IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

grumpus, all my salmon pumpkin potato balls turned into mashed mess! they all squashed it, taste abit off their fingers and started messing it ard.. i wonder if its the fishy salmon smell tht they dont fancy.... i used unsalted butter instead of oil ...

my gal just wanna eat her plain pasta.. ate quite a portion today.... the rest of the veg not interested at all...

maybe just continue with whole foods first. dun need to spend time making patties and balls yet

my elder girl was like yr girl, very carbo junky. plain bread, plain pasta, plain rice, plain potato all she will eat. that's why i hv to find ways to hide vege in her food :p
Add what kind of cheese? Those grated cheddar cheese or creamy cube cheese? Mix together or put on top of the patty? Must bake how long at what temp?
Sorry ah.. Not very good in cooking heeee...
I use grated cheese. Those babybel cheese u buy can slice thinly n add in too. Mix together in the patty, the cheese helps to hold the patty together.
Bake at 180 deg for abt 10min or when browned
Gan, in the past, I would have told my hubby and let him talk to MiL at appropriate time. But many times, I find my hubby's tone abit fierce like telling her off. And I dun wanna make my MIL feel I "da Xiao bao gao".....

But nowadays, I literally close both eyes and pretend nothing has happened (like grumpus). I just want my MIL to enjoy "grandmahood" with my baby. My baby has really brought alot of joys in our family. And we wanna share these joys too!

Pandawife, to-date, I have also never ask my maid to shower or feed my girl. At the most, I will ask her to play with my girl for 15mins when I go for shower when there is only the 3 of us at home. When I was coughing and sneezing last week, my maid helped me to carry and attend to her most of the times so that I could have proper rest. At that time, I really felt I should have learnt to let go much earlier.
Just faith guess I have to let go this time coz will be outstation for work for 8 days.=(

Btw dr loh is setting up his own practice at tmc in Jan, u know right?
Gan, huh? 8 days? Then must shut both eyes and ears! Ya lo..... Actually, I am planning for SOIUI or fresh cycle
aft feb 12, as I dun wan to clash with IVF clinic closure and his absence during dec 11. But he hinted to me he wanna retire Liao.... I find his reply abit fishy... Tun-Tun-Tu-Tu. And keep wanting to carry my girl. Then ask my girl if she wants to be jie-jie? He will help mummy... For the first time, I really felt that Dr Loh is helping me to get preggy again. He also said i was the first who had FET at 7 months after birth.
after much confrontation, he admitted he will be leaving KKH.
( So we concluded we will proceed with SOIUI this month and will stimulate the eggs and convert it to IVF like what I did last time. My AF reported earlier, so I emailed him and request to postpone to nov. He ok. He didn't charge me consultation again. I only paid for folic. So nice of him hor?

So right now, I am finalizing the details of my girl's 1 yr old birthday party. Wanna get all these done before I start on puregon again.
U also trying for no 2?

Just faith
U really enjoy motherhood so much till u cant wait to have another one! Heee...
Hope u will succeed this time round!
thks for info abt pasta. that day went to cold storage to see the baby pasta, wow so tiny. ok think i use adult pasta good ardi.

i rembr u mentioned abt this pot that u use to cook porridge and can carry out & it will continue to cook. can u tell me which brand? tks

tat day my pd say dun give baby yogurt and cheese yet, but silly me forgot to ask her why.

your baby birthday which month? i also starting to plan, still trying to find suitable venue. where are you holding urs? looking for more ideas.
Just faith, all the best for the coming soiui! 8 days Sianz .... Last time wld be happy to go overseas trip...'now not looking forward.

Baby still thinking abt number 2 but if try will be next year at least when my gal is 18 months. I think a 2 to 3 yes gap good.

Happy why no yogurt? my gal takes yobaby 3 times a week
Gan: Thought you have your mother to help? Recently I went for few interviews, I has to tell the employer that I can't work OT, I can't go for Biz Trip etc. After learning I got a small girl, all ask me to stay at home to take care my girl (haha). So initially thought gone case sure very difficult to get a job soon. However, thanks God, finally one accept my condition and offer me. Anyway, new job usually don't have the luxury time so I also no choice and now turn to hb parent and ask them for help (to pick up my girl from school). Hopefully everything goes smoothly, otherwise have to think another solution.

So Dr Loh will resign from KK?
I give my girls yogurt almost every alt day... Both share one pot each time... But i give plain yogurt with homemade vege/fruit puree... My small girl loves it so much till she dont mind the vege puree i put inside... Cos she usually reject any vege puree i give her...

