IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

baby, i bathe bbs myself...my ones v active in the tub, will try to climb out or wanna stand ... so i dun trust maids bathing them.

black pepper is just to expose them to the taste... PD says before 1yo expose to as many tastes...aft tht lesser chance of getting fussy eaters...


yes, yes, i agree with u! attitude face! act blur face! act brainless, but certain things know how to cheat and take shortcuts! fed up!

you guys got any reliable part time cleaner? i m staying in sengkang. feel free to give your recommendations. my maid dunno my plan yet.

you better stick to your maid. you have two, unlike me! forgot to answer your earlier question, my MIL and mum not helping me. my mum will come over if i really need to go out to run errands.
Oh i see... Hmm... I hvt even intro tomato yet... Heee... Recently didnt really intro new food... Been giving the usual food... So mentally and physically tired....

Yr 3 ones can sleep thru the night now? My elder girl been driving us crazy during the night time... Keep waking up and cry... Aldry give her solids and milk during the day... Shouldnt be hungry... Just fussing... Cant get bk to sleep on her own when she wake up...
Just Faith,
yr gal so guai and she's already almost 1yo. u shd be able to handle w/o maid
jia you!
kitchen and toilet everyday just agar agar clean. windows just once a wk, use pt time helper.

i'm using a pt time helper from agency. PM me if you want more info
baby, i try to intro 1-2 new foods every week... just now gave grapes as finger foods.. all 3 loved it.. i tink coz sweet! kept asking for more..

my eldest n youngest can zzz thru. my younger boy now cries at midnight, 2-3am and wakes up ard 6am. so 2x a night i hv to wake up n pacify him back to zzzz.. already a vast improvement compared to the hourly crying last time! but my bbs wake up v early.. 5-6am all 3 will b up to play! now all zzzz already too......

this week my mum is here half day in the morning..lunch time she goes home.. by next week she will not b coming to help me anymore coz my sil going back to work. so it will just b me n the maids... my challenging part is my bbs always want me to carry ..n all want my attention at the same time...if i stay at home w them, i wil hv 3 crying bbs! but if go out, they v guai.. will not fight for my attention.... so now everyday after lunch we go out for a few hours..n when we r back the bbs will take their afternoon nap. after evening makan n bath, i hv to bring them downstairs for stroll again..otherwise they can cry n cry n cry non stop..... :S
yr bbs cough totally ok already? grapes r same category as citrus fruits. be careful if bbs prone to cough
grumpus, all ok liao..now i m coughing! doc says the bbs passed the cough bug to me...

oohh..ok.. will give moderately...
Aiyo poor thing. Pd told me before tat the last person in the family to get sick usually gets the worst attack!

Take care!
How do u give the grape? Peel the skin and cut into half to let bb self feed? Wont scare they will choke?
I wonder whether my girls can handle not...

Hmm.. Hearing u say u bring 3 bbs out with 2 maids... Maybe i can do the same!

U coughing ah... Got see dr? Take care ya...
grumpus, yeah...cough quite bad esp at night..exact same symptoms as the bbs previously.. seen doc n taken medication stil coughing..

baby, i peel skin cut half for my eldest n gal...my younger boy i cut quarters for him coz he doesnt chew as well... u wil b surprise tht bbs dont choke tht easily...before choking can happen they will gag already... n i always make sure i watch them closely when i let them self feed..

self feed is actually better than us feeding...coz bbs will self assess the food before putting into the mouth.. when we feed we stuff it into their mouth without them realising whats going in.....my bbs will always touch, feel and look at the foods before eating them..
Baby, I also gave grapes to my girl since she was 7/8 months. Seedless. I cut half. So far, she will suck suck the grapes before putting inside her mouth. Just like how she play with teething biscuits.

Grumpus, my girl not guai lah. Can say she is dong shi and learn new things fast. She knows when I scold her, and give me ke-Lian look. When she dropped something on the floor, she will show me "no-more" sign. I only have one baby... And have been spending so much time with her, more or less I feel confident taking care of her alone. I try not to think too much of "what if" or emergency happens. It's time I regain my freedom.
Panda/just faith
Alamak... Seems like im so late to intro grape to my girls!

U buy those big round grape is it? Those that are bigger in size type or those oval shape type?
baby, no lah. not late lah.. there r still many foods my bbs hv yet to try too.. i buy those oval seedless ones.. round one oso can... so long seedless otherwise hassle to remove seeds..

nope..hv not tried the custard milk bites.. i tink it might b v sweet...

i tried giving my bbs dinner today.. i took them out for a walk at the nearby mall at 4+.. all v happy..come back at 5+ serve dinner.. food all wiped out! i gv them potatoes w cheese, cinnamon minced chicken w cheese, dessert was peach w plum..

we had 2 trips out today.. one before noon time to the library... n one late pm. my boys super duper fussy when at home n both keep fighting for my attention.. cry n scream at each other! but when i bring them out they like angels.. maid carry oso ok... at home dun want the maids..... thank god i hv a gal. if 3 boys i will go IMH!
Pandawife, dun say that! Cause u hv 3, your babies imitate each other screaming I guess. My girl also imitate when my neighbour's kids scream at home. Good to bring them out, come back sure knock out n zzz.. Wake up n have good meal. Haha. Good... Good.

