IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

goodie! Dr Loh jus replied ok to fly. he will give me a letter to show airline during next appt.

thanks, but many things are hard to say, as it has been 5 years since my sis had this CL. I just hope that she is not bad lah. I have checked with many friends, all their CLs go to custom to extend their visit permit and then come back on the same day. Anyway, my hubby will drive the CL to the custom and take her back.

Sorry that I will not want to recommend my friend A's CL to you. Because I got a shock last night after talking to friend B whose sis is now in confinment and had this recommended CL and she had very bad experience with her and sent her off after 5 days. The whole story is really terrible and scary, I was so shocked and really thank goodness that I called friend B at this time and got to know this. I nearly confirm this horrible CL. Phew! Really thank god!

How bad was this CL?
1) She told the mother that she will only wake up at 8am everyday! Siao one right? Baby wakes up as early as 6am or anytime, how can she wake up so late? Somemore, she will take afternoon nap automatically everyday, as if she is the one in confinement.
2)She never prepared breakfast for the mother, just biscuits for her!
3)She threw everything into the same pot and cooked into soup! And this is the only dish for every meal! My goodness, my friend B said the soup tasted horrible! How to eat? After cooking the ingredient, friend B said the pig liver does not look like liver anymore and broccoli became yellowish too! So terrible right?
4)Despite of being highly recommended by friend A that this CL is v pro-breastfeeding, she is actually not. The mother has some difficulty stimulating her milk out for the baby for the first few days and so very little milk was out to feed her baby. The baby kept crying as she was hungry. So the CL kept nagging that the mother has no milk and told her to give up. She told the mother to let baby have formula, and the mother agreed at first as she did not want the baby to be hungry. Who knows, she accidentally saw the CL purposely scooped a few more spoonful of formula to feed her baby at night just to stop the baby from crying at night! She was shocked and realised why her baby did not pass motion for the last few days. (as newly born baby will get constipation if feed with too large amount of formula)
5)The mother got a hospital nurse to go to her house to teach her how to stimulate milk to feed baby. So finally there was some improvement and she was able to have more milk to feed baby. The nurse also advised her to be firm in breastfeeding and stopped formula, because baby will not want to be latched on anymore if she is used to bottle feeding. So the mother decided to stop formula and start breastfeeding. But to her shock, the CL refused and rudely said that she did not want to help with the breastfeeding! She shouted to the mother that it is very troublesome for her to warm the breastmilk from the fridge and even threatened that she will not guarrentee the milk will be fully warm! The mother was so scared and angry! She felt that her baby's safety was threatened. Finally, she sent this CL off!
This CL is really very sickening and horrible, right? Maykel, so I will definitely not use this CL, neither will I recommend to you.

Btw, when will your due date be? I can keep a lookout for you too.
Hi Maykel,
Yes, i am looking for a maid. Any idea how's the charges? How long it takes for the agency to get the maid we have selected? I plan to visit the agency next month. Too early or too late? My EDD is 09 June. Sorry for asking so many questions. Tks.

Im a first time to be mum... Not yet went for my 1st scan.. but praying hard everything is going smoothly now... Im currently in my 4 wks 3 days..

When do i need to start preparing for the baby?
Do you all ladies stick to your IVF gynae or look for another gynae after your IVF gynae discharge you?
Where are the places to buy maternity clothes?

Im rather upset cause start of IVF til now i already put on 9kg... and a lot of pants cannot wear now... might as well buy expandable maternity clothes first of dresses..

