IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

hi Maykel,
ya, jus started my folic acid again last night. had stopped when i hit 14 wks. now, finish folic then see how lor...

thanks for assuring that my itchiness on tummy is normal. You know, I started having some itchiness on my aerola area and nipples leh! Oh dear, I was so worried yesterday coz I dont know how to cope with the increasing of body area feeling itchy. Scary leh.
Dont know why my skin is giving me so many problems now.
Btw, did you ask for DHA from Dr loh or he prescribed to me without you asking? I am thinking if I should ask Dr Sadhana for it leh. If not, I will need to buy from outside.
I will be starting on my Obimin tomorrow, but I still have lots of folic acid. May I ask should I finish the folic acid(will need to take weeks to finish the folic acid) before taking the Obimin or just take the both at the same time?
thanks for all ur replies.i'm going to my 7th weeks.seen the doc, was advised to rest in bed.Really hope to carry my twins to full term.
Hi juju,
ya loh, at least you are taking in some supplements.

Hi Bliss,
No worries, cos we really have similar probem mah
I think our skin are itchy mainly cos of the dryness, so hopefully all the lotion would helps.
Dr prescibed the DHA on his own leh. I thot you mentioned that dr sadhana does not believe in DHA? Anyway, i think every doc have different ways of treatment. If you really want, shld be no problem getting it from pharmacy bah.
I stopped folic then start obimon, cos obimin already have 1mg of folic in it. I oso got too much folic, eventually gave the remaining 2 strips to my friend.

Hi Pleasance,
then you better rest well okie?
take good care.
Hi Maykel,
Yes, yesterday SF Loh gave me the Obdimin + DHA.
Yea... finally he said baby is OK. Condition normal and my next appointment will be in next 7 wks. Hisk hiskk.... so long. I dun think I have that patience to wait that long to see my baby.. hisk hisk...

Hi Juju,
My folic acid still left about 72 pils, and SF loh ask me to finish it. Hahahahaha :D

Hi Ladies,
Anyone still continue to take folic acid after 13wks?

Hi Pleasance,
Better rest well. Because 1st trimester is very important.

I would love to have another baby but after what I've gone thru... I'm think not twice but thrice before deciding on having another.. Even if I do, my hubby is totally against it after how much he had seem me suffered... I remember asking him, if anything happens.. WOULD YOU SAVE BABIES OR ME? wow... without thinking his answers was "of cos you lah"! Wah I felt so loved...


The nurses in the ward will tell you to wear a bidder, usually they will help you. I was in KK, and the nurse actually told my hubby to go to the pharmacy to borrow the sample bidder to test the size... he actually brought it up to the ward to let the nurse to help me try before buying it.. I used the DALE abdominal binder (117cm - 157cm) Wore it even to sleep bcos sometime I got to wake up in the middle of the nite to attend to babies.. Especially when it's urgent, I tend to forget I have a wound.

And bcos there's the rashes plus the heat from the bidder... it really itch a lot but had to endure.. I actually placed paper hand towels around the skin area to absorb the sweat or else it will be too hot for me...

Re: Maternity Belt

I can understand how heavy you're feeling rite now... I did not wear a belt even thot I wanted to bcos one of my baby's head is right below at my cervic opening there, so I'm worried that it might hinder the shape of her head if I wear the belt. On top of that, the other baby's bottom was smack rite in front of her face.. So you can imagine when she moves her butt, my other poor gal will move her head.. Daddy always kept telling her that she smell meimei's butt when she in my womb.... haiizzzz..
Hi Mrs Teng,
oooo ic. so lovely...

Dunno why, few days ago I got think to get another baby after 2mths delivery. Although the due date is another 6more mths... but dunno why suddenly got the thought.

Very rush oh... so just wondering whether you got same thought like me. Hehehehe Maybe after deliver the baby, i changed my thought.

dunno why, always keep changing thought hahahaha. Maybe hormone change... hahahahaha :D

Yes! the hormone is the culprit... no need to wait for 2 months to consider for another... on my second day after delivery already thinking of it liao! Just right after getting back to my ward bed...just minutes after coming back from SCN... my wound was so painful but still got to get up to go and see babies bcos I have not seem them since birth until more den 36 hrs later...

2 months is a bit too soon... need time to recoup.. and 'bu' your body... somemore got to breastfeed leh! Where got time to make babies? heheheheee
Josephine and yck,
thanks for the info.