Baby, not late lah... U still havent intro durians! My MIL likes to buy fruits. But I lazy to cut n eat. Only peel and cut for my girl nia. I buy so long it's seedless. Dun like those rounded. Should be oval shape bah....
Wow what a spread! Sounds so yum yum...

How u cook the chicken and potato?? Baked? Teach me leh...

Now u know how to make yr bbs eat... Just take them out and they are in mood to enjoy yr effort!
Ya i tasted it myself.. Indeed quite sweet... Since they only take abt half... I guess it should be alrite?

I also bot the crystal jade carrot bread... But its abit hard.. My girl dont seem to like it... Hmmmm...

I finally know what is the cause of my elder girl keep waking up at night... Its the porridge i been giving her during evening.. These two days i didnt give her porridge... I give her cereal instead.. And she sleep thru! Didnt wake up at all!
I guess must be the porridge giving her gassy tummy so she comfy and dont sleep well....
I hope its really the case so she can sleep thru every night!

I bot Orgran corn and vegetable pasta... It states wheat and gluten free... So give it a try.. Not sure if my girls like it not..
I find both not very ready to chew solid food yet.. Gave then pasta before and both spilt it out.. And gag.. My small girl even vomit... So abit scare scare...

i m not a good cook myself.. i either steam or baked most foods..

potato i cut into halves and steam lor.. then spread the cheese on it while its hot..

chicken i minced, add cinnamon powder and cheese, wrap in foil n pop into the oven...

all my 3 bbs eat the same foods differently.. my eldest boy wants the potato n minced meat spread on rice cracker, my younger boy wants to eat from spoon himself, and my gal wants the potato pieces so tht she can hold n eat it herself.

v tiring for me if need to bring them out everyday 2x... nowadays everynight i drop dead aft sticking salon pas! haha..coz smtimes they dun wanna sit stroller when out i hv to carrier them....

wow...tht means both ur gals can zzz thru! thts very good!

u can try smaller pieces pasta...heinz has a baby pasta bites... instead of giving such big pieces...

tmr going for our photoshoot!
Me worst still... Hvt even explore baking yet... Now all steam only..

Today give new food... Cherry tomato add into my elder girl porridge... Nice... Just chop and throw into the slow cooker.. I didnt even remove the skin. Cook together with spinach and brinjal... And minced chicken.

My back also aches like hell when i carry rock them to sleep... Carrier them still not too bad...

Yup yday two nights both my girls sleep thru till at 6plus am...
Hope it will stay this way everyday!! If they can both sleep till 8am betterstill... Hahaha...

Ya v tiring to bring bbs out everyday thats y i stay hm on wkdays.. Only bring them out on wkends with hb...

Which photoshoot u gg? Im also thinking to bring my bbs go photoshoot... Share me yr bb photos when done ya!
Hello ladies! It's been a really really long time since I came on-board. I have been silently reading your posts once in a while. Just been very very busy with my 3 bubs.

Panda, looks like you are doing a fantastic job with your babies. It's great that they are eating on their own. Do they all have teeth now?

Justfaith, I wish I didn't need to rely on a helper too. Waiting for that day! I survived 3 weeks without a helper once.

Baby and grumpus, how old r your babies now?
fruitree!!! where hv u been? hey, can PM me? love to keep in touch w u outside of forum

my boys hv 4 teeth each. my gal hv only 1/4 tooth now...just cut for few days..

baby, i m going to this one www.babyu.com.sg
my fren w twins went there n feedback tht they r really gd w babies n her photos were all so beautiful!

tiring to go out everyday, but stay at home w fussing bbs equally tiring! at least go out they all v happy...
Panda, I've been so busy la. Initially had help from MIL, then once babies got more demanding my mom also came in to help. Then, the 2 got prob. Then I headache already. Had to manage with just 1 maid all by myself sometimes. And maid also gave me issues.

Now arrangement is to have Mom stay in with me from Monday to Friday. Then she go back fri nite. MIL to come in for a few hours from Mon to fri. Then weekend is just me, hubby and maid who is still quite new and doesn't do alot of things for babies.

My eldest got 2 teeth, 2nd got 3 and my boy has none. Ha ha. Opp from yours. All got eating issues. Very choosy.

