IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

So Michelle..

if we opt for the 4 bedder, the medisave claim will still be the same? Only cash top up lesser is it..?

hmm... maybe i should consider cutting shorter.. hehe..

Prof John Tee..? never heard before leh.. he specialised in IVF pregnancies..?

Thanks hopes and dawn, Yes I too wish for one boy n one girl but will really be happy as long as healthy!

Ladies, did anyone give birth at SGH or which hopsital did u give birth in. As I didnt tell my family I was doing IVF cause didnt want to worry them. Now Im worried some hospital will actually put it on the file in your room and also on the babies leg n arm tags.. Can enlighten me to wish hospitals u ladies gave birth in and also what was written on the file in the room n babies tags.. Thanks a Mil......
Wahhh Hopes,,, 1 more month.. U must be excited.. Do u have a singleton or twins??? Cant remmeber if I asked before...

Ladies who had twins, were u tired during ur 1st trimester and alot better in the 2nd??? Im so tired at work and also so tired at home.... Cant seem to sleep on my side, have to sleep on my back but than my back aches all start again. Been having back aches and have to get my husband to rub my back for me... Anyone have all this symtoms carrying twins???

I cannot wait to start swimming again.. Doc told me to wait till when Im 3months since I had some staining. Thank God nomore since last friday.
yup heard of him, john tee quite famous also, so u in good hands. ;)

nicole, i gave birth in kk, only the mummy's name, ic and address is on the tag.
yes will be very very tired in first trimester, imagine i slept throughout the day only waking up for my 3 meals plus tea. hee hee....luckily got hospitalization leave, otherwise, can't imagine what will happen at work. 2nd trimester very energetic liow, can shop!
hi nicole..

u are right.. most importantly babies must be healthy..
actually in this modern society.. gal or boy doesn't matter..hehe..

i was initially carrying twins during my 6th wk scan.. but then.. downgrade to singleton few wks after that.. apparently one of the twin just did not develope further and just disappear .. so..now.. i ended up with singleton..

but nvm lah.. i'm happy with one too.. at least it is a consolation.. better than nothing..:p

i was and am still feeling sleepy/tired all the time.. i can sleep alot during wk end.. and always feel like sleeping while working..haha..

i think it's very normal for preggy ladies lah..:p
Thanks hopes and dawn. Hopes may I ask if u both heartbeat was seen during ur 2weeks scan?

Dawn thanks for the info on baby tag.

Wahh so lucky. I burn 20days for the IVF 2WW(3rd week the vomitting n backache so bad I exteneded another week) so in total I used 20days. Now Im left with 40days. worried to take somemore, thought better save for 3trimester.

Im looking fwd to the 8weeks scan next Sat. So I have a whole week to wait.... I keep prayig God will keep these babies healthy.

erm... 2 wks scan..?

ermm.. for me it's 6th wk scan.. i saw 2 heartbeats..

but can see the sac.. one is bigger , one is much smaller.. so..i guess for my case..the smaller one did not develope further..

however, i count myself lucky that it just disappeared and kind of discharge on it's own.. without affecting the healthier sac.. so.. i'm still very thankful.
hopes, i still think singleton is better.
u can give all ur love to one. ;) now i very distracted. how to give 200% love? when they cry together, have to go to one...cannot carry both.

think u gotta rope in ur hubby to give more love..hehe..

well.. singleton is definately easier to cope.. i hope..hehe...

only regret is that..i dun have any embies left.. so.. next time if i wanna try again.. gotta go thru the full IVF ER/ET again.. aiyoh.. damn stress.. which was why when initially i tot i got twins.. i was so happy.. coz i tot i can close shop liaoz..hehe.. who noes.. *sigh*..

but it's still ok lah.. being in two failed attempts before.. at least i'm rewarded with one.. so.. i should be very greatful already... coz i noe there are many sisters out there who are more unfortunate than me/us..
Nicole G

Congrats! Good to hear good news on your twins' heartbeat.. Yes! please take Dawn's hind on taking extra care when carry multiples. Had the same experience of bleeding on week 9 and almost miscarriaged. Luckily was hospitalised in time to save the pregnancy.. so please take great care..