Mrs Teng,
bad news for me, I am feeling itchy on my tummy, thighs and buttocks, and even my breasts! A bit of rashes on my tummy...
so scared when I think of poor you having rashes on tummy during pregnancy.
My mum thought my blood circulation is rather poor since young, so she said she will cook some soup good for blood circulation during my 2nd trimester. Meantime, I have to bear with the itchiness, hate to apply cream on almost everywhere on my body daily. Sigh...

Yeah, I understand how you are feeling now... just got to bear with it... tell yourself it'll be over soon...

Like you I also got poor blood circulation, however got no one to prepare herbal soup for me... make sure there's no 'Tang Gui' inside hor... That one circulate your blood n you will feel even hotter, that will make it more itchy...

Tell your mum, it's all got to do with your hormones.. nothing can be done but to bear with it...

I heard of some gals who go for cold shower as many times as they can, so as to cool down their body... It works actually... Apply the cream religiously cos it does help a bit... and the result after birth is that your skin will be so well moisturised that you will not likely to get stretch marks...
Mrs Teng,
ok thanks for the encouragement.
Yes, I have been taking slightly colder shower(I used to have warm shower always)lately, it does help a bit with the oatmeal bath oil.
Sigh... I really hate the itchiness, sometimes I really cant tahan and scratch a bit.
My hubby keeps telling me not to scratch.
Hi Mrs Teng,
Ya hor, never think abt breastfeed. Hahaha :D
Only focusing got another one as brother/sister then can focusing more to my job. Hahahaha :D
Do you drink any Chinese medicine like 'An tai yin' or 'An tai yao'?

Hi ladies,
anyone in here take chinese medicine as another supplement beside vitamin from doctor? if do, what is the medicine?

It's so itchy that I have to cut my nails very short so that I dun harm my skin when I scratch it during the nite. This also means that I can't go for manicure also... haizzzz... I remembered towards my 20 weeks... I could hardly walk for a short distance.. So can't go to the manicurist. In fact, most of my time were spent on bed or on the rattan chair... After 28 weeks, most of the time when I go shopping, I would be on the wheelchair...

When sleeping on bed, I usually will have those cooling gel pads placed under my breast area when I sleeps on the side. Otherwise it will be so hot and the itch will be too intense to tahan... By the middle of the nite, it would have turned warm already... My air-con was full blast, while my hubby's shivering down there I'm only wear my thin cotton nite gown...

Try getting those gel pads from guardian or NTUC Unity... cost about $8 plus. Cool it down in the fridge (not freezer) and take it out early before use, or else it will be too cold to use. Place it at area that u are laying down, esp those itchy area.


As you know I've got rashes during my pregnancy, I dare not anyhow take chinese herbal medications. On top of that, being a IVF mum, I wouldn't want to risk my pregnancy by taking medications that I'm not comfortable with..
Dear Josephine,

I am with Dr Cheng in TMC, and the Chinese Doc that I see also works with Dr Cheng. So when I told them I am taking Dr Loh's(Chinese Doc) med, they are ok. She will know what to prescribe and what to avoid. I was told no seafood, no cooling food, cold drinks and tea. Both my sister and sil took medicine from this doc, so I am ok with it.
Hi Jo,
Good to hear that ur baby is doing well
wow, ur next appt so far away ar....ya loh, if me i oso can't wait heehee....
I stopped my folic after 12wks when i start obimin. Wow, you left so many and he ask you to finish ar?

Hi Mrs Teng,
Oic....so the bidder is more to support the wound is it? How different is it from the maternity belt?
Ya man, can imagine rashes+warm+itch.....
Oh, ur babies position so cute leh, but we would only know the babies' positions oni in the trimester right? haha...ur hubby so funny leh kekeke...
By the way, i already feel very breathless now at near 16wks, i can't talk or walk too long, is it normal? Aiyo, you mean you sit on wheelchair when you shop ar?

Hi Jo and Mrs Teng,
Both of you so cute leh, esp Jo, thinking of having 2nd one even b4 1st one come out haha....then Mrs Teng can think of 1 more with all the wound and all....really admire you gals...
Ya, i understand that we must let our body recover and rest for at least a year b4 we shld conceive again. Relax lah sisters, take 1 step at a time ;)

hey Cale,
I'm wondering if you are ok? Cos so long nvr see you post anything liao, hope everything's ok for you....

