IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

happyhippo, mine is bad. i wont go to them again. the one baby is using sounds better. maybe can get the contact from her.
baby - I buy from those hdb shop

happy - I go to 21st century. previous agent is good but she's very slow. u can look for Madeline, few of us went to her, current pinoy maid is so far so good
My maid agency is JDM. But i think now their new contract is not attractive as compared to other agencies. If im not wrong, they require u to pay them 6mths loan on top on the salary to the maid. U can call and enquire thou...

Ya hor.. Didnt tot of those hdb cheap stores... I thk chinatown will also have...

Howadays wkends how u spend with yr trio? Go where?

Sat usually first half of the day i spend 1 to 1 time with one of them, 2 will be at my parents place. i rotate them every week ... depending on the weather. if it doesnt rain, i bring the kiddo out on train rides, toy shopping, hv lunch, library etc. afternoon all 3 will get together back home...smtimes late afternoon we bring them for swim.

Sundays sometimes we stay home for activities, sometimes we go out. depends on weather n also the kiddo moods.. ahah... last sunday we stayed home, the kids played blowing bubbles, stamping ink pads, scooting downstairs, went to playground nearby.. n also our usual sing n dance routine.. non stop action the whole day unless they are napping.

next friday we plan to go to the bird park coz its cc closure day due to teacher training. this sunday havent plan yet..

there are some farms at CCK area tht are quite interesting too.. i took my kids to one 2 mths back, they get to feed goats, tortise, frogs, rabbits.. v small place, but good enuff fun for the kids.

we also went to a fish farm at Pasir Ris recently...
winniepooh,baby, pandawife
thks for the agency contacts.

can i chk if u know what is causing this. my boy will drink milk when goes to sleep at nite. for the last few nites, after drinkg milk, he cried abit and started to puke. on the first 2 days, we tot was a one-off case. just again it happened. tonight he also kena diaherrea.

we are quite puzzled with the throwing up after milk. is it lactose intolerance? he never experienced it before.
How was thefield trip ? My hubby told me keith went to antagonize grace ? He said the lunch pack by another cc looked v good .. complaint cambridge just bought mcdonalds ...haha

Btw is school close tomorrow ?? Yvonne was telling my hubby see keith on next mon ??
Day no school tomorrow!

The field trip was ok, I am pretty tired after the trip, sign of old age! Yes the other school even the picnic mat is better! Hahaha the other school provided lunch box of egg mayo sandwich with banana and some grapes...looked healthier for the kiddos. Grace didn't fancy her burger, she took a few small bites on the bread and ate a few fries that's all. Think Keith didn't eat much of his burger too. I think Keith is settling down, he will sit with the teacher sometimes though ur hub is around. I took a couple of photos of him, will email u...think I still have ur email addy.
Aiyo I m blur ... cant find anywhere in the communication book that today is off.

Keith got mood swing la. He probably like a selected few teachers. As usual la yvonne should be his fav too.my hb said grace is v advance in her speech. She can say I angry when keith went to disturbed her ...wahaha .

My hb didnt take much fotos le ..ok send keith fotos to me when u hv free time.
Day pm me ur email eddy... Can't find it in my address book.

Grace now likes to say I am angry.... I talked to teacher Yvonne briefly during the outing n understand coz now alot of new kids and they snatched her toys... So she is now more defensive. Lately even outside when she sees other kids she sometimes will say 'No I am angry!':s need to teach her to share .....
Panda, baby, grumpus have u started training the kiddos to go diaper free? How do u go about doing it?

Grumpus, when lexie uses public toilets....how do u clean the toilet seats to make sure it is clean? The toilets outside are always so dirty!

not yet toilet train. waiting for June sch hols to do it. easiest way is just go diaper less for 3-5 days (which is why I can only do it during sch hols cos then we'll be at home most of the day)
then is frequent reminders that they hv no diaper on, must let mummy know n go toilet etc. there'll be quite a few accidents in the beginning but if they practise everyday for 3-5 days eventually they'll get it.

for a start I would still put a diaper for naps n night sleep.

for lexie I just use tissue to wipe the outside toilet seats lor. no diff from myself. if u really concern u can bring around a small bottle of disinfectant spray n spray n wipe.

or u can buy toilet seat protectors or one of those foldable kids toilet seats. look out in the BP for them
Gan/Grumpus, can i tongbang on this topic? I have also been thinking of the same lately. What to do when using public toilets. They are always so smelly and dirty. Really turn off.

