IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Just faith
The dry pantz is the yellow packaging right?
What size yr girl wearing? What is her weight?

Im thinking to try out dry pantz pull up... My girls are abt 12kg... L size for them? They are wearing XL for pampers and fitti velco...

I saw cold storage having promo.. 2 packs for 26.95.

I bot the korean ergonomic potty... Material and look wise v similar to bumbo chair. Its sits on top of the toilet seat. My girl can sit on it without me having to hold on to her.
I forgot which thread liao... But u can search from the bulk purchase thread selling urinal potty types...
Mummies, where can i get those stand up easel that have magnetic side? I saw the one at ikea only have chalk side and marker side...
Baby, the Chinese shop that I patronise is selling $12.80 per pack. She's wearing XL. She's now 15kg. Ntuc also having promo. But not sure end already or not. The packaging is orange leh. Not yellow.
Just faith
Hahaha... Thats orange color huh... Looks like yellow to me... Hehe... But only got one dry pantz from drypers right?
U using this diaper also for bedtime? Good absorb?
Baby, I am not sure whether got other packaging or not. For my girl, I m using drypantz for both daytime and night. Never leak before. Before this, she was on Huggies ultra. But we stopped buying as experienced leaking early in the morning. Like 6am+. These days I don't change her diapers in the middle of the night. Most of the time she can sleep throughout. So mummy get good night sleep also. Hehe
Just faith
Me too.. I dont change their diaper during the night unless they cry and i see their diaper really v heavy then i will change..
Most of the nights they will zz thru... Maybe sometimes will eh eh a few sounds...

Hows yr girl eating now? Eating yr table food or u still cooking separately for her?
My girls eating our dnr... Usually is rice with meat and vege dish... And soup... Lunch is still porridge on wkends and wkdays they eat lunch at cc...
Baby, my girl will tell me when her diaper leaks or super heavy n need to change. Even when I m sleeping, she will say "mummy wake up! Change diaper!" Or "mummy wake up! Wet wet" haha. - those few times, she was wearing Huggies ultra.

At least now your girl go CC, u have one less meal to ge. Haha. For me, I seldom cook for hubby and myself these days, except to cook soups like Yong tau hoo, chicken soup, melon soup, etc. I will cook those that don't require alot of time in kitchen. Just throw ingredients and let it boil is much easier for me.

I still give her porridge, marcoroni, mian xian, rice etc. if I cook, then I let her eat table food. If we eat in coffee shop, I order fish & chips, mian xian with fishballs or marcoroni with shredded chicken. I don't give her outside mixed rice cause I don't know how long it has been placed on the food trays. My girl is fussy with food, eat limited choice of food. She also likes milk bread, cheese cake, pandan cakes - I always keep these cakes at home, so that she can eat anytime.
Just faith
Haha my girls will also tell me.. Wet wet.. Heavy heavy... When their diaper needs to be changed...

Ya lor now that they go cc half day.. I only need to worry abt dnr during wkdays.. So usually my maid will cook dnr then they eat our table food... Im more lax on seaonings now liao... Since they are older now...

So far i didnt give caifan also.. Usually i order those that are cooked when ordered.. Hot food.. Those precooked type i dont give..

My girls now bfast usually is bread slice spread with nutella.. Or plain bread... Then usually will give them cheese cube... Or yogurt with cut fruits to complete the bfast.. I also give them gardenia bread now.. No more those traditional bread.. Easier...
Baby, I m not a chocolate person. So I never thought of Nutella. Maybe I should. I m quite a boring person. I can eat the same food for days n no complain. Hubby n I also prefer local food. At the most, western food like chicken chop or fish n chips. Like most kids, my girl likes French fries n chicken wing at ikea. She will go with mayo n ketchup.

Let me know your review after u use drypantz. Hehe.
Just faith
Im also not a choc person! I cant stand the taste of nutella.. But my girls love it! They love choc.. Keep asking for choc bread choc bread every morning... Sometimes i will buy choc bites bread from four leaves... Maybe u can try for yr girl see if she like.. Then she can one more option for bfast.. Haha..