The bidder is much wider den the maternity belt.

Position for the babies are more or less fixed towards the end of 2nd trimester.. they realy got no space to move liao. lt's just that they can turn their head left or right at that time.. I've got one Ultrasound scan which shows the face of my younger gal... I teased my hubby that she's got his "camel lips" and true enuf... she appeared to be like what we estimated her looks to be... very interesting!!!

Just like you.. I felt very breathless.. talk also no strength... I see other preggies like can anyhow walk fast fast... I like struggling to stand straight also difficult... Yes! I sat on wheelchair when I go shopping... I used it when I was order to CRIB by Dr Loh... can't stand or walk... so wheelchair lor!

The thot of have a second baby is just the motherly thing lor... felt so overwhelmed when I saw my babies for the first time in SCN.. that time on wheelchair... 2nd day after delivery... See them instantly cry.. mixed feelings
1) felt bad that they were premies and underweight
2) felt bad bcos elder gal has to have IV drips (needle poked on her tiny hands - heartpain)
3) angry with myself for not holding the pregnancy longer
4) felt relief that they are finally born and are in good hands
5) overwhelmed that I'm finally a mother

With all these feelings.. I just thot next one I will definitely take good care during pregnancy.. etc etc...
Somemore, c-section wasn't as scary as I thot to be lor... so dun might having another...

But now, like u said, one step at a time... currently the gals are more den a handful... maybe not so soon...
Hi Mrs Teng,
Oic...thanks for the clarification.

Thats the thing i worry abt twins, i worry they dun have space to move much, but my mum keep telling me babies are smart and they will think of a way to make themselves comfy in the womb haha....

Ya, me have my 'good' days when i can walk more, but these days are rare, there are more days when i get breathless and tightness in my tummy. Aiyo, cham....how many wks were you when he ordered CRIB?

The mixed feelings seems too much to handle all at once, you are good to get thru it all
Anyway dun think abt the past already, just know that you have ur bundle of joys with you now
Dear ladies,

just to check. Anyone got discharge from Crinone gel? I usually insert at night, b4 I sleep. But today I realised that the discharge is more than before. And there is some brown residue. Is this normal for us? I am in my 9 weeks now. Thanks.
Hi LFB, yes it is normal.... I had it very often, like the buildup would come out in clumps (more than usual) like once a week. I was scared when it first happened to me, but i called thhe clinic and they also said it was normal.
Dear Josephine,

Dr Loh Kim Gek is my Chinese physician. Dr LC Cheng is my gynae. Crinon gel is a virginal insert that is use daily until first trimester. I must remember every night. I have alarm set at 7am(folic, progyniva and duphaston), 1pm(progynova) and 7pm(folic, progyniva and duphaston), not forgetting chinese med at 9am and 9pm. Very stress up sometime.
Hi Mrs Teng,
Can check with you, are you working when you are pregnant? If yes, then how many wks preg are you when dr gave HL to rest again? Heard its between 30-32 wks onwards is it? I'm planning next yr's leave, thinking of taking leave from Feb cos i think i won't have energy to work after that haha....

Hi juju,
Hope can see ya on wed, i have long hair with short fringe

Ooo ic. I thought Dr Loh is SF Loh. Hehehehe..
Wow... so many medicine. How many weeks is your pregnancy? see the heartbeat already?
Dear Josephine,

it's the test to check the baby, involve in poking the baby's neck. I have morning sickness, nauseaous, headache and dizziness. What about you? How far are you now?
Hi ladies,
I have very bad bloatedness and sensitive skin. Feeling bloated after every single meal, no matter I slowly I eat or how little I eat. My skin will easily become itchy and once scratched abit, skin will become red very easily. Anyone has similar experience and any good ways to reduce. I hate the bloatedness, can be so uncomfortable that I am unable to take in any food.
Poking baby neck? w o w ....
How to poke? (*sorry silly question, but can't imagine.. hehehehe)
Now is 14wks, I still got the symptoms you mentions but not as bad during 5-10wks pregnancy.