I resort to hiding fish inside fruit puree to give her... Else she dont get to eat any meat since she not taking porridge and she will also reject cereal with fish inside...
Ru yes got mum to help but this sat to mon she will be in kl for cousin wedding so my hub on his own with my helper. I m flying Sunday . The no OT sometimes tough... But I am sure if u do ur work, ur boss won't mind whether u do ot or not. Dr Loh will have a new clinic in tmc in Jan. Yes resign. R u starting FET soon?
So if u trying for no 2 next yr means u got to pay private charges if u seeing dr loh at his tmc clinic?

Btw yr girl taking porridge well?
Hi, I am mostly a silent reader in this thread. My girl is starting to take enfapro A+ stage 2. I managed to ask my relative to help me order through the clinic she worked in. However the minimum quantity is 13 tins of 900g and it works out to be $36.50 each tin. As my girl is only starting stage 2 and I don't want to keep too many tins. Not sure if anyone here would like to share. I only want 4 tins myself. Pm if u interested to share. Can arrange to pick up at novena or bukit merah area.
Gan: In fact, my original plan is to start in Nov but because of the current new boss I have to resign. With the new job, I think no good to take leave so maybe after receive confirmation. But think this time I will not take MC for 2 wk (no choice). Because I work in Jap company so they like to stay back.
Haiz...my 2 boys hv been waking up every 30minz to cry the last 2 nights....n refused to let my maid carry....scream n kick when she carry them. End up me n Hb whole night pat, carry n koala them.... It's a nightmare!! Luckily my gal zzz thru aft the 10pm dreamfeed.....if not dunno how ...

Just faith, my maid does help me w bbs during the day..carry, feed, pat to zzzz... Just tht I dun let her bathe them coz they v active...will try to crawl out of tub or wanna stand up to bathe..my maid can't handle... Washing backside aft poo oso I do. My maids says they struggle she scared she drop them. At night I dun leave her unsupervised w bbs..coz scared she too tired carry bb n dozed off! Just few nights ago both my boy n gal wake up...I ask her carry my gal while I carry my boy n make milk. She sat in bb room. When I called her from outside she din response. I called total 4x quite loudly...then I realized she sit there w my gal n zzzzz in a matter of less than 1 minute!
Panda: Poor thing. Lucky your hb very cooperative. My girl recently also so use to wake up 2-3 times at night. So for the past few wks hb and I have to wake up at night to feed and pad her. It is very tiring to wake up at night so many times, sometime I myself also try to pretend hear nothing then HB has no choice need to wake up. Actually wanted to hire maid but like you all, I thihk even hire maid if i still need to do all these things then doesn't help much.
Baby ya will pay private rate but I am thinking of going private anyway when I have number 2 so doesn't matter. My gal depends on mood but her intake very little maybe few spoonful she doesn't want to eat. My mum also doesn't like to give her too much solids Coz she has this view that too much solids now will be tough on the bb tummy? Anyhow my gal is
Mainly on milk. But will have a little teabreak in morning like today she had the clearspring apple and blueberry purée. Lunch will have some porridge with Ngor fish n Zucchini purée n papaya for afternoon tea.

Ru better to do FET after yr confirmation co u also need to adjust to new workplace.
ru, if my hb dun help me, i think i will probably b admitted to imh already!! i totally can understand... everytime bb cry at night, i hv to drag myself out of bed..esp when only zzz 30mins...then got to climb out again..n this goes on the whole night! smtimes i wake up so many times really buay tahan... kick my hb out of bed to take over..... coz wanna bang wall liao...

i wish i dun need helpers! but w 3 bbs..its really not possible not to hire... i look forward to the day i dun need one...

grumpus, yeah..i m going to just steam veg n cook pasta everyday! as of now, it seems like the easiest to cook n she eats them... so the 2 gor gors will also hv pasta meals until mei mei gets sick of it! hahahaha......
Happyhippo, my girl's birthdate is 29 dec. It's a thurs. If u celebrate the weekend nearest to her birthday, I can choose 25 or 26 dec. Already started sourcing since august. Gave up on aloha bungalows, NSRCC. Hotel's packages r ok if u hv less than 30pax. I hv about 70pax on my list. Only a few close friends. Mainly r my mum's side relatives. Closer to them. I just confirmed the venue today. Will b held on 25 Dec.

