IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Working wife
Hello!! Long time no see! How u doing with the bbs?
Why so long didnt come in here ah...

Im still giving my girls enfalac... Cos im not feeding them solids everyday so i prefer to continue with enfalac cos more nutrients... And also enfalac can feed up to 12m... U can switch to enfapro when yr bbs is taking solids well.. Cos followup fm need to complement with solids...

Im also using the combi spoon... How much to feed depends on yr bb... And dont replace solids with milk... I still continue to feed them their usual milk... I give purees abt 1 hr aft milk... But sometimes i will give milk cereal as one feed... Cos i use the usual milk vol and add in rice cereal as a feed...

Have u started yr bbs with cereal?

working wife, how are you? settle down in BKK? i am so tempted to bring baby for a hols in BKK. =P

The spoon i refer to is baby spoon. i am using the pigeon spoon now, initially used combi at my mum's place but somehow the spoon is spoilt.

my baby still drinks about the same amt of milk not much about 600 plus to 700ml per day. she usually have 2 feeds of rice cereal, 1 at lunch and the other dinner. i have also started making puree for her. but lately she didn't sleep much during the day and my dad thinks my baby is high from all those puree i gave her. =S I am currently in the process of switching her to enfapro. read from some mummies post. enfalac higher fat content, enfapro higher protein.
Yeah long time never come in here cuz was busy moving leh. I'm not in Singapore anymore, living in BKK now

Wah u use the milk for one feed to mix with cereal? If your one feed is 150ml then the cereal after mix out would like one bowl dy? So much, bb can finish ah? So now when u feed porridge, how many of the combi spoon u give at one feed?

I started them on rice cereal n purees. So far feeding about 3-4 teaspoon cereal n 2 tsp puree once or twice a day. Milk feed still the same. I've tried carrot, pumpkin, sweet potato, apple so far. Am wondering when is right time to give one full solid feed. Do u feed bb as much as they wanna take or u measure out 3-4 teaspoon n feed that amount only?
ladies, I need some help and advice.
My 4-month old boy seemed to be very restless and kept stirring and turning/tossing in his sleep at ard 4-6am every morning. It's kinda driving me crazy having to keep waking to pat and change his position only to have him make noise and stir again every other 10 min!

I put him to bed at ard 8pm every night with long sleeved PJ and pants and ligtly swaddled him...but he would always burst thru his swaddle... he would zz well and would fidget alot when its dawn...

He would want to keep flipping to the side, and when he was on his side, he seemingly wanted to flip to his back etc...
what can i do?
my gal oso d same, now that she is five months plus, her sleeping style getting worse. she will turn here n there and i wil hav to pop in her pacifier at least three times over d night n mornin. if not she wil b wakened up by her tossing n flipping. even while i position her sideways with bolsters oso not much use, she wil somehow push away d bolster. guess, just like adults, bbs will oso find their comfortable sleeping posture ba. and also could b back is warm, so they will toss, i usually turn her sideway facing me and hug her like a teddy bear if she makin noise sleepin in d middle of d night. but if ur bb sleepin in bb cot den maybe ur sleep wil b more interrupted. as for restless, that i not very sure...
working wife,
ur bb more big liao? hehehe, i hav same qns as u. last night i fed my bb 6-7bb spoons of rice cereal n she finished all! but she only managed to sleep at 12 while her usual sleeping time is 11pm! i think eat too full. but coz she keeps wanting more, so i just carried on feeding...is that correct?
Pink-destiny and Rose: my girl is having the same problem neither. She now likes to sleep on her side way, sometime can turn until tummy down and wake up by herself:<

Normally I pat and make her to sleep again, but if really tire, I will carry her out from cot and put her sleep next to me. This method make her wake up less instead of every 10min need to pat and change her position (I know we shouldn't do that but sometime really can tahan so no choice).

Rose: your bb is 5mth how many week? Mine is coming to 5mth (14/7) I wanted to try cereal for her but then she still doesn't know how to sit so better not right?