Any Mum not working now?
Any mum intend to get maid for confinement and look after bb?
hi ponytail,
i tot you are with KKH, the private suite (tps). I'm sorry but where is your gyane practising??

hi maykel,
thanks.. i'm under dr loh in KKH. very anxious about the upcoming 1st scan (i.e tomorrow) after getting BT positive. kept wondering how my beanies are doing & at times negatives tots kept bugging me. for the latter i'd been trying v hard to have them out of my mind.

hi faith,
i vaguely remember chatting with u in the other thread. i'm happy to see u here.
times flies!! your 1st trimester is ending. i supposed you & maykel graduated around same time. how many are you expecting??

to others, i wonder how many of you are working MTBs here?? well... i'm 1 of them. i actually started work after resting 10 days past my FET. so far manageable as i don't have MS (eg. vomitting). but i'm kind of worried what to do if it comes. hoping some strong souls here can share. thanks!
Hi Sam,
Welcome on board! Pls rest and eat well.
I also put on weight after IUI and IVF, said 5 kg. You may try to get some clothes from Spring Maternity at AMK Hub or Mothers En Vogue at BHG Bugis. I did bought few dresses from Miss Selfridge and Metro. They are not maternity wear but the design looks like
Do you intend to change gynae? Initially, I intend to change coz my gynae charges is high. My husband against it so I stick to my IVF doc since he knows my conditions.

Hi pretyy,
When is your 1st scan? I totally understand how you feel. Meanwhile just keep thinking something good...no matter how hard, jia you! I am expecting sigleton. I think Maykel is 3 or 4 weeks earlier than me, if I not wrong.

I will be seeing Dr. Cheng tomorrow afternoon after the OSCAR test. I hope no need to wait too long.
pretyy lady,
understand your anxiety. Dont think too much, you will soon see your cuties, growing well inside you.

both my sisters have maid for years to help taking care of their kids(but with parents in law or parents around, never let kids alone with maid). I am not sure of the charges, but I would advise that must really be firm with maid starting from first day of work, cannot be too nice or too lenient. I have lots of colleagues too who have to endure so much nonsense and anger with maid as they are just too nice person and gave too much freedom to maid, so ended up with very unpleasant experiences.
First, must really understand the mentality of maids, they do not think in the same way as us, esp they are from those poor countries and their mindset, behaviour can be very uncivilised and not able to differentiate good and bad. They will remember forever if you are just not nice to them for once. And they will forget all the good you have done for them then.
You must really set simple and clear rules and instructions, or else you will be driven crazy and kanna high blood pressure.
Anyway, it also depends alot on luck to get a good one too.
Try to get a younger one and not too old one. Maids who have very yound kids back at home are not very good choice. Most of the time, they will not able to work well, coz they think too much of their kids. Too experienced ones can be very cunning and bad too.
Another thing, but not all people want to do that, but this is absolutely effective. That is never never let your maid have free day and go out and make outside friends. Even good maids will become bad after mixing outside. And also, maid who help you for long time will also get cunning and try to act smart too, coz they are familiar with everything in your house and if you depend too much on them, they will be hard to deal with after some time, esp for our elderly. Maids are smart, they will not dare to provoke their employer, they will not give so much respect to other people even to your parents and in laws, coz they are not the maid's employer.
There are still a lot of advices...heeheeehee, cannot finish everything here. :p
Good luck to have a good maid, there are still good maids around.
Hi juju,
wow, you really brave to go travelling leh. Anyway if you are feeling good then shld be fine. Must take good care
I oso got a fren who travel to thailand in her 2nd tri. Me physically not tat good, so dun dare to take the risk hehe....
I think we are allow to change antenatal class 2 times. ya, anyway, the 20th dec class is the additional one so easier to change right?
replacement class. Hope you can sort out the appt soon, so less headache for you

Hi Bliss,
Ya loh, initially my understanding is that they can stamp passport and come bk on same day, but dun know why 1 of them told me must go bk 2wks to 1mth. Mayb thot i stupid, can bluff is it?? Lucky the CL you found very honest.

