IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Syrah do be careful !

Rose 1st day ok, not as busy as I tot I wld be.. My gal didn't drink much milk whole day! Only had 240ml, refuse to drink more when my parents feed, I left on dot today n when I m home she finish 100ml milk when I feed. Bully my dad kept wanting to be carried. R u going back office earlier?

Baby 5 mths old can't eT fries right?? Their digestive system not mature yet

Suyana I bank with cord life n pay using CDA $
Gan, that's good. My boss have text me to catch up on work when I back to office & to catch up on my sleep etc.

My gal also bully my parents wants to be carried most of the time.
Blissful, I can't fit in all my pants... The hip seems to be wider. So I bot 2 new pants from giodano, going to survive on that n my maternity pants. Top also can't fir coz tight at chest. I didn't lose my tummy too... So bot some new blouses for work. Now my gal has much more clothes than me!! Hehehe
baby, maybe u shld consult ur PD to see if ur gals are ready? i attempted to trial feed my bbs rice cereal.. 1 teaspoon 3 of them share..
the two boys seem to like it.. my gal still likes her milk better..

bb will ghaw on anytning we giv them now.. but its the long term effect on the digestive system and also eating habits tht will be affected.

syrah, i m slightly bigger. 163, 50kg.
Thanks Rostrum, Singapoh, blissful fate and Gan. Definitely will be extra careful now.

I was just changing the floor mat and wanted to get a new one to place there when it happened. Really have to be a lot more careful now with the big tummy. Your dh is just concerned for u. My dh will also say such things to me outside in front of others. But they only mean good so it's ok.
I've been telling myself the proportions will work out definitely. If triplet mummies can handle their 7kg+, I can def handle 6kg+ too!

I have seen mummies close to my edd with the same tummy size as mine. But I do get weird looks and comments on the streets. 2 strangers have even asked me if I'm on my way to the hospital to deliver already. I find it hilarious that strangers would actually just ask such questions out of curiosity. Any other multiple mummies have such experiences?
Gan and Rose: I am going back to work soon so now very headache as I still can't a good one/place to take care my bb.
Tried infant care but after few days observation afraid she will left at one corner as the centre has more mobile infant so the caregiver tend to pay more attention to them. Furthermore saw many kids running nose and cough also worry get those virus. So really don't know what should I do is the best for her.

Now thinking of hiring maid and put at my inlaw place. GAN & PANDA, do u mind to share the maid agency info. My house very small so we totally not prepare to get a maid but if worse to worse we don't let go to trust the infant care centre then this will be the last choice.
syrah, really gotta be extra careful...

Singapoh, I m 30 weeks now but my tummy dun seem v big lei...not big enuff for twins

Grumpus, Added u

Ru, hw abt nanny?
Ru I think hiring a maid with in laws is a good idea. The initial plan was to put my gal in infant care as my parents travel alot( they can be away for 1 mth or more at times) so like u I source for infant care after I delivered. But after visiting infant care I was worried abt if they can take care of my gal well cuz I see 1 teacher 1 hand grabbing a toddler n the other hand rocking the rocker to pacify a baby. Anyway my mum offered to help me take care till she is 18 mths n thereafter I will send her to childcare. I have employed a helper to help my mum. Thank God for my parents coz my gal is very fussy lately so if she go infant care the teacher might not be able to handle her as there r other babies. My house is also very small! Only 861. Sq ft but now I find it is not that bad with the maid. In fact house is cleaner, we have meals cooked, I need not wash the bottles , pumps.

The maid agency is upview. Will check tel
Ru, hiring a maid and put at your inlaw is a good idea. putting in infantcare your kid will get sick easy and you will have headache taking leave. My gal having flu for almost 1mth as she caught the virus from my son who's goes to childcare.
me too, my bottoms all cannot wear...got to buy new one but no time leh. dun feel like going back to work...sianz.
U aldry start giving rice cereal... One time only?
Since both yr boys like it.. Will u continue to give them?
I hvt buy wean off milk spoon yet.. Once i buy i will try to give.. I wana buy combi rubber tip spoon.. So wont irritate their sensitive gums..
Thanks Gan and blissful for yr advice. The reason at first no keen to put at inlaw place is concern their health as they r over70. Now with 4 centre that I visited I really lost direction. This morning went back the other 2 centre to check again. One definately is no no. Left the other one so far seeing at this moment compare the rest of 3 is the better one. Same here concern their health. As saw all the centre their kids definately got sick child, running nose or cough. Will call to inquiry how fast can get a maid and the procedure.

