IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Grumpus, u tried this before? So interesting! I scared my three play together n knock each other! Now can't really crawl put them together already Lang ga here n there...

Nope I've never tried before but I used to see selling frequently on the BP.
I dun remember my elder girl lang ga-ing a lot lei. Maybe cos she only one bb, I was always around to 'catch' her
thks for the links.
ya saw these when i goggled that other day too. i was reading some reviews, few people commented the Thudguard ones were too hot for babies. both types also like quite expensive. not sure if i want spend, scare baby don't want to wear after buying also.
wow, how u manage to "catch" your gal? u must be with her all the time to do that?
No lei, I let her learn to crawl on those play mat n on the bed. Only when quite steady then crawl on the floor.
It was quite ok. Didn't really hv to catch her tat many times
hi ladies.

Just BFP from my FET cycle but had bleeding and was warded. Anyone ever experience bleeding in early pregnancy but continue the pregnancy safely? I am worried coz the staining is still there on and off. My scan on this Thu at AMC. I had done the scan at ADC last Tue due to the bleeding. They found the sac a little bit lower of the uterus. Please advise. Thanks
Hi shaine I had bleeding n spotting during my pregnancy too... N was pregnant thru FET. The first bleeding occured slightly less than a week after I confirmed bfp n was awarded in kk for 3 days.... Had 3 weeks of HL during my 1st trimester as I have subsequent bleeding episodes. Just rest n minimize movement, think the doc will prescribe proluton jab to you... Keep talking to bb, everything will be fine. Of necessary ask for HL to rest at home. Take care
Gan thanks for ur advise.
I also warded for 3 days. The bleeding occur less a week after my BFP..my case almost same as u. I was given progrestrone jab. Now I am resting at home. I hope to hear baby heartbeat this Thu.
Ntuc having promo for mamypoko... UP $23.90. Now $20.65.
Thou only save $3 but also $$ la... Hee..
Now my girls wearing L size... So diaper is getting more exp!
Luckily they are using fitti during the day... Can save so much!
Happy hippo,

I was kidding u. Crying does help to relieve ear block. I had so many babies crying take off and landing. It's ok. Aircraft Engine sound is loud. Dun feel pai say.
Singapoh, Grumpus,
When is the time to introduce Stage 2 fm for bb? Can it be given like within 2 wks after 6mth or must be just turn 6mth? Coz planning to buy remaining # of stage 1 fm.

btw, ur child used similac stage 2 b4? is it thicker than stage 1?
No prob to finish up stage 1 past 6mths before switching to stage 2. in fact stage 1 has more nutrients than stage 2 tat's y it's more ex.
But when u switch from stage 1 to 2 also need to do it gradually.

I mean I wasn't * kidding u.


I Cant recall if there is a difference in thickness. My gal is still drinking Similac for 6 months coz mummy here overstock! Still left 2 tins. Gonna swop to Mamil , my boy is drinking this.
Thanks! Yup, i know must replace feeds gradually daily for abt 1 week.

Tot ur gal is abt 10mths now? n still drinking stage 1? Wah, u muz hv overstocked many many tins of stage 1.

My twins are 13 months old Liao. It's my boy la. He didn't like similac so I let him try Mamil. End up overstock lo.. I never mix before...
as far as possible, try not to mix different stage/brand of FM together in the same feed.

yr boy got sweet tooth! mamil is very sweet
Mummies, for baby 4+mth saliva dripping is it common? Now she likes to put her little finger inside her mouth but she has no teeth yet.

Not sure why her evening teacher said "your baby drip alot hor" when we picked up her last wk.
very normal. my elder girl drooled from 3+ mths until 6mths then the first tooth came out.
some bbs just drool more than others.

my younger girl doesn't drool much. she'll be 6mths in 4 days and no sign of teeth yet.
Hey, anyone interested to get a preloved BB Bjorn Air (Black Mesh). I prob have only used it 10-15 times within 5 mths before I found out I m preggy with #2. Condition will likely b 8.5/10. Washed almost after every use. If you are keen, please PM me with your offer.

Please bear w me if I'm slow in responding coz I'll be in the hospital from Thursday to Sunday.
Grumpus and Singapore. Thanks for your assurance.
Funny hor this teacher why gave this comment.