Aiyo, the CL ur fren recommend really terrible leh, i pity ur fren, must be very distressful for her. Lucky chase her away after 5 days.
My actual EDD is 3rd May 09, but doc loh say i may deliver anytime from early Apr to 10th Apr. Thanks for looking out for me

Hi Faith,
Nation told me the initial charge is $488, which includes the maid's air tkt here, her entry exam and basic insurance. On top of tat, must buy additional medical ins for her which costs abt $160 if i dun remember wrongly (got a few to choose from). Then another $40 to buy ins for the $5000 bond, in case the maid run away or get preg. Plus another fee for dun know wat (i forgot), oni remember that the total initial fee is about $700+. I was told new maid usually takes 1.5 to 2mths to arrive. So depending on when you need the maid, mayb can go at least 2mths earlier to select. Also take into consideration tat if the maid is not suitable, changing another one would need time, so must ensure got sufficient time to change b4 u deliver. Oh, Nation gives free unlimited change of maid for the 1st 6mths.

Then if the maid is new, they would take up a loan from the agency, and we will have to help her pay the loan, usually $2-3k (Nation allows installment). So when you help the maid pay the loan, you shld deduct tis amt from her mthly salary. So usually they would recommend we left $20 to give to maid each mth. Then the rest of her salary is to repay us for paying her loan. So depending on her loan amt, the maid would not have full salary for at least 6-8mths. Hope i dun confuse you hehe...
pretty - i'm working too. feeling quite stressed but also trying very hard not to be stressed for my body. i think maykel took 3 months HL, i dont think i can cos just too much work. my doc is at nuh.

sam, i havent gone for 1st scan either. going this fri. any idea what we'll be seeing ? when was your ER? Do you count from date of ER ?
Hi Sam,
Welcome to the thread and congrats to you
Hope everything goes well for your scan.
I think usually ivf gynae dun just discharge you, its up to you if you wana stick to him/her.
For me i stick with my IVF gynae, dr loh at KKH, cos i'm comfortable with him and he has experience in multiples.

I bought most of my maternity from Mothers en vogue (Delfi orchard and level 3 at bugis BHG), cos they are really comfy and can become member if you spend $350 in 3mths, can get 15%.
I oso get from Spring maternity (Suntec, causeway point, amk hub). Initially got alot from Perfect mum at suntec cos its the 1st shop i went to, then realised the clothes are not tat comfy after all. But tat time i was tired, lazy to look around. So if you have the energy, its good to look at the clothes from diff shops b4 you decide. I strongly recommend MEV (esp their bra, oni 1 type) thou they are a bit more costly.

Dun be upset abt ur weight, its the least you shld wori now. Me was oso very bloated after the procedure, but surprisingly nvr gain weight during the 1st trimester cos vomit and nvr eat well....tats why my bottoms oso cannot wear from a very early stage and gotta buy maternity bottoms very early.

Me working leh. So I'm planning to get a full time maid and a CL.

Hi pretyy,
So we have the same doc
All the best for ur 1st scan 2mr. Think positive and look forward to it. Dr loh did vaginal scan for my wk6 scan.

Me working, but i got HL for 1st trimester cos got spotting and cramp from wk5-8. Worry cos of stress at work. Around wk12 then i go bk to work. Lucky i got HL, cos i have terrible MS and vomitting, oni wk 15 then my MS and appetite better. If you got MS and loss of appetite, just try to eat watever you can get into ur mouth and stomach. Cos you may have food aversion as well, food that you like previously, you may not be able to tolerate now, so its all normal. For me, i keep sour plum and sweets in my bag all the time hehe....hope i dun scare you, but anyway, diff pple has diff symptoms.
not sure our bloating are the same or not. My bloating has been worse now from pregnant before 10 weeks. Somemore the bloating can led to nausea if too serious.
I guess bloating is very common throughout the entire pregnancy.

Take care huh.

Oh thanks .. i will be getting the clothes soon since New Yr Coming too ...Yes will be changing to Dr Fong Yang for Delivery as his clinic near my house Tiong Bahru..


