IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Grumpus/baby, how do u let bb free roam huh? They don't attempt to climb or go n knock themselves ?? My ones will go under coffee table then bang their heads, or go open drawers n hurt their fingers..or worse push each other n fall on floor...

I dun hv a coffee table haha
my dining table chairs r all pushed in so she can't go under the table. but during dinner she will roam under. a couple of times she knocked her head trying to come out from underneath. aft 2-3 times she learnt n bends her head slightly when coming out from under the table. my kitchen drawers r child proofed with child lock. she can't open them.
anyway my girl understands her name n no. when she attempts to touch or take something she's not supposed to I will say Aly no no. she will shake her head n say no no n walk away.
falling down is part of learning. if they fall down while on the floor is ok. it's only a short distance

my girls do push each other too. my elder frequently runs n accidentally pushes my younger. I will tell my elder to be careful, tell my younger it's ok, kiss n off she goes again.
now my younger plays outside at the lift landing with my elder. my elder blows bubbles, my younger will chase n poke them.
Same as grumpus..
My ones will crawl under the chairs and dining table.. They do knock their heads initially.. Now they smart.. They will lower their head when gg in and coming out...
Same as drawers.. I didnt use any child lock.. They giap their fingers before but bbs now v clever.. Once kana.. They will remember and so far they didnt giap their hands anymore..

Mine also will fight and push each other to the floor.. Sometimes will cry sometimes will not... Now they learning to walk.. Take a few steps and stumble down the floor.. They didnt cry... I guess they know how to cushion the fall... Its part of learning process... If we always protect them.. They will never learn..

They also like to hold on the standing fan and shake.. Once the fan fall on my elder.. But surprising she didnt cry... Then onwards when they go to the fan i tell them no.. Thou they still go to play with fan.. Now more careful.. Will not shake the fan.. Haha... Must be the milk powder dha that make the learn so fast!

Cos from young they didnt confined in the play yard.. Always free roam.. So maybe thats how they learn... But i will close all room doors in case they bang the door and hurt themslvs.
I child proofed my drawers not cos scared fingers get Giap. but cos my elder last time got so good at opening n closing drawers tat she will open them as n when n help herself to the 'toys' inside! haha
hmm..sounds like its time i let my bbs out of the "Cage"... my ones hor super loud at crying when fall or knock themselves.. n one cry all cry! i cannot tahan.. so i keep them in the play yard to minimise such ....esp my younger boy... gor gor lightly touch him when playing also he scream.......i hv to b human barrier sit between them so that they dont go n "touch" each other....
Mine also!! They got so many toys but they prefer to go open the drawers.. Make a mess and empty the whole drawer!
But i will make sure those drawers that they can access.. The "toys" inside is child friendly... Haha...
Now they are figuring how to open the fridge door... Jialat..
Cos mine is those 2 door side by side fridge so the handle is accessible to them...
Sooner or later they still need to get out of the yard... They cant always have the mat to cushion them... Else next time when they fall on the floor.. They will be too stunned.

Once u let them out.. U will be surprise how fast they learn to protect themslvs.. And the space is much bigger than the yard so the chance of them touching each other is smaller.. Just have to make sure the corners are taken care of... And child danger objects lying around...

Mine v funny.. Will roam till i need to go find them... Sometimes hiding under the table... V amusing...
yup u can get those corner protectors n drawer locks. n keep small objects out of their reach if they hv a tendency to put things in their mouths.
coins n batteries r the most dangerous.

yr boys will hv to learn how to get along or avoid each other. after all they hv to live with each other for the next 20-30 yrs. u can't always be there to referee
Home soon! Going to airport when my baby is up from her nap. Think she is teething, kept biting her sleeves n put fingers in her mouth.

My gal also roam freely in my parents' place, my place too small, not much space to roam, though I let her crawl around too. She has learnt kitchen is out of bounds n no touching the Christmas tree at my mum's place. Sometimes when she crawls pass the kitchen, saw my helper in there n wants to go in, my mum will tell her 'bu ke yi' she will stop n continue to crawl other places n not go in,
haiz..i just walk about letting them out, my younger boy go push the elder one in the play yard, the elder one topple n slam onto the mat.. scream the house down!

gan, ur gal v guai.. my eldest one if i tell him "no no, cannot" he will immdiately start yelling until his face turn red..... :S
u hv many more years of disciplining to go. muz be firm. bb at this age can be trained already to understand no. u can tell yr elder no n distract him with something else for a start.
there will also be many more years of fighting snatching n screaming.
cannot always just keep them apart, they hv to learn.

my hb n his sis used to fight alot. usual kids stuff la. my mil used to separate them, each in their own room, play with their own toys. now my hb is not close to his sis at all.
my mum on the other hand brought my bro n sis up together. everything is together. they of cos hv their share of fights but even till now they r very close.
Panda sometimes when we tell my girl no, she will also scream or cry, but like grumpus said, I will distract her, for example hide the thing if possible n sign no more, so that she understands the thing is not there, or show her other things.

