IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

baby, i serve the yogurt at room temp. even fruits puree, now i dont heat up..just let it warm to room temp. i only heat veg puree.

my bbs used to take enfa HA... which is the worse tasting in the enfa range i tink..hehe.. enfa pro is better tasting than HA..cant remember the normal enfalac coz they only took it during their 1st mth..after tht change to HA liao.

Gan, my boys like sour stuff.. love apple.. n the bottled yogurt rice pudding i tasted today was also sourish! haha...

shaine i took aspirin up to end of 2ww. progynova till 13 weeks coz i was spotting and bleeding till around 8 weeks. but i restart aspirin i think around 20 weeks coz of low aminiotic fluid.

Panda, i just bot healthy times brown rice coz my gal doesn't seem to like the bellamy's porridge. she likes the white rice. so tot let her try brown rice for some variety. btw when u make sweet potato puree, is the puree very stiff? what other vege have u tried? so far i have only tried pumpkin, sweet potato and brocolli. will try carrot this weekend.

try not to feed too much brown rice now.. my PD says brown rice actually takes away the nutrients bb is getting from their milk feeds. giv pure brown rice at later mths when their milk feeds are reduced.

u can try multi grain cereals ? i bought healthy times multi grain from cold storage, but havent tried yet. trying to finish bellamy rice cereaL and oat porriage before i start another pack.

yes..sweet potato puree is very very stiff. dont buy the japanese one... tht one is very thick.. i bought the normal orange flesh sweet potato..not as stiff..n my boy can handle it..

veg wise i hv tried pumpkin, butternut squash, carrot, sweet potato, broccoli, potato. i just bought zucchini yesterday...might steam tmr..

does ur gal like broccoli? pure broccoli has a very strong smell.. my boy dont like..i mix w potato he eats it reluctantly..
panda, opps didn't know abt brown rice will take away the nutrients...thanks for telling me.
will ask my mum dun feed first. i have 1 packet of bellamy's breakfast, maybe will let my gal try for the meal during lunch.
my gal reluctantly finish the broccoli for 3 days. i bot the japanese sweet potato...ended up i ate most of the puree myself. =s
The bellamy porridge is too grainy... My small girl also dont like... Maybe can get oats instead.. Not as grainy as the porridge...

Im feeding Happy brown rice on some days... Wana expose them with different variety... Im also giving oats...

So far i hvt give them real green vege puree... Hvt try brocoli yet...
Congrats and rest well before the busy times ahead of u.

Flight to KL with baby, no problem, just very short flight, before u knew it, its landing time.
I survived 8hrs flight with baby. My bb was only 4mths when I flew with him. Taking off and landing, no problem, he was asleep. But he was quite unsettled inflight, maybe not used to the envt, kept looking around. The next flight was when bb was 6 mths. This time refused to be strap down during take off, kept fussing and wanting to get up, so gave him his milk to settle him. Inflight, he was very good this time, sleeping well and all, maybe he thinks he is a big boy now

My sleep training with bb has gone down the drain with the overseas trip. I sent him back to boot camp, retraining his sleep the past few days and I'm not having enough sleep. He was too pampered and got used to being carried to sleep or sleeping on adult bed while overseas. Came back and refused to sleep on his cot !
how much puree per feed u mummies giving?
panda, gan, grumpus, baby?

i have been giving ard 7-8 baby spoon of runny rice cereal to my gal n today just made banana puree. as banana puree more solid den d liquid cereal. she only took prob 4 spoons. but still got split out some. my spoon not fill entirely, about a quarter to half. is tat ok?
rose i gave 2 scoops (the enfalac scoop) of rice cereal to my gal. my mum she uses 4 baby spoons to make cereal for my baby. but the cereal is not runny. i stop feeding if my gal reject.

making carrot puree now.
rose, my boy dont like cereal.. now every morning i give him 4-5 bb spoon of cereal mix w milk, 1/4 avent cup veg puree, and 1/4 avent cup fruit puree.. and 140ml milk.

its a struggle if i attempt to feed more cereal, he will "scold" me! literally shout every time i put the cereal in his mouth. but if i giv fruit, he will quietly eat.. very naughty..
when i started solids w my eldest boy, i was very diligent.. will make sure each type of food try for at least 4-5 days..

now the other 2 starting to eat small amounts, i just giv them whatever the eldest is having that day.. :S lazy mummy.... so they could b having different foods every day or every other day..
My girl takes one n half bb spoon of cereal powder (meaning before mixing water is one n half spoon) twice a day. Plus a snack of rice biscuit if she wants. I mix another half to one bb spoon of puree into the cereal.
will ur bb finish d cereal u prepare? i put 1 tblespoon of cereal n she only took like few spoonful, so think i better make so much. few spoonful eat until when? or agar agar, depends if bb wants more den make more?