Ya you calculate from ER date...
My 1st scan 7 weeks cause gynae going holiday...
so its 12/11/08


Wow you shopping mama.. know so many places to go for maternity clothes.. need to get bra all my bra cant wear... oh no.. i didn't know there will be so much changes to my body soooo fast..
hi Pretty Lady,
i'm working as well. i started working after blood test. so far so good, except quite tiring on some days. Not much MS for me, except slight nausea. now 16 wks.

hi Sam,
i put on 8 kgs since start of ivf, so about the same as you. if dun overeat, it's unlikely your weight will increase much more, esp during 1st tri. even more so if u kena MS. take care & eat healthy, dun worry about weight gain now.
wat i do wif clothes is i buy expandable pants & skirts, aka maternity wear. tops i jus wear loose ones, spags tops wif pullovers/shirts/sweaters or baby-doll styles. can tahan for quite a while.
actually these few days make me think twice, cos got expansion cramps. but no choice, tix booked & paid le, ok to endure la, jus hv to rest more, dun walk so much lor.
yet to call to change appt, so bz today, some more left early to send hubby off at airport. try to call soon.
think it's time i need to refresh driving skills liao. time very important nowadays, esp when hubby need to travel for work. but yet scared too tired to drive. haiz...
thx for the link on travelling. will read up

maternity bras recommended to buy after wk 20.
check whether is cup dun fit or girdle dun fit.
if girdle dun fit, jus buy extensions first.
* save $$ * hee hee...

Cup cannot fill the breast already my full cup now is like half cup and tight.. My breast feel very full and warm.. It actually subsided during 2WW but it blew up quite fast after BT.. I dunno if you ladies also have increase bra size now.. Or issit because of the weight gain so the breast also grow in size?
not so sure abt urs. mine is increase in body width, aka girdle. so i only bot extensions for now. think too early to get maternity bras ;p
if ur bras come wif pads, removing them shld make u feel better. now all my bras are padless...
try to put lotsa moisturiser on ur body, esp around and on the breast area, underside of breast (the folds) also shld apply. more comfy
Hi all,
I have gotten my blood test result yesterday after receiving the sms from KKH. The risk of down syndrome is 1:5212, nurse said very low risk. I am feeling relieved and happy.
Now looking forward to seeing baby again next Friday.

I woke up rather early today, and typing on this thread now. Dare not go back to sleep,, coz just had a nightmare. This was the first time I shouted out so loudly while dreaming. My hubby was really startled by me while asleep. I felt so sorry to scare him. Aiyo, dont know why I was so worked up in the dream, I shouted out and kept crying and crying. Horrible dream, still trying to calm down now.
Anyone has been dreaming alot lately huh? My mood is really dampened by this nightmare. I can recall that I was so upset and angry by a very naughty kid in the dream who seems to be close to me. I beat the kid so hard that I was feeling heartbroken and cried out. What a bad dream! Made me feel so scared and insecure in a indescribable way.
Silly me!
Hi Ponytail,
I work full time. And will continue work till company close down or kena retrench. Last time during 1st trimester I also feel like staying at home cos of the work stress. But after 2nd trimester, I feel happy that I still working cos can keep my mind busy Hehehe...

Hi Sam,
For me, I am thinking that i will start preparing 1month before delivery.
I still stick with my IVF Gynae when I found out that I concieve twins cos twins got more risk than singleton. But now, I am carrying singleton.
Later, I will see Spring Maternity at AMK Hub. I heard got sale. Hehehe..
wow 9 Kg... hahahaha :D your appetite is very good leh.