Will pm u shortly. Yes, let's keep in touch regulArly.
fruit tree
hi! glad to hear yr bbs r doing well. a long way from when we were worried abt birth weights ya?
my gal will be 10 mths on a wk
Grumpus, yup yup. They've come a long way. They have all finally caught up now.

They r ok with solids but r quite choosy. Don't like the food to be too course etc. But they have moOds. Sometimes they eat well, sometimes can drive me up the wall! Ha ha!

How abt your baby?
Hihi there!!

My girls are 11 months old now... Both have aldry 8 teeth..
My elder girl eat well... Eat anything i give her.. She also eat fast... Finish a bowl of porridge in less than 10mins.
My small girl is a headache... V choosy... V fussy also... Must see mood and time...

Come in here often leh...
fruitree, i had the same mil mother conflict initially too! aft tht mil went home, mum helped me for a few mths w one maid. now i hv 2 maids coz my mum will b going to help my bro bbsit in 2 weeks time.

i m sort of "weaning" off my mum's presence here... she came morning half days this week.. next week will time out totally so tht she can hv some rest before my bro's bb goes to her....

u can manage 3 bbs with just urself n a maid?? thts really amazing !! i m struggling even w 2 maids.. on some days it just pure madness here! today is one of the not so good days... my boys fussed non stop...scream n cry at each other... all want my attention...

my ones also v choosy eaters! its even harder coz self feed ..they dun like just throw the food onto the floor or giv me disgusted look! hahaha...
Totally understand yr headache when all yr attention! Cant imagine u got to attend to 3 crying bbs!

My small girl also v clingly... Always like to crawl towards me and ask me to carry her... My elder one still ok.. Can sit on her own to play.. But they always like to fight for toy.. Always want the one on the other one is holding. Then if cant get it will scream the hse down..

Now yr 3 sleep together in one room?
Yr maid co sleep with them?
Fruit tree,
My gal very choosy abt food too! She hates mushy food. Wants to eat chunky food but dun eat much. Rather latch instead.

She's got 2 bottom teeth only
Baby, wow, your girls already have 8 teeth. And your eldest finishing 1 bowl of porridge is damn good.

Mine all 3 stuck at half bowl only. Cereal in the morning is lesser. My boy used to eat well, but now he has become very playful and seems disinterested after a few mouthfuls. My girls, aiyoh damn terok. Very clever to keep their mouths sealed shut. Can't even pry open with the spoon. Must always trick them and use all kinds of distraction like giving toys, letting them watch baby tv etc. I know these are really bad habits, but I'm so caught up in making sure they eat up everything. Sigh.

Panda, that time no choice cos MIL was upset and din turn up. So I was stuck. At that time, it was the old maid some more. I din really like her handling my kids. Cos I felt like she was thinking of them as hers. The way she gave them milk and rock them to sleep din feel right to me. Felt weird. Maybe I was being very protective. In the beginning, I was so kiasu that I din even let her watch them outside while I pumped milk in the room. I will keep my babies in my bed and pump milk. If they move, then I'd stop. Sometimes, I'll bottlefeed all 3 myself one by one, simply cos I din like my maid handling them. Plus she always make them puke cos the way she give was not good.

But now, of-cos cannot la. They r so big already. Now all 3 very clingy to me. Always want me to carry them. In the mornings I have to both my girls at the same time from the cot cos they will cry and wake my neighbours up if I din. Ha ha.
fruitree, at least urs eat cereal. my ones anti cereal all together! i think girls generally harder to feed.. my one also like golden mouth. super hard to feed...so i let her self feed lor. of coz she cant eat enuff to replace a feed..so after she play n hv enuff, i giv her milk. hopefully one day she will be able to eat more herself.

u r sahm now i suppose?? i think coz we r with them all the time, so super clingy. mine too... now i bring them to the library everyday.. the minute i take them out from carrier or stroller n put on the play area, all 3 will auto crawl towards me n climb onto me want me to carry...aiyoh.. we are always the center of attention there coz its a funny sight to see 3 babies trying to crawl onto one mummy!

i also resort to all ways to get them to eat... even giving junk foods or cheerios in the mist of a main meal just to stop them from fussing n to guai guai sit in the highchair n eat.... so i totally can hear u ... in fact i giv them junk food all day round just to stop them from driving me crazy!
My small girl cant even take more than a few mouths of porridge lor... Anytin she dont like there is no way i can force her... Her mouth is so tight till i cant even squeeze the spoon in... Her head will turn everywhere... If i manage to trick her to open her mouth.. She will scream and scream.. And she will push the food out... V naughty.

Haha i also let my girls watch babytv... I know its a bad habit but no choice la...

I even let my girl watch tv while drinking milk just to distract them so they can finish their milk. Esp for my small girl.. She will cry once she see the bottle. So no choice i got to give toy.. Let her watch tv just to make her drink.