Me too im also a local fare person... Love chinese food.. So most of the times i give chinese food to them.. Seldom western food.. Maybe thats y they always refuse to eat those western lunch in cc.. Those pasta they always refuse to eat.. If rice with chinese dish or porridge usually eat all... They are same like mommy... Prefer chinese food.. Lol

I hvt try giving them ketchup and mayo leh... I tried before both didnt quite like it...

Yup sure will update u when i try out dry pantz! But meanwhile i will finish the huggies pull up from the cupcake promo...
Where u get yr easel stand? What brand and how much?
Does it have a magnetic side? What abt the other side?
Im looking to buy 1... Saw ikea.. But no magnetic side...
Baby, my girl also don't like pasta. Mummy don't like. Baby also don't like. Hehe. My girl just copy the adults. When she eat fries, she will ask for ketchup n mayo.
. Lately she also copy her daddy drink teh-c. LOL... Then keep saying "it's my favorite" faintZ.

I bought the easel stand from kiddy palace. Quite long time ago. Now she can write "1" and draw circle. But her circle looks more like oval. But she insists its circle. She also can spell her own name "G I N A". Once I asked her, what's your name? She spell out her name instead. I was shocked. Guess those stickers (with her name) that I pasted on her easel board was useful.... She was actually learning every time I write her name on the easel board. Hehe
Just faith
Haha.. True... Mommy dont like thats y our girls dont like too..

I love vegetables myself.. Hope my girls will grow up loving their greens too... Lol..

Yaya im thinking to buy those magnetic board easel so can learn to paste those letters... Where to get those magnetic letters?

My girls also can draw "circle" thou it look like oval too.. Haha..
Baby, those magnetic letters I got from another writing set. Also bought from kiddy palace I think. But it is a sit down type. It can be put across her lap, not for standing. But I remember the magnetic letters are also sold separately. Think I saw in popular. Can't remember the name.
ikea easel the white board side is not magnetic? usually white board is magnetic

magnetic letter n numbers can buy from toys r us. one pack only abt $5. I bought during sale 3 for the price of 2. so bought 2 packs letter n 1 pack numbers
Grumpus when u brought Aly to Perth. She eats out? Perth is kid friendly? We r going end April, wondering if possible to let grace eat out everyday. What do u buy for food? Thanks!
Thanks for letting me know toys r us have magnetic letters and aphabets... I also dont knw if ikea white board is magnetic or not...

Btw, anyone knows where to buy melissa and doug easel stand? Heard good reviews on it.. And both side have tray unlike ikea only hv 1... Scare my girls will fight for it... Wonder how much is the melissa one...

Perth is very kid friendly. but some more rural beaches n site seeing places may not be stroller friendly

when I went to perth, we travelled in a campervan so lunches we would eat out n dinners we would cook. cos anyway everything closes at 5pm :p sometimes we would cook a bit more for dinner n da bao the leftovers for lunch the next day

when I was in Sydney, we stayed in the city and ate out for both meals. I think if it's a holiday it's ok for them to eat outside food everyday cos it's short term only.

off the top of my head, food that I give: fish and chips, pasta, pizza, roast chicken, grilled fish, all sorts of sandwiches, jap ramen, la mian, Vietnamese noodles, Thai fried rice...
Wow grumpus u drove the campervan? we wld be staying in the city for 4 nights n 2 nights on a farm. Beside the park, zoo, fermantle not sure where else I can bring my gal ... Kind of looking forward she can eat out... The other 2 trips we had .. We cooked for her every meal. =s
I was there with my parents n bro so we took turns to drive.
u can go swan valley n visit some breweries or wineries.
some if them r kid friendly with big playgrounds n open spaces for the kids to run. there's also a nice coffee place n a honey place there. u can go to busselton too to see the jetty, take the train n visit the underwater observatory. bunbury is nice too to see the dolphins. n rockingham for the penguins
it's quite hard to move further out from Perth city if u dun drive. u can book a day trip to swan valley but then u dun get to choose the wineries
there's a train which goes to that area but it's very very far to walk from one winery to the next
baby, my easal is both sides. one side white, one side black. its crayola brand from toys r us. it has a tray too... n comes with all the magetic alphabets, numbers, 2 cups n brushes for painting.
a very comprehensive set.

