IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Lots of babydust to you! Hope to see u in this thread soon!

Yah, u r right, all 4 of us had c-sec! Interesting... Think we must try to "enjoy" this phase, cos once our bbs grow up, no more chance to cuddle them.

Congrats! Very touching right? I also cried when i heard my bb's cry. Who's doing confinement for u? Hope u will rest well.

Ya tiring lor. Still bf and sometimes supplement wif FM. Yr ss seems quite alright leh. So u total bf right? For c-sect can we do massage? I still got tummy dunno how to reduce it...any tips?

Yr bb very cute, really a joy to look at them.Yr CF lady very bad, so discouraging, no wonder u can't wait for her to go.

I'm still not sure abt the 6-in-1 or 5-in-1 vaccination. Which is better? When must i bring my bb for jab if i choose either one of it?

Hope u r coping well. Yr hubby so gd help u to change diapers. I better train my hubby to do so before my CF lady leaves...
Hi Bohdi & Dawn ,

Thks for clarify abt the CL .. I thk i will go without the CL.. haha, paying them $ 3k and not doing anythings..

Dawn, yr babies are so adorable..Hopefully i have 1 gal n 1 boy too..

Needles, Congrate n rest well
Hi Pinky,

I intend to bring my babies back in Sept, by then they are about 5 months. Actually babies can travel after they are 1 month old. I have got the Maclaren Rally Twins stroller but no chance to use them yet as my babies are just too small to fit in..... i intend to try it when they are about 3 months.

I think it is the right choice not to have any confinement lady as i also felt that paying 3k is alot of money and they don't do much too....

Acutally newborn babies doesn't need to bath everyday, just wipe them is good enough. I don't bath them for the 1st week as the weather over at my side was cooling at that time, after that was my MIL that do the bathing and i just pick it up from there and i'm doing it fine right now. My advise is if you can do it yourself will be better, rather than leave it to the maid.
thanks gals, i think all babies r cute! esp at this age! let's post more pics of your babies so that we that we can all drool!

michelle, yah, now cannot leave them on changing table or bed even for a few seconds...even we go and wash hands have to pop them back to the play pen.

rammy, hold on there .....1st 2 months is the worst cos they need milk v frequently....by 3 months when they can sleep thro the nite, ur life will be more bearable.

Nicole, u will join us....
double dosage of baby dust!

petals, yah, i had very very bad OHSS due to the 42 eggs that were retrieved. was quite pissed with the nurse cos b4 my puregon jab, i did ask her if i m supposed to jab 200microml as i have PCOS. Even for my SOIUI, just 50microml, will stimulate about 15 to 20 eggs. she just gave me a cold stare as if saying " u smarter than us is it?" and told me the head of IVF have gone thro your case file and approved this dosage. wanted to tell her but i remembered my gynae told me i should take a lower dosage of puregon due to PCOS but after her reply, din dare to be "ge kiang" so had to suffer the OHSS. very bloated and in pain after the procedure.
oh your 800ml is so much more than mine and should be enuff for your kids rite?
I have PCOS which cause low supply in feeding mothers...but i just give what ever i have and supplement the rest with formula milk.

nano, usually when baby is week 6 have to bring them for the first jab. 6in1 jab just means they combine certain dosages...think it is hep b and another jab, so your baby go for less number of jabs.

pinky, oh but the CL did teach me how to bathe the kids and other stuff lah. and one good thing is my hubby and i dun have to wake up at nite for feeds lor.

re: tummy
my babies going to be 4months old tomolo but my tummy is still there!!!
Dawn, nano,
My tummy still there too...looks like preggy leh
...but manage to squeeze into my old jeans. Thinking whether now too late for malay massage or not. Wah, Dawn, how come they didn't review your history properly b4 giving u puregon dosage?? Ohss no joke leh...I had it b4 during my prev cycle, bloated until almost can't breathe and no appetite. I try to direct BF at least once a day, but bbs don't latch on for very long and still cry. So I usually just bottle-feed after 5-10min of trying. Hiaz...

After delivery b4 I was discharged, I made sure I attended their free classes on BF and bathing bb. At least can see demo of bathing bb, and hear others' experience on BF. It really helps. I didn't get a CL too, only MIL and myself handling most of the time. DH and FIL will help when free from other chores. Initial 2 wks very siong for all of us, but getting better at managing the schedule now.
hi ladies..

wah..the thread suddenly so active these few days..hehe..