Yes! been MIA for a while.. been too heavy to sit for long so couldn't logon...
During my rountine checkup with doc on week 34, found that both babies not growing much, so Dr Loh decided to ward me for observation on Saturday morning... And coinsidentally, on Sat morning I starting spotting.. so just checked in KK as scheduled. SO was kind of lucky that he intended me to be warded...

Anyway, I POPPED on Monday June 30th. Was pushed in for emergency C-section becos I've bad gastric during my stay... Both babies are doing fine but they weigh lesser den 2kg so got to stay in SCN.

Still recovering in the hospital right now and would most likely be going home on Friday.. And all these mark the beginning of sleepless nites for me...

congrats on the arrival of your twins!!

wah... u graduated to full fledge mummy already..hehe..

hope ur babies gain weight quickly and be discharged soon!!

take good care of urself too! enjoy motherhood!!

Tigger!! Congrats!! So happy to hear from your great news... hope you rest well during these few days and take good care of your wound also.. so that when your babies go home with you.. you have the energy to look after them!! Post some pics when you can... Take care!!
Congrats!!! Glad your delivery went fine. So your bbs are in SCN just to gain weight, right? Don't worry ok? I'm sure it won't be long before they are home with you. Just take care of yourself now in the meantime.

Congrats on ur twins! I didn't have MS too...so can't advise u, but i read that the MS will stop in 2nd trim.
Hopes, Michelle and Petals

Thanks for your well-wishes... honestly I'm not coping too well with my new motherhood.. Just discharged yesterday and had several breakdowns...

My maid freaked out on my second day of delivery and wanted to go back. So I'm left with no help at all.. Struggled with lots of things on my own after I got home.. even got to prepare my own red date longan drinks, sterlise bottles for expressing milk, etc.... plus the pain on the wound and the pregnancy rashes that got worse after deliver did help much with my emotions...


May I know did your BF decrease after discharging from the hospital? I was able to express more when I was in the hospital but when I got home, the amount seemed to be getting lesser. Did you encounter this problem?
hi tigger..

u dun have any confinement lady to help u..?

omg.. i hope my maid dun play me out like that..
i just got a filipino too.. but she will only be coming end of this mth.. (one mth prior to my EDD).

pls dun stress urself out during this period.. u are supposed to eat well and get lots of rest..
take care ya!!

Mine filipino maid also... when interviewing her, she said she was willing to take care of twins. First week into the job, she did all the cleaning without much supervision.. took care of me. She even know how to cook herbal soups and use chinese herbs to cook.. So I thot she would be a good help during confinement. She was even more worried about the preparation of the babies arrival.... wash all the napkins, making sure the nursery room is clean and proper... so was very impressed...

But on the second day of delivery, after visiting me in the hospital, she had a sudden change of mind... that very nite she felt sick and wants to go back boarding house (ie. the agency.. where got such thing want?) Den after talking to her over the phone, she cried and said she wants to go back home... said that she dreamt that her MIL died and no one taking care of her kids..

Okay, I thot maybe my delivery had affected her emotionally but she insisted to go home. BUT, she begged my hubby to help her pay the load owed to the agency and recruiter.. which comes up to about $3000 plus... So at that point I knew she was pulling a fast one... think we very rich. Of cos, we won't help lah... she the one who wanted to break the contract... In the end, she changed her mind after realising we were not such a good sucker afterall... she decided to stay...

Imagine during those frantic calls between us, the agency and the maid? I was hysterically crying...

It really makes me wonder at that point who is the one going thru POst-natal blues? Me or the maid? Anyway, with that my hubby decided to send her back to the agent.. can't afford to have another such episode..

