above)??
ya, I woke up at 4am plus this morning and couldnt sleep until 7am. Had headache when I woke up at 10am.

thanks. The confinement lady I approached is actually from agency too, my friend had her from agency during her confinement last year and found her very good. She still keeps in touch with her even now and brought her out with her kids before. That's why she recommended to me. So I contacted the confinement lady directly to avoid the extra cost of commission to agency. I hope she is good and easy to work with lah. Maybe I am being too anxious as I feel confinement is an important period for me and baby and also the cost is not a small sum too.
Just dont wish to have postnatal depression due to any unhappiness with confinement lady.

anyone had already gotten confinement lady? Can share any info? Thanks!
Hi juju,
Did dr loh say you are fit fly? Glad that you can change ur appt. You are brave to choose to go holiday now leh...but i thot you starting antenatal class on 13 dec oso right? then you oing to missed the 1 on 13 and 20th dec?

Hi bliss,
Had to wait long for ur FTS ar? Mine was pretty fast, waited oni 10mins haha...ur baby soooo cute!
Good to hear ur mood is better, it will get better as time goes by and when we see babies growing well

For CL, thats the usual rate now. I ever called 1 lady who oso say she need t collect $300 deposit in dec if i confirmed her. Eventually i dropped her cos she say she'll be doing 1 more right b4 me. And if i want her service, i had to pay for her employment pass fees which is extra $180 cos she cannot stay here longer than 60 days. But i told her i'm oni using her for 28 days, and the other days are incurred by the other lady, how could she ask me to pay right? Furthermore, she's a bit more exp, charging mt $2900 for twins. Imagine i gotta pay $3k+ for her, some more she request Must have maid, i think its too much of her. Anyway i'll be getting a maid for my own benefit, not hers.
Hope you can find a good one, me still searching too....no harm calling a few more.

Hi pretyy lady,
haha...ya, i'm from the "IVF/ICSI Support Group " thread. Congrats and welcome!

All the best for your 1st scan. Where you seeing dr?
Oh yes, the symptoms you mentioned are all part and parcel of our lives now haha....welcome to the club. But again, everyone is different, so some may experienced different symptoms and duration. Enjoy ur journey.

Hey Cale,
Phew.....so glad to hear from you!
Dun get too tired at work ok? Must take care of baby and urself. No worries, just an occasional post to let us know you are alright is good enough

Hi ponytail,
Congrats and nice to see you here

I think if its BFP, ITS A BFP, so dun scare urself lah. My tummy was oso very bloated initially, 12 wks like 16 wks preg tat time haha....dun think so much 1st. Just rest well and look forward to ur 1st scan. Where are you seeing dr?
Hi Bliss and babyOnboard,
I oso experienced either no weight gain or weight loss during my 1st few visits. And from wk 11 to wk 16, i oni gain aby 0.6kg, but the good thing is my babies are growing well. I think cos i didn't ate well in the 1st tri, cos got vomitting and poor appetite. Now appetite better already.

Hi pleasance,
Pardon my bad memory, but you expecting twins oso? Urmm...my babies at 8wks are 15.5 and 15.2mm.

Hi Bliss and Ponytail,
Thanks for sharing abt the CL. Where can we ind agencies that got CL?

Hi Merlenna,
Wow, good that you can see baby gender, its lovely to have a gal

Hi Jo and juju,
Not sure Mothers en vogue still got sale or not, but their clothes are really comfy. I regretted buying hastily from Perfect Mum earlier into my preg. Cos that time was tired so just grab the clothes from there as its the 1st shop i went to. Now i find some of the clothes uncomfy and the bras recommended by the lady is uncomfy, wore once oni. But the bra at MEV is really great and comfy, but they have oni 1 type.
thanks for sharing.
I just got to talk to another confinement lady who was my sister's confinement lady few years ago. My sis said she was good.
Initially she charged me $2000, I asked for discount, so became $1800. She will do housework for me too. And she sounded very cheerful leh, but think she is about 50 years old or more now. I will ask my sis for more info again tomorrow.
This confinement lady also asked me if I want to pay extra $100 plus for her to stay for 1 month and so she will not need to go back custom after 2 weeks as there is a risk of not able to extend her stay in Singapore. Is that true? My hubby said no need to pay extra $100 plus, it is ok to go back custom after 2 weeks to extend stay one.
So I guess, if my sis and mum (who had seen her job performance before)recommend her, I will 'book' this confinement lady then.
But the one(recommended by my friend)I contacted earlier is good too, I can recommend her to anyone here if interested then.

Btw, my FTS waiting was long only after the scan, think the Dr June Tan went somewhere else(maybe for lunch!)and so we waited for 1 hour just to see her for 1 min! My hubby was unhappy and said he will mention this to Dr Sadhana on our next appt, hahaha!