Congrats Needle!! Finally popped!! wahh.. ur bb is really of a good weight !! Rest well and may ur pain go away soon!!
So..u tried to induce for natural first before going for c-sect?


ur babies very cute!! well done gal!!


how come u didn't start on the malay massage earlier..? is it bcoz c-sect gotta wait for the wound to heal first ?

btw ladies..

what's the difference between 5 in 1 and 6 in 1 vaccination? price difference alot?

Looking forward to more beautiful pics to be posted here..!

sorry..forgot to ask u another question..

which hosp u delivered in..? wonder if KKH has free classes on BF and BB feeding like the one u have mentioned...
your babies so cute and beautiful! here's my darlings @5 mths... ;P





and regarding tummy, mine is also still here!! haha... sometimes on mrt, pple still give up their seat for me... ai yo! fyi, i actually did the malay massage only after 6 weeks. the tummy did reduced a little after the 10 consecutive sessions, about 2 inches i think. since then till now, i think it did reduced about another 2 inches but still way to go!! haiz... think tummy's gonna be the toughest point to lose! gotta work hard on stomach crunches!! trying to do it every nite but sometimes just too tired and dozed off before i know it... haha...

let's jiayou to lose our extra weight, if have tips, must share, okies?
hey dawn,
just saw your post about civil servants having subsidised rates! so, how much did you pay for their first jab? the 6 in 1 izit? for me, i went to a GP near my place and paid about $100 per baby. they will be doing their third jab soon, ard early jun, so just need to see if the cost difference is worth the switch!
oh yah,
petals....u v sharp, the bedsheet is indeed from Kaki bukit! btw did u get the bed cot from BH? seems to have a dent formed in the mattress liow....my gal too heavy? shouldn't be right? must be mattress poor quality!! i must go and buy new one liow, the other mattress that my boy is using is from John little, no dent at all! how can u squeeze into your jeans if u still look preggy??? i still wearing my maternity jeans u know....
i have no courage to take out my old jeans. i suffered v bad ohss, yes like u say cannot breathe and very very bloated. plus after 4th day ET kept throwing up. my mum so heart pain seeing me go through all these.....but it is all worth it. I still latch once a day for my gal. she likes to latch, but mummy dun have enuff milk for a full feed, so after that still got to top up. haha....my boy din latch for 2 months liow, last week latched him on again cos the breastpump suddenly broke down, and realised he din know how to latch liow....bit my nipples! owwcchhh!!!

dodo, i din do malay massage due to my c-section. u think still in time to do? my sis says i still look 3 month preggy! Your twins r lovely too! are the top 2 pics your gal, and the bottom 2 your boy? ur gal gal got dimples! so sweet.....
have u started them on any solid food yet?

i paid about 80+ for their 1st jab for each twin but need to pay another 80 for consultation with the PD...think no need consultation also can. will go for their 2nd jab this wednesday and check for you. ;) u also civil servant? (i am from MOE, not sure if it applies for all civil servants....)

hopes, 6in1 just combines one of the hep b jab together with one of the compulsory jab, so ur baby will take one less jab (n u need not make one more trip down for the jab), think slightly more ex oni....just introduced these few years. also heard pple saying 6in1 less prone to fever after jab?
dawn, i think it is never too late to do the massage. it also includes the jamu wrap for 10 consecutive days. well, if you are interested, you can check with Zila @91272502. ye... i am a civil servant too, with MOM. huh, looks like the price diff like not much lei. the reason why we opt for a GP near our place is for the convenience cos we've gotta bring 2 babies for the jabs! That is why we did not go back to the paed at Mt Alvenia, its just too troublesome, the travelling and all....

lefty, yes! both has dimples, inherited fr daddy... haha!
Ya, can't do massage immed when u have c-sect, usually wait at least 1 mth to 6wks later, to make sure the wound heals first. Yep, I was talking abt the sessions in KKH, usually every morning at the same ward, attended by the new mummies who just delivered. It's just one-time sessions. So I spent one morn each on the bathing demo and the BF discussion. I think shld be free lah...There's also a video on BF shown every morn on one of their in-house tv channels.

Your bbs sooo cute!! Aiyo, dimples...I also want!!