Xiao bei, I used to buy enfapro at $36.50. If buy 3 tins, less $1. The shop is at 仁泰堂。Rivervale plaza. Cheapest around and milk expiry all the way till 2013.

Baby, I am one crazy mummy. Gave up working because of my girl. I really really really enjoy motherhood and feel proud to carry her around to ntuc, or go gai-gai.

Pandawife, guess we are not like those mummies who will leave babysitting to maid. I have relatives who are like your SIL, let maid handle baby. Even if I allow, my hubby may not like it! We prefer to do everything on my own.
How do u steam yr veges? In the avent steamer/blender or over the stove? Do u know pasta can be steamed too? Then u dun need to jaga so many things
just faith, my hb the same ! smtimes on wkends i m so tired i knocked out for nap just before bb bathing time. he will bathe all 3 himself... also dun like the idea of maid doing it.....

grumpus, i use the stylux mini steamer.. not avent.. i only use avent when i need to blend... steam pasta?? just throw the pasta into steamer? now i use the shuttle chef to cook the pasta..just quick boil over stove n put into the container...

somebody asking abt the brand..its thermos.. i bought it off a facebook seller...

just faith, the rivervale plaza shop sells cheapest..but out of the way for me to go... n this online seller is the cheapest for online selling...so just buy from them..... smtimes if i hv frens from tht area coming to visit, i longbang them to buy too....

25 dec xmas day! xmas cum birthday celebration..so nice! i wil do it on 18 dec coz alot of frens hv family xmas celebration on that day... havent done any planning yet.... so many things to do, so little time..... also wanna bring the bbs for a photoshoot before the party...
Pandawife, I m ordering balloons from www.bargainballoons.com. Let me know if you wan to tongbang.

My relatives have no party or celebration that day. It's our usual makan and gathering day. Tomorrow I will finalise the buffet. Still need to order cakes, party bags etc.

Next time if I sell milk powder online, you will be my first
Put the pasta in a bowl of water, put the whole bowl in the steamer

I do tat over the stove, not sure if it'll work for electric steamer
Ever since im consistently giving fruit and vege puree everyday to my girls... They have been pooing 3-4 times a day... I will usually give abt 3 servings of vege/fruit puree a day...

Eg for my elder girl
Morning - oats cereal with avocado
Lunch - porridge with pumpkin and broccoli
Snack - yogurt with pear

Small girl
Morning - cereal with avocado
Snack - carrot and apple puree (half bowl)
Dnr - peach puree

Am i giving too much?? Thats why they poo so many times a day??
where r u getting cakes from? i m thinking of pine garden.. a few frens ordered their cakes n gave good feedback..... catering still thinking.. duno if shld use back meihao or try another one..... my bro used them for his boy's full mth recently n the food not nice....
Can try neo garden... I always order their cater.. So far they didnt disappoint me... Alot comment the food is nice... But their prices slightly on a higher side..

Btw u giving yr bbs happy puffs? Got try plum puffs before? I prefer that to happy brand.. Cos more flavourful and the puff is smaller easier for my girls to handle... But its much sweeter.. The happy puff not sweet but no taste also.. I bot the sweet potato but cant taste it...
Hi! All. Congrats to all mummies to be. I would like to check I'm currently under doctor sf loh n m giving birth in dec. Happen to read that some of u say he is leaving kkh. Is that true? When is he leaving coz I'm worried about my delivery.
Baby, I bought a bottle of puffs but not yet open. Have been giving a jap brand rice cracker, pigeon pumpkin balls n Heinz organic biscotti. I prefer bigger pieces so tht I k spread cheese or avocado on it...
Hi ltjabi dr loh is leaving Jan 2012.

Panda I love pine garden black forest! Yummy

U all having big celebration! We r only doing lunch for both sides family....going to the nus guild house at cluny road for western lunch.

Panda who r u going to or photo shots?

going to this one http://www.babyu.com.sg/
heard its always fully booked on wkends...