Hi all,
My appetite is still no good, unable to eat much, coz the bloating is really bad. Sometimes I really hate eating, coz really 'suffer' immediately after eating. Notice that many of you has better appetite from about 16 weeks onwards, does that mean that bloating will disappear too? I am concern, coz my biggest problem now is bloating and skin itchiness. My hubby feels that I am not eating well, but also cant bear to force me eat more when I am feeling really uncomfortable, just like gastric pain.
Maykel - last night i was feeling kiasu and decided to do hpt. phew, its positive
i'm seeing prof wong at nuh this fri. still feeling very very bloated. i can even feel my face growing fatter as i speak.
Hi pretyy lady,
Yup. So far that the symptoms that we facing during 1st trimester.
although they were not convenient but no choice. you must endure it. hehehe

Hi Pleasance,
I buy maternity clothing after my 1st trimester. After Dr. Loh said "ok, your baby grows very well. Next appt in next 7 wks."
So happy that time then decide to start buy maternity cloth. Cos i got bad experience during 1st trimester that my other twins not survive and also I still can use my cloths and jeans.
For Bra size, I dunno when it start increasing. Hehehe

Hi Maykel,
yup, she also expecting twins. But her size 5cm, quite big leh.
I think oh, now Mothers En Vogue dun have sale anymore

Hi Bliss,
Sometime I also still have bloating and vomiting after eat.
Appetite is a little bit better compare to 1st trimester.
Wow, you wake up so early. Headache.. yup understand how you feel.
Now, I am having it. sigh.. hahaha :D
haha, you see lah, no need to be overly worried.

oic, thanks.
Sigh...so guess that bloating will probably not able to disappear later on still.

For my case, I can still fit in my present bras, but just have to use the widest hook at the back, my upper body has become a bit bigger.

I dont think I need to buy new bras, coz I dont think my cup size will increase a lot! Hahaha! :D But I probably need to buy those bra extenders to lengthen at the hook.

Dont worry, you definitely have time to buy new ones when your bra size has really increased alot.
Thanks for your sharing! Appreciate

I will take it easy. Thank you for 'listening'
BTW, have you started to look for a maid? Which agency have you approached? Nation?

Happy belated birthday! How's your birthday celebration? I am your blog follower
Knowing that you have already started to work, so, pls take extra care ya.

Hi all,
Finally back home! Was staying at my sister's place for the past 2 weeks. Husband worried I will start to do housework when he is on business trip hence he sent me to my sis's plc...hahaha...he knows me well...really hope he does not need to travel so much.

Tomorrow will be my 12wks and I will have my OSCAR test on the following day. Really pray hard everything will goes well.
Hi Pretyy,
Congrats! Happy to see you here. Did have a chat with you in another thread but I think the thread is no longer active.

Hi ponytail,
Congrats and welcome on board! Haha...I also did hpt at home before I went for my 1st scan. My husband find me very funny and....kiasu...hahaha
Dear Faith,

thanks. Happy to know you fiollow my blog. Actually work is nothing, since I never stay at work for more than 4 hours! I will be doing my OSCAR on the 5 Dec, then see Dr Cheng in the afternoon. Praying very hard for normalities!


there is a shop "Spring Maternity" in AMK Hub, think beside Tiny Toon. Saw today they got sale. The preg jeans going at 50%. I didn't really see the rest. Some item on sale. I will only buy after 1st Tri, just like Josephine.
Ladies in 1st trimester - can i know how many of u are working full time ? i'm working full time but i really really really wish i can work part time or stay at home. no morning sickness yet, but i'm sure when it comes i will feel like staying home even more. also, just thinking abt going back to office gives me work stress already...
Hi Bliss,
Oh, initial charge so exp ar....lucky charge you $1800 in the end. I think around 50yrs is ok bah, glad you can find a good CL
hiaz...me still searching.
oh, tat means she will need to take a break from ur hse after 2wks to go bk and renew is it? Oni wori is she dun come bk how? Ya loh, this is wat tat lady told me, but i dun want oso. BTW, i heard they need to go bk 2wks to 1mth then can come bk right? You better check properly 1st, if not wait left you hanging halfway...
You mentioned the earlier recommended by ur fren is good, can tell me more? I may be interested to contact her.
Maybe ur appetite would feel better after couple of weeks, cos mine oso get better around wk15.
But still got bloating, oni thing is appetite better. Just eat watever you feel like eating for now.

Hi Ponytail,
haha...at least you feel more assured now

oh, i'm working too, but during my1st tri, doc gave me HL throughout. I started to go bk work oni during my 2nd tri. Cos my nausea and vomitting is really bad....i can't imagine working with all the symptoms. Must take good care, cos my 1st tri oso not easy, got cramp and spotting oso. Take mc/HL from ur doc if you really need to.

Hi Jo,
Thanks, ya, 5cm is big hor...

Hi pleasance,
Did doc gave you thescan pics? If have, the size and EDD is usually recorded there.

Hi Faith,
No worries
i went to Nation but yet to shortlist a maid. You looking for maid too?

i forgot to ask. hee... will email him la.
anyways, should be ok wif travel. i just went to melaka for the wkend last week, nothing happened jus dat i caught a slight chill.
oh ya hor... the detailed scan & Dr appt clash wif antenatal class... i try to change appt date so dat i only miss the one on 20th, easier to do replacement class.
prob get scolding from nurse again cos difficult to get appt in ADC. haha!