Ya, also got the mattress from BH. Huh, can dent so fast ah? Oh dear, must check mine later. Abt jeans, squeeze is the right word to use...hee...will get a slight muffin-top lor...tummy spillover.
Can't wear my maternity jeans as it keeps slipping down as I walk.

Ok, have to go prepare for next feed.
petals, u still can "squeeze"...i dun dare to try...sure super depressing one. ;)my maternity pants elastic waistband one...so fits nicely.
The dent on the mattress appeared after 2 months plus fro mine, ur babies how many weeks liow?

dodo, me got consider GPs also, quite convenient hor?
but i need to bring them to KK for review cos they r premmies mah, so might as well go for jab at the same time.
ya dawn, GP is so much more convenient, esp for us, with multiples! keke~~

oic... ya.. for your case, it makes sense since u hv to make the trip anyway.

thks all, for the compliments... ;) do share more photos of our darlings here!
Hi All, its so nice to see ur beautiful babies.... I do hope I will be able to chat with you all on this website soon.......... Thanks for the well wishes.
hi petals - thanks... another question on sterilizer..my fren told me not to buy and just boil everything in a pot.. i am thinking since i am getting an electric pump, shld i also dump into the pot to boil or into a sterilizer wld be better?

Hi dodo - ur babies so cute..the girl is so pretty and the boy is so boyishly charming!
vanilla, i started off boiling in a pot, but after 2 weeks, got an electric steriliser cos much more convenient! i've gotten the pigeon brand. as for the electic pump, note that you can only sterilise it once per day, can do by either method though.
You can also use the boiling method. But I got the steam steriliser cos I thought quite 'laychay' to boil my pump parts and bottles every time. The pigeon one takes only 6min, very fast, also saves water.

You mean we can steam the bpump parts only once a day?! Why ah? Cos I steam them everytime i use, which is a few times a day...oh oh...

any idea if the pigeon steriliser can be used on avent bottles..?


ur babies are very very cute!!!!!
Hi all,

Congrats to all new mummies. all the babies photo are so cute that make me even more determine to have mine too.

I have a successful IVF last year but resulted in miscarriage when i am 11 weeks. I think some ladies might remember me.

I will be starting another fresh cycle soon. However this time i have been doing TCM to tiao the body. I know some ladies was doing TCM while on the the cycle.

I was wondering when i am doing IVF, can i take the Chinese herb that is been prescribe to me? Please advise. Thank you.
my breast pump is medela PIS advanced. i read fr the instructions that should sterilise oni once per day lei. well, i suspect is due to the materials they use for the breast pump parts lor.
Hi Babylow & Sunflower,

I am taking TCM during my process of FET to my 2WW . But the TCM Dr is recommended by TFC . I even asked the Dr cheng if it is safe to continue my TCM after ET. He gives me a green light to go ahead.

So personally i think it better to get the TCM Dr recommended by the gynae..
ximi, some chinese physician doesn't like to give chinese medicine for us to take while we are on IVF/IUI.....i am not sure why. the one i went to told me to stop taking her herbal prescription once i start my cycle. My gynae also think should not take TCM for my case. so I think u need both gynae and ur chinese sifu to give the green light b4 u go ahead. but i did do chinese accupuncture b4 my ET. ;)

dodo and petals, i also sterilize my medela everytime i use....till i read no need. esp for countries like aussie, heard they say just use warm soapy water to wash can liow.

vanilla, should get a sterilizer but just get a basic function can liow. i got an AVent IQ24, which is supposed to be able to keep the bottles sterilized for 24 hours inside. haha...in the end, i just use it like a normal basic one, the moment it is sterilize, i take out everything, assemble and put all the bottles in a clean huge air-tight tupperware.
Thanks dawn. Ya when my fren told me to boil i was thinking then i need to buy a big pot! The Avent bottles are to prevent colic right? If i get a ameda breastpump, i can use avent bottles and say avent sterilzer or a Pigeon sterilizer right?

Sorry for being so blur..so many types of milk bottles, strollers, steriliser and then pumps...i think buying baby clothes is the easiest!
Vanilla, Hopes,
I think the pigeon one can fit any bottle width as it is just 2 trays (one on top of the other). I use the bottom one for bottles (i sterilise abt 8 short 150ml bottles at a time) and the top tray for all the teats, parts etc. I haven't tried the taller bottles yet, but the trays height can be adjusted. Shld get it only when on offer at $88.70 (UP $118), and also esp when Tangs is having additional 12% rebate for citibank cards.