Home! Tiring but we had fun, though most of the photos of my gal are taken in restaurant, hahaha coz we hardly can do much tourist stuff. Taking the flight was alittle tough, coz is my gal's nap time n she is so Kaypoh and distracted but surrounding that she can't nap...ended up screaming in the taxi..think the driver must be very stress!
Just came home.. Fast fast cook mee sua with vege stock and steam butternut squash and salmon to throw into the mee sua together with some choy sim. elder ate a bowl.. Small girl ate first mouth and puke out.. Guess its abit hot.. In e end give milk... Lucky lunch time she ate a avent cup of peach, strawberry with potato and cAUliflower with minced chicken.
Grumpus, those light cheese cake we buy from bread talk, can feed to baby? Do u give any cakes to ur gal now or they are too sweet?
I aldry starting to give my girls bits of our food here and there.. I gave them bits of pandan cake, fried rice, noodles.. Let them try whatever we are eating.. Except for seafood.
Today i bot orange cake and cheese earthquake bread from breadtalk.. Gg to let them have it for bfast tml...
Wana expose them to more adult food.. So i can slowly wean them off baby food... But for now.. Main food i will still cook specially for them without the seasonings...

One of my friend pd told her we should let baby take our table food frm 1 year old onwards... No reason why we should stop them frm eating our food... Hmm...
The kids have so many toys, but their favorite is opening kitchen cupboard and play with the utensils inside. Sometimes, think no need to buy so much toys.

Girls easier to manage, I find. My boy does not take no for an answer, if I say no, he will look at you and do it again, until such that have to take him away. My elder is like your girl, easy.

Panda wife
I childproof my house, cos my one is like a puppy, always like to open shoe cupboard and take the shoe and chew. But the corner protector is no use, I put them and one by one my boy
went to take it out, now all in the bin.

Happy holidays everyone, it's past 12am now !
I do give my girl bits n pcs of food. jap cheesecake, steamed cakes (fa gao) etc. but not on a regular basis la. regular is still bread
yes! I also think the kids dun need so much toys. give them new toys first thing they do is play with the wrapper
my mum said last time no money to buy so many toys we play with Tupperware, pots n pans, spoons n ladles
Already 1 yr old, they are toddlers. If they do not have food allergy, can give once a while when we ourselves eat. But when we cook just cook healthy and he continues to eat his bland tasting food even though he has taken lots of our table food.
Time for me to let my gal try some table food.

My gal got a bump on her forehead as a christmas present! Fell down from the sofa when I just looked away for a few seconds.
baby, i tell u smthing, i hv never let my bbs into my kitchen before! there is a step going to the kitchen... sure fall one..so i always lock the kitchen door.. they r always v amused by whats going on behind the door.. will sit walker n start banging on the door.

my dining table set is ikea cheapo one.. v light esp the chairs.. they like to go n pull n try to push it..its v light, will topple over..or they will go n try to push the high chair..all these if topple over will hit them.. so cant really let them free play.. i watch them like a hawk.. never out of my sight! haiz.. sounds like i m over protective....

grumpus, u r right about letting them play together... they used to b worse n cant b near each other! even sit in high chair beside one another also can scream... now is considered alot better.. i guess i just hv to keep trying...

i oso let my bbs eat more adult foods.. recently i let my gal try a french fries...i clean off the salt and blot the oil off.. she just take n chew on it ..ate half a fries..

discipling is a major problem for me.... in my attempt to reduce the crying tht goes on in the house, smtimes i will just take the easy way out n giv in so tht they stop crying! i really cannot tahan 3 bbs crying so much..drives me crazy...
Gan, you have zambuk at home? I usually apply zambuk and it will be gone tomorrow morning. Yea, u should let Grcae try adult food. My girl is usually more interested in our food than her own food. I let my girl try most stuff, except spicy and deep fried.