Gan, same same my place is about yr side. My hb concern is with only 2 rm the maid has to sleep the living rm and might not be convenient.
syrah - please becareful..have more bed rest ya.

mummies - any of u lost weight during 1st tri? i lose 2kg eversince i start having MS. worried will affect the babies.
Rainzz, My 1st pregnancy I lost 5 to 7 kg till the 6 mth, this preagnany I only gain when I'm at my 5mth. Not to worry as long the Dr said the baby is ok.
rainzz, I also lost weight during 1st tri due to MS. Dun worry, babies are feeding on our reserves now, appetite will improve from tri 2 onwards. Mine improve from week 14/15.
hi ru,
gan, singapoh,panda and i got our maids from this agency.
my maid has been with me for a week...so far so good.
my plan is to bring bb and maid to MIL's place once i resume wk. there's also a possibility of me taking no pay leave for a while till bb is slightly older

call the agency. madeleine is quite gd in getting trusted maids...or at least its gd for the few of us.
Hi ru, I face the same situation as u...Dh is not keen in IFC and dun feel safe with nanny also.. and another issue is due to financial costs, we hv decided to hire a helper and bring my twins over to in laws place during daytime and bring them back every evening. My in laws are also over 70 yo. Mil is weak in health so Fil will be the one taking care of my twins with helper's assistance.

What I am afraid of is differences in thinking abt caring of babies, if it is a small matter, I can close both eyes, but it is only when it has become a big matter, then I dunno whether conflicts will arise or not?

For now, I will just play by ear.
i hav d same concern too. till now my mil stil doesnt know how to use diapers...but i think no matter what, she is her grandma, will not harm or ill treat bb. at most bb not as clean lor...
Panda were u given Zantac for Ur boy's reflux? Does it help?
Just brought my gal see PD due to her low milk intake.
Was prescribe Zantac. My gal only gain 100g in 1 mth.=( saw
Saw a boy there 10.5kg at 6 mths!!! My gal looks so
Petite next to him
Rose, sometimes hv to close both eyes if let in laws take care lor...if own mum/dad still can say. In laws v difficult to open mouth and dh will be sandwiched. If small matters I still can close both eyes, but if too serious, I will hv to protect my bunnies already.

Yesterday my mil bought a bottle of J&J powder for my babies. I told her straight that nowadays powder are not recommended as the powder will go into the breathing and might cause asthma...I dunno whether she will be angry with me or not?
Zantac is commonly prescribed for reflux. Sometimes together with motilium.
My elder girl took previously.

Cannot compare gal n boy lah. Boy always bigger.
Hi girls, long time since I came here. Lots of discussion I see.

Gan, my girl was also having milk strike on off for almost a month! She would struggle each time the teat reach her mouth. In fact, put bib on her only she cry already.I had to resort to dream feeding... Wait till she half asleep then feed. Smetimes work, but sometimes she wake up immediately and cry again. Her weight gain was also v slow. Then last week suddenly she start drinking again. I dunno what changed. I guess looking back, it's a phase they go thru. I am keeping my fingers crossed that she will drink her milk now and no more milk strike. Couple of things I did. I changed from Avent bottle to Tommee Tippee bottles, the teat is much softer and no wind go in. The bbs look like they enjoy the teat. The other thing drag her feeding time from 3 hours to 3.5 or 4 hours. Might end up feeding less times in a day, but dragging the time is still better than struggling one whole hour to feed her.

Girls, my problem now is that my bbs dun wanna nap! Dun want to be put down, and evenif theydo fall asleep, only for 20-30 mins max. This catnapping can go on for the whole day. And I find their mood also cranky cuz not enuf sleep. My friend recommended the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child and said it worked very well for her kids. But it's the cry it out method though. It says that naps are extremely important for babies, and that they need to learn self soothing skills to be able to take good naps, one thing have changed now is introduce a daily routine. Wake up in the morning, play wi them, take bath, drink milk, then first nap. Evenings also have a routine, in bed by 7-7.30pm. Also, I observe them for signs of tiredness and dun let them stay up beyond 2 hours. So far it's ok, but I have yet to try the cry it out.

Anyone tried it before? Any results? Do u think at 4 months is e right time to tryit? Will it traumatise the bbs if we leave them to cry? I'm at my wits end... I really want to help them sleep well cuz I know it's important for their health.
working wife, i hv the same sleep problem w my younger boy. he naps v little in the day.. and at night super cranky.. worse part is he will cry very hard a few times at night ..not to drink milk..need to carry n pat him back to sleep.

my hb wanted to do the cry out method..but i refused.. my boy will cry until choke himself.. i cannot bear to let him cry until like tht ....

i also bought the gina ford book, The complete sleep guide for contented babies and toddlers.. it suggest the same..to develop a routine..cry out method is last option according to the book.