As for confinement lady, was supposed to arrange for her arrival when babies at discharged. The maid was supposed to take care of me for the first 2 weeks. So now, we have to look for another CL just to take care of me for 2 weeks (have not arrived yet, so got to do things on my own)
sounds like u did the right thing by sending her back cos u don't want another repeat episode. Abt BM, prob the stress is affecting ur supply. Try not to stress too much, rest more if possible n drink more water. I find that helps. Also just pump whatever u can, ur bbs will appreciate it, no matter how little. As time passes, ur ss will increase. You can try fish & papaya soup, or try taking fenugreek capsules to incr ur BM. The first few wks will be tough cos the hormones still causes our mood swings, but hang in there ok? You can only do so much while trying to recuperate, so maybe just prioritise n cut down some of the customs if don't have time when u r alone. I remember being very moody n crying n worrying over simple things in the first few wks, prob pn-blues, but it stopped after that. Tell urself u have 2 lovely healthy bbs just waiting to come home. Take care yah. When r ur bbs going home?

hmm.. probably ur maid think of her own children when she saw ur babies.. that's why she came up with all these nonsense..

she must be mad.. wanted to go home and yet wanted u and ur hubby to pay off the loan for her.. too much man.. luckily u sent her back.. !!

so.. u not getting a replacement maid in the meantime.?
Tigger congrats on your baby. Pls dont stress on your maid anymore, its godd u sent her back. Pls take care and Im sure all will be better soon.

Hopes, sorry meant 6weeks scan. hehehe.. thanks for your info.

thanks Dawn n petals and all for your info. Will try to rest as much as I can. I was feeling really tired on Wed and my back started to ache. Went off work and took 2 days MC. Today back at work. feeling sleepy again. Need to try to stay thru the day.
Petals, Hopes and Nicole

Thanks for the encouragements... been trying to take it easy. The good thing is going to hospital to visit my babies eases my mind and took the stress off me...

Got another CL to take care of me until the actual CL comes in after the babies discharge from hospital... It would probably be another 2 to 3 weeks before they gets home... they are kind of slow on their growth...

Will hang in there for the babies..
Hi All, just wanted to find out for rough costing if your babies need to stay in the NICU for a couple of days. We had to buy the complusory insurance. How much do we have to top up.. Just a rough guide from ur experience on those who gave birth.
Thanks Petal, I think I might just stick ot fresh milk and give soya bean a go.. I love Soya bean and bean curd.. Drink n eats loads b4 I was was preggy.. Than I read up after I found out I was preggy that Soyabean is not too good for preggy woman there is a lot of estrogen in it. I think its ok in moderation. I stop my soya bean intake staight away casue I was worried, my strogen level is high Will check with the doc tomorrow...
my in laws were saying that soybean milk is better compared to beancurd as beancurd has something added that makes it solidify. Anyway i just take both in moderation cos i like them a lot too. So I drink more of fresh milk. If u want those powdered milk, u can try getting free samples by going to their websites. Just that it will take a few wks to reach you. Abt insurance, the payout helps defray only a small fraction of your costs. What's more impt is your class of ward when u admit for delivery, as this determines what your NICU cost will be. If possible, choose a lower class ward as the bbs' class will be tagged to the mum's class.
Ohhh oks Petal, info is really helpful...... but if Im not wrong the guidelines for IVF is that u have to take either a B1 or A class wards rite?? I will check with my gyny.

Did u babies stay in the NICU? When can u take them home after birth? Is it when they can breath on their own and weight is good than no need NICU? My husband gets pissed off with me when I start talking about NICU... Im just worried as I know Twins tend to come out earlier...
yes to your qn on class for ivf, but if your bbs require a long stay in SCN/NICU (eg. a few wks), you can appeal for downgrade to lower class, but this is on case by case basis. For mine, it was mainly the weight issue, so stayed in SCN until hit the min 2kg mark...really depends on indiv baby and how prem they are. Don't worry, they'll let u bring home only when bbs r ready. We felt more reassured this way too. Must think positive too...aim for 37wks and do all u can to hold them until then.
Hi Petals, many thanks for all this info. If u dont mind me asking, how much did u have to top up in cash after insurance n medisave for urs n babies hospotal stay?
dear dawn,
could you please share with me what made you opt for blastocyst embryos? how did you put it across to dr loh about your intention opting for blastocyst? please guide me. thanks alot.