panda, u mean one breakfast feed u make so much??? got fruit, cereal, veg n milk???? wooow...
rose, i used to mix everything into 1 serving..but my boy dont like. eat a couple of spoons start to shout. PD suggest to split up n giv him different tastes in one sitting..n it worked! dunno how come these bbs so li hai!
my pd says just like adults..we also eat rice with variety of dishes..we wouldnt wanna eat all the dishes n rice mixed in a pot everyday!

my other two bbs who just started eating are only taking like 1 teaspoon of cereal.. most times they also dun like cereal... i gav them bottled organic puree...they can eat slightly more... n seems to enjoy it very much.
I give about 2-3 tablespoons of cereal depending on brands and milk fo rbreakfast. My boy not very fussy, plain also eat, so I don't add other stuff in the cereal. Some mornings I give egg yolk. Lunch and dinner usually about 6-7 tablespoons of puree, sometimes porridge.
Me too.. Im getting lazy... I also give whatever i have.. Didnt follow the 4 days wait rule.. Cos i think and think.. These foods are on the safe list so lazy to feed the same food for 4 days... Somemore my small girl only eat v small amt each time... She is a fussy eater.. Unlike my elder girl who practically eat whatever i give her...
Baby, can share how you cook the porridge for yr babies? I am using slow cooker. Usually takes about 3 to 4hrs (not inclusive of soaking the rice) to get the texture/less grainy I want. Is there any particular rice brand I need to use? I am using "song-he". But lucky my girl enjoy her porridge very much. Those bottled food is not enough for her.
Pandawife, how do you switch yr babies to enfapro? My girl now finishing her last tin of enfalac. Will be progressing to enfapro soon. Do we need to mix these two first? Or can change at one shot? Thanks.
Just faith
Hahaha... I just started leh... Just now is my first time cooking porridge... I blend the rice grains first to make the grain smaller so easier to achieve smoother texture i read.. Dont know will be successful not.. I also use slow cooker...
I use normal rice.. I didnt soak the rice beforehand leh...
Will update u tml when i see the cooked porridge... Hee

My girls still drinking stage 1 enfalac.. Actually there is no hurry to switch to stage 2... The enfalac is up to 12 mths.. It has higher nutrients... I will continue to feed them enfalac till my girls are taking their solids well... Cos for stage 2 follow up fm... Usually need to supplement with solids... And i dont feed them solids everyday...

Btw i only cook plain porridge... I cooked the vege purees separately... Will add in cubes of vege purees to the cooked porridge... This way can retain more nutrients rather than putting in the vege together with the rice...

Blend the rice grains? How did you do it? I didn't buy any blender for baby food cause I am not sure how long I will be using it.
. I also only cook plain porridge. I usually steam the potatoes/pumpkins/carrots separately, before I add them into the porridge. So you mean u will use slow cooker n cook their porridge overnight?

I have been giving my girl solids everyday. So I think enfapro is the way to go. Hehe.
I cook half cup of rice... Cos i have two bbs to feed...
I thk i will give porridge in between milk feeds... Depending how much they eat... If they eat quite alot.. Then i will give the milk at a later time...

Just faith
I have a avent mini food blender.. I use that to blend all purees... I also use that to blend the washed rice grains before cooking so its easier to get the smooth texture.

At one cooking, u put pumpkin, potato and carrots? What other vege u put?

Ya i use slow cooker to cook overnight, just now i go check it out... Its aldry cooked! Hmm... Dont knw whether i should switch it off cos if swtich off then the porridge will be left to cool.. Hmm... Can or not huh?
My cooker only have high and auto options... Maybe should get those have slow option so i can cook it overnight... Wont be cooked too soon...

Im still using no3 teats.. I tried giving no4 but my girls choke.. There is no more next no... The bigger ones are those for thicker liquids...
Baby, no lah, I didn't put pumpkin etc at one cooking. At thr very least 1 type, max 2. Never tried to give 3. It depends on what I am having for dinner. Eg. If we are having potato, then I will cut half n give my girl. She gets fresh food everyday since I dun have habit of freezing those vege cubes. Like panda mama, porridge will be second meal of the day. I used to cook 1/8 cup, but too little, so now I cook 1/4 cup. Cook more better than not enough for her.

