IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

I suspect my girl has croup... Her breathing in sound is so noisy... Like a coarse snoring... She is not zz well.. Keep waking up and cry... She been up for 5 times now since she zz... Looks like i have to bring her see pd tml again... 3rd time...

baby, if noisy breathing better go see doctor. chances are if its croup, the antibiotics wont work... hv to nebulize .. tht time my boy was neb every 3 hourly when in tmc and immediately given a jab to open the airways..

yes..keep crying coz difficulty in breathing..
If mummy/daddy at home, its like that ! My boy is very observant, mon-fri, if I wear work-wear, he will not fuss when I go out, will just say bye-bye to me, cos he knows I'm going to work. Come sat/sun if I go out without taking him, he will cry the house down, he knows I'm not going to work. They will outgrow as they mature, the fights will get milder and when they can find the things that each like to do, like play ipad...hehe.

Its not ok for recurring fever. Safer to bring to Dr for peace of mind. There are many types of antibiotics, work for one bug may not work for others.
bubblybear, my kids are the opposite!

if i telecommute n they see me in home clothes in the morning they will be ok.. guai guai let me prep them for sch. but if they wake up see me in work clothes, all will immediately cling to me coz dont want me go to work!
Seen pd this morning.. No med...
Pd says antibiotics stay in body for 10days.. So by fri should get better.. If fever still above 38 on fri must see her again. If stil have fever ard 37plus still ok.. Means getting better..

Weird enough... After see pd.. Temp not high liao.. Thou didnt take any med... Lol... The power of seeing doctor. Maybe the smell of the clinic makes the diff... Haha
Baby how do u feed ur gal singular? Put in milk or with food? 1 doc told me in milk, the other said shld not, shld mix with solid food. I confused
Pd says mix with 1 spoon of milk or solids... But i mix it with water together with another powder med for phelgm. Orange flavoured ones.
Winnie my current also says wld be more effective with solids and shld not dissolve in water . But AAT says can dissolve in milk and feed
dr chan says sprinkle on porridge. but my raffles pd says mix in milk.

I just mix in water cos aly doesn't eat porridge or drink milk. I find it works either way
Usually singulair is to feed during bedtime... How to mix it with porridge?? I just mix it with 1 teaspoon of milk... I never mix med into milk bottle cos in case they dont finish the whole bottle...
Nice meeting you.

Did u see a drama kicking boy screaming away when u brought grace into class ? It's Keith lo. He cried so hard today
, heart pain like we r murdering him.

When my parents went to pick him after lunch he was hopping happily to the loo after his food. Saw my parents n waved bye bye to Catherine. She said he cried awhile then ok liao.

Unlike yesterday when I went, he cried when he saw me at the classroom door. the whole afternoon he wanted me to carry n must be in line of sight else melt down. Rejected my parents too.

Would I normally just hand over grace tothe teacher at the door step ?
Day hello !!

Didn't see Keith when I went in , think teacher carried him to play area to play。 only saw yi tong the new gal screaming for mama. Grace cried the moment she stepped thru the door. Inconsolable , so I carried her in, wash her hands and brought her to breakfast table to distract her... Still cry. Till I told her teacher will bring her see bus. Then while she ate I sneak off. My dad said she was playing happily when he went to pick her up at noon.

Last time after her being in school for couple weeks, I wld hand her to teacher at the door, gave her a kiss , said bye and just go. She wld cry but I checked with teacher they said she cried awhile and will stop.

One of the teachers commented yesterday that grace has
Not been crying like this for something .. I guess the 3 weeks absence sort of Changed the routine so she resisted achool again
Today my hb brought Keith there .... He screamed like hell again.

I think for those older tots it's the crying n screaming mad house which made them cry
( ... I saw ruka ok but heard tong tong screaming she also started her drama. That probably can't settle the older kids ... Most of them in the class are crying or screaming in the mornings . Even gwendoline also cry ... Think only 1 boy not crying.