I was given this option by Dr. Sheila Loh during my review after the failure of the first IVF as i have another 20 frozen embies. Think this is an option if you have large number of reserve as culturing blastocyst used up alot of embies. I used 11 embies to get 2 blastocyst only. There is a high risk that all the embies may not even survive till the blastocyst stage as the technology still not perfect in creating the medium to culture embies to replicate that of our womb. So must be mentally prepared if u choose this option. As Dr. Sheila loh left b4 I started my FET, I chose Dr SF Loh to take over.

Using blastocyst has slightly higher chances of success (since only the fittest will survive in this harsh "artificial" condition) but a lot still depends on the condition of your womb i think. Maybe you check with Dr Loh what he thinks of you trying out this option.


u r right, as we sign for the insurance, think we must choose b1 and above. but i have heard of previous gals down grading to lower class once their twins/kid need to stay in NICU. It was also one of my worry that need large amt of money when they born as twins usu premature and need NICU. really thank god they r fine and were discharged with me. Try your best to keep them as long as possible inside you. I remembered when I was week 26, Dr SF Loh told me to start my bed rest and gave me Hospitalization leave till i gave birth. I didn't want to take as i felt perfectly fine...and there was so much work I have not completed yet. "Humour me, just take can?", he told me. Think he has too many cases of premature babies around week 25 to 27, and just wants to take extra precaution. I was glad i heed his advice and rested n rested at home.
Hi all... this is my 39wk and still no signs... no show... baby is getting too comfy inside!!! last check at 38wk showed baby is fully engaged, but he still dun wish to come out yet!!

Wait wait wait....... Mummy is getting impatient!!!
dear dawn,
thanks for your information. i guess right now i just got to let my womb take a break. the whole process is too draining for me. thanks again and alot
Dear dawn, many thanks for your info, Im considering bed rest at 8months n not earlier. But will just see how it goes, Im sure, once I cannot move around much, I will be put on bed rest. Yuppers will head ur advice on rest as much as I can..

How was ur company's reaction on u going off work at 6.5months? Im worried about my company. My boss was understanding when I went for ER & ET and was away for 3weeks. I told them I went for Womb OP.

My 8week scan went well, so glad it was not vaginal scan! Really feel gross out. Saw the babies heartbeats again, such a beautiful sight! Will be going for my 3month scan on 8 Aug, really excited, I think I might be able to hear the heartbeats than instead of just seeing them. But Im also worried cause its 4 weeks away......... Got use to seeing them every 2Weeks. How was ur 3month scan?? What did u see?
Hi Ladies, My doc gave me the Down symdrom scan to consider. Im confuse n scared cause both my hubby n me are not keen on it as we dont consider aborting the babies, that is not on our plate to consider. So we decided not to do it.

Did all of u take the scan? Im 29 years old this year, I always thought if u are 35yrs n above than u have to go for the scan but looks like they seem to give everyone that option.
Hi Michelle,
so u are still there..
i had the same situation as u. Saw doc loh at week 38.no sign nothing, so decided to go ahead with induction.Warded on sat nite, 3 induction, still no contraction or dilation. can't tahan any longer and went ahead with Emergency C sec. Given birth on monday night.
I did not regret my decision, i might not "survive" natural as baby is already 3.5kg during birth, can't imagine pushing a baby any bigger than that.
Keep me updated hor. My boy is 2 mths and 2 days old now at 6 kg. Tried posting a picture but dunno how to reduce the size. Too big to upload. Hee hee.

All the best to u huh.
wow, needle, your boy 6kg oredi!!

My 38wk scan DR Loh was overseas, so I was seen by Prof Tee, he din say anything just made sure baby was alright.. suppose to see DR Loh again this wed, but his schedule is so packed, could only see him on sat instead, by then i will be so close to wk40 oredi!!!