Gan, my girl is 50% toilet trained. She will tell me she want to sit on toilet bowl when she want to poo. Been carrying her to sit on toilet bowl (with child seat cover of course) whenever she requested. It has been a breeze. And it also helps her constipation problem. In fact she clear her bowel once every two days or everyday, compared to last time, once every 3-4 days. She also feel encouraging when her poo "doom-doom-doom" inside the toilet bowl.

Grumpus, I really find it tiring to carry my girl and sit on toilet bowl. I cant imagine doing that a few times a day. In your opinion, is it ok that I skip the potty (those plastic type) and let her use our toilet bowl (with child seat cover) straightaway? Or should I get one potty and let her use it as n when she needs to pee?
Just Faith
It really depends on you and your gal, whatever you're comfortable with. my elder girl never used a potty, she went straight to using the toilet bowl. she never even used those child seat!
Just Faith,

She was 2yrs and 3mths. I just carry her onto the toilet bowl, hold her there till she's done lor.
But she prob wasn't as heavy as yr gal hehe
Grumpus, hold her till she's done? I can't do that. She will take advantage of me! She will say "mummy, hug me!" So I have to hug her till she finish her biz. So usually I take another stool and sit in front of her. I will watch her until she finish her biz. Lol.
My elder just started her potty training... In fact; she is the one who cue me... I bot those traditional red plastic potty... Now she will tell me she wana pee... And she really pee in it.. I also bot those bumbo type toilet seat... She also pee on it... Funny thing is she started pee and not poo..
Gan, Just Faith

There is disinfectant toilet wipes here. Try looking at the supermarket in spore. Or what grumpus suggests. Potty is not neccssary, depends on kids. I use child seat on the toilet for #1, no need to hold and no need to stay in the toilet. I bought a potty too, she refuse to seat, use it as a hat instead !
gan, my kids too! everyday " i am angry with you!" then..followed by the chinese version "sheng qi ni!" faint..everytime fight for toys they do tht to each other.

day, the tr will not write in comms book about the training days. its in the whole year calendar slip given at the beginning of the sch term. do u have it? my side also last friday sch closure. i had to take leave watch the 3 monkeys..

mummies, how do u get ur tods to hav their hair cut without screaming the house down? haiz.. my boys until now everytime cut hair cry like the hairdresser abuse them. only my girl ok to sit there hv haircut.. yesterday took linus, he struggle, scream, cry the entire session. i m suffering from aching arms today from carrying him during the haircut...:S

gan, i hv not started potty training. my kids all dont like to sit potty nor the toilet seat. but they wil happily tell me they wanna poo n proceed to poo in the diaper.. pee it doesnt seem they r ready yet. and frankly i m not looking forward to it v much coz tht means when we go out, i hv to bring them to the toilet 3x the frequency. my kids drink alot alot alot of water...so one trip out, i think i m better off camping outside the toilets..hahahah
Panda ur kids too?? I tot it is becoz of me coz I will always tell grace 'I am angry' when she misbehaved or being too naughty. She wld always tell me 妈妈不生气 but continued with her mischief...=s tot she picked up the words from me.... Like when she doesn't want to share her food with me she wld tell me 这个大人吃的,妈妈不可以吃. Exactly the excuse
I have her whenever I don't let her eat our titbits or food

Btw mummies do u discipline ur kids now? What methods
Do u use?
gan, yes! and i have never never use angry when i m with them leh.. i hv no idea where they learn from also.. my guess is from sch..haha..

i will tell them mummy is upset/sad, and show them sad face when they do certain things tht i dont like. n they will quickly come over and hug me n say "sorry sorry"....

ohh..the adult food trick works on my kids. i tell them thts daddy mummy food.. they will tell me to eat it.. they wont wanna eat. unless its smthing they hv tried n love it.. then they will fight wanan eat also. usually if its smting i dont want them to eat, i will eat after they sleep. wont eat in front of them..

now i reason n talk terms with them.. example, everytime before we go out, i will do mini briefing.. i tell them no crying, no fighting when we are out. and i get them to repeat after me one by one. i also tell them if they cry/fight, we will go home immediately. i started doing this with our playground trips downstairs. whenever they fight i bring all 3 back home. so now they know i mean it when i say it.

of coz kids being kids, still will hv times they throw tantrums. but generally much better than before.

hv to be very firm.. coz i notice they only behave better when i m ard. once i leave the room, chaos start.. my hb, maid n inlaws all cannot control them. apart from me, the other person who can hav some control over them is my mum. everyone else they bully !!

its not easy.. these toddlers are so smart.. many times they try to outsmart me!!
My kids have never visited hairdresser before. I give them loly-pop when I cut their hair or when they watching cartoon, just snipe here and there quickly. I saw at Toy r Us have those kiddy chair for kids to sit in. Some kids sit there quite well behaved for their haircut.

