IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

I just came back from MC. Was warded for monitoring because could not feel baby movement for a long time and got panicked! Went in to KK and DR Loh very KS, check this check that... anyway, i cannot describe the feeling when I heard the baby heartbeat once they hook up the CTG, it was such a huge relieve. Everything is ok now.. baby is just being playful... lazy to move for that day.. now he is moving non-stop and sometimes so painful!!! Tummy getting heavier and fatigue starts to kick in... very tiring leh! can't wait for full term to come quickly...

How about other MTBs and mummies. how you all doing??

Needle, My EDD is 21 Jul. Am in 34wk now. You delivered in which week? i am thinking when i should start my ML.. did you work till the last day or? btw, how is your C-sect wound, still painful?
Hi All

I went for an early beta test today. The results are Positive.. Im so happy...

I have been suffering from servere backaches and tummy pain, tummy is so bloated n hard! Cannot sleep at nite.. It hurts so bad.. Been vomiting for the past few days... Anyone has any remidies.. pls share..
Nicole, Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rest properly and take good care of yourself....have a smooth 9 months! not sure about any remedies cos i din have much of those.....u sound like OHSS from the bloated tummy, drinking more water to flush out the high level of hormones will help. ;)
didn't have time to go to mthrhd fair. My boy didn't poo for more than 48 hrs...almost going to bring him to see dr, but gd thing he finally did it this morn. aiyo.

Congrats!! If it's ohss, some recommend taking egg whites and drinking lots of water to reduce bloating. Do take care and let ur doc know how u feel. If feel unbearable or breathless, see ur dr immed.

hang in there...you r in gd hands. Enjoy that preggy feeling. Once u pop nxt mth, u'll miss feeling ur bb's kick. Also, don't forget to take pictures of ur belly now as it'll be a nice momento.
thanks all. Ya my doc is aware of my discomfort. she said my hormones level is high. shld end with the 1st trimester.
above all its worth the pain. just trying to get thru the day. worried about work.................
Thanks, my spotting stopped. mine single only la, no multiples.

I also gone facial only, wow, so relaxing hor...my therapist somemore did shoulder massage all the way to my lower back...wa shiok shiok hehe

KK uses Friso, so continued with it. Ya, think will only do after 3rd mth. My healing process is quite slow, some of my friend did c-sect, went massage after 4 weeks
Hi ladies,

How long shd we let baby wear mittens?..issit after 2mths can remove leow??

Also need some advice...my milk ss is dropping so wanna supplement wif FM but bb always like to latch n reject FM? How leh?
nano, i stopped letting my babies wear mittens after they were 6 weeks. it depends on u...i read somewhere that it helps the babies in their pyscho motor skills if u take off their mittens earlier. ;) though...they willscratch their faces abit lah.

not sure about FM...haha cos have been suplementing with FM since day 1.
Huh, I'm still letting them wear mittens leh cos they will scratch their faces...am I supposed to stop?

Any weight diff betw ur bbs? Mine 1kg diff...but still within normal range.

Yah facial so shiok. Need to find time for my next session... :p
petals, my boy will have terrible scratches almost every day....haha...but heals fast. i read that it is a small price to pay for to develop their senses at the fingers. ;) so i dun mind. jus cut their finger nails regularly. mine till now 5 months still scratches his face.

their weight difference is about 500g. ;) yes facial was heavenly!!!!!!! jus went last week....have not gone facial since i was preggie!
hi mummies...i am new here...

any one tried with frozen embryos and succeed in conceiving?

what are the percentage of success as compare to the first attempt? i think 1st attempt success rate is about 25% rite?
Yah i thought i read somewhere after 2mths can remove mittens leow but my bb fingernail very long..must make sure i cut regularly.

Actually i also supplement wif FM in the early wks but bb never reject, it was only recently lor..

I wanna go facial too...long time nvr go leow. I find it hard to cut my bb fingernail cos she dun sleep very deep...scare she will move. So far my CF lady cut once when she was here.

