IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

I usually put how much fm in a bowl.. Then slowly add in the rice cereal powder to get the consistency i want...add more if u want thicker... Or add more fm to make it thinner.. No need to prepare in advance to keep since its easy to prepare unlike food purees...

Alamak... Thats what i fear in maid... BO...
Maybe ask her to shower more often since they do hsewk so easy to sweat... My maid shower at least 3 times a day...
Or let her sleep in living hall if u afraid she stink yr room..

I tried nestle and ballamy rice cereal... I prefer ballamy.. Cos its less sweet... And its organic... The price is actually quite similar... But its harder to buy ballamy... U can buy it online or cold storage.
I also bought Happy organic brown rice cereal too...

Oh u mean 6mths old bb also can use waist ring ah.. I tot cannot.. Can only use neck float... $37 quite exp hor.. Comes in different sizes means bb will outgrow it very soon?

Alamak... Maybe ask yr maid to shower more often? My maid shower 3 times a day leh... Once in the morning when she wake up before doing hsewk... One time ard noon when she finish her chores... And 3rd time in the night before she sleeps...And she uses deodorant too... Hehe... I thk she abit 洁辟....
Or let her sleep in the living hall if u cant tahan her smell in yr guest rm...
Rose, i make puree once a week.. so maximum time i keep is 1 weeek..smtimes before the week is up, my boy finishes the frozen puree, so i hv to make somemore.

baby, my maid uses deodorant...n still stink. it has nothing to do w bathing, coz immediately after her bath when when steps out of the bathroom, the smell is still there!

i have spoken to the agent n sending her back tomorrow. i cant communicate w her. i hv to ask my other maid to translate n even translating she does the wrong thing. i give up liao!
err, one spoonful for bb is one tablespoon or d bb spoon?
i made d rice cereal with 1 tblespoon but fed my bb only 1 spoonful of her bb spoon. got leftover...wrong?
ya, i tasted nestle, sweet!
Just share with u... I just bought those personalised band for bottle and sippy cup... We hv more than a bb so may need to differentiate their bottles... I order from bp...

I aldry bought a few books frm mabel... Spent over $90!!! Exp ahhh... Make a hole lately ordering from bp!!! Hee..
Baby, I let my bbs share bottles n cups. So long as after each use wash before using again. Smtimes I feed all three solids w the same spoon! Don't think it's necessary to gv each their own set of bottles n etc now.

Oh yes, the books are v exp. I hv spent close to $200..v scary...but nO choice for now. They keep putting things n their fingers into their mouth, so I can't let them play w books from the library. When they r older I will just go library n borrow.
No no... I also let them share bottles... I even let them drink from the same bottle at the same time...
Cos i bought two mag cups... Only have one color.. So need to differentiate them when i wana train them...
Yr bbs teeth cut liao?

Wahh u spent $200!!! Means u bought alot!! I bought 5 books at $90... U bought more than 10!!! Hahaha
Hi mummies... Does anyone has threatened preterm labour before n managed to carry bb to full term? Bleeding n having contractions at 28 wks... Now on adalat n bedrest...
Me, Me, Me!

Happy, I was admitted for pre-term on wk 31+ for this pregnancy for singleton...I was having strong and regular contractions every 1 min...but lucky for me, the contractions went away after 8-9 hrs...

I got discharged 1 day later after much insistent. Was also order bed rest for 2 weeks and on med for 1 mth.....

I'm currently in wk 38, and will be delivering next week...
Stb... U r luckier than me... Cos still had some contractions after 1 wk in hosp n need to bedrest till I deliver... Discharged anyway cos they only gave me adalat during my stay which i can also take at home... N home is a better place to rest... Wat medication were u on?

U must be excited... Gg to see bb soon...
Baby, I only bought one mag mag cup for my three to play w now.

My eldest boy tooth cut already. The other two not yet.

I din spend all $200 w this seller. Some I bought from shops. ;) my bbs eat n play w the books, not read..keke..but wanna cultivate the interest..so bought many.
Is it normal that the sweet potato will turn dark after cutting? Its those slim purple colour skin sweet potato.. The flesh is yellow color.. I notice everytime i prepare... After cutting into small pieces before steaming... It will turn black black inside... Is this normal?
Me too... I have early contractions from wk26... Another time at wk31... Stay at hosp till i deliver at wk34plus...