Mummies, can i ask I am still breastfeeding but only 3 times per day and my MS came yesterday it is normal?
gan, grumpus
thks for clarifying. looks like childcare is the way to go for me when start work.

do u stay around thomson/novena/bishan area also? any comments on childcare centres around this area? which one u planning to send ur kid to?
Rose and Ru,
Tonight Im gonna dress him in short sleeve and I will sleep with him on his day bed and see if he fidgets that much. I suspect that he might be too warm like what Rose said...coz the air con is set at 27deg...and his back might be too warm since he has been zz in that position for hours!
Pink: She was having flu and cough for the last 2wk so I set at 27deg but will turn on the fan. Because it is definate not cold in normal master bedroom. Yesterday was so hot until I reduced to 26deg. With current weather definately very warm if the PJ is thick and if his cot is far from aircon. Furthermore you swaddle your bb right..
Yes I live ard novena area but I'm a SAHM so never do any research on childcares. My elder girl goes to marymount kindergarten at Thomson road.

Probably u may want to go down and visit some of the childcares ard the area during the day and see for yrself. U can see if the children there are happy, the environment, whether the teachers r attentive or leave the kids alone a lot etc....
gan, grumpus
thks for sharing.
oh yes sometime back i was asking about chinese dvds, was it one of you who shared on some titles that u said u bought from hk or china. can u tell me the title again, sorry cant find the old conversation. thks
Any news from the carters/osh bp? Wonder when will the clothes arrive...

Did u gals also order raph lauren bp? Any news frm them too?
grumpus, gan
oh ok, let me check with bing. but hardly see her post lately.

hi bing
was it you who shared on the chinese dvds? can send me the title/link again? thks.
So qiao... Today i ask abt it.. The loot came today haha...
The osh shipment fees quite exp mann... Near to $50...
Im still waiting for the RL shipment to arrive.. I thk soon...
my bb 5mths 2wks plus. i started runny rice cereal on d first day of her 5th mth. so far other den cereal, had tried banana puree n sweet potato puree. my bb oso cant sit tat properly, only thesevtwo days i let her sit highchair when feedin. earlier either my mil or myself carry her n i feed her. better try let her eat fr spoon early if ur pd says ok. it is so funny seein ur bb eat fr spoon. messy but definitely wil makes u wanna experiment with more purees... next on my list is pumpkin or potato, apple n pear...
my bb 5mths 2wks plus. i started runny rice cereal on d first day of her 5th mth. so far other den cereal, had tried banana puree n sweet potato puree. my bb oso cant sit tat properly, only thesevtwo days i let her sit highchair when feedin. earlier either my mil or myself carry her n i feed her. better try let her eat fr spoon early if ur pd says ok. it is so funny seein ur bb eat fr spoon. messy but definitely wil makes u wanna experiment with more purees... next on my list is pumpkin or potato, apple n pear...
Hi ladies,

How are you mummies.
I am waiting for my baby arrival next month.

Wow, you joined the spree too.
Anybody reliable that you can recommend that does spree in this forum.

An acquaintance of mine did the osh/carter spree. But i doubt she will be doing it all the time. I got my loot already. Very happy with my purchase..hehehe...

have a nice day
hi mummies,

Need some advice from mummies here. My baby is 2 wks' old now and I am feeding her similac and breast milk because my milk flow is not good.

In the morning i only manage to pump 70-8-ml for 20mins and evening only 10ml for 10mins. Is this very low ?

i wan to bf my baby fully but she has not enough to drink from me so I have no choice but to supplement with formula. Feel frustrated sometimes there is not much milk come out from me.

Do anyone know how much an infant show be drinking ? My baby is drinking 60-95ml and i'm not sure if this is the correct range ?
The correct formula shd be 150ml x bb weight in kg / no. Of feeds a day to get the amt per feed. But of cos these r all guidelines. Some bb drink more some drink less.

Does yr bb latch well? If she does then just keep latching. In the beginning they will latch very frequently, like every 1-2hrs. This is normal n not an indication tat u dun hv enuff milk. The amt u can pump out n the amt bb can extract can be very different. If u r trying to increase yr supply through pumping, then u need to pump regularly n consistently, like every 3hrs then u'll slowly see yr supply increase.
hi grumpus,

tks for the advice. When baby was born, I bf whenever she feels hungry but it could go on for 1-2 hrs. It's so tiring and I have had not much rest since giving birth coz running up and down hospital as baby admitted due jaundice last time.

now I try to pump as often but still flow is so little. Btw, the breast milk must keep in separate container after each pump and put in the fridge right? ONly can mix after warm up the milk and this can keep in room temp for how long ? must let baby drinks immediately or can keep for few hrs?