Hi anotherhope,
I'm not too sure abt FET but i think there are some ladies here who can give u more info
hihi anotherhope, my twins r by FET. yes, even though it is lower success rate than the 1st IVF but u never know how ur body behaves noe. ;) jia you.

nano, think the babies become more choosy as they grow older. when they young, anything also drink. nowadays...*sigh*, temp not right also complain, milk brand change also complain, mood not rite, different pple feed them also complain. haha.
hi anotherhope..

my current singleton pregnancy also by FET

i agree with dawn.. it's more on how good your body condition is when doing the transfer

u going thru any TCM treatment now?
Hi another hope,

I succeed with my FET too. Tested triplets at 1st but later downgrade to twins. So, i thk FET chances is also the same / or slightly lesser than fresh IVF .

But my fresh ivf and 1st FET has a 1 year gap, during tat meant time, i took TCM to " tiao" my body. During my FET, i stayed @ hme during my 2WW , took my TCM ( approved by my gynae ) , drill a hole on the embryo ). Dun knw if any do help but i have already try my best.

All the best in yr FET
Hi ladies

Im back to work finally. Yesterday was the 1st day. It went well. Just taking it slow..... had a little brown discharge at lunch time n evening. nothing today so Im monitoring..

My 6weeks scan will be this friday. very excited but worried too!!

Ladies, please tell me where to get cheap maternity clothes... I have to use them since XL dont fit me anymore! hehehehe.. I wanted to get 2 tops from Mango and tried the XL, the tummy bit was so tight! not worth t get cause wont be able to use in a few weeks time. I manage to get 1 maternity t-shirt from Dorothy Perkins for $23 and a big size cargo pants from Cotton On for $25... Need to get a fee more work clothes but those are the ones that are ex! hehehehe..

Another thing I cant use bra cause the bottom bits hurts, so Im using silicon nipples sickers. Using the maternity undies from mothercare. on offer so bought 2 packets..

Help, I need to get a few more outfits but they are all so ex, anyone knows where to get nice cheap/reasonable cost maternity clothes.

Im so itching to get the baby clothes since they are on offer @ mothercare but worried its still to early! so will just wait n see..
Hi Nicole ,

Try out Spring maternity @ suntec / @ AMK hub .. Other places i still looking for.

As for me , XL too.. I didnt want to spend too much on clothes. I got 2 super Big T-shirt blouse ( size 18 ) frm Marks & Spencer @ $ 20/nos. Very comfortable. Acty i m wearing size 14 now. Heehe, like maternity wear ..

As for bra, I went to OG @ Albert complex and found this brand " AMO " . They have super big size and super big cup. T-shirt bra and very soft so my nipples dun get hurt. Coz i thk mine old bra was abit tight and laces is rough . I oni bought 2 pcs @ $ 20 but nw still too earlier to get alot .
hi nicole..

congrats on ur BFP!!

i got most of my maternity wear online..hehe..basically i'm a very lazy girl..
so.. i usually shop online.. oldnavy.com or gap.com from their maternity series .. or just normal range.. coz their sizes quite big compared to sg... but remember to get one size smaller than what u usually buy from Sg.. coz their sizes are bigger in general..

as for bras.. i have bought some sorella seamless (wireless) microfibre bras from one of those bra shops from whampoa.. i think other bra shops also have ..hehe.. $23.90 (buy 2 get one free). very comfy and nice support without the wires!!


have u decided to go for c-sect or natural already..?

i should be right behind u.. i'm at wk 30 now..hehe..

i just came back from Suntec...
the spring maternity there is having sale..
many tops/bottoms and dresses are going for like $15 to $25..

managed to grab a few nice pieces for myself..
u might wanna check it out..

not all are nice.. but .. at least they are arranged nicely in racks outside the shop itself.. so ..quite easy to browse..
Hopes, i am at wk 36 now... now can really feel the backaches, the pelvic pain etc... hope I can endure another few more weeks... I will avoid C-section unless absolutely necessary. As to epidural.. decide there and then..