Haha... Yr little ones has lots of play during meatimes! My two girls have nothing but me to entertain them... Hahaha...

So have u send yr maid bk to agency?
Happy, you were in hospital for 1 wk? They wanted to ward me for few more days to monitor, but I insisted on discharging as I told them I was not comfy resting in hospital and I still had a little one at home to care for.

I hv braxton kicks v regularly after that..but I didn't bother too much with it since it has not really affected my lifestyle, and I guessed that I'm jus too involved with the caring for my #1 at the same time.

I can't remember the medication name. But when I saw Dr Loh on 15 Jun (wk 35+), Dr Loh asked me to stop taking it coz he said I'm okay to deliver anytime liao, and taking too many of the med is no good (can't remember he said no gd for bb or for me).

Yes, I can't wait to unload this little one....and can't to intro him to his bigger brother..8)
Stb... Yep... Admitted for 2 days and readmitted on the same day I was discharged... Altogether 1wk...Terrible stay cos very uncomfy...

The med I'm taking lowers bp n may cause dizzyness... But so far so good... Doc say no side effect on bb (hope so)... Still having some cramps n staining despite on the max dosage... Hope I can be like u... To carry bb to full term...

Wow... U'll hv a handful w a toddler (I guess) n a bb... But sure u'll be a happy mummy...
When can we give finger small puffs to bbs? Those that melts in the mouth kind... Feels like buying the Happy organic puffs to let my bbs play and eat while we dine outside.. To keep them occupied...

I bought the Take One Small Bites rice biscuits... Anyone tried that before? I saw the ingredient got sugar added... No good hor...
Happy, the bed at KKH was super uncomfy, cldn't sleep at all...and I chose B2+ coz I was really worried of premature delivery.

Don't worry lar, you can do it too. Since ur gynae has ordered bed rest, you shld jus rest as much as possible. Stay positive and happy. Talk to ur bb as much as possible. I talk to him very often...telling him when's the best time to come out...

Handful?! Yes! My #1 is only 13th mth now..n only started to learn to walk recently, so it is very tiring for me now as I still want to very much involved in all his developments. But lucky for me, my MIL has always helped me to take care of him. Hb is also starting to step up in the caring part.
Stb... Fully agree... The bed at kkh is super uncomfy... We chose c class cos bb will need close to 100 days in neonatal if born then... Got a ceiling fan n my own fan... Sweating the whole day cos my bed was beside the window... It made my stay there quite miserable...

Yep... Hv been resting n eating... In case bb really choose to see this world earlier, he will hv a better wt... Been telling him to not to come out so soon... If not, will hv lots of needles poking him...

Good to hv support fm mil n dh to help u take care of no. 1... Cos must be tiring caring for him n preggy w no. 2 as the gap is quite close... But good also, cos they will be close to each in future...

ur bb how big liao? thot ur bb about d same as mine? five months? y u already started so many puree liao? the tiny purple sweet potato can steam with skin on? den aft that peel n cut? i dun remember seeing inside black black when i eat...

I only started nestle rice cereal yesterday, i put 1 tablespoon of cereal n fm i put agar agar for a slightly thick texture...i tasted, sweet! is it supposed to be sweet? or i added too much cereal?

my bb used her tongue to push the cereal out leh, does it mean that she is not yet ready to start solid? or should i put cereal into her milk feed den feed her from bottle?
The nestle cereal is sweet. Tats y some mummies prefer to give organic brands like Bellamy's or happy bellies.
For a start bb will sometimes use their tongue to push ot the food, u can keep trying but if it is very difficult to feed then u may want to stop for awhile n try again 1-2wks later.
Strictly speaking, solid food shd be eaten with spoon. There's no need to rush yr bb to solids by putting in the bottle.
Happy, how many weeks r u now? How heavy is ur bb?

I m so glad tt when dr loh told me I m safe to delivery anytime though I was only 35+ wk only then. Now really lookin forward to delivery, will b in A ward this time...gog to enjoy myself n kkh food menu next week...heehee. It's prob e best 3-4 days to get complete rest b4 e hard work kicks in again.....
My girls are coming to 7mths lo... I started solids when they are abt 5mths plus... Started with rice cereal then vege and fruit purees..

I agree with grumpus... I didnt feed them cereal in bottle.. I feed them with spoon... I also dont like the idea of adding cereal to their milk bottle... I want them to learn eating with spoon... Bottle is only for milk or water..