Formula milk must throw even though baby can't finish all at one go ?
Last time my LC taught me to limit each feeding session to 30mins only cos beyond tat bb usually would hv fallen asleep n not really drinking anymore. But of cos, within the 30mins hv to make sure bb is really actively drinking n not just nibbling or sleeping. Unswaddle bb during feeding session so they dun get too comfortable n fall asleep. Keep disturbing their face, chin, ears, feet, hands every time they stop suckling. After 30mins, unlatch, let bb sleep n then feed again 1.5-2hrs later.

If u r solely pumping, need to be very hardworking, just keep pumping every 3hrs, it can take 1-2wks to build up yr supply.
After every pump session, store the ebm in the fridge in separate containers. When the ebm is cooled u can combine into one container. Basically u can mix ebm if they're the same temp. Dun mix freshly pumped with chilled for storing. But if u r feeding immediately, u can mix then warm up.

Warmed up milk shd be consumed within one hr. Same with FM, shd be consumed within an hr. Leftovers hv to throw.
baby, i agree that the shipping is costly for this spree. my previous sprees with other organisers for similar amount of loot, shipping was about $20 max. but the exchange rate was higher at 1.32

had an exhausting week.. younger boy fussing thru the nights and also looking for the replacement maid. interviewed one today.. ex arab, took care of newborn, 4yo, and 8yo. good experience, but english sucks. hv to teach the language from basic if i take her.. sianz..... the other choice is a helper who worked in surabaya for same employer for 7yrs and took care of a new born bb too.. going to interview her tmr. but being fresh, i suppose eng wld also b a problem.

my current maid is ok.. i suppose i hv to be thankful that she is good w bbs.. n really loves them.. can see she is very happy to be with them. this is smthing that cannot be trained or teached unlike housework.

does ur gals get scared by strangers huh? my two younger ones scream when strangers come up n talk or touch them leh... now i m trying to bring them out as often as possible to overcome this problem.

working wife, i hv not replaced feeds yet. still feeding moderate amounts of solids 1 hr after milk. on some occasions i did try to giv more solids, and it affected the milk intake. so i control the amount.. i dont tink they can get all the nutrients in the milk from just taking limited variety of veg/fruit puree and cereal. hence not in a hurry to replace feeds.
yr 2 younger bbs are having stranger anxiety. bringing them out and exposing them more often will help. but in part it's also their individual character.

my elder girl was and still is very bad with strangers. she takes long time to warm up, last time she see my in laws also cry cos she only see them once a wk. and she definitely dun allow stranger to carry her, even go to pd etc she will glue to me.

my younger girl from birth already easier with strangers. when i bring her out she will smile and play with anyone that smiles and plays with her. anybody can carry her.
baby &amp; panda,
Did u buy alot from the carters &amp; osh kosh spree ? I did my own shipping via vpost n got my recent OK loot and shipping fee was pretty reasonable @ about $40 with many pcs too. But for RL..they love to use BIG boxes even for a few pcs and I landed up paying to fly space
. So be prepared to pay more for RL.
daylesford, how many pcs did u buy? i din really count..maybe 12+ pcs bah.. never tried ordering direct. mayb the next sale i shall try.

grumpus, u r right, its character too. my eldest one is easy. anybody can carry him n play... younger boy more serious. like ur elder girl, he cries when my in laws come once a week. see my mil at the door, burst into tears !! bring him out if its too crowded or noisy, he starts crying v badly too.
my gal is ok if dont touch her or go too near to her... today go downstairs one auntie touch her hand, she scream the block down. but go shopping no problem, she can guai guai sit in stroller and look around...

oh, your younger gal is a people magnet! hehe.. such a darling..
In the recent OK clearance sale, i consolidated orders with some other friends. The heaviest was 18 pcs and was charged (about $40+ - which includes base charge of 13.40) based on volumetric weight of 3.4kg+ as they used a big box. The rest of the other orders had about 12pcs each and the orders came in those plastic sealed carriers and the shipping charges were much lesser since there was no need to pay for base charge. From the clearance sale + 30% off loot, after xchg rate conversion + shipping cost, 1 pc of OK costs about SGD8++.!!
Aiyo.. Means we are paying more on the shipping... Alamak... Tot spree can get good prices.. End up paying more.