Pandawife, did you teach your babies how to crawl or climb down when there is a step? Sometimes I put mattress on the floor, she will climb down. Legs down, then buttocks. She v kiasi one. She also likes to crawl to kitchen and follow me around. I don't let her access the service yard. She doesn't open the cabinet doors and drawers (keeping my fingers crossed) cause I will keep telling her "no-no, pain pain Gina". So she back out easily.
I dunno abt the ikea dining chairs. But the ikea high chair is very stable, bb shd not be able to topple it. My girl used to push it along as her walker!
I taught both my girls how to go up n down stairs. Actually u'll be surprised, bbs r very aware if wats going on. My girl can see the step n will stop there n scream for help. If I dun help her she'll figure out a way. Her way now is to sit on the floor, let her legs hang over the edge till her feet touch the ground then she'll stand up n she's on the other side already.

U need to differentiate bb cry. Whether is screaming cos tantrum, cannot get wat they want or truly distressed cry, in pain, hungry, scared etc. the former I will ignore, the latter I will attend immediately. Actually if u always give in they will scream more cos they know tats how they can get their way.

My elder only threw one major tantrum, screaming kicking rolling on the floor. We removed everything from around her n walked off ignoring her. She screamed/cried for 30mins n never did it again. My younger is more stubborn. Screamed, cried, kicked legs, roll on the floor for 45mins until she gave up.

U gotta establish ground rules especially at home. Otherwise next time if they're out n all walking already, u may not be able to control them. U hv 3 lei, when they reach terrible twos n start talking back, u'll hv big problems.
Hmm... Does sounds u are overly protective of them.. Like u cant tahan their cries.. Scare they fall down..etc.. They are getting bigger and more mobile.. Cant be u always hawk over them.. Esp when have 3! Let them learn thru falls... U will be surprise how fast they learn... Just have to ensure their roaming area is child friendly... No sharp edges or small objects.. Otherwise falls are unavoidable when they are learning to walk...

For kitchen, if the table is reachable to them.. Then must be careful not to leave bowls and hot tins on top.. They might pull it down and hurt themslvs...
Can i check with u mummies the yopliat is it yogurt with those L acidophilos good bacteria? Cos it wrote fromage frais.. The ingredients did not state L acidophilos leh...
Anyway what is fromage frais??
haiz..looks like i hv lots to learn..

i dunno why bb crying just freaks me out.. my frens all tell me overtime i will b immune to it.. but it hasnt happen...

my hb oso says my bbs bully me coz they know i wont let them cry...:S

i tried letting my eldest do the step to the kitchen.... you gals r right! hehe.. he stopped at the step.. din dare to go down walking..he sat down n use his backside push himself so tht his legs go down first! haha..amazing..i din even teach him...
Oh means yopliat is not yogurt?? Yogurt is better right? Have good bacteria in it... Hmm..

I aldry immune to my girls cries liao leh... Hmm..
When they fuss crying or fight toy cries.. I just simply ignore them.. When they see me not entertaining them.. Aft a while they will stop crying and continue to play...
Maybe yr hb is right.. Yr bbs know mummy will always carry them when they cry.. So they cry to get yr attention. "i cry i get"
U know.. I dont carry my girls almost at all at home... When they fuss.. Either i ignore them or play with them... The only times i carry them is to put them on highchair or when i wana change their diaper... Sometimes i didnt even carry them.. I let them crawl to me... Else if i carry one.. The other sure want me to carry... And i dont want to let them get used to being carry... If not.. Mummy will faint!
actually yoghurt doesn't hv tat much good bacteria in them too. so both r actually just another kind of snack n source of dairy
I give both minced n small pcs. but I think minced is ok cos it still requires chewing. u can slowly mince less n less finely
Really ah... Hmm... I give yogurt tot got good bacteria so good for their intestines and digestion... Cos since they drinking milk.. Not lack of diary or calcium...

Been busy? Seldom see u here...
I use fork to mash fish and minced chicken... For pork i use hand shred cos its abit harder so difficult to mash with fork..
actually there r some studies which show tat by the time yoghurt reach our supermarket shelves most of the good bacteria hv already died off. of cos still no harm in giving to bb. but of cos if u really want good bacteria then probiotics supplements r better
let my girls take chicken pox but not hep A
my elder finished her chicken pox jabs very early lei. her last jab was Pneumococcal at 2yo
Hows the solids feeding these few days?
This morning only gave bread and yoplait with banana and blueberries. Running out of ideas.
Grumpus, my gal has her last dose of pneumococcal today. She took her 1st dose of MMR too coz the kkh pd said now there is more cases of meseals so recommend to take, she also asked if want take chicken pox and hep a today but I decided to wait awhile coz like so many typf of jabs in 1 shot. Aly took her chicken pox already? Any reason for not taking Hep A?