The sweet potato i steam without the skin... Let it cool down awhile then i blend..

Nestle is sweet.. I prefer using organic range.. Now i finish the bellamy.. Now bk to nestle.. Hee.. I also let them have Happy bellies brown rice cereal...
Baby, 7 mths u can try porridge Liao. I started giving my son minced meat porridge when he was 5+ mth. He started rice at 11th mth or slightly earlier....
Stb... I'm only at 29 wks... 2 more days to 30 wks... Counting down... Bb was abt 1.3kg 1 wk ago...

Ya, true... Must hv good rest first before the hard work kicks in... The ward tat I will be in will depend on when bb choose to be born...
Baby... Sorry... Just saw ur post... Wat did doc do at 26wks? U must be very worried then...

Tat means u stayed 3 wks in hosp before giving birth? Wat were ur twins wt?
I first started with mild contractions at wk26.. Stayed a few days and went bk home with medications... Had bleeding at wk31... Stayed for near to a mth and deliver then.. Both my twins weight at abt 2kg..
All mummies are weida mummies!! Esp those ivf mummies!!
My girls stayed in nicu near to a week before they went home... Means i went home without the twins..
hi mummies
I'm bringing my baby on a short flight, just wondering if any mummies has experience on what we can do to make baby more comfortable on the flight. am worry about the air pressure giving them painful ears. thks in advance
Where u bringing yr bb? Sounds exciting!! Hows motherhood?

I read during take off and landing.. Can let bb suck pacifier or drink water.. Sucking can helps to relieve blocked ears..
And also bring along their fav pillow or blanket to let them feel at ease during flight..
Just to share...

My girl has very flat head... Aft using mimos pillow.. It has improve so much! Initially im v doubtful it will help... But it has!
Imagine even my pd comment my girl has v flat head.. This is how bad it is... So mummies who bbs has flat head can try the mimos pillow...
i only going to KL. want to try bringing baby on flight and see if can handle.
am enjoying motherhood, best part no boss to deal with ...hahaha .. but think i very slack mummy,only give baby nestle cereal & some porridge. never do fruit puree... so lazy :p
how are u? ur gals growing up fast?

huh? don't kid me leh.. the last thing i want is baby to cry on plane, very stressful leh, everyone sure irritated with crying baby leh

if talk babytalk to baby, everyone can hear, wow so embarassing coz sure say silly stuff :p
Recently my girl got rashes so wanted to change the diaper for her night use. I saw you recommend baby to use Pamper. May I usually what is the price you bought the pampers (active baby)? Now NTUC got sale not sure whether worth to buy. S$39.85 for 2? Pamper's cutting small or normal? I know huggies is quite small.
Baby great to hear that.

my girl usually half way will turn to her favour left side so last time a while she slept without lying down on the pillow. So initially wanted to stop using it. However lately discovered even she turn she still manage to sleep on the side of the pillow.
Yup my girls growing up fast man... Getting heavier.. Arms so tired carrying them... Haha...
U can try preparing easy purees like pumpkin or apple... Be easy if u have gadgets to help u... I have avent blender...

Ya huggies cutting is smaller... I just used pampers active baby recently... I dont find it good... My girls keep waking up when i use pampers... The diaper is always v heavy in the middle of night... I still prefer mamy poko... But there are mummies here swear by pampers... So depends on individual bbs i guess... U can trial with different brands to see which one suits yr bb...
bb; how much you normal buy for momy poko, I think also got sale. what size your bb wearing now and her weight? mine is about 6.3kg
I forgot how much liao... I thk abt $23 for 60pcs i thk...
My girls wearing medium size.. They are abt 8kg... But i thk large size can fit them as well... So for yr bb size.. Medium size should be fine..

U mean now ntuc have sale for mamy poko as well?
Yes, yest newspaper hv advertisement for many diapers at ntuc. Can check for the ad online if dun hv straits times.
hi mummies
when u babies start to learn how to crawl, is there anythg we can wear round their forehead to prevent hitting too hard on the floor?
There is really a helmet kind of cushion protection for toddler.. I saw my friend daughter using it when her daughter knows how to walk and bump into furnitures...
ru, my little gal is about 6.9 kg n wearing pampers medium size. my boys who are average of 8kg wear the large.

i just bought yesterday at the NTUC promo price...worth buying..
really got huh? i only know knee protection but head never c bef. able to find out where to get? think wil b useful. thanks!!!