Ya its stranger anxiety... My girls show signs of it when they are abt 5mths... My elder girl super good in recognising familiar faces.. Once she see stranger she will cry or squeeze my arms if im carrying her...
My small girl is better.. Thou also recognise faces but once u play with her she is ok...
But i feel bringing them out more can help to ease it.. At least they will used to seeing different faces and used to crowds..

I also long time didnt bring them out.. Too shag liao... Hee
Any mummy know where I can buy small glass container to freeze baby food? My mum has been nagging me again for using plasic food cubes till I buay tahan.... Will buy those glass container that can be freeze. If u know where they r sold let me know! Thks
There's this brand 'Glasslock' which makes glass containers like those lock n lock containers, suitable for freezing. I've seen on the BP before. But dun think they hv bb food size. Can do a google for them.

Actually ice cube trays r also plastic mah. And we use in the freezer. So why bb food cannot freeze in plastic?
Coz my mum is concern abt heat on plastic... Though I bot bpa free baby food cube... When I transfer from the blender to food cube, the purée is still hot not completely cool.... On fact co of my mum concern I changed my gal bottle to glass at her place. But today she saw me bring the pear purée in plastic food cube she nags again

Thks will google
hi mummies
just wondering if anyone is considering going another round of ivf. i'm thinking about it. coz age is catching up and if want to try for another one, got to do very soon. but worry if body is ready for all those injections. how long break should we take huh?
i just make pumpkin puree today. n my gal loves it, took a lot...at least 8bbspoon, if not i stop, i think she will carry on eating. greedy baby.

i may go another round of ivf next year end...no choice, family pressure...i tired liao but...no choice.
U can cool the food puree before storing into the tray... When u blend the food hot.. The blender also plastic leh... So its better to blend the puree warm instead of hot.. Can minimize the plastic in contact with hot food...

Btw i bought oragnix banana cereal... V nice leh.. U can give it a try... At least some variety to plain rice cereal... And its in wholegrain cereal... Healthier!
I also bought the organix bottled puree and pudding.. Hope my girls will like it...
Yup im using fitti during the day... Cheap and good!
72pcs medium size for $11.95... Get it from ntuc.. But not every outlets have it.. But most bigger ntucs have... Go to fairprice xtra.. Most likely will have.
Rose: Saw yr post make me wanted to try soon. But I think maybe I introduce cereal to her first. So you feed her milk thereafter solid food?

Btw, currently how much milk your girl is drinking per day. Because my girl now in infant centre so her day time intake very littel 3 feeds like 270ml in average 90ml per feed very little. So no choice night time I try another 2 feeds for another 260ml (between 7:30 &amp; 10:30pm). She also feed her 1 in the am around 2.30 so in average per day is about 630-660ml for a 5mth old bb.
Mummies that have used vpost to purchase online, how does it work.
Assuming I am going to order from a website, how do i use vpost to the shipment.

I am tempted to do my own spree if its going to be worth it
Su yana,
Just go to vpost.com n register for an account. U'll get a personal US address. When u shop online u enter the US address as yr shipping address. When the shipment arrives at vpost USA, u'll be contacted with the shipping charges. U pay the shipping charges n vpost USA will ship yr packages to u here in sgp.

All the details, charges etc are on the vpost website.
Baby thanks will check out the organix cereal.. My gal is finally finishing the white rice cereal.

Mummies for cereals, after open must finished within 1 mth like milk powder?


i went to count, i hv 19 items. average cost of each is $6.80. So seems to be ok bah...

baby, u dress ur gals in the same outfits all the time? i noticed u buy 2 sets of everything