Last time i also feed my girls one by one when my maid dont handle my bbs... But now cant liao... I let my maid feed one while i feed the other.
grumpus, mine opp yours la. Simply don't want to eat chunky food. Btw, have you all introduced salt to your babies? I have yet to do that, but I have introduced all others like garlic, ginger, pepper and some spices. Think they r used to it now.
Panda, I can imagine the sight in the library. Then how do u manage them? I want to bring my babies out but I feel like I don't have the time. Maybe I should replace lunch or dinner with cereal, biscuits or milk, then might have a chance to bring them out. Otherwise, my time is spent feeding them, putting them to sleep, bathing them, changing them and preparing their porridge.

Yes, I have become 90% SATM now. Actually, i'm doing a biz with a friend. We decided to work from home about 6 months ago, but I've come to realise that it's very difficult. I used to spend at least a few hours to do work when my old maid was around and both my MIL and Mom were here. But eversince, the old maid left, my work got affected and now very quiet already. Now I'm trying to train up my new maid to do more things, so that i can allocate a few good hours for work again.

Baby, u know my boy also was refusing milk for some time. Then I changed his teat and he's much better now. In the end it was just the teat in his case. I was so worried about his milk intake. Some more he's the smallest.
fruitree, i let them climb lor..then until one of them cry or scream, then my maid will try to distract them n take them away..if they dun see me, they r ok.. once they see me, opppps!

i m not feeding 3 meals of solids a day...i only do breakfast ard 9-10am, then bathe them, feed milk n bring them out. usually by 2pm we will b back n they take their nap. thts when i prepare the foods for dinner..which is fed ard 5-6pm. my bbs r all still taking full feeds of milk...solids is still supplementary.. i dun wanna force feed them solids if they r not ready ....so i try to take it easy ... not so worrying when they r drinking milk n growing well....

work at home?? how to find time?? u know hor, w 2 maids, n my mum not here, we cant cook at all... lunch we packet.. dinner my mil cooks n my hb will go her place to pick up the food ...

i find it easier to pass time n bbs fuss less when we are out... i m also concern if they stay at home w me everyday, its not v healthy.. now at the library almost everyday they hv new frens to play with, mummy also get to go out n breathe some fresh air ...
baby, the photoshoot includes family shoots. u can check out the prices at the link. they hv different packages to choose from.

my bbs all zzzz in their room. nobody sleeps w them. but my younger boy will fuss at night, so usually when he starts fussing after midnight i will bring him to my room n let him zzzz in the playpen otherwise he will disturb the other two... from 7+ - ard 1-2am..all 3 can zzz togther..
Panda, I'm inspired by u to bring my babies out. I shall try out next week with mOm and helper. Just got to work out the lunch or dinner feeds.
fruitree, yes! u shld bring them out more often.. i always tell myself, i shld not limit the bbs' activities/exposure just becoz there r 3 of them.. so within my ability, i try to do normal activities too...

i started with going downstairs for walks..previously before we venture out, we do 2 walks a day downstairs.. partly as stroller training too... n to get them used to seeing strangers apart from me n maids.

the best thing about going out, usually when we come back all 3 will b tired n napped together.. if we stay home very rarely all 3 will zzz together during the day
Panda, I agree. My husband and I r put off by feeding them porridge and all outside. But like u said we must not limit just cos we have 3.

So when u bring them to the library, what do they do?At home when I read to my 3, the books end up in their mouths! Plus they r all fighting foe the same book.
i hv 2 girls and can attest that girls r harder to feed!!
my girl is anti spoon, i actually hand feed that's why she can handle chunky foods. she can't sit still in the high chair either so I hv to let her roam while i feed.
but it's just a phase la, my elder girl was exactly like tat at this age too. but now at almost 4 she will sit quietly and finish her meal with a spoon.

i frequently bring my 2 girls out cos it's not fair for my 4 yr old to be stuck at home cos of the bb. by the end of the outing, my elder will usually be tired and ask to be carried. i actually carry both of them, one front and one back

i try not to intro salt into my kid's diet until as late as possible. even with my elder girl i hardly add salt if i cook for her at home. but garlic, pepper, onions all these yes i do use.
Grumpus, wow! U carry 2 at the same time, amazing.

I have not added salt too. Mine will be turning 11 months in abt a week plus. My MIL and mom think I'm being ridiculous by not additing salt. Haha! They say that is why my kids dont like certain food. I than until now already. Just 1 more month to go.
Fruitree, the library here has a reading play area for young kids. I let them crawl n play w the board books. Yes they try to eat the books n snatch from each other too... Thts part of their development..keke.. I oso bring some of their toys ..if get too bored k distract them.. Usually they r already distracted by the new environment n pple .. How old r ur bbs now?

I meet other mummies, we exchange contacts n make dates to meet there together so our bbs k play w each other...