I smack by hand sometimes. Sometimes he will try me, I will tell him, 'you do, mummy smack'. He will stop. Sometimes, he defy, he will kena smack lor. But no need to smack everyday just need to remind him. But he is more afraid of my hb. Sometimes, use my hb's name, just need to say, 'Look, Daddy's angry', he will stop to ponder....cute.

when they were younger i used to cut when they are sleeping leh...haahah..now v hard coz touch abit they will stir n wake up... n when they r awake, i cant be cutting n holding them. nobody else can handle all the struggling n crying.....
so no choice i bring to salon..i carry n hairdresser cut..

those cater for kids one v costly. i only paid $5 per kid at my regular hairdresser.. 3 of them only $15. if go those fancy kids ones..i will go bankrupt! hehe...
Bubbly how is #3? When is he/she due? Forgot if u r expecting princess or prince. I am a guilty mum who raise my voice at my gal but I think this is not effective parenting... Now she doesn't shout but not sure as she grew will we be having shouting matches. I have only smack her once at her bottom coz she went to play with detergent when we didn't look .... Was worried she drank so in Smack her and said no... She cried like Kena abused

Panda I admire that u can keep ur cool with 3 toddlers. I think if I am u I wld be pulling hair n screaming everyday. They are very well behaved. Grace is ok but lately she started crying alot ... What U call meltdown
#3 is developing well, just into 3rd tri, due mid june. I have placenta previa this time, so maybe earlier if doesn't move up. Its a gal
My mum is relieved, cos she compare my #1 and #2, #2 is too much for her to handle. She also said, she babysit so many kids before, none of them is as mischievous as #2 !

I think we are all guilty at shouting sometimes, cannot control. The other day, I just shouted at #1 to wear her shoes for school, almost time to go , still playing with her toys. She got a shock and got up immediately...haha. But girls are easier to reason and parent. Dread to think of the teenage years !
I cut my girls hair myself. I dunno abt ur kids but mine used to cry cos they're scared of the hair falling on them and they dun like the feeling.
so I cut their hair in the shower with the water running. I let them hold the shower head and tell them to wash all the hair away. my girls love playing with water so that keeps them occupied n distracted.
for the fringe I will just constantly reassure them that mummy will catch all the hair that falls. if any falls on them I just grab the shower n quickly wash it off and they're usually ok after that
grumpus, yes, partly scared of the hair fallig on on them, n partly scared of the scissors snapping away... linus hates to have his hair washed.. esp w the shower head.. i hv to pour water w a scoop..even tht he dont like..but doesnt cry as badly... its been like this for many many months.. dunno when he will outgrow this...

i tried washig the hair off in the shower, n he also cry coz there is hair all over the floor..haha.. its v difficult to distract him when he doesnt like something... :S
gan,i am not cool all the time. there r also times i need to walk out of the room to prevent myself from losing it at them. haha.. i m also human.. cannot b so cool until 365days dont hv temper..haha.. but i make a conscious effort not to lose it at d kids. imagine i hv 3, if i dont control myself, i could b shouting at them the whole day ...one after another!
Gan, the meltdown phase will pass.. now linus already over it. lucas n char is peak.. once over liao they get easier to handle. among them linus is most "guai" now. he used to be most difficult n demanding. but now he understands n takes instructions very well... can reason w him, he can understand and will not kick up big fuss.
hi mummies
catching up with all the conversations. talkg abt potty training, i used to think oh come wkend, i shall be diligent to try,but come wkend, i'm just so lazy to do it.hahah
hv u all converted to pull up pants already? which brand is most economical?
just curious, on wkends do ur kiddos hv playdates? or spend time at home with family only?

r u still using enfa? where do u buy from? the kimsang online is always no stock. dunno wats happening. ntuc is so exp. but on & off i still buy from there when run out. no choice.
happy, i buy from kim sang too..but from their store. i dont quite like their online service. my hb will pick up 6 cans per month..so far always hv stock. if i remember correctly its $63 per can.
i m using a mix of pull ups and the normal stick ons. my 2 younger ones start to reject the stick ons ..they wanna wear the pull ups themselves. my eldest still happy for me to wear for him. but i think very soon hv to change all to pull ups. i m still using the pull ups tht i bought during the huggies cupcake kitchen promo!!
mamy poko yellow version is also economical. huggies during promo w free toy is also v worth.
i also hv mummy frens who swear by Merries.. think its costly but doesnt leak according to them..