Hi Pretyy Lady,
I still working. Wah.. so far so good leh no vomiting. Very good. ^_^

Hi Bliss,
What is CL? Is it Chinese New Year Leave?
congratulations. Indeed is a very good news.
I got dream this morning. But my dream is very strange. I dream a dragon fight. Hahahahaha :D maybe too much watch movie. Hahahaha :D Dun worry too much, be happy and dun overstress. Hehehe
Hi Sam,
haha...not really shopping mama lah, but cos my bottoms very early cannot wear liao, so got to search and buy loh. Actually, not many places lah, mainly Spring and MEV are worth going. So when i nid to buy, i will go suntec Spring then bugis, after tat head home liao. Ya, our body changes really fast man...i oso feels my cup size getting fuller and its quite sore, esp when i woke up in the Am. AFter wearing the bra from MEV, i dun wana wear any other bra now ;)

Hi juju,
If you had decided to go, then you must really take good care in watever you do or eat there. I oso understand tat after you pay and confirm everything, its difficult not to continue with ur plan. Me dun dare to fly now oso. Got so many problems...you know i had sharp pain at my tummy this Am. Then i went to the Thomson women clinic near my hse (lazy to go kkh). This dr quite nice, i went to see him early last mth for scan oso.
Then he told me that i have some bleeding in the womb, could be due to some dislodge of placenta tissue, must monitor for further bleed. He oso did a vaginal swab on my last appt and found to have vaginal infectio. He says it happen 1 in 30 preg women and must show dr loh the report so that during delivery must be on antibiotics. Today he gave me antibiotics oso to prevent infecting the babies.
I'm just wondering, i just saw dr loh last wk, how come he cannot see the womb bleed. And oso lucky this Thomson doc did vaginal swab, he says it standard to do for all preg woman, wonder why dr loh nvr do for us.
Ya, its convenient to drive if you are alone, but must take care oso. Try to put some padding at ur tummy where the belt is, i find it more comfy.

Hi Bliss,
Glad to hear that ur FTS went well

I oso woke up at 5plus this Am, after tat cannot sleep liao....dun think too much abt ur dreams, cos i dun think they mean anything. cheer up ok?

Hi Jo,
How you doing?
CL is confinement lady
Hi Maykel,
Oooo ic. hehehehe

So far I am doing great, waiting for AWS (before retrenchment or salary cut) hehehe.
Still have a little bit nausea, headache and vomiting. How abt? how is your twins? any idea what is their gender?
Hi Jo,
haha...me oso just heard on the news last nite on civil service bonus. My organisation follows civil service guideline. So 13th mth + half mth better then dun have lah hor ;)
Good to hear you are doing well
My vomitting oni goes away in wk 15, so guess urs oso ending soon heehee....
Me ok, no more vomitting *touchwood* and appetite better. Oni worried cos cos tummy pain lately. See my posting to juju above. I just hope everything will be fine...
Both babies are growing well so far. Doc say got 1 most probably gal
the other 1 not sure leh.
bliss - talk abt nightmare! this morning i had a nightmare that i killed somebody who was trying to molest me. i drove a steel pipe through his chest but he never die. wah lau, so horrible man. then i woke up cos my alarm rang. could be due to seeing this vampire show on tv few days ago. not really a movie, its a travel program on this nice place in europe where it is believed vampire used to live there. OMG. like that also can dream

and i also wake up at 5am plus these few days to go toilet. then have to wait abt half and hour to get back to sleep. but then 7am have to wake up for work. how come you ladies also wake up early ? is it normal?

just now i got 1 tiny brown spotting. about 15 min ago. v scared now. hope it stops...
is it normal also ?

also, i put on another 1 kg since last fri. so now officially i put 3 kg in 3 weeks
Hi Maykel,
Maybe the other 1 is boy then it is perfect. 1 boy 1 gal like yck. Hehehe... Hope you get well soon from your infection. Any medicine for the infection?

Hi ladies,
Is it 'Pantang' if we attend a wedding while we are pregnant?
Hi ladies

Im also a first time MTB. Just curious about the chinese myth on what besides josephine has raised. I also wish to know is it true that only can mentioned your pregnancy after 3mths? Im worried cos my sis and my good friends already knew the good news cos they know about my ivf thingy.
dun worry, i will take care during the trip.
nope, not gonna drive. cos i realised i'm tired most of the time, too dangerous to drive le...
i had a few sudden pains too, today. i thot is bcos plant aircon down, so kinda suffocating & made baby uncomfy. if tmr still like dat, will call TPS to ask.
so far, hv not read abt vaginal swab in the pregnancies book leh... maybe ask Dr Loh next time lor
Hi josephine,
yes, Maykel has told you, CL means confinement lady.