I also bought Tommie tippee feeding bottles upon friend's recommendation. Did u buy their variflow teats or just use their normal close to nature teats ?
gan, my boy was given motilium. i did not let him take..coz PD ask me to try for 2 weeks..if it doesnt work, then stop. i thought since it might not work, i dont want to give as his weight gain is still very good. from 3-4 mths, despite the daily milk puking, he put on 800gm!

how heavy is ur gal n at which mth? my little gal at 4th mth only 5.9kg leh... whereas the boys are already 7kg+.. but she is also at 50%tile based on her height..so considered healthy wt.
baby, i only tried to giv once. i m still considering if i shld start my younger boy on solids first or wait to start all three together. its easier to make food to feed all three as compared to feeding one baby.

i might start them when they reach 5 mths old..wanna wait for the mth end PD review first.
hahaha, same same. my mil oso asked me to use bb powder n i told her d same thing. think she a bit angry coz she said last time we all grew up usin bb powder. think have to be tactful when sayin things, cannot say straight. my advise to u is give n take and now i really close my eyes esp after a heated argument with my parent in law sometime back.
and i forsee older generation will ask u to give water for bb to drink but accordin to doc, no need to give water esp breastfeedin. this topic was oso argued when i was breastfeedin my bb. coz bb hiccups so my parent in law insist of givin water...but eventually i gave water aft 2nd mth. coz i thot water is not poisonous stuff, no harm drinkin a bit...
Pandawife my gal is 6.85kg n 61 cm tall at 4 months, today at 4.5mth her Wt is 6.875kg.... So no increase.

Working wife just bot the NUK classic bottle with latex teats, will try n see if she will drink. My gal also screams n cries at times once the teat touch her mouth. Really stress abt this milk strike.
Gan, you girl good weight leh. And they won't put on so much weight now. 300-500 gms was what my pd said in a month. Anyway, they should double their birth weight at 3 mths and triple their birth wight at 1year. Yr girl should be well within this range right?

My girl at 4 months only 5.3 kg leh! Super petite. My boy is 6.8kg.

Day, I am using the close to nature teats. I didn't get the anti colic bottles cuz I bought them last month, and colic not much of a problem now after 3 months.

I also have the Gina ford book but didn't really read it. What does it suggest for training them to sleep if not cry it out?
Pink, I called her this afternoon but think have to wait. She told me will let me know now there r about 9 families ask for baby care helper. So hopefully get reply soon. Otherwise no choice need to continue to put her in infant care.

Rose and rostrum. Same here that is another reason why I don't want inlaw to take care. But think of bb health, I think it is most important.
Suyana payment abt 2 mths after birth. Yes I use CDA acct to pay. I paid for 21 years upfront to save on gst if there is any increase. U can choose to pay yearly using CDA too. For cordlife u have to save for 21 years whereas stemcord not necessary if I m not wrong. If u want to sign up. Do it during their roadshows shld be cheaper
I am planning to store my cordblood. Stemcord is having roadshow at Forum on 7-8May while Cordlife's life roadshow is on next wkend at Marina Sq. After doing some research & consulting my dr, will most likely sign up with stemcord ! R u still deciding on which co. To bank with ?
Oh ok, I try n find out abt their roadshow hopefully there's one before aug. Thanks alot.

How old is your bb now? Boy or girl?
blissful fate, things are alot better since my mil left. my parents are happier and i no longer hv to be cctv. occasionally i can take short naps in peace. hb also no need to call a few times a day to check if i m still sane..hehe

working wife, according to the book, if we use the sleep n feed routine as suggested, it usually solves the problems. of coz there cld also be other reasons... for me very hard to follow routine with 3 bbs.. only thing i try to do is to let them hv their nap at betw 12-1230 noon time. thts when they supposedly most tired n can take the longest nap. it worked yesterday..but today it didnt. i just hv to continue trying...

i m still trying to figure out wht is the cause of my boy's constant short naps n waking ups at night.. will not use cry out method unless really necessary. dont hv the heart for it.
gals i hope im not speaking too soon...
my boy was catnapping and was cranky for the past few days...then last morning i put bit of gripe water in his ebm and he was calm and happy.
i did it again today and he was able to feed, play, nap happily

instead of pooping once every 2 days he pooed daily now. he seemed happier too. i believe its the gripe water at work...
pray it continues...

Working wife,

I sleep train my twins when they were 9.5 weeks old. Method taught by my gf but it's only for 1 baby. Very tiring and heart pain training. It's 24/7 training and can take from 3 days to a week or longer.