Hi Bliss,
So far i only got itchy in my stomach but not so bad lah cos only sometimes. Wow... it seems your skin very sensitive leh... Bloatedness.. a little bit have.. I still can bear it compare to 1st trimester... hehehe... Wow... have you ask your gynae?
Dear bliss,
yes, I do get the bloatedness and itchiness. The bloatedness I just get use to it. Till today, I still burp like a cow! As for dryness, I put on moisturising cream. That helps for me. YOu can try.
hi bliss, mrs teng, lfb,
i'm getting the itchiness right about now at 20 weeks. my armpits itch like crazy, they look so red.. that's besides the fact that the pigmentation has already set in. other than that, my thighs starting to get spots, when touched, will trigger the itch. i notice the itch mostly concentrate on areas of skin creases like back of knees, in between the legs, armpits, inner elbow.. i've just kept putting antiseptic cream to get ease from the itch.. but when it starts, haiyah.. can't stand!

i've tried the moisturising the skin.. but still not going away.. i know u ladies have been feeling the itches for awhile now.. just sharing mine too..
is the antiseptic cream u have been using prescribed by your doc? I am only at my 13 weeks now, I have been feeling so itchy already, cant imagine what will happen later on. I am bit scared. My underarms also had been very itchy when I was having eczema not long ago. Luckily it was treated after seeing a doc.
I fully understand what you described, my skin also will feel itchy the moment i just touch it. The itch can be anywhere on my body, even on nipples and near anus!

LFB, Josephine,
I apply lots of moisturiser given by doc everyday, but my skin still gets itchy at times, especially when the weather is too cold or too hot.
I have yet to see my gynae as my next appt with her will be on 5 dec. I will definitely ask her then. I am worried of affecting my baby.

My bloatedness is bad, simply feel v bloated after eating anything. I have not been taking dinner these few days, coz I have no appetite and will feel terrible after dinner and it is so hard for me to reduce it and to sleep later on. I am worried of not getting sufficient nutritions, coz I have not been eating well. I have to be careful with what to eat, I try to avoid food that will cause bloating and seafood, spicy food that is no good for sensitive skin.
I really hope to find a good way to solve my bloating problem, coz this has been bothering me everyday. I do feel hungry but the thought of feeling so uncomfortable and painful at times really makes me afraid of eating. I am sure bloatedness will definitely be greater once tummy getting bigger and digestion will get alot slower than now.
me too, have itchness (sometimes) and pigmentation at the armpit areas. really super itch. my armpits look so ugly now
have you gone for your detail scanning? know the bb gender already?

i also dont understand leh. how to poke bb's neck? i dont remember me having that. you have been promoted to level 1 clinic already? actually dr cheng fees is very expensive hor?
hi ladies,
just want to ask if you have found and 'booked' a confinement lady already? My mum and sisters told me to get one soon. Any idea the standard pay of a confinement lady nowadays? I am going to find one who will also help to do housework beside taking care of baby and my meals.
Dear YCK,

I am told to do OSCAR. Maybe you younger, no need. Abt his prices, very expensive. But if successful, then noo choice. The medicine also very expensive. Last week I paid almost S$800 for 3 week's medication! No choice, want baby is like that. ;P
Hi ladies,
Find that the thread had been a bit quiet lately...hope everyone's doing well

Hi Bliss,
Ya, i think its good to start looking for confinement lady now. I started calling a few since last mth, found a good one, but she's already booked in May, so Apr can't do for me...so sad, now still looking.
But again, there are many confinement ladies around, so think still can find, oni dun know they good or not.
I've asked and was told that usually they cook and take care of babies at nite. Some would oso wash baby clothes for you if got no maid. So must ask all these when you call.
So far those few i ask is $1800 for singleton and $2800-2900 for twins. But i think market rate for singleton is abt $1600-1900.
yes, hope to see u later. if u see a malay-looking person speaking mandarin, dat should be me. will be alone cos hubby stuck in office.

possible to get ur mum or MIL to do confinement for u? cos i heard the cost of getting a full-time CL is from $1.5-2k, depending on work scope & whether stay overnite, etc

I did not work when I was preggie... Dr Loh have been giving MC since I got preggie, esp after the bleeding.. was told not to work at all...
juju, Maykel,
I plan to find a confinement lady to stay at my place for the 4 weeks. I need one to take care of simple housework too, such as sweeping, mopping and toilet cleaning. I will start calling after my FTS tomorrow. Hope to see baby is growing well. It has been 5 weeks since last scan.
I have been a bit moody these few days due to the bad bloating and sensitive skin. Cried a few times at night when bloating was so bad that I could not get to sleep even when I was sleepy. It will trigger nausea, so I was upset.
Anyway, I just try to think of my precious baby and tell myself I love my baby very very much, I will definitely be able to cope well with all the discomforts. I tell myself I must be strong enough, as these discomforts will probably be nothing compared to the tedious work of taking care of baby later on since I want to be a SAHM.
I do feel happier when I tell myself all these are nothing, will be able to go thru very soon.