I am still worried for C-sect, was the healing tough and will you still be able to BF the baby and take care of baby? anyway, will have to tahan till baby decides to come out else will wait till sat to request for induction!
babylow78, no prob we r here to help one another. yes, do let ur body take a break....i rested for 5 months. ;)

michelle, tahan, u have already waited 39 weeks, v soon u will hold him in ur hands!

needlephobia, u boy is big! ;) 6kg at 2 months!

nicole, i m from government sector, so prob not so bad, but of course they not so happy but can't say anything cos i m completely covered by HL mah! think by 3rd month should be able to see the sex of baby bah. think i saw 'something' for one of the babies in week 11, haha...but need to wait for the detailed scan to confirm around week16 the sex of both babies.
Dear Dawn,
I am fortunate to find this website. I have decided to rest for a while, perhaps fews months later to consider FET...
Thanks Dawn, Im in the private sector, Im only given 60days hospitalisation leave in a year. I already took 20days for my IVF treatment. so for this year Im only left with 40days. Hoping Im able to work till Dec I will 7months. Than I can take Dec and Jan off work if necessary. Im planning on going on 2months unpaid leave when babies are born, so I can be with them for 5 months. Wander how that will go with the company. heheheheh..
babylow, yes we r v fortunate to have this thread to share our frustrations, ups n downs. can't imagine a few years ago the gals who did ivf did not have this outlet....wonder how they cope with it. do have a good rest.

michelle, u popped already?

nicole, dun care what the company say lah, we have worked so hard to get the babies, more impt to deliver them safely. so u have decided to go for the scan? think it is more for the peace of mind, but really nerve wrecking if the babies r high risk. i remembered the twin boy has high prob of Down Syndrome cos of the thickness in the measurement. i thank god, both of them r ok, wun bear to abort them.

my twins turning 6 months this friday, time really flies! this is pic of them taken yesterday.;)
Hi Dawn, Wahh your babies are so cute, Its one boy one girl rite? I dont think we will go for the DS scan. I dont want to put myself to more worries and stress... Yuppers I think once I cannot function coming to work, I will ask my doc for hospitalisation leave la. I think she will know as she did mentioned to me when I had my staining, if this carries on she will out me on bedrest. hehehe.. So I cannot play with her la.

I cannot wait to see my babies..... They are due in Feb but I read some twin preggy deliver 1 month earlier. I will hold them in as much as I can...

So when you going back to work?? Whose looking after your babies for you? Dawn did u feed them together or separately? I thought of investing in the EZ 2 Nurse Twin nursing pillows where u can feed them at the same time so they have a routine la. Can sleep at same time too...

Im not sure if Im going to get a maid to help me mum, but I think its a better idea to do that but I know she wont like. she like doing things her way. hehehehe.. Will think more about this when Im in my 6month. Still have 4months to go
yup, twins usu will come out 1 month earlier. mine arrived exactly 36weeks (in Jan, supposed to be 14 Feb!). I am taking care of them with the help of my maid, MIL and Mum scheduled to come and help us twice a week during the day, so we can take a break.

urmm...i oni tried to breast feed them together for 2 days, too difficult, it is easier to BF them separately, if same time hungry, then the other bottle feed her. really stressful feeding 2 simultaneously for 2, so i think no need the pillow lah, i did plan to buy that pillow too...luckily I didn't. maybe u monitor the price n where it is sold, when need it , send hubby to buy it?
I am still here... no signs, no show, no indication..... your babies are soooooo cute!!! I WANT TO SEE MINE!!!! hee hee...

dawn, after c-sect how long does it take for pain to go away, any problem with BF or bathing baby etc? can do all these? I am so scared baby overdue and Dr Loh ask me go C-sect.... boo hoo.
michelle, ur baby will be v cute too...trust me!

pain of c-section depends pple, mine the pain was unbearable for the 1st 3 days, even with pain killer, took a few steps also pain like hell, the next 2 weeks was better, could walk v slowly with painkiller. 3 weeks after delivery then i could walk normally. but i know there r pple like weiwei, the wound not so pain after 2 or 3 days n she can walk about normally liow. so depends on pple.

yes, abit prob with BF , need pple to help to bring baby to u. bathing baby completely taken over by confinement lady. urmmm...dr loh quite like c-section if he sees no point waiting.
usually if can normal, he will let u go normal delivery.

Thanks dawn... hmmm... think during my next visit to DR Loh, i will request for induction already, if he does not suggest.... the waiting period is worse than our 2WW after ET!! .. hee hee....