I never tried to cook overnight. Once the porridge reach the texture I want, I will switch off. It will be warm when I feed her. My cooker dun even have high/slow options. Only on/off. Haha.

Ok noted on the teats size. For water, I am still feeding size 3. Hehe.
Just Faith,
Last time i just wake up early and cook porridge in the slow cooker. Hv to experiment the amt of water to put etc so that by feeding time the porridge is just nice. i never soak the rice at all. the other way is use those thermal pot. my friend boils the rice, stock and food at night then leave in the thermal cooker overnight. by feeding time texture and temp is just nice.

Avent teat size 4 is the biggest. no more bigger liao. if u want, next time can train bb to drink milk from straw cup. my 3yo is still using avent size 4
There's no 'right' porridge texture. It depends on wat yr bb can handle. But is possible to cook the rice until is so soft tat when u use the spoon to stir they all mash up.
Some mummies put the porridge into the blender after cooking to puree smoother
Hi girls ur babies have fixed napping time?? Not sure why but my gal is very playful, she is tired but still doesn't nap n gets cranky. She only nap for 1 hr during the day last weekend.
How do u train ur babies to nap at fixed time?
Singapoh, Grumpus,
Regarding bb drinking water, can they drink as per normal like adults do only after 1 yr old?
Usually how much water per day do u feed ur bb between 6mth to 1 yr old?
i hv one bottle of Gerber bottled puree and it says after opening can keep refrigerated up to 48hrs.

after 6mths when bb is on solids, is ok to give water but not too much also cos it can interfere with their milk feeds. i only give my bb some water after solid meals. She drinks abt 100ml of water for the whole day.
Gan, no fixes napping time. But since young, she will dozed off after milk or giving water. Hence I can only force her to sleep after her morning shower - 30mins. Play n play. Then by 11am, I will give her some water until she doze off. Can make her nap for 1.5hrs. When she wake up, time for porridge. Now she is in her exersaucer. She's very playful also. But once I bribe her with milk or water she will doze off. Haha.

Grumpus, u r right. Must experiment how much water etc. As there are so many morning chores to do, I try to minimize the hours using slow cooker. So I will soak in hot water then boil with hot water using slow cooker. But will steam the vege, pumpkins separately. By 12pm+, the porridge is ready to be served. Hehe. Alot of work. But I see her finish my porridge, I am motivated further.

Ru, can separate into few feeds. But if u want to separate into few feeds, please take whatever amount u need into a small bowl n feed from there. Whatever remaining left inside the bowl, cannot pour back into the jar. how old is yr baby?

Baby, so did u bring yr gals to ikea for free baby food?

My girl drinks alot of water under my hand. But when daddy or grandma feeds her, she will take a few sips even tho we are feeding from same bottle. On avg, my girl drinks 8oz of water daily.

When I was pregnant, I also drank alot of water. Dunno got any relations or not. My baby is now 6months, 13days.
Just faith
Sounds like yr bb is easy to handle hor.. Can finish yr porridge and can doze off when u give her water or milk... So envious.. Hee...

My small girl still dont take solids well... Can only take plain cereal... Gave her pumpkin porridge.. She dont like..
I gave my elder girl carrot poridge... She ate half a bowl... Dont seems to enjoy it either.. I tasted it myself.. Too bland.. The pumpkin porridge taste more yummy cos sweeter...

Do u use vege stock to cook yr porridge? I just use water leh...

I went ikea to take the foc puree but its cold leh.. So i didnt give to my girl.. I brought it bk.. Now still inside my fridge..
How are u managing? Yr 2nd maid replacement came?

I feel so tired lately... Esp got to prepare their solid food and when they dont like it.. Feels so wasted..
I find my bbs are napping lesser compared to last time..
And lately they kept waking up in the middle of night.. I believe cos i didnt feed them solids during the day.. Yr bbs sleep thru the night?
those who freeze their puree, how do you reheat d puree? i am thinking of steaming, wil lost nutrients coz its like steam twice. those usin avent bottle warmer, can use that to reheat d frozen puree? do u thaw d puree? how to thaw?
Grumpus and Just faith: Thanks. Thinking to buy from online but no sure whether bb will like it or not so better ask expert here :>

just faith: My girl coming to 5 mth soon (14/7) so start preparing myself. Will need your advice more in near future.
U can heat puree by steaming. Just take the puree from freezer the previous night and leave it in the fridge overnight, it should be ready to use the next day. Or let the puree stand in a pot of hot water.

Easy to handle? She only nap about 3hrs daily. The rest all play n play! I didnt complain about those activities that I do with her mah... But i really enjoy every moment with her.