Hi hi! Of course remember u... I'm not keen on herbal stuff so I didn't take any. But i did acu up until my ET.

Dodo, Dawn,
Mine also PIS Advd. Oh, didn't notice the manual said only once a day. Oh well...feel more secure if i sterilise, esp for my preemie bbs... Maybe will stop later when they are bigger. :p
Thanks Petals, another question - there is much talk abt this BPA free bottles... do u know which brand of milk bottles they are?

thanks again !
Hi all,

Thank you. I am with Dr Zou now. I know my gynae will be against me using TCM using IVF as he worried it will affect the result.

But i have been using TCM after last year cycle. I was thinking of using herbal stuff while i am on cycle but was worried as this is my first time and not sure how i will react to it. Are there any ladies who is using herbal stuff while on IVF ?

hav been really busy with e babies so only got time to read but no time to post.

congrats to all new mummies!! enjoy ur motherhood!!


ur babies r so adorable! how many mth r they now?(actual age n corrected age) mine r going to 4mth next wk but corrected age only 2.5mth. they cant flip yet but only able to turn side ways.

here are my bbs pic, sitting on sofa. heehee...

hi sunflower..

i was using TCM while on IVF...

i was also from dr Zou's clinic last time

personally... i find TCM help me get better and better results each time.

for my case..

1st fresh cycle - no tcm, no acup = BFN

1st FET cycle - acup , no tcm = BFP but ended up with miscarriage few wks later coz my womb not strong enuff

2nd FET - acup with TCM before and after ET = BFP .. and now i'm abt 6 mths preggy..hehe..

but of coz..results are individual.. but i guess acup and tcm works for me.

Oh! they are all so adorable... muah! muah! muah! kisses to them... now you make me drool...

Meimei looks very curious...hehehe..

So happy for you... take care...
weiwei, ur gal has grown so much!
her face is fuller now, really looks sweet beside her kor kors. How heavy r they liow?

my twins are 4 months and 4 days old today (corrected age is 3months n 4days cos they were born 36wks). I brought them for check up at PD@KKH yesterday and she says babies start flipping between 3 months to 6 months is normal. my gal has not flipped completely over yet too...still left one arm that is stuck!!!! heheh

u must be still super busy looking after ur triplets. can't imagine how u cope...must salute u....taking care of my twins already exhaust me n my maid liow!
mrs teng

ya, meimei s very busybody one, always want to kick her bros b ut end up they kick her n box her back even harder. haha... anyway, she seems enjoying e playtime with them although s actually fighting time.


korkor s almost 7kg n didi s 7.3kg. meimei still smaller compare to e other 2, she s 4.3kg.

taking care of triplets s tired but u wil forget all e tiredness when they play with u or smile at u. recently they've been "talking" to me n i wil talk back to them using their yiyi ahah n hihi language. korkor even can say maaawoo maaawoo... really funny. btw, my babies has been always drooling nowadays. always bite e teat n play. r they teething? is tat too fast to start teething?
dear wei wei,
your babies are so adorable. i wish i could see them in real person. i just wonder if i have such opportunity to do so. i could imagine the fun you are having with them all the time, although IT'S TIRING!!! That is the joy of motherhood... Kudos for you...

btw, how is mei mei health condition? she seems healthy in the picture. you mentioned fighting time. what does that mean? whatever it is, she is a FIGHTER!!! perhaps, tougher that her brothers, heheh!!!

hear from you again!!!
dear hope,
thank you for your assurance!!! hope to see your baby soon!!!

i think with Hope's assurance, you can be on tcm without much worries...
Wei Wei, your gal sure is catching up fast!! so adorable, your babies....

Ximi, like Hopes, I did no TCM or ACUP for my 1st fresh cycle - BFN! then the sisters recommended me to Dr Zou, I did both TCM and ACUP and I got BFP for my 1st FET. For the chinese herbs, I took Dong Cong Cao and Ginseng (mixed by Dr Zou) daily 2 weeks prior to FET. Then during 2ww, she gave me some TCM powder which I took (suppose to strengthen the kidney or something), then the 1st month after BFP, I took her An Tai Yao until I saw DR Loh at Week 6 and stopped TCM but took only tablets given be Dr Loh. Hope that will give you more assurance on TCM as I think Dr Zou did make a difference in my FET cycle, not just the treatment, but because she is very encouraging and positive, and that gives me confidence and the right state of mind which i think is useful during the 2ww. All the best to you.