I cant ask my mil or mum to help me during confinement. My mil is very old, too tedious for her. My mum is fully occupied with my sister's 2 sons. And I prefer to employ a confinement lady as I feel bad to have my mum or mil to help out as the job is very tedious and tiring. Confinement lady basically cant sleep at night, she needs to take care of baby even throughout the night. So I feel better to pay for one to do the job.
ic, now can understand le
wish u best of luck in finding a good and cheap CL, lucky not CNY period else even more ex.

quite a few long hair wif short fringe today. but if u wore heels or ur mum/mil was there, i noe which one u r le.

today saw dr loh for the 1st time. other than he talking a bit fast, i was ok wif him.
very happy to see baby again, now 10.5cm le. morning i told baby to open legs big big to let us see boy or gal. then when dr loh scanned, baby's legs really open big big lor. dr loh say likely to be a gal. hee hee!!! pity hubby not there, he was so excited when i told him abt today's scan. dr loh also let me do the 2nd tri maternal serum test (for down syndrome) today since i'm 16 wks le. so, jus hope results ok la.
Hi ladies,
I went for my 16 wks follow-up today. Babies are 10.2 and 10.9cm. Both are growing well and active. Dr loh tried to see the gender, 1 of them legs open big but can't see, so he say maybe gal, the other 1 at another angle, cannot see

My tummy had been feeling so tight lately, makes me feel breathless....

Hi Mrs Teng,
Oic...doc loh very nice, today told me anytime i start contraction or felt that i can't work he will start HL again. I hope can tahan til Feb/Mar 09.

Hi Bliss,
Ya, i know wat you mean, even thou i getting a maid, i still want a confinement lady, cos i dun trust the maid to take care of baby at nite. My mil dun know how to care for babies and my mum taking care of my sis 3 kids, so i dun wana stress her oso....
I think mood swings now is quite normal, i oso felt this way abt 2wks ago. I oso cry for no reason and felt that no one understand my 'sufferings'. But i wori it may affect my babies, so i try to think positive and am better now. You try to distract urself and dun think so much okie? Dun worry, you are nvr alone here

Hi juju,
haha....ya, my mum was with me today, she oso brought 2 of my sis's kids along, so our entourage is kinda noisy today haha....i'm wearing pink blouse, hope the one you saw is me
wat blouse you wearing today? i kept looking around but cannot guess which one is you leh, today so many pple in the clinic.
I think we got the same ans from dr loh today, he can't see means maybe gal haha...
yes, hope ur DS results would be alright.
oh, then i think i missed ur entourage le. i din see anyone wif kids, and din see kids wif lady wearing pink blouse.
i was wearing blue checkered top wif black tights. prob on the phone most of the time.
Hi juju,
haha....maybe today really too many pple in the clinic. I didn't noticed you oso, but think we'll definitely meet in the antenatal class next mth
Now i'm very worried for Cale, so long nvr see her post liao leh....
BTW, when is ur next appt? My detailed scan is on 17 dec, seeing dr loh on same day. You leh?
is Cale too bz wif work or something? hope she's ok.

mine also 17 dec, but as i'm flying to HCMC on 16th, i'm thinking to bring forward to 15th or 16th early morn

maykel, juju,
I will call my sister's confinement lady during her 2nd confinement. Hopefully she is good still and available.

Hi all,
I just went for my FTS this morning. The waiting time to see the doc after the scan was really long...nearly fell asleep.
I was so happy to see my baby again, baby is 68mm now. Baby's position was cute at the beginning of the scan, head was down and legs up inside my womb, I was surprised to see the position. Then during the scanning, baby kept moving, and finally position was horizontal. Heehee... so funny.
Baby's nasal bone and nuchal translucency were detected during the scan. I had my blood test too. Will be informed of the result next week, hope everything will be very fine.

My mood is so much better after seeing baby.

My next appt to see Dr Sadhana will be on 5 Dec, yippe.. can see baby again then!