Rammy/nano/needle, which wk did you give birth? at this stage now, its really dilemma. I hope to carry baby longer, but every day so tiring and can't wait to see baby... argh!! Btw, how did all 3 of you end up going for C-sect? i would really like to prevent that.. any advise?
Hopes, hahhaha, I mange to get 2 tops & 1 pants.. Will be getting a few more tomorrow or firday. The sale is till monday.. Im only 1month and Im spending so much on clothes. hehhe
Hopes, Nicole,
I prev got my clothes from Spring too...I esp liked their yoga pants with the waistband that folds down below the belly. Bought a few pairs and wore them till i delivered. Very comfy. Some of their tops very pretty too.

hang in there...you'll see ur bb soon!
hi nicole..

glad to hear u managed to get some good stuff there!! hehe..

hi michelle..

i think anytime between wk 38-42 is considered as full term already right..?
just bear for another few more wks.. jia you!!

are u with KKH huh..? when do we have to choose whether we wanna go for the 4 bedded or single bedded ward ?


yah lor!! i find spring's collection very nice and comfy to wear too.. in fact.. i think some can wear even after giving birth..hehe.. at least for me lah.. coz i kind of big sized..:p
I bought bigger sizes(2x bigger) thinking I can grow into it rite? I dont want to waste $$ buying fitted stuff. Hope I made the rite move! hehhee.

Did all of you see your baby/babies heart beat at 6weeks... The nurse told me not to be alarm if there is no heart beat yet as sometimes the baby takes longer to develop. Tomorrow is my 6 weeks scan in the late afternoon. Excited & Anxious
Hopes, I am still with DR Loh. I have not done the admission yet, so not very sure.. i guess at the point of doing admission, you have to decide on 4-bedded or single bedded and pay accordingly... will let you know when I come to that..

Nicole, I did see baby heartbeat at 6 weeks... it was a very emotional experience seeing the heart beating away... enjoy your scan 2mr...
thanks michelle..

i am just wondering how much will the bill difference be between single and 4 bedded..


so fast MS already ah..?
Hi All We had good news from the doc yesterday. we are carrying twins! hehehehhe.. Saw 2 heatbeats... I was so happy than I kept going thank god thank god... had a scare b4 going to the hospital for the scan n doc visit... had blodd when I whipe after I peed. freaked out n kept telling god to pls keep the bay/babies safe.. doc said could be old blood but try not to walk to much around. so Im trying my best to be a good girl n stay at home. I think its all the walking around at lunch time n after work looking for things......... mange to get all I need for a week n to keep using it over n over again until canot fit.
Will come back later to chat.

Dawn & Petals any advice for me?? since you both had twins, I welcome any advice.. Is it true MS can start after later in the pregnancy?? m just having nausea. Food is not coming out when I vomit.
nicole, congrats again! my hubby n i nearly freaked out when we found out that we carrying twins. think my hubby oni got used to this idea after they were delivered! haha. I didn't have MS through out my pregnancy, so it really is diff for diff pple. i oni felt tired, can sleep the whole day.
but twin pregnancy higher risk of miscarriage, so u must really rest properly, dun walk around too much. I tot never mind, so went on life as normal, even went shopping at Vivo! suddenly v heavy bleeding in the 5th week n was hospitalised then given bed rest till i was in wk 13. then i worked for 2 months plus, dr loh ordered bed rest b4 i even reached 3rd trimester for me till i give birth. so my whole pregnancy, i oni worked 10 weeks!

take good care of yourself this trimester, rest whenever possible even when u feel perfectly fine, u can shop when in 2nd trimester when stronger!
Hopes, I did the pre-admission last sat after seeing Dr Loh. For 1-bedder, the estimated cost is around $3570 ($1880 medisave). For 4-bedder, it is around $2190. Btw, Dr Loh will be on overseas conference and won't be back till 14 Jul. I was refered to another gynae in case I give birth early... alamak.. until the last mile and HE IS NOT AROUND!! When are you seeing him again??