Nano, Needle, Rammy, how are you all coping with your babies???

GSS Starts!!! time to buy baby stuff!!
Hi all

Congrats to all who have officially become mothers and those mother to be.
Those pics posted look really cute and i can't wait to see mine.

During my first fresh cycle, i didn't do any acu or TCM and i failed my cycle. During first FET, i did acu and TCM for abt 3 months and took Dong cong cao and ginseng a month before transfer. Same like Michelle, i took TCM during the 2ww prescribe by Dr Zou. I got BFP! But i stopped TCM when i was 6 weeks becoz of MS and Dr cheng suggested to stop TCM and continue the pills he prescribe to me. Dr Zou is very encouraging and helps me stay positive thru out the cycle. So i would say its worth the try. Good luck...

I've done my scan tuesday which is exactly 4 months. Dr pointed out the legs of my baby and i saw something pointing out. He says it could be a boy but will have to confirm next month when i do the detailed scan. Anyone have the same experience and turns out to be boy? My hubby is hoping for a boy.

Thanks yah
babywishing, yes i also saw something near the legs around wk 13 but din dare to ask the doc, wk 16 doc says more prob there is one boy, detailed scan by wk 20 confirmed one boy and boy gal. ;)

weiwei, yes my twins are drooling like crazy reight now....i checked with PD if they r teething, she says not so fast leh. hee hee...i understand...mine has been jabbering away in their own language these few weeks, v fun. the more u talk to them, the more they answer back, as if in "arguement"....everybody in the family has great fun talking to them! wow, ur boys r really heavy! my gal is 6.9kg now and boy is oni 6.3kg. ;)
Hi all,

Thank you for the reply, i am more assure now with Acc and TCM as i also did see more improvement on my health than before.

I have been following this thread very closely. it is really very heart warming to see all the babies photo. They are all so cute.
your babies' so adorable! and mei mei looks really curious, haha...

i understand that you took NPL for half a year to look after your twins izit? so, is it just you and the maid during day time? I am currently contemplating whether to take some NPL to look after my twins or not... i am really very tempted lei, hehe... the toughest part is no pay lor, haha...

hi. meimei s quite stable n havin 2 mthly appt to see e dr. so far she s catching up fast. otherwise she eats a lot n cries loudly. love to sleep beside her bros but always kana punch n kick frm e boys n still enjoy.


heehee, my mistake la. korkor s 6.4kg n didi s 6.7kg about 10 days ago. e weight i told u s our goal for end of this mth. but they still heavy la. my friend's DD 1yr old already, only 7kg. maybe she s too thin. haha.....


haha, she keipo la...

i m taking NPL also til babies 6mth old. after tat wil b my mum n mil take care of them. think e 1st few mth s more xiong n hope after 6mth they wil be easier to handle.
ximi, i understand how u feel....i used to drool over all the baby photos posted by the ivf mummies who had given birth in the past, now finally after all the ups and downs, i have my own kids! trust me, v soon u will be posting ur own precious baby photos too! jia you!

dodo, yes took another 1/2 yr NPL to take care of them...will be back at work in Oct. Maid and I are the main care givers through twice a week, my MIL and my mum each will come to help out for 8 hours, in cooking/helping to feed/play with the babies so that we can take a break. I m fine with no pay (means must shop less!), it is my hubby who is quite unhappy about me taking no pay leave....but i am quite adamant that i want to take care of them personally the 1st 10 months at least. sigh...so had some unhappiness over the issue lor. how come u want to take NPL after going back to work for quite some time? is it the MIL issue?

think 7kg for 1 years old is a bit too thin liow! my fren's boy is 8kg at 9months is oredi at the 25 percentile. but as long the kids r healthy, that is more impt lah!!! ur gal really a little fighter, she looks bright and happy beside her brothers.
my hubby also very scared that i will regret my decision. he told me to consider carefully before deciding. he's afraid that i cannot handle!! ya, your kind of support is good, at least there's extra hands sometimes. that would help to keep your sanity... haha!