i buy crayola washable crayons tht can b use on both white or black boards. they draw using tht... cleans off easily w a damp cloth
Shall go check out the crayola easel at toys r us! U happen to rem the price? I saw it has two colors. Blue and yellow & pink and blue...
baby, i think it was 59.90. i got the pink one.

now they hv another set thts 89.90..looks better n bigger. if u hv space can consider tht...

now my easal is a permanent feature in the living room..everyday they will play with it...
Yup.. I saw the bigger one.. But realise the drawing board size is actually quite small... The ikea type one has larger board size... Hmm.. But tray only 1 side...

Does anyone knows whether the ikea white board is magnetic?
baby, most white boards are magnetic. the ikea one is a wooden easal right? this one is gd coz if they draw onto the plastic frame its easily cleaned off....
Hi panda,

May I know if it will be better to sit or stand to draw on the easel stand? And if the board will be too high to reach if the child is seated? Thanks!
sammy, its possible to sit n draw too. my kids hv tried sitting on those ikea plastic stools or their own toddler chair to draw.

if only 1 kid sit no problem. mine 3 of them..they usually stand and walk ard rotate betw the 2 side of the boards.
thanks panda, i am thinking to get either the easel stand you bought or the easel stand that can transform to a drawing table and comes with a stool.
Just found out that the ikea easel white board is not magnetic....

So thats means this option is out for me...

Just faith
The easel stand u bot at kiddy palace is wooden or plastic?
Why is it so quiet here lately?

Mummies, i bot those smaller white board at diaso.. Only $2 each... Its magnetic surface... And u can use those washable crayola cryons on it... Easily wiped.. Can buy for yr little ones to draw draw... My girls have fun with it... Cheap and good lol..

i also have those daiso boards at home..but my kids got sian of it coz too small...now they only play w the easal one.

my boys lately super anti the mei mei... everyday once back from sch both of them start to bully her. i spoke to the sch tr, she told me they very united in sch. the boys only wants to hold mei mei hands, if she trys to pair them with other classmates, they dont want. during activities, if she split the class into 2 tables, 1 girls, 1 boys, my eldest will cry say he wants to sit w mei mei.

we all dont understand why back home they keep bullying her! at first we thought maybe coz wants my attention, but aft class at my parents place, me n hb not there, my mum says the boys also bully her the minute they step off the sch bus! :S

i suspect it could be a gender difference thing. the cc tr also says its possible.. i dunno how to "reconcile" the difference ...
Really ah... Hmm.. I also dont knw how to advise u on this..
Maybe after sometime they will outgrow it?
Or u can try to tell them often that they must love meimei.. Must sayang meimei etc...

Btw do u let them self feed during meal times at home? Or do u still feed them?

Now they are getting older... Did u consider bringing them overseas? Im thinking abt it... But always worry its too hassel..

at home i let them self feed.. only my girl needs to be fed half way thru coz she eats v slowly..lol.. in sch, tr says they all self feed too..

i dont want to travel with maid. ur case easier..u n hb can take 1 kid each. mine if travel now, we hv to bring the maid along. i will wait until they are older, me n hb can manage 3 ourselves, then we travel. we havent even gone for staycations! haha.. coz i dont want to b stuck in a room with the maid. get 2 rooms let maid sleep alone also dont make sense. :p
I still feed them at home.. Maybe i should let them self feed.. In sch they self feed.. Tr says they dont wana be fed..
Now they are getting v independent.. Wana go down the stairs refuse to let us hold their hands.. Take off and wear their shoe.. Take their own bag etc... Refuse any help from us.. Even wear their own bottoms and diaper...