That's why my colleagues were telling me something is not right ?!?!
I left grace at the door and she was screaming and struggling away... I have to hardened my heart and go but I can hear at the gate too!!! I am so afraid the teacher wld dropped her
wow.. sounds like very chaotic in the mornings!
my kids class all very settled. and quite a few on sch bus.. so no drama when reach sch coz parents not ard. the drama already finished on the bus..

hmm..sometimes it could be the way the teacher handle the kids. they are crying for attention.

my kids stop crying on the bus recently.. coz the form teacher explain to them everyday before they go home, that they cannot cry on the bus the next morning, she told them she will ask the bus auntie if anyone cried. before tht they always cry, but when the tr ask the bus auntie in front of them if they cried, all of them say "dont have"! hahaaha... n bus auntie will tell the teacher the boys cried, but mei mei very brave, din cry.
mummies who went bk to work after popping, do u hv memory problems ah??? aiyoh.. i seem to hv lost half my brain!! cannot remember alot of things leh...

i hv to constantly write down to remind myself..dunno its becoz after hv bbs, or i not enuff sleep, or all combined.. :S
panda - my memory is terrible! I have to write down the details & hb suan me say go gnc buy brain booster vit for me! I jokingly tell him I left my brain at tmc hahaha
Panda hahaha I have many embarrassing moments of talking to my boss and forgetting what is the person's name or what I want to discuss. Think is lack of sleep. I dun have much sleep since delivery. Best rest was when I went for biz trip
yeah, the lack of sleep definitely also plays a part. i am 3 mths at work and still feel very confused and keep forgetting things.. always get the work mixed up leh..very pai seh.. few times my boss tell me she told me before, but i cant seem to remember at all!
I guess its the lack of zz... Since giving birth we have been deprieved of zz... So that explains the forgetfulness... Happens to me as well.. I can walk out of the rm and forgot what i went out for... Lol..

I send bk my girls to sch today after cny and the sick days... Both cry when we drop them off.. But i think they stop pretty fast... Shall check with the tr when i go pick them up later..
Tr comment both slim down...

One sick episode really can shed their weight off.. Thou they still eat as usual maybe only slightly lesser...
baby, my eldest also slim down..even though after he recovered he has been eating non stop!

my two younger ones both gaining weight and becoming more chubs. esp my girl who has been stagnant for many months start to gain weight. i must say the cc teacher has most of the credit coz she will make sure my girl finishes her food..n tea break will persuade her to eat. at home i offer her food she will shake her head and say dont want..
Whats yr girl weight now?
My girls are around 11plus to 12kg...
I guess also cos they are growing taller so that makes them look more slender...

Happy to hear from tr that they are ok at sch today! Both stop crying aft we left.. And both ate the lunch there.. My elder even had 2 bowls... They laugh happily when we reach to pick them... They also had waterplay...
Thanks for the update.

U just left ? My hubby brought him there about 810.
Now still crying ? Jayden n tong tong will join them too
baby, my girl just cross 10kg only! haha.. stagnant at 9plus for sooooooo long.. then sick drop again.. now finally cross 10. LOL..

my boys are both 13kg..but eldest lately lose some weight coz not well.. but the younger one still gaining good weight.. my hb says everyday carry him he feels heavier, ask me if the little boy is already 15kg..hahaha....
Haha.. Means my girls weight are quite alrite hearing yr girl just cross 10kg... They are getting heavier for me to carry them around... Hopefully they will get the idea of walking on their own soon... Else walk abit want me to carry... Jialat... Arms and back aching everyday.

Btw did yr trio took the hep A vaccination? I think all the compulsory japs all done.. Left this optional hep A...

Have started yr trio on seafood like prawn, crab, sotong? I hvt leh... I also hvt start them on nuts... Pd ask me to stay off till 3...

ur girls r very good weight. mine very petite.. even the gp says she is so tiny..LOL..

no, i din let them take hep A. they hv tried prawn, shrimp and crab meat..sotong no coz i think too chewy for them to handle..

nuts they hv not eaten the nuts itself, but my boys love peanut butter.. i spread on bread for them. my girl is allergic to peanut.. took 2x n mouth area developed rashes. so i stopped giving her the peanut butter.
Yr boys and girl weight quite a big diff... They eat abt the same but weight so diff... Lol..

I always wanted to give my girls peanut butter on bread but scare of allergic reaction so dont dare to give... And i usually only give them plain bread.... Very ocasionally i spread margarine... Or i will give cheese separately with the bread.. They dont like cheese together with bread.. Haha
Yr trio eating adult table food everytime now?
Do u still cook separately for them?
Do u let them eat fried food?
A senseless comment from a mummy to be. I am mummy to a pair of twin conceived with Ivf help . My twins will ask me one day mummy where i come from? i will tell them the truth, but how am i going tell that there are people who ever said that ivf babies shouldnt be born and money should be spend elsewhere, how should i protect my children from the discrimination of being sterotype on what perceived as normal or abnormal to some who dont understand. very dissppointed, please help to spread this around to protect our children from discrimination.

baby, now tht i m working, i dont cook as often.