no time n energy to plan for this yet too....the cough bug still here..now even my gal caught it! but thank god she is less fussy compared to the boys! now everyday just tracking their milk feeds, med feeds n nebulizing timings already blur blur....of coz not to mention take turns to koala the 2 boys for their naps....
Oh dear char got the bug? She needs nebuliser too? I have been having cough and cold with phlegm for almost 1 week...everyday if I hear alittle cough from my gal, I get worried she got the bug from me .. In fact last weekend I slept on sofa in the living room, coz the cold was really bad. Not sure how I can catch the bug when I had a flu jab.
I havent start her on nebulizer..she is taking gor gor's first dose of flu n cough syrup...if it gets worse, hv to bring her to PD too..... only linus is almost recovered... lucas still has alot phlegm ..n now char also starting to cough w phelgm....PD predicted correctly..he says its a matter of time the bug will catch her tooo.... same house no way to avoid... haiz... today my maid also hv runny nose!
Is the heiz biscotti nice?
The jap brand is it wakado? I bot one box.. But dont like it.. V flaky and salty.. I tried the pigeon pumpkin balls before last time when they hvt get used to it yet.. Maybe now can re intro.. I still prefer the baby bites biscuit... Nice size and not messy at all.. Hee... And its cheap! Wont blink a eye even if my girls keep dropping on the flr... Haha..
Ya lor.. That time my elder girl has brochitis.. Even i tried to separate them.. My small girl still kena the bug..
Its really a tiring and terrible time when the bbs are sick.. Hope we dont have to experience it again...
Baby, Heinz one nice..all my bbs like it. Jap brand not wakado. My sil help me buy from isetan supermarket. I hv not seen it elsewhere before.

Grumpus, yeah lor. Me n Hb really super panda Liao..
I know which jap rice cracker u're referring too. My elder girl went thro packs of those. Now my younger too. Very similar to baby bites but not as sticky n sweet.
Cold storage n ntuc finest can get also just need to look in the jap snacks section

Take care! Hope char won't need the neubelizer
it's true, very unlikely when one kid sick the others won't Kenna too unless u remove them from the hse.
Got the brand or pic to show me? Im looking high and low for another alt option to baby bites... Cos i like the texture but find it abit sweet... Tried wakado but dont like the texture...

Its a japanese section means its not at the usual baby food section? Got state its for baby?
errr i need to find time to take pic and post here. but yes, it's not in the usual baby food section but in the japanese snack section along with other japanese adult snacks.

there are 2 flavours. a plain rice one and a vege one. on the pack it says 5月 and the vege one says 7月
Panda: I dun think you are paranoid...if not that makes us all paranoid.
Till today, I dun let my maid handle my BB. And I will ask subtlely what she does at my in-laws when she works etc...my hubby also springs up at in-laws unannounced (not to spot check la) and saw that my maid does the background job while in-laws take care of BB.
I never like the idea of her being close or even having face contact with my BB! My relatives all roll their eyes in disgust coz stimes I could not eat in peace with him fussing but I refuse to let her play with him...haha...
Pandawife, ya, need to rent helium gas.  Gonna be lota fun cause I have lota kapo nieces and nephew to help me!  It's lota cheaper to buy those foil ballonons online. 

Thanks for the link. I am also thinking of Pine Garden. Any idea whether they have cake with the no. 1?

Gan, I had a simple baby shower last year as it was too close to CNY!  No choice, I will make up for her 1 year old birthday. Hehe. 
Pink D, I think our relatives think we are crazy. My friends often say my maid very "ho Mia". No need to take care of baby. So I often reply, does it make her (my friend) ho Mia too? Since she can leave baby with maid and go out with us? Hehe.

I often tell hubby, if I let maid handle baby, if anything go wrong, I dunno whether to blame my maid or myself for hiring a maid.

When I leave my baby at my mum's place, I will ask my maid to assist my mum where possible. Ie. Including carry her. But no feeding, no bathing and changing of diapers. Think my maid is too immature.
Its ok.. I go try to find... Heee...
No brand is it? All in japanese words har?

Just faith
If i only have one bb... I dont thk i will hire a maid in the first place! Haha...
But with two bbs... Impossible not to get one... So far so good.. My maid is taking care of my elder girl most of the time... She has gain my trust... Thats the reason i didnt get a young maid... My maid is 30 yrs old...
Baby, my 1st maid was 31 when she left. She also gained my trust at first but mayb she's a mother herself, I felt she's jealous of my girl.... I dun feel secure anymore. Worst is, she like to use her "hometown" method to babysit my girl.
. Hiring of maid really depends on one's luck. Though current maid is young, she really respect me and hubby alot.

Pandawife, I just confirm my buffet with Gim Tim.

Just faith
Thats y i didnt get a maid with children.. Cos i scare she will miss her children... My maid is not married.. So totally no experience in babysitting... So good way is she wont have any own method... All base on how i teach her... So far i can say she is doing well... As she is well verse in her english.. She also teach my girls words... A plus pt...

A bad pt is she dont know how to cook... But also no time for her to cook... Heeee...