There is microwave oven in ikea restaurant. U can use it to heat up the baby food. Btw lately I find that Ang-moh in punggol sells cheaper many poko then the one at Rivervale plaza. It's only $13.95.... Hehe
bsby, my night feed training down the drain since bbs started teething.. my two boys have been waking up at exactly 3am for the last 3 days and dont wanna zzzz! i carry, pat n walk for 1 whole hour... still dont wanna zz..in the end i surrender, gv milk then they sleep.. haiz..

my gal can zzz thru... but she havent started teething yet.

i m like a walking zombie ..n super grouchy.. snap at my maid a few times ..

last night when i went into bb room, i smelt stale milk smell... so this morning i told her to n check the bedsheets..see whose sheets need to be changed... by early afternoon i asked her who dirty their bedsheet...she told me "dont hv smell??" i had to go into the room n check all the 3 cot beds.. bring out the one thts dirty n put it in front of her let her smell!

i m not making porriage yet.. puree i do once a week... now every morning i feed the diy purees.. afternoon tea break i gv them the bottled organic foods.. they enjoy it alot too...esp the two tht r not eating too well... mayb u shld try giving ur younger girl that too??

my replacement maid no news at all..now is fasting period.. shortage of maid supply..might hv to wait until mid sept...
hmm...I tried steaming sweet potato today but my father in law commented will sheng feng (wind) if freeze d sweet potato puree.

Think I will make fresh one every day ba...
Happyhippo we stay quite close to each other.... I m planning to send my baby to Cambridge at novena. Will check out the Childcare sometime this year since baby going to Childcare next june
me too planning to send my boy to childcare next june coz going back to work liao!
hv u checked out any other childcare around this area also? i still havent hv time coz need to wait for hubby to take leave so can go on wkdays to see how the cc is run. at least can see how the teachers handle the kids on wkdays:p

i only managed to read kiasuparents website abt the different childcare. but reading that forum is so stressful coz just childcare already is so competitive & confusing. cant imagine when time to start school, register for primary one... think i will be super duper stressed coz i super blurr about which school is good for what, etc,etc
think the more i read the more i get confused. someone said 18mths can either got childcare or kindy... errhhh means what huh?
so 18 mths go to which level? i only know it is called playgroup.
I think kinddy is like 3 hrs not whole day but for working mum childcar is the option n in Childcare there would be lessons like kinddy... Maybe mummies with older children can advise. Actually I not so worry abt Childcare as long as the environment looks fine n teachers can take care... Not so concern abt the curriculum coz I m of opinion when they r young let them play to learn. Proper studies can always start when they go P1.
for full day care of yr child is either infant care or childcare. infant care for below 18mths, childcare for above 18mths until 6yrs old. once they start pri sch no more childcare.
difference between infant care and childcare is teacher-child ratio n cost.
both will take care of yr child whole day including meals, bath, naps n of cos lessons like craft, ABC/reading/writing when older.

kindy/playgroup is only 2-4hrs a day. includes only the craft/lessons part. no milk/meals (some include lunch if the class crosses lunch time), no baths n naps.
at 18mths it is called playgroup.
3yo - pre nursery or N1
4yo - nursery or N2
5yo - K1
6yo - K2
Totally understandable!!! Im also like a zombie lately... My elder girl kept waking up in the middle of night.. Only my small girl can sleep thru the nite...
And these few days my elder girl wet her bed!! Alamak!

Usually when my girls wake up in the night.. I will carry and rock them bk to slp.. But if rocking for awhile they still continue to cry.. I will give milk... Dont thk i can tahan to rock them for an hr... Cos if they really hungry and wana drink.. They wont fall bk to slp... Unless they are fed... Maybe next time u just feed them else u will get too shag out!

So far yr maid got any problem? Other than the bedsheet issue, have other problems? Im still wondering whether i should get another maid not... Yr mum still ard to help u?

Hi everyone, haven't been here in ages. I see everyone very excited feeding solids

Panda, Gan, Justfaith, Baby, Grumpus,

Have you girls already replaced milk feed with solids? When u feed porridge with vege, that is like one meal on it's own right? So does it replace a milk feed? Do u find the daily milk amount reduce as u feed more solids?

Btw, I see u all commenting on how much u feed. When u say bb spoon, u mean the combi spoon we use to feed bb with? I use the orange combi spoon, are u referring to that?

Actually what is difference between Enfapro n Enfalac cuz they seem to overlap? So for 6 months to 1 year, should we continue with Enfalac or change to Enfapro?