my mum cooks the kids dinner, and my 18mths nephew is also at her house. so they all still get their food cooked separately. everyday will have their own pot of soup, smtimes serve w different types of noodles, rice w dishes or pasta.

i dont serve fried foods at home. but once or twice a month i do let them indulge in fries/nuggets/etc when outside. at home i will oven bake such stuff instead of fried.

sad to say we cant stop what others what to say or think. but tht doesnt stop us from telling our kids how special, precious and loved they are. i always get asked how my kids are conceived, and i tell them that my trio are IVF babies. IVF is just another means to completing our family. i m a proud mummy of a set of full term healthy triplets, so what this mtb said hold no grounds at all to me
precisely, i totally agree but these comments come from an aspiring doctor / gynae. and to think if any hospital allow her to practise.

she is pregnant but that doesnt mean she can shoot her mouth off. senseless comments shouldnt kills but it might hurt our young one when they know to read. got to teach my little one to filter :)
i cant control what people said but i can show what these ugly people who is well educated yet EQ low . i can tolerant nonsense but baseless and senseless comments that might hurt my little ones, is my limit .
my blood test results are out n I Kena hyper function thyroid. My readings are 4X the normal range
Hence affecting my ovulation n AF big time. I also sweat excessively n lose weight
,... I need to see a endocrinologist to access my condition.
Anyone have history of thyroid ?

Keith is sick again. He's nose like runny tape ...
Btw did u received the term 1 field trip to pasir ris park n beach. Have u attended any of the previous field trips ? How was it ?

Your trios field trip are somewhat similar ? U attended any before ? .
Day, yes received the field trip notice, finger cross I can take leave to go with her. First time she is going. The last round to snow city, I paid to let her join in but she was down with bad flu and cough so she missed the last trip.

Did u bring Keith see dr?

If u have thyroid issue, avoid broccoli, cabbage , cauliflower n seafood.
Are you stress with work or whatever ? Stress is usually a cause. But hyper thyroid is better than having hypo. The endocrinologist may send you for further thyroid assessment and need to take thyriod meds till the condition is under control. Dr may advise shelving fertility plans depending on the severity of the condition.
There are always such people around, having their own views. It is due to media that good and bad gets circulated. Lets just hope that somewhere along the way, she is not made to eat her words.
Day, so far never hear of any field trip. i think shld not be many. i recalled the P mentioned the toddler class has lesser trips coz still very young.

If Keith in the N1 or toddler class?

Charlotte also down w stomach flu. Last night after dinner at my mum's place, came bk home 830pm vomitted everything out. 9pm ask for milk, drink the bottle immediately vomit again. i used the insert, and after tht she slept. at 4am woke up drink one bottle ..after tht ok, no more vomitting. i asked hb to take leave take care of her today, the boys will go to school.
baby, the insert is to stop the vomitting. coz she cant stomach anything. once input will output. so i use the insert stop the vomitting first, after tht switch to oral med.
OK I will sign up the field trip at a later stage.

I m already working part time n still stress ?'_*
Went to consult my gynea n he said if I want to do fet , my thyriod values must return to normal range n Iam seeing endocrinlogist....

Keith is in same toddler class as grace.
Think their cc organise field trips quarterly.
inserts for char are from dr aat ?

Noticed that char is more prone in falling sick.
Did u gave her multivits ?
Dr apl gave keith multivits but he is assuming more meds than multivits
Maybe you good life, just need to be tai tai
There are alot of factor that cause stress, not only work, can be due to pregnancy also. Nowadays city lifestyle is so busy, everyone running like a mouse on a threadmill. Can also be family history too. But thyroid levels will return to normal, don't worry. Even my friend who has hypo, manage to have a baby. Its a common problem.

actually before going cc, char fell sick the least. but since start cc, she is unwell more often. she is v v fussy eater leh. even the multi vit, and cod oil, she refuses to take on some days. the boys will take everyday.

my kids are on the child life multi vit, cod oil and baby gaia probiotics daily. only the probiotics char will take everyday.
ohh..i think for toddler class here, the trips are 2x a year max..

the inserts are from GP. i dont go TMC unless more serious problems. stomach flu the GP will giv me an oral med for the vomitting, and also inserts to standby. he says if throw up immediately after taking milk, most likely cant stomach the meds too..so use inserts first. so far works very well for my kids...

for any mummies who may be interested in registering for Marymount kindergarten next year.

10 may 2013 - registration for Catholics and kids who are previously already on wait list
11 may 2013 - public registration

anybody who needs more info pls pm me