Nicole! Heartiest Congrats!! Have a good rest and take really good care...
Many thanks Dawn, yup doc told me to if I this continue she will make sure I go on bed rest. I need to keep working. need the $$.. Will stop my walking around. hehhee... I only have 40days of hospitalisation leave left. that is only about 1.5months.. how man if need to have bed rest? sure faith. Ohh ya when u gave birth ahh, did ur chart or baby tags have IVF on them? we never told our family that we did IVF and I dont really wish to tell them. so I wander what does the medical chart show when ur at the hospital.
Nicole, do you intend to take any nutritional milk during your pregnancy? I have 3 new tins of Frisomum (400g), which is given by KKH at separate occasions (latest during pre-admission time), which i thought it will be such a waste to throw away since I dun drink milk. If you are keen, i can give it to you. any other MTBs interested, can let me know.... gotto self pick-up this week cos I may be in labour anytime next week.....
Hi Michelletan, thanks but Im taking normal fresh milk at the moment. dont think I cans stomach hot milk. never been a hot drink person. hehe.. Thanks and u must be excited to see ur baby. Are u having one or more?
nicole, no lah, the tag/chart will not show IVF on them. it is confidential in your file. don't think the nurse will know either, unless u tell them.
Hi Dawn, thanks for the info. Did u stick to ur same gyny or u changed after that.

I thought of changing but not sure who to go too.. Not sure if its a good idea to change, if do than it will be after 3months when all is stable. Still considering but might just remain at SGH.
hi mummies,

Need to ask which brand of baby wash and cream is good? too many in the mkt and some claimed that Johnson is actually rather harsh. Thanks for ur advice and recommendation!
hi michelle..

thanks for the breakdown on the charges..
so u going for 1 bedded or 4 bedded..?

yah lor.. my next review will also be done by Dr Sahdana.. hmmm.. hope she's good.

u try to control until Dr Loh comes back lah.. ask baby patient a bit..:p


congrats on ur twins..!! hope u get LFT!!


I heard from my fren Desitin (or something like that) cream is good for rashes.. I have bought a tube to try.. u might wanna try also..
hi ladies..

anyone can advise whether it is ok to do chemical treatment (eg colour/rebonding) to hair during the 3rd trimester..?

i have stay off chemical treatment since my ET. now hair like mad woman!!

tot of going to do rebonding.. coz if not.. probably gotta wait till after confinement.. which i dun think i can tahan that long..! :p
nicole, long feng tai is in chinese, meaning one boy and one gal for ur twins.

hopes, i stayed off all chemical treatment till last week, i.e more than 1 1/2 yrs!!! think still not v safe during 3rd trimester even though hair dresser says should be ok, but i think better be safe than sorry. even after i gave birth, din dare to colour my hair, as i was breast feeding till last week, cos supply really low liow n i planning to stop soon, then i dare to colour my hair! i look like those old haggard woman cos lots of white hair!
hehe... dawn..

thanks for the translation

hmmm.. i hope i can resist doing anything to my hair... but..jeez.. it is soooo difficult to control..! worse thing is that i got natural curl.. so i gotta crimp my hair every morning before i go work.. otherwise, my hair will be like so fizzy and all over the place... very very unmanagable..! *sigh*


i popping in late August..hehe.. that's why dying to do something to my hair..otherwise probably gotta wait till October .. so long..

Hopes, I paid for 1-bedder so hubby can stay with me. I did dye my hair once during 2nd trimester cos I really got lots of white hair. Then towards the end of 2nd trimester, i cut my hair real short cos 1stly i also got natural curl and difficult to manage when long, 2nd, the weather was simply too hot!!! so I zapped off my long long hair..

Btw, i am refered to Prof John Tee when DR Loh is not around. Anyone heard of his skills???