My parents told me not to attend any weddings or funerals or baby showers during 1st 3 months, so I did not attend 2 relatives' wedding dinner and 1 baby shower for the past 3 months. But after that, I am free to attend. So I can attend my cousin's wedding this Dec.

ok I will not think too much about those dreams. Just that having lots of dreams throughout the night causes insufficient sleep for me and I still feel tired and sleepy when wake up.
Hope your infection will be gone very soon. I can understand how it feels to have infection, I used to have it for many many times before pregnant. Can try to take more fruits and vege to strengthen your immune system, it does help.

your dream was scary leh! You still watch programmes that contain any horror or 'unhealthy' contents? Better dont watch too much. I dare not watch horror or violent programmes since pregnant. My hubby and I love movies, but we have not watched any movies for the past 3 months le, coz might be too violent and too much explosion scenes. :p
My hubby even doesnt allow me to watch too much programmes or pics of animals, even not my pet hamster. Hahaha!
managed to change detailed scan & doc appt to after antenatal class. but need to rush to scan then to TPS once class ends... hee...
Irish coffee,

Dont worry about people knowing your pregnancy. Yes, I am also advised not to tell anyone about it during 1st trimester, however if friends or relatives happen to know, also no need to be afraid, at most just let them know that you do not want to announce to everyone at this point of time first, they should be able to understand and keep quiet in the meantime.

The main reason for not telling for 1st 3 months is becoz the pregnancy is still considered unstable. The risk of miscarriage will be greatly reduced after 1st trimester, therefore docs will also advise the MTB to tell everyone only after 1st trimester, just to prevent any stress and sadness the pregnant mother will face in case of misfortune.
Thanks Bliss...at least i feel more relieve now

I am just discharged from KKIVF and dont know whats the next step to do as the various packages in KKH has confused me. May i ask which hospital are you with?

Talking abt dreams,i been dreaming every night n this morning i woke up in fright -seeing blood alot of blood, tot i miscarriage. Phewwww such a relief when i know its just a dream but its like huanting me since .

how many weeks r u now? next visit u should be able to see the gender of ur baby ya?

i was advised not to attend any joyous or sad functions till birth. in case they say 喜冲喜 .So no weddings, no funerals, no baby 1st month etc.But many ppl does say after 3 mths should be alright .
Irish coffee,
no problem.

I am also with KKH. The KKivf nurse will arrange the first appt with your doc after positve BT. Have you gotten your first appt? If you want to switch to another gynae in other hospital, then you may want to make appt with the particular hospital.
What various packages do you mean?

ya, I also have been dreaming throughout every night lately. I am so tired after waking up in the morning. I had a nightmare again this morning and screamed out again! Aiyo, my hubby got startled by me again, heehee! I never shout or scream from my dreams in the past leh.
I am 14 weeks today. Will be having my next appt on next Friday. Not sure can see baby gender or not, coz only 15 weeks by then. Will tell baby to open legs, heehee!

My mum told me she has a feeling that mine will be a girl this time.
Hi Bliss, Pleasance,

Oooo ic. Thanks.
Hahahaha, I also lazy to go to my friend wedding. Hehehehe, I can use 'Pantang' excuse not to attend the wedding. hehehehe ^_^
Hi bliss,
Talking abt dream oh... last night my dream is very strange. In my dream I fell that I have not married yet. Then suddenly wake up and see my husband next to me and I realize that I am already married. Then oh.. sleep again... then... dream continue... I go to clinic and do the checking/scanning... and the lady doctor suddenly said... no embies in my stomach.. almost cry leh...

sigh... really really strange and bad dream leh... I told my husband and he laugh.