Ya my case is easier cos ratio 2:2... Can be done.. But quite shiong also.. If no other help.. I will bring along my maid for sure... My girls love their auntie.. Now i let my maid handle their bfast... Im still zz.. Lol..
Now i even try letting my maid prepare them for bedtime and me and hubby go out for our couple time... They are so well behave when they are with my maid... Lol..
wow, you r very lucky to find good maid!

my kids until now still dont want the maid when we are ard. only when we r at work they r ok with her. once we appear, they will ask the maid to go away. so everynight its still me n hb settle d kids. last night they refuse to sleep until 11pm! after tht i also drop dead..no time to do my own things. sleep first.. then 2am my eldest wake up cry for me... after settle him, my younger boy cry for milk.. 5am all 3 cry together!! faint.....
oh yes, now is the stage they wanna do everything themselves! my kids wanna make their own milk too!! if i dont let them participate n at least do 1 scoop themselves, they will refuse to drink the milk. cry wanna make another bottle.

shower they also wanna pump the shower gel n clean themselves..n they wash each other's hair.. but of coz not clean one lah...still soapy wanna come out of bathroom..LOL
Yalor.. Really takes alot of luck to get a decent maid..
I wont say she is fantastic but i would say im quite satisfied with her thou there are times when she make me v pissed too... Lol...

It also help that i have cctv at home... So i can monitor her with my girls when im out... So i can be more fangxin to leave my girls alone with my maid. Alot of times i let her settle them to bed while we are out gathering with friends but im monitor them on my phone...
baby, 1 adult to handle 2 kids is very good. mine hb, maid n mil 3 adults cant handle my trio. i cant even take shower in peace..they will be screaming n crying for me..

i also hv web cams fixed up at home. but hv never tried leaving the kids w maid alone ..dont think she can handle them. my hb also cant handle if only he n maid... if its me n maid still ok...

my boys r v v active.. non stop action one. n non stop fighting too..
Ya. Sometimes i also find it amazing how come my maid can handle my girls alone... If its only me alone with them sure chaos... All fighting for me... But if its my maid.. I can see from cctv my girls can play on their own... Play together... Even can sit guai guai and watch tv... Even my maid tell me they are v guai when we not around.. No fighting no crying...

My girls are ok if i tell them i go buy tins... Go shower etc.. I guess they are used to it... So they know i will be bk shortly..
Maybe girls are easier to handle by nature than boys.. I always tell my hb lucky we have two girls not two boys... Else i will faint with exhastion.. Lol...

Yr girl is more managable compared to yr two boys right?
My maid handle my girls alone v often now... They woke up ay 630am... Both my hb continue to zz... So they are alone with my maid outside living hall... All the way till 830 when i woke up.. Bfast alrdy settled... Then usually i will give fruits or cheese... Then 930 my maid settle their shower... Then comes 11am nap time where i will tuck them to bed myself..
Baby lucky u to have couple time n can sleep in late!!

I have forgotten what is couple time.. Hahahahaha though we only have 1 .. N sleep is luxury ... I still dun get to sleep through the night coz my gal will sneak onto the mattress I m sleeping on and she is quite a karate sleeper so most of time I m very disturbed by her

Panda u can booked a studio apartment when u travel, no need share room with maid then.
Haha Gan... I do count my blessing that im able to leave my girls with my maid for a few hrs to catch up on my zz or go out to have dnr or catch a movie...

I guess by giving more freedom and "perks" to my maid does contribute to her being more hardworking and happier working in the family... I can see her really playing happily with them and she will tell me all the funny tins they do which i missed...

My girls dont co zz with us... They zz in their own toddler bed.. But me or hb or maid will zz on the mattress between them.. So on nights that we are out.. My maid will zz with them..
Any recommendation on which pull up diaper is good and economical? Just faith says dry pantz is good but i hvt try yet..
I tried huggies ultra, mamy poko soft fit pull up... Both not as good... Both got leakage... I nvr had leakage with pamper active velco...

baby, try merries. i heard from a fren its the only pull up that doesnt leak for her twin girls at night.

oh yes, my girl is an angel compared to the boys! haahah...even cc tr says my girl is very easy...the boys ..hahahah..she says play v rough, cant sit still, n also more noisy..LOL

and you r right, its v exhausting to hv 2 boys..n the best part, my girl follow the boys do all the monkey things!