Really thanks all experience mummies to stay with us!
hahaha ya i know u not kidding. i think i will try to let baby sip some water and hopefully less painful for his ears.

Congrats! wow, big baby. rest well before you go home
Same brand but different stages eg.. Enfa stage 1 and enfa stage 2... Does it taste the same or different?

If bb always has difficulties in drinking.. Is it due to the dislike taste or its normal? Should change brand?
Enfalac stage 1 taste horrible....: I felt like throwing out when I drank... Dun blame my gal for fussing during milk time
Really ah?? My small girl keep fussing during milk feeds.. Im still feeding her enfalac stage 1...
So which fm u are giving yr girl? After change fm she no longer fuss during feeding?
Baby making,
I'm not preggie now but I've had 2 c sections. My girls r 3 yrs apart. My scar didn't hurt during my 2nd pregnancy
Mine is a 22 mths gap, wondering if the pain will get worse, ESP when bending over, feels like something splitting apart inside.
do highlight to yr gynae the next time u go for checkup. they can actually scan the scar area and check the scar tissue. sometimes scar tissue can adhere to other organs like yr bladder and creating a pulling sort of feeling that gets worse as yr uterus expands.
Do u feed solids to yr bbs everyday? How many times a day?
Im getting lazier leh... I dont feed them solids everyday... Esp during the wkends... And i will usually feed them once a day...

Im gg to start to cook porridge for them...
hi grumpus/gan
sometime back I was asking about chinese videos for babies, you recommended some titles which you bought from china.
I can't seem to find the conversation thread, can trouble you to resend me the video titles again. sorry, i cant remember who sent me the links, but think it was either of you.
thks again
Gan, Enfa HA taste even more horrid! dunno how my bbs can drink. i change all to enfa pro already..

baby, do u still feed milk, and unfinished milk make into cereal to feed? my eldest boy start to wanna eat instead of drink milk. drink 100ml then dont want liao. and when i make cereal n feed, he eats and finish up...but i m wodnering if its too much to be feeding cereal every feed....

my 2nd boy still cant eat ... today i gav him those bottled food.. organix peach yogurt rice pudding, and surprisingly he can eat!! i think its becoz of the texture, the bottled one is really smooth compared to what i make at home.. i just bulk order bottled food from agape for him.. at least get him started in learning to eat before i switch him to home made purees...
baby, now i feed 2 x a day..morning 2nd feed will be rice cereal, veg puree, fruit puree followed by milk. n afternoon i will giv tea break fruit puree....

i m not making porriage yet until all three can eat well... not worth the effort now.. will contnue w purees....
Did u taste the milk yrself? Does the enfalac and enfapro taste the same?

I dont feed them cereal for every feed.. Cos i find it too much and filling for their little stomach... I will at most feed twice daily for cereal... I usually mix the vege or fruit Puree into the cereal...

The bottled yogurt U serve it at room temp or u warm it?
Congrats! Your baby has very good weight!

I fed my babies baby yogurt before but both of them don't like to eat cos it's slightly sour. My babies prefer sweet food. I usually take out the yogurt from the fridge and leave it outside for half an hour to bring to room temperature before feeding. Baby are not supposed to eat cold food as their stomach is still very delicate.
Baby I m still feeding enfalac though it taste awful... My gal is just very playful so each feed takes almost an hr to finish!! I am slowly changing to enfapro... Today is the start of 2 feeds enfapro.

Bing Thks! I dun think my gal likes sour stuff. I made apple purée n she actually 'shiver' when she eats Coz sour
hi Gan. When u preggy with ur FET how long u take the progynova? I was to take for a month after BFP. Today Dr said finish what prescribe to me and no need to take again as already see bb hb. Did u take baby aspirin? How long we need to take baby aspirin?

Bing, thanks.

Babymaking, u mean ur gap of csect for #2 will b 22 mths or preggy when ur #1 is 22nd mth? I csect for my #2 13th mths after csect for #1. N I am in terrible pain now. Today is day 2 after csect. N I need pain killer on time n help to get in n out of bed n walk ard. A Fren wife has 15 mths gap between both csects n took 1 mth to recover fr pain. E nurse told me will likely need 1 wk for e pain to b more bearable, then 1 mth for pain to completely go away but still subject to individual condition