Maybe oh.. because our pregnancy we dreams strange strange one.. maybe unconscious deep inside we are scare... hehehehe
wow, you had so many strange as well as horrifying dreams too! My hubby does not understand why I am having so many nightmares, kept telling me no need to feel scared or insecure. I also dont know why, I thought I have been feeling ok all the while.
I am going to see the skin doc this evening, want to ask if there is any suitable anti stretchmarks cream for me to use throughout pregnancy. My itchy skin has not been better yet, sigh...
Happened to chat with a few friends lately, found that they had no MS at all during their pregnancies at all, so good. So they also dont know what I should do to reduce my discomforts. Most of them are working mothers, have been telling me how tedious it will be to be a SAHM. I know it will be very tiring and even more difficult than working outside, but I guess I will just give it a try. Really pray that I will be able a good mother.
I ordered a bottom from Cooz Maternity.. Just wanna try them out to see if its good..

BTW any working mums in their 1st Trimester? Im starting work soon next week and rather scared.. hope i dun need to carry heavy stuff and no stress...

Any MTB getting a new maid or first timer?
Hi Bliss,
Yea.. some more.. my dream can continue different version after wake up and go back sleep. Hahahaha :D
I think our MS is due to the medicine that we must take to increase the pregnancy chance. That is why most of us get the MS.

Hi Sam,
I am working during 1st trimester. But I can say during my 1st trimester 70% I take hospitalization leave due to my bleeding. Hehehehe..
Sam - i'm working. very stressed in office. everyday tell myself to relax and take it slow, but easier said than done. once in the office, the mind automatically want to clear out all emails in inbox. i really need to buy new clothes. all my office clothes now very tight.

jo, bliss - when my best fren pressed me for an answer on result of ivf, i told her i cant tell her cos its pantang. then she got it. so technically i didnt say anything right ?
haha, ok your answer is good enough.

haha, you can be the director and scriptwriter of your dreams. Try to dream happy ones!
Hi Jo,
Ya loh, but i dun mind even if both are gals, as long as healthy can already.
Dr say the infection would stay with us throughout leh, but its harmful oni to babies during delivery, so must be on antibiotics during delivery. Yup, me taking antibiotics now.

I understand that we cannot go wedding cos during wedding the couple is the 'biggest', so if we go, may 'chong' (clash) with them. But depends on you, cos my fren oso ever attend wedding when she preg.

Hi Irish Coffee,
Congrats and welcome to the thread

I think some pple dun wana annouced during 1st tri cos not sure abt the viability of the preg yet. But anyway, its up to you. Cos i ever heard pple say even you announce in 2nd tri, miscarriage can still happen anytime, so no diff.

For me, my parents, inlaws and 2 close frens oso knew abt my ivf, so gotta update then when we got good news, so for them i think its ok to let them know. But for the rest of the relatives and frens, i oni tell during 2nd tri. Anyway i leave it to my mum to tell relatives and as for frens, if you go out with them, you oso cannot hide ur tummy already heehee....if you dun feel comfortable, then ask ur sis and frens not to tell other pple 1st loh.

Hi juju,
Ya, if really need to just take cab loh, me take cab pratically everytime when my hubby cannot pick me. Cos i'm too tired to squeeze bus and trains. Some more my tummy very tight and i'm breathless, just wana reach my destination asap.

Where is ur pain? If its at either side of ur lower abdomen, then it could be muscle or ligament strain due to stretching of the womb. If its nearer the centre, then could be womb or digestive system. My sharp pain ws below the belly button area, think tats where the womb is. The kk24hrs dr told me that if above the belly buttin, it shld be the disgestive system.