Tickles u let ur elder take the chicken pox later coz she is going childcare? Thinking maybe chicken pox can wait since unlikely to be n contact with people with chicken pox?
aly will be taking her chicken pox booster next mth at 1yo plus mmr

hep A is spread thro contaminated water or food, usually undercooked seafood etc.
since we're quite careful with water and food for the kids, felt it was not necessary. also hep A is not really a childhood illness. meaning not many children contract it. whereas chicken pox is.
Baby, mine still the same. Eat like a bird, feed one hour plus n create a big mess... Wkend we went out, so I just giv milk for lunch. Only bf n dinner ate solids.

Today I tried giv porridge lunch..usually lunch is pasta. I cooked 3.5 tablespoon of uncooked rice, add chopped carrots, cauliflower and pumpkin w cod fish. Left about 1 table spoon of the porridge.. They eat so long I hv to cook the porridge v thick otherwise turn watery...

Breakfast they ate one pack of the organix alphabet biscuits w cheese n banana..n 2 bars of weetabix.

Dinner will cook oat w brown rice..add minced chicken,
Mushroom n pumpkin. No greens today coz ran out n no time to go buy yet. Tonight bbs zzzz I hv to zoom out to buy...

Just settled the bbs lunch n bathe them. My turn to eat lunch...3pm they will hv milk n go nap...
Thats v good! Can finish 3.5 tb spoon of uncooked rice.. Left only 1 tb spoon... So one bb ate nearly 1 tb spoon on uncooked rice... Thats good!

I just fed my elder porridge... Later gg to feed my small girl.. Today gg to try feeding my small girl 2 times porridge.. Previous milk feed i only give her 140ml instead of 180ml...Porridge lunch is potato, butternut squash, spinach and pork.
U can try to put one small thin young ginger slice into the porridge.. It smell v fragnant.. If u cooking with fish.. Can help to cover the fishy smell too...

Mummy still hvt take lunch yet... This morning hurt my back when i bend down to carry my elder... Now still pain... Jialat..
Cooking dnr porridge now... Throw in chopped tomato and carrot... Abt done will throw in spinach and salmon.

Panda, now i usually cook vege and meat together in the porridge.. I dont steam separately... I find its easier and the porridge taste better... Hmm.. I guess lesser nutrients should be ok bah.. Since traditionally people also cook this way.. Cant be too wrong i think.. Heee... Lazy mummy.
Yday jus cooked vege stock again. Carrot, potato, corn and onion. Now i will use some vege stock to cook... Taste much better. Else v bland...
My elder one has been in IFC since 2.5m. I didnt tot of giving her initially. Only when she is ard 3 then I start to decide. Thats why I took. Then that time the doc told me no rush on taking the jab too.
baby, thts still v little compared to bbs who eat one bowl..hahaha... i guess my ones r like me..small eater..

i dun put the meat/fish into the porridge..i usually serve them separately.. so if they cant finish the rice part, at least eat up the meat or fish...

i need to make pasta sauce.. haiz..v tired..but no more sauce to cook pasta for them.. n i dun think they wanna eat plain anymore....

took the bbs out to cs n ntuc just now to do grocery shopping....all so happy to b out of the house...
my friend posted this on FB. wanna share this w the mummies here too...

Respect tiny tummies.
Keep food servings small. Wondering how much to offer? Here's a rule of thumb – or, rather, of hand. A young child's stomach is approximately the size of his fist. So dole out small portions at first and refill the plate when your child asks for more. This less-is-more meal plan is not only more successful with picky eaters, it also has the added benefit of stabilizing blood-sugar levels, which in turn minimizes mood swings.
Hep A is not common in countries with good sanitation. But chicken pox is highly contagious and can cause brain inflammation and people can die from the virus although the numbers are very very small.
Panda, I am reading what to expect the second year , and under feeding, the approximate recommended serving size for our babies is cooked pasta, rice or other grains: 2 tablespoons. So guess ur babies are eating fine.
Im so tired doing the daily chores.. No energy to bring them out at all... Bad mummy...

My small girl also dont take a bowl... Today i gave her two cereal cum porridge meals... I drop a milk feed. Add in abt 4 tb porridge to 50ml cereal.. Makes abt a bowl... She finished.
So now she only take 3 milk feeds a day. Morning milk, afternoon milk and bedtime milk. I dont give cereal for bfast anymore since she will be having it for both lunch and dnr. Bfast i usually give bread and yogurt with fruits.. Or fruits alone.

gan, i dun tink the ang mohs eat porridge..keke..so shld b like 2 tablespoon of cooked rice...

my gal today anti porridge.. haiz.. both lunch n dinner refuse to eat. she wants pasta..but Linus dont like pasta.. plus i ran out of sauce to make.. haiz...

is the book good? i bought the for first year n only read up to 6 mths no time liao.... nowadays only things i read r recipes and food labels!