for me we do play dates once a mth, or max 2x a month. wkends usually family time...but we do go out..sunday i try to bring them out for breakfast ..followed by run ard supermarket while i try to buy some stuff. if weather permits we go to the pool, library etc. once or twice a month we also try to do trips to zoo, birdpark/science centre etc.
last wkend we went to city square for the balloon garden. small setup at the podium, but the kids v happy to see so many balloons.
ladies - I'm having a super big headache. my girl goes to bed ard 9.30pm every nite. normally my maid rock her for 10 to 15 mins she'll sleep, then at 10pm+ she'll start crying like having nitemare then cough followed by vomitting at least 50% of the milk she drink before bed. it has happen for at least 4 nites in a row already, hb say bring her to PD for a check but I'm really worried that it'll hurt her tummy & throat. any solution?
happy, my girl has been using pull ups since she started walking. I only standby those tape diapers for emergency. Like diarrhorea etc. my girl hate it when she wear tape diaper. Keep asking me to change her. She's on drypantz. The waist area is more springy. Mamy poko yellow packaging is very small. Huggies ultra cutting is longish, I like. But dunno why the last 4 pieces she wore, it leaks when she woke up. I already gave away those loose pieces. Now 100% on drypantz.
Just faith
How much is drypantz? What size yr girl wearing?
Im still on 100% tape diaper... Fitti and pampers.
Tried using pull up and both of them dont like it and keep asking me to change bk to tape diaper.

Now they are in the mid of toilet trained... Pull up is much easier... Now when they off the diaper and use potty... I will let them wear panty or training pants... No diaper till the next shower.

Today both can tell me wana pee... And both pee inside the potty... Meimei even poo inside for the first time...
Im like u.. I dont look forward in them toilet trained... Its so much easier when they wear diaper. I cant imagine i got to bring them to public toilet... Dirty and inconvenient... But of cos that marks them a big step in growing up! Lol...

Thats y i didnt even start them to train even thou i bot those potty... In e end is them who tell me they wana use potty... Haha... Abit gulity...

Btw have u bot those put on top of toilet bowl type? I tot one from forum... V good... Is like bumbo chair... Not those kids toilet padded seat type... The bumbo type one is v comfy and secured... Wont fall off easily...
Omg.. What happen to yr girl? Is it tummy upset? Or becos she is having cough thats y will cough out the milk she just drank?
Any mummy here bot mother garden kitchen play set? I wana buy 1.. Cos my girls very into cooking... And the wooden ones look better... The huggies promo cupcake and bbq set they are still playing till now... So tot of buying a bigger one for them.. But i notice the mother garden kitchen looks v low.. Even lower than the little tikes cupcake kitchen...
baby - I really have no idea what happen to her! dun think its tummy upset & the cough is from her crying. I'm really worried now
Or any suggestion on the brand of wooden kitchen playset? I saw kidscraft.. Much cheaper and bigger than mother garden. But not as sweetie and detailed....
Weekends the kids do gym/swim or spend time at the park, so they play with whoever there. Usually the same kids are there. Playdates usually during school hols.

let your girl drink earlier or give less milk before sleep. She could be having night terrors or nightmare or developing sleep problems. If it continues and you are worried get her checked out.
baby, i hv 3 stand alone potty seats and 1 cover the toilet bowl type...

mothergarden is sit down n play ... now like tikes where they can stand n cook. i prefer tikes type of kitchen set compared to the full wooden ones.. wooden one very heavy ..comes to cleaning difficult to push ard. and also not as safe when the kids start pushing n fighting..

i m looking for a bigger tikes kitchen set too.. the 2 sets not really enuff when 3 of them play together.

you can also check out ELC, they hv v lovely kitchen sets too...
Yalor the mother garden sets height is more for sitting down to play... But it does look v sweet...
ELC v exp... Little tikes not much designs leh... Hmm.. Dont knw what other brands are available...
wow u go to the kimsang shop? isnt it quite far?

ya yellow mamy poko very small. i opened my pack yesterday after sitting ard for a long time. like too small for my boy ardi.

which toilet seat sounds good. which thread u bought from?
Happy, u can try drypantz next time. The cartoon prints also very cute. My girl can wear on her own. But I need to adjust for her after that. For mamy poko, she end up tearing the pull up. Cause the cutting too small n material is thinner. I think the pink & blue packaging should be better.

happy, they hv many shops all over the island. i m at woodlands, so the cck n teck whye one is nearest ..not so bad ... hb can zoom to and fro when the kids nap on wkends..or wkdays after work...