I read abt the swab from the link and they mentioned that usually dr do the swab during 35-37wks, so maybe kkh policy is to do later? Oh good, you managed to change ur appt

Hi bliss,
wat infection did you have last time? Ya, me taking alot of fruits b4 meals now, makes my appetite better oso.
I didn't know after 1st tri can go wedding and baby shower leh, i thot throughout preg heehee...but i know funeral is a no no throughout.
Oh ya, any idea if i pantang dun go baby shower, can my hubby go alone?

Hi Sam,
Me in my 2nd tri. But if you dun feel good eg. cramp or spotting when you go back to work, pls see ur gynae asap and take mc to rest. Usually they will give HL. I took HL thru'out 1st tri cos i oso got teh above symptoms. I used to be workaholic, but nw i dun care, cos my babies more impt.
Oh ya, me would be getting a maid for the 1st time too. Went to Nation and asked already. Now need to select maid. Me due in Apr, so thinking of getting the maid to come in Feb.
I used to have yeast infection, got to insert cream (done my gynae)into the vagina in order to kill the bacteria. Good that you are taking lots of fruits, try not to take sweets or high sugar food, will contribute to infection.
Actually I am ok with the attending of weddings etc, as long as parents said ok then I ok, if they say no, then I will not go.
As for baby showers, I heard that it should be the baby's mother who will probably mind the pregnant friend to go, coz it is said that the foetus is always having a protecting god 胎神 looking after the foetus throughout the pregnancy, and the 1 month old baby might be scared by the 'strong force' by the foetus inside the pregnant woman. This is why many pregnant women do not dare to visit newly birth baby coz after visiting, the baby will always cry alot at night and doesnt want to sleep. So I guess in this case, it is the baby's mother who will mind you going to the baby shower. If the mother is not pantang about this and doesnt mind, then it should be ok to attend.
For my understanding, I think it is best not to attend during 1st trimester, mainly to prevent people asking and will end up letting everyone know about the pregnancy. So it is better not to attend functions where you will see lots of friends and relatives, just to avoid lots of 'asking' from them.

Im not sure if need to get CL or not or hire maid enough liao.. Very stress le.. than next week start work where got time to prepare all these things furthermore i work 6 days week even weekends and PH ... cause in service line... *sianz*
Hi ladies,
MEV at bugis BHG having pre-xmas sales from 28th nov to 25th dec. Up to 75%. I think its worth taking a look, me bought too many, dun dare to go now haha....

Hi bliss,
Oh, poor thing...thanks for your advise.
Oh i c...you seems to know alot abt all these things hehe....

Hi Sam,
For me i take both maid and CL cos i'm having twins, so 1 person cannot cope. Another reason is that the maid can't cook confinement food.
I oso managed to plan all these during my HL in the 1st trimester. Actually we need to attend an Employer Orientation Program (EOP) b4 we can apply from maid agency, can do online. I can PM you more info with all the application if you need.
Dun stress, most impt is take care of urself and baby now. Still got time to plan for maid. Just need to apply at least 2mths prior to the day you want her to come.
When you seeing doc again? I forgot, where you seeing doc?
i read dat usually swabs for GBS are taken during wk 35-37 cos it poses no danger to mum & baby(s) during pregnancy, only need antibiotics during labour.
dun worry abt dr loh not doing the test la...
the pain is sometimes at the sides, sometimes at the pelvic area which is the one dat worries me. but i jus try to think of it as uterus expansion lor.
these few days office ventilation down, very warm & stuffy... how i wish can work from home, but bo bian... office a lot of things cannot do from home...

I am also having pain at the pelvic area today! Felt like spasms, but it was at the left side near to the pelvic. Should be expansion hor?

Hi all,
i am just back home from the skin clinic! Left my house at 5.30pm and waited outside the clinic until it opened at 7pm. My queue no is 19 and I only saw the doc at 9.30pm! Really scary! Hopefully I dont need to see the doc again. I have gotten the moisturiser from the doc which can act as anti-stretchmark cream too, can use throughout pregnancy and even after delivery. I was advised not to take too much heaty food during confinement coz my skin will definitely be very itchy.
